Retired series

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< Mann Co. Supply Crate
Revision as of 11:31, 19 March 2016 by Meloneer (talk | contribs) (Quarantined Collection Case)
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The crates in this section can no longer be found via the item drop system; however, any existing ones can still be traded, gifted, or opened with a Mann Co. Supply Crate Key unless the event they are tied to has expired; in which case the crate cannot be opened.

Series #97 – Quarantined Collection Case

You can open these crates by purchasing an "Invasion Community Update Key" from the store.

Backpack Quarantined Collection Case.png
Quarantined Collection Case
1 - 100
Invasion Community Update Case
Requires Invasion Community Update Key to open

Contains Invasion-themed Unusual effects

Contents may be Strange or Unusual

Added in the October 6, 2015 Patch. It was available only via drop to Invasion Community Update Coin owners.

Crate Series #97
Drops No
20 .00%
Cadet VisorCadet Visor
20 .00%
Space DiverSpace Diver
20 .00%
A Head Full of Hot AirA Head Full of Hot Air
20 .00%
5 .33%
5 .33%
Jupiter JetpackJupiter Jetpack
5 .33%
Space Hamster HammySpace Hamster Hammy
1 .60%
1 .60%
0 .80%
or an Exceedingly Rare Special Item!
1 .00%
Drop rate is an estimate only.
Items obtained from this crate might have the Strange quality.

Series #96 – Confidential Collection Case

Backpack Confidential Collection Case.png
Confidential Collection Case
1 - 100
Invasion Community Update Case
Requires Invasion Community Update Key to open

Contains Invasion-themed Unusual effects

Contents may be Strange or Unusual

Added in the October 6, 2015 Patch. It was available only via drop to Invasion Community Update Coin owners.

Crate Series #96
Drops No
Universal TranslatorUniversal Translator
20 .00%
Phobos FilterPhobos Filter
20 .00%
Final FrontiersmanFinal Frontiersman
20 .00%
Life Support SystemLife Support System
20 .00%
Rocket OperatorRocket Operator
5 .33%
Captain Space MannCaptain Space Mann
5 .33%
Shooting StarShooting Star
5 .33%
Giger CounterGiger Counter
1 .60%
1 .60%
Corona AustralisCorona Australis
0 .40%
Sucker SlugSucker Slug
0 .40%
or an Exceedingly Rare Special Item!
1 .00%
Drop rate is an estimate only.
Items obtained from this crate might have the Strange quality.

Series #89 – Nice Winter Crate 2014

Backpack Nice Winter Crate 2014.png

Nice Winter Crate 2014
Level 13 Supply Crate
Crate Series #89
A memento from an age long past, this crate is purely decorative and can no longer be opened.

Added to the drop system in the December 15, 2014 Patch, this crate contained cosmetic items from the Smissmas 2014 update.

Series #88 – Naughty Winter Crate 2014

Backpack Naughty Winter Crate 2014.png

Naughty Winter Crate 2014
Level 13 Supply Crate
Crate Series #88
A memento from an age long past, this crate is purely decorative and can no longer be opened.

Added to the drop system in the December 15, 2014 Patch, this crate contained Festive weapons from the Smissmas 2014 update.

Series #86 – Limited Late Summer Crate

Backpack Limited Late Summer Crate.png

Limited Late Summer Crate
Level 13 Supply Crate
Crate Series #86
A memento from an age long past, this crate is purely decorative and can no longer be opened.

Added to drop in the September 17, 2014 Patch.

As of October 15, 2014, these crates can no longer be opened, but will still remain in players' backpacks.

Series #79 – Nice Winter Crate 2013

Backpack Nice Winter Crate 2013.png

Nice Winter Crate 2013
Level 10 Supply Crate
Crate Series #79
A memento from an age long past, this crate is purely decorative and can no longer be opened.

Added to drop in the December 6, 2013 Patch, this crate contained cosmetic items from the Smissmas 2013 update.

As of January 7, 2014, these crates can no longer be opened, but will still remain in players' backpacks.

Series #78 – Naughty Winter Crate 2013

Backpack Naughty Winter Crate 2013.png

Naughty Winter Crate 2013
Level 10 Supply Crate
Crate Series #78
A memento from an age long past, this crate is purely decorative and can no longer be opened.

