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Ze względu na komediowy styl Team Fortress 2, a także humor Valve, gra zawiera odniesienia, zwykle w humorystyczny sposób. Istnieje wiele różnych typów, od gier po filmy. Uwzględniono dowcipy, które powstały w grze i jej społeczności. Poniżej znajdują się odniesienia, które nie są specyficzne dla jednej klasy.

Beret Billa, odniesienie z gry Left 4 Dead.

Odniesienia w zależności od klasy



Świeże spojrzenie
Świeże spojrzenie
Zdominuj przeciwnika noszącego gogle pyrowizyjne i zdobądź parę dla siebie!

Nagroda: Gogle pyrowizyjne

Świeże spojrzenie odwołuje się do praktyki lub efektu sprowadzenia nowej osoby w celu rozwiązania problemu; chodzi o to, że ktoś mniej zaznajomiony z sytuacją ma świeże spojrzenie dzięki któremu dostrzega rzeczy, których inni mogą nie dostrzegać.


Najlepsi Przyjaciele Na Zawsze, zazwyczaj skracane do NPNZ, to nieco przestarzałe określenie bliskiej przyjaźni.

Szara masa
Szara masa
Oddaj 25 strzałów w głowę jako Snajper.

Szara masa to kolokwialne okreslenie na skupisko komórek nerwowych w mózgu.

Zbiorowa histeria
Zbiorowