List of references (Medic)

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Due to the comedic style of Team Fortress 2 and Valve's humor, the game includes references, usually in a humorous fashion. There are many sources, including games, movies, and music; even jokes that have developed within the game and its community have been included. Below are references specific to the Medic class, which, unsurprisingly, mainly feature references to aspects of the medical profession.

List of references (Medic)


Assist in burning 5 enemies with a single ÜberCharge on a Pyro.

When medical equipment needs to be sterilized, a machine called an Template:W subjects them to high pressure steam, effectively killing any bacteria or unhygienic substances.

Autopsy Report
Autopsy Report
Provide an enemy with a freezecam shot of you taunting above their ragdoll.

An autopsy, more correctly a post-mortem examination, is the examination of a corpse (a dead person) in order to ascetain how they died and analyze the cause.

Bedside Manner
Bedside Manner
Be healing a teammate as he achieves an achievement of his own.

Template:W is the manner in which a doctor explains a diagnosis to his/her patient. A good bedside manner is typically one that reassures and comforts the patient while remaining honest about the diagnosis.

Big Pharma
Big Pharma
Assist a Heavy in killing 10 enemies, where neither of you die.

The phrase "Big Pharma" is often used to refer to large pharmaceutical companies or the pharmaceutical industry as a whole.

Blast Assist
Blast Assist
Assist in exploding 5 enemies with a single ÜberCharge on a Soldier.

A Template:W is a very early part of mammalian development. A fertilized egg turns into a blastocyst, which later develops into the embryo and placenta.

Blunt Trauma
Blunt Trauma
Assist in punching 2 enemies with a single ÜberCharge on a Heavy.

Blunt trauma is an injury that does not penetrate into the body.

Chief of Staff
Chief of Staff
Accumulate 1 million total heal points.

The Chief of Staff is the head doctor in a hospital or medical practice.

Assist a fellow Medic in killing 3 enemies in a single life.

A consultation is a formal meeting with a doctor for discussion or advice regarding a medical problem or procedure.

Doctor Assisted Homicide
Doctor Assisted Homicide
Assist in killing 20 nemeses.

A play on "doctor-assisted suicide"; a doctor providing a terminally ill patient with the drugs or equipment necessary to end their own life.

Does It Hurt When I Do This?
Does It Hurt When I Do This?
Kill 50 Scouts with your syringe gun.

The phrase that is commonly said when doctors are testing a patient, used to acertain if bones are broken or dislocated.

Double Blind Trial
Double Blind Trial
Deploy an ÜberCharge within 8 seconds of a nearby enemy Medic deploying his.

A double blind trial is a way to test medicine in which neither the patient nor practitioner knows who gets the placebo.

Family Practice
Family Practice
ÜberCharge 5 of your Steam Community Friends.

Family Practice is a medical speciality that deals with common problems found in people of all ages and sexes, based on the knowledge of the individual and the community they work with and emphasizing health promotion.

First Do No Harm
First Do No Harm
Play a full round without killing any enemies, and score the highest on a team of 6 or more players.

This phrase expresses one of the principal precepts all medical students are taught in medical school and is a fundamental principle for the emergency medical services. It reminds the physician and other health care providers that they consider the possible harm that any intervention might do. This is most often mentioned when debating use of an intervention with an obvious chance of harm but a less certain chance of benefit. Since at least 1860, the phrase has been for physicians a hallowed expression of hope, intention, humility, and recognition that human acts with good intentions may have unwanted consequences.

FYI I am A Medic
FYI I am A Medic
Use your bonesaw to kill a spy who has been calling for 'Medic!'.

This achievement refers to popular Youtube video FYI I am a Spy, in which a Spy uses his spray tag reading "FYI I am a Spy" to distract an enemy Medic and backstab him.

Grand Rounds
Grand Rounds
Heal 200 teammates after they've called for 'Medic!'.

Grand Rounds is a process where interns are taught by interviewing patients.

Group Health
Group Health
Work with 2 other Medics to deploy 3 simultaneous ÜberCharges.

Group health insurance is a type of health insurance plan provided to group members, usually corporate employees, at a discounted price.

House Call
House Call
Join a game that one of your friends is in and then deploy an ÜberCharge on him.

A house call is when a doctor treats patients at the patient's home.

Hypocritical Oath
Hypocritical Oath
Kill an enemy Spy that you have been healing.