Added to drop in the December 6, 2013 Patch, this crate contained Festive weapons from the Smissmas 2013 update.

As of January 7, 2014, these crates can no longer be opened, but will still remain in players' backpacks.

Series #77

Added to drop in the December 6, 2013 Patch. Retired from drop in the April 1, 2014 Patch.

Series #76

Added to drop in the December 6, 2013 Patch. Retired from drop in the April 1, 2014 Patch.

Series #75

Added to drop in the December 6, 2013 Patch. Retired from drop in the April 1, 2014 Patch.

Series #74 – Spooky Crate

Backpack Spooky Crate.png

Spooky Crate
Level 13 Supply Crate
Crate Series #74
A memento from an age long past, this crate is purely decorative and can no longer be opened.

Added in the October 29, 2013 Patch. As of November 12, 2013, these crates can no longer be opened, but will still remain in players' backpacks.

Series #71

Added to drop in the August 27, 2013 Patch. Retired from drop in the December 6, 2013 Patch.

Series #60 – Select Reserve Mann Co. Supply Crate

Backpack Select Reserve Mann Co. Supply Crate.png

Select Reserve Mann Co. Supply Crate
Level 13 Supply Crate
Crate Series #60
You need a Mann Co. Supply Crate Key to open this. You can pick one up at the Mann Co. Store.

Added in the August 27, 2013 Patch. Removed from drop in the April 1, 2014 Patch patch.

These particular crates were given to players much less frequently than a normal Mann Co. Supply Crate. Unlike event crates, it has no special key or expiration time.

Series #59

Added to drop in the June 19, 2013 Patch. Retired from drop in the December 6, 2013 Patch.

Series #57

Added to drop in the March 12, 2013 Patch. Retired from drop in the December 6, 2013 Patch.

Series #56

Added to drop in the March 12, 2013 Patch. Retired from drop in the August 27, 2013 Patch.

Series #55

Added to drop in the December 20, 2012 Patch. Retired from drop in the June 19, 2013 Patch.

Series #54

Added to drop in the December 20, 2012 Patch. Retired from drop in the March 12, 2013 Patch.

Series #53 – Nice Winter Crate 2012

Backpack Nice Winter Crate 2012.png

Nice Winter Crate 2012
Level 12 Supply Crate
Crate Series #53
A memento from an age long past, this crate is purely decorative and can no longer be opened.

Added to drop in the December 13, 2012 Patch.

This crate contains 13 community items created for the Mecha Update event. As of January 03, 2013, these crates could no longer be opened, but will still remain in players' backpacks.

Series #52 – Naughty Winter Crate 2012

Backpack Naughty Winter Crate 2012.png

Naughty Winter Crate 2012
Level 12 Supply Crate
Crate Series #52
A memento from an age long past, this crate is purely decorative and can no longer be opened.

Added to drop in the December 13, 2012 Patch.

This crate contained Festive versions of signature weapons from each class. The Festive versions feature decorative Smissmas lights wrapped around each weapon. As of January 03, 2013, these crates could no longer be opened, but will still remain in players' backpacks.

Series #51 – Eerie Crate

Backpack Eerie Crate.png

Eerie Crate
Level 10 Supply Crate
Crate Series #51
A memento from an age long past, this crate is purely decorative and can no longer be opened.

Added to drop in the October 26, 2012 Patch. An Eerie Key was required to open this crate. As of November 8, 2012, this crate could no longer be opened, but will still remain in players' backpacks.

Series #50 – Salvaged Mann Co. Supply Crate

Backpack Salvaged Mann Co. Supply Crate.png

Salvaged Mann Co. Supply Crate
Level 10 Supply Crate
Crate Series #50
You need a Mann Co. Supply Crate Key to open this. You can pick one up at the Mann Co. Store.

Added to drop in the March 12, 2013 Patch. Retired in the August 27, 2013 Patch.

These particular crates are given to players much less frequently than a normal Mann Co. Supply Crate. Unlike event crates, it has no special key or expiration time.

Series #49

Added to drop in the October 9, 2012 Patch. Retired from drop in the March 12, 2013 Patch.

Series #48 – Fall Crate

Backpack Fall Crate.png

Fall Crate
Level 10 Supply Crate
Crate Series #48
A memento from an age long past, this crate is purely decorative and can no longer be opened.

