투척용 길로틴

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< Flying Guillotine
Revision as of 12:54, 3 August 2012 by Bizarre (talk | contribs) (맞춤법 수정및 문단 번역 추가)
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Wayta duck!
Scout on throwing kitchenware at enemies

투척용 길로틴스카웃부무장 아이템 입니다. 칼날에 한자(死肉)가 새겨져있는, 육도의 모습을 하고있습니다. 적에게 던지면 출혈 데미지를 주는 원거리 아이템입니다.

Throwing the weapon from a long enough distance and scoring a hit will result in a mini-crit. Hitting enemies that are stunned will result in a guaranteed critical hit.

투척용 길로틴은 두가지 스타일 을 가지고 있습니다., Thirsty and Thirstier. Thirstier adds bloodstains to the blade of the weapon.

Update history

2012년 8월 2일 패치

  • 투척용 길로틴이 게임에 추가되었습니다.


같이 보기: Crafting


미치광이 우유 재활용 금속 혈적자
Item icon Mad Milk.pngx3 + Item icon Reclaimed Metal.png = Item icon Flying Guillotine.png
병과 토큰 - 스카웃 칸 토큰 - 보조무기 폐기 금속 가능한 결과물
Item icon Class Token - Scout.png + Item icon Slot Token - Secondary.png + Item icon Scrap Metal.png =
Item icon Bonk! Atomic Punch.png Item icon Crit-a-Cola.png Item icon Mad Milk.png Item icon Winger.png
Item icon Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol.png Item icon Flying Guillotine.png


  • Due to this item using Bonk animations, Scout does not grip the handle at all in both views.


  • If the characters on the blade are pronounced in Mandarin Chinese, they'll sound similar to the word "throw" in English.
  • The Template:W is a ranged weapon from the Qing Dynasty that is usually in the form of a hat.
  • The Flying Guillotine can be reflected by a compression blast, but does not bounce back with full force like Huntsman arrows or rockets.