The Template:W is an oath traditionally taken by physicians pertaining to the ethical practice of medicine. It is widely believed that the oath was written by Hippocrates, the father of medicine, in 4th century BC Greece, or by one of his students.

Infernal Medicine
Infernal Medicine
Extinguish 100 burning teammates.

A play on internal medicine, which deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

Accumulate 7000 heal points in a single life.

A medical internship is a sort of apprenticeship for doctors, where doctors/nurses work in a medical institution to get on the job training and experience. A person undergoing an internship is often referred to as an 'intern'.

Medical Breakthrough
Medical Breakthrough
Assist in destroying 5 enemy Engineer buildings with a single ÜberCharge on a Demoman.

A medical (or scientific) breakthrough is a significant (often sudden) advance or achievement that removes a barrier to progress in the field.

Medical Intervention
Medical Intervention
Save a falling teammate from dying on impact.

In medicine, an intervention by a doctor or team of doctors is often employed to cure or prevent a problem with a person, such as performing surgery early on someone developing a tumor.

Midwife Crisis
Midwife Crisis
Heal an Engineer as he repairs his sentry gun while it's under enemy fire.

A play on midlife crisis, a psychological problem where an individual feels as if they wasted half their life. A midwife is someone who assists in childbirth.

Peer Review
Peer Review
Kill 10 Medics with your bone saw.

A process where new drugs are vetted by other doctors. In a broader sense, peer review is a part of the scientific process in which the results of an experiment conducted by one scientist are reviewed and analyzed by other scientists, usually by performing the same experiment and comparing the results.

Placebo Effect
Placebo Effect
Kill 2 enemies in a single life, while having your ÜberCharge ready, but undeployed.

In medicine, certain psychological effects of disease can be reduced by telling the patient they are being given medicine when in reality it is just a sugar pill. In this case the Medic appears to be acting as if invunerable when he's actually not.

Play Doctor
Play Doctor
In a team with no Medics, be the first person to switch to Medic after a teammate calls for 'Medic!', and then heal 500 health.

A game played by children where they pretend to be doctors.

[[File:Template:Dictionary/achievements/medic/preventative medicine-icon|64px|center|alt=Template:Dictionary/achievements/medic/preventative medicine-title]] Template:Dictionary/achievements/medic/preventative medicine-title
Template:Dictionary/achievements/medic/preventative medicine-desc

A field of medicine that seeks to treat condition before they appear.

Quadruple Bypass
Quadruple Bypass
Heal a teammate who's taking fire from 4 enemies at once.

Conorary artery by-pass surgery is a surgical procedure that relieves a severe form of chest pain that can lead to conorary artery discease, in which conorary arteries (which are quite important) have to be "bypassed" (grafting other veins and arteries to the correct blood vessels to do the conorary artery/ies' work). A quadruple bypass is where no less than four conorary arteries are bypassed, which is a very difficult and dangerous procedure.

Hit enemies with your bonesaw 5 times in a row without dying or missing.

A sawbones is an archaic term for a surgeon, probably invented about the time of the Crimean war. Suprisingly, the term developed from the fact that a surgeon saws through bones. The Medic is notorious for his liberal use of bone sawing in 'surgery' and his habit of carrying the implement for doing so around with him, and thus this reference is especially relevant.

Second Opinion
Second Opinion
ÜberCharge 2 teammates at once.

In medicine it is common for doctor to request a second doctor to provide their input.

Accumulate 10000 heal points in a single life.

A medical specialitiy is where a medical practitioner concentrates on a specific area on top of a general medical knowledge, such as Orthopedics (bones) or Urology (urine). Specialists who work exclusively in their specific field are generally paid more and are more highly regarded than general practitioners.

Surgical Prep
Surgical Prep
Have an ÜberCharge ready before the Setup phase ends.

A process where surgeons prepare for an upcoming operation.

Trauma Queen
Trauma Queen
Deploy 3 ÜberCharges in less than 5 minutes, and assist in 5 kills during that time.

Play on drama queen, someone who exaggerates a lot.

Deploy an ÜberCharge on a teammate less than a second before they're hit by a critical explosive.

A triage is where patients under medical care are sorted in order of how much treatment they require.

Ubi concordia, ibi victoria
Ubi concordia, ibi victoria
Assist in killing 3 enemies on an enemy control point, in a single life.

This translates to "Where there is unity, there is victory", a Latin phrase attributed to Template:W. Doctors refer to it where specialists work together in order to further the progess of medicine.