Added to the game in the September 4, 2012 Patch. A Fall Key was required to open this crate. As of September 21, 2012, this crate could no longer be opened, but will still remain in players' backpacks.

Series #47

Added to drop in the September 4, 2012 Patch. Removed from drop in the December 20, 2012 Patch.

Series #46 – Scorched Crate

Backpack Scorched Crate.png

Scorched Crate
Level 10 Supply Crate
Crate Series #46
A memento from an age long past, this crate is purely decorative and can no longer be opened.

Added to the game in the June 27, 2012 Patch (Pyromania Update). This crate did not drop normally. Instead, you could obtain this crate by crafting together four mysterious items and opening the resulting Pile of Ash. A Scorched Key was required to open this crate. As of July 11, 2012, this crate could no longer be opened, but will still remain in players' backpacks.

Series #45

Added to drop in the May 17, 2012 Patch. Removed from drop in the December 20, 2012 Patch.

Series #44

Added to drop in the May 17, 2012 Patch. Removed from drop in the October 9, 2012 Patch.

Series #43

Added to drop in the April 27, 2012 Patch. Removed from drop in the September 4, 2012 Patch.

Series #42

Added to drop in the March 22, 2012 Patch. Removed from drop in the May 17, 2012 Patch.

Series #41

Added to drop in the March 22, 2012 Patch. Removed from drop in the May 17, 2012 Patch.

Series #40 – Salvaged Mann Co. Supply Crate

Backpack Salvaged Mann Co. Supply Crate.png

Salvaged Mann Co. Supply Crate
Level 10 Supply Crate
Crate Series #40
You need a Mann Co. Supply Crate Key to open this. You can pick one up at the Mann Co. Store.

Added in the game files in the March 22, 2012 Patch, added to drop in the March 28, 2012 Patch. Removed from drop in the March 12, 2013 Patch.

These particular crates are given to players much less frequently than a normal Mann Co. Supply Crate. Unlike event crates, it has no special key or expiration time.

Series #39

Added to drop in the February 23, 2012 Patch. Removed from drop in the April 27, 2012 Patch.

Series #38

Added to drop in the February 2, 2012 Patch. Removed from drop in the March 22, 2012 Patch.

Series #37

Added to drop in the January 11, 2012 Patch. Removed from drop in the March 22, 2012 Patch.

Series #36 – Nice Winter Crate

Backpack Nice Winter Crate.png

Nice Winter Crate
Level 10 Supply Crate
Crate Series #36
A memento from an age long past, this crate is purely decorative and can no longer be opened.

Added to drop in the December 9, 2011 Patch.

This crate contains 14 community items created for the Australian Christmas 2011 event. As January 01, 2012, this crate can no longer be opened, but will still remain in players' backpacks.

Series #35 – Naughty Winter Crate

Backpack Naughty Winter Crate.png

Naughty Winter Crate
Level 10 Supply Crate
Crate Series #35
A memento from an age long past, this crate is purely decorative and can no longer be opened.

Added to drop in the December 9, 2011 Patch.

This crate contains Festive versions of signature weapons from each class. The Festive versions feature decorative Smissmas lights wrapped around each weapon.

As of January 1, 2012, this crate can no longer be opened, but will remain in players' backpacks.

Series #34

Added to drop in the December 1, 2011 Patch. Removed from drop in the February 23, 2012 Patch.

Series #33

Added to drop in the December 1, 2011 Patch. Removed from drop in the February 2, 2012 Patch.

Series #32

Added to drop in the October 25, 2011 Patch. Removed from drop in the January 11, 2012 Patch.

Series #31

Added to drop in the October 13, 2011 Patch. Removed from drop in the December 1, 2011 Patch.

Series #30 – Salvaged Mann Co. Supply Crate

Backpack Salvaged Mann Co. Supply Crate.png

Salvaged Mann Co. Supply Crate
Level 10 Supply Crate
Crate Series #30
You need a Mann Co. Supply Crate Key to open this. You can pick one up at the Mann Co. Store.

Added to drop in the October 13, 2011 Patch. Removed from drop in the March 28, 2012 Patch.

These particular crates were given to players much less frequently than a normal Mann Co. Supply Crate. Unlike event crates, it had no special key or expiration time.

Series #29

Added to drop in the September 20, 2011 Patch. Removed from drop in the December 1, 2011 Patch.

Series #28

Added to drop in the August 18, 2011 Patch. Removed from drop in the September 20, 2011 Patch.

Series #27

Added to drop in the August 18, 2011 Patch. Removed from drop in the October 25, 2011 Patch.

Series #26

Added to drop in the August 18, 2011 Patch. Removed from drop in the October 13, 2011 Patch.

Series #25

Added to drop in the July 12, 2011 item schema update. Removed from drop in the August 18, 2011 Patch.

Series #24

Added to drop in the July 12, 2011 item schema update. Removed from drop in the August 18, 2011 Patch.

Series #23

Added to drop in the July 12, 2011 item schema update. Removed from drop in the August 18, 2011 Patch.

Series #22 – Refreshing Summer Cooler

Backpack Refreshing Summer Cooler.png

Refreshing Summer Cooler
Level 10 Supply Crate
Crate Series #22
A memento from an age long past, this cooler is purely decorative and can no longer be opened.

Added to drop in the June 28, 2011 Patch.

These particular crates could not be opened with the normal Mann Co. Supply Crate Key. Instead, they required a Refreshing Summer Cooler Key, which were available through the Mann Co. Store as of the July 1, 2011 Patch.

As of July 11, 2011, these crates could no longer be opened, but will still remain inside players' backpacks.

Series #21

Added to drop in the June 23, 2011 Patch. Removed from drop in the July 12, 2011 item schema update.

Series #20

Added to drop in the June 23, 2011 Patch. Removed from drop in the July 12, 2011 item schema update.

Series #19

Added to drop in the June 23, 2011 Patch. Removed from drop in the July 12, 2011 item schema update.

Series #18

Added to drop in the April 7, 2011 Patch. Removed from drop in the June 23, 2011 Patch.

Series #17

Added to drop in the April 7, 2011 Patch. Removed from drop in the June 23, 2011 Patch.

Series #16

Added to drop in the April 7, 2011 Patch. Removed from drop in the June 23, 2011 Patch.

Series #15

Added to drop in the March 23, 2011 Patch. Removed from drop in the April 7, 2011 Patch.

Series #14

Added to drop in the March 23, 2011 Patch. Removed from drop in the April 7, 2011 Patch.

Series #13

Added to drop in the March 23, 2011 Patch. Removed from drop in the April 7, 2011 Patch.

Series #12

Added to drop in the March 15, 2011 Patch. Removed from drop in the March 23, 2011 Patch.

Series #11

Added to drop in the March 15, 2011 Patch. Removed from drop in the March 23, 2011 Patch.

Series #10

Added to drop in the March 15, 2011 Patch. Removed from drop in the March 23, 2011 Patch.

Series #9

Added to drop in the December 10, 2010 Patch. Removed from drop in the March 15, 2011 Patch.

Series #8

Added to drop in the December 10, 2010 Patch. Removed from drop in the March 15, 2011 Patch.

Series #7

Added to drop in the December 10, 2010 Patch. Removed from drop in the March 15, 2011 Patch.

Series #6 – Festive Winter Crate

Backpack Festive Winter Crate.png

Festive Winter Crate
Level 10 Supply Crate
Crate Series #6
A memento from an age long past, this festive crate can no longer be opened and is purely decorative.

Added to drop in the December 10, 2010 Patch.

These particular crates could not be opened with the normal Mann Co. Supply Crate Key. Instead, they required either a Festive Winter Crate Key or a Stocking Stuffer Key, which were available through the Mann Co. Store or for free, respectively, during the Australian Christmas event.

As of December 31, 2010, these crates could no longer be opened, but will still remain in players' backpacks.

Series #5

Added to drop in the October 27, 2010 Patch. Removed from drop in the December 10, 2010 Patch.

Series #4

Added to drop in the October 27, 2010 Patch. Removed from drop in the December 10, 2010 Patch.

Series #3

Added to drop in the October 27, 2010 Patch. Removed from drop in the December 10, 2010 Patch.

Series #2

Added to drop in the October 6, 2010 Patch. Removed from drop in the November 19, 2010 Patch.

Series #1

Added to drop in the September 30, 2010 Patch. Removed from drop in the October 19, 2010 Patch.


*Drop rate is the observed drop rate.
**Estimated drop rate is an estimate as to what Valve has set the drop rate to be.