Spy responses
Revision as of 05:19, 4 November 2013 by ICantThinkOfName (talk | contribs) (Added Helltower responses)
Voice responses are contextually triggered lines that play after the player has achieved something, for instance killing a certain amount of enemies with a Primary or Melee Weapon or the player triggering something like being set on fire. There are several Spy responses, all of which are listed below (excluding voice commands).
After Killing More than 1 enemy in 20 Seconds with a Secondary Weapon |
Kill assist |
Backstabbing an Enemy |
If disguised |
Backstabbing an Engineer who removes your Sapper in 10 seconds |
Sapping an Engineer's Building After Killing Him |
Dominating a Soldier |
Dominating a Pyro |
Dominating a Spy |
Revenge Kill |
Round Start |
Sudden Death |
Stalemate |
Set on Fire |
On Death |
Hit by Jarate or Mad Milk |
Teleportation |
Healed by Medic |
Under the effects of an Ubercharge |
Initiating High Five! taunt |
Successful High Five! taunt |
After Capturing Intelligence |
After Capturing control point |
Standing on captured Point, firing weapon |
Defense |
Halloween / Full Moon responses
Wheel of Fate outcomes
Dance Off fate |
Positive fate |
Negative fate |
Falling in Bottomless Pit in Ghost Fort |
Helltower responses
Round Start |
The Witching Hour: Bridge Appears |
Collected Normal Spell |
Collected Ultimate Spell |
Casting Spells |
Starting a Duel |
Duel Accepted |
Duel Rejected |
With Magical Mercenary equipped
These responses override the default responses for that category.
Unused responses
25px Dominating a Demoman |
Initiating High Five! taunt |
Successful High Five! taunt |
Unknown Condition |