The dove also has special significance to Medic, as he keeps many as pets.

You'll Feel a Little Prick
You'll Feel a Little Prick
Assist in killing 3 enemies with a single ÜberCharge on a Scout.

This phrase is commonly used to inform patients of up-coming syringe piercings, used in medical diagnosis and cures for a variety of reasons. Prick, however, has many other meanings, one of which is a very accurate description of the Scout.




The Kritzkrieg's name is a reference to the term Template:W (German for "lightning war"), a popular name for an offensive operational-level military doctrine which involves an initial bombardment followed by the employment of motorized mobile forces attacking with speed and surprise to prevent an enemy from implementing a coherent defense.

Heal Grenade


The design of the scrapped Heal Grenade appears to be a reference to the Holy Hand Grenade from 1975 comedy film Template:W.

Hats & Miscellaneous Items

Ze Goggles
Ze Goggles

The name and description for Ze Goggles is a reference to a line from an episode of Template:W, where an actor shouts during a botched action sequence "Ze goggles do nothing!"

The design of the goggles are based on the Ecto-Goggles from Template:W. Medic dresses and looks like the absent-minded doctor Egon Spengler from the movie.

Team Captain
Team Captain
Our lawyers say 'YES! YES!'

The appearance and description of this hat is a reference to the Template:W series main villain Template:W.



The Medic's Oktoberfest taunt refers to a sixteen-day festival held each year in Munich, Germany from late September to early October. It is one of the most famous events in the city and the world's largest fair, with some six million people attending every year, and is an important part of Bavarian culture. Other cities across the world also hold Template:W celebrations, modeled after the Munich event.


The Spinal Tap taunt is a reference to the colloquial term for a Template:W, a medical procedure in which a needle is inserted between the vertebrae at the base of the spine to extract a sample of spinal fluid. Though not at all fatal when performed by a professional (i.e. anyone but the Medic), it does have the potential to be extremely painful.


Other Responses

"Sturm und drang!"

Template:W (the conventional translation is "Storm and Stress"; a more literal translation, however, might be storm and urge, storm and longing, storm and drive or storm and impulse) is the name of a movement in German literature and music taking place from the late 1760s through the early 1780s in which individual subjectivity and, in particular, extremes of emotion, were given free expression in response to the confines of rationalism imposed by the Enlightenment and associated aesthetic movements.

The Medic

- "Cheers" voice command or Oktoberfest taunt

The Template:W is a sixteen-day festival held each year in Munich, Germany from late September to early October. It is one of the most famous events in the city and the world's largest fair, with some six million people attending every year, and is an important part of Bavarian culture. Other cities across the world also hold Oktoberfest celebrations, modeled after the Munich event.

"Turn your head and cough." - "Battle Cry" voice command while aiming at an enemy, melee weapon equipped

Turning your head and coughing is part of the procedure of testing for a hernia.

"I am ze Übermensch!" - "Cheers" voice command or while on defense

The Template:W (or "superman") is a concept in the philosophy of Template:W. Nietzsche posited the Übermensch as a goal for humanity to set for itself in his 1883 book Template:W.

Interestingly, the idea of the "Übermensch" was also further developed by the Nazis, using the term to denote the Aryans as the "Superhuman" race. Although within the same period of time, the Medic's voice command was most likely referring to the initial aforementioned idea, due to Valve stating that the Medic was not a Nazi. This fits with the Medic's sadism and his ethical procedures and methods (or lack thereof), as Nietzsche's concept of the Übermensch orbits around moral values and the progress of humanity and their interactions.

"Horrido!" - at round start

"Horrido" is a traditional German hunting and war cry.

"Can you feel ze Schadenfreude?" - after killing more than 3 enemies in 20 seconds with a primary weapon

Template:W is enjoyment taken from the misfortune of someone else. The word referring to this emotion has been borrowed from German by the English language and is sometimes also used as a loanword by other languages.

"Teeeeeeam!" - at the start of Sudden Death

This is a reference to Colonel Klink's oft heard exclamation of "Schuuuulllllttttz!" from Template:W.



The Medic's home city of Template:W (pronounced Template:W) is the capital of the German state of Baden-Württemberg and the sixth-largest city in Germany.

Template:W, the name of Medic's favorite pet dove, is named after a Greek scientist and mathematician. Alan Moore's comic Template:W used the name Archimedes as that of Nite Owl II's ship, which in turn was named after Merlin's pet owl in Disney's Template:W.

See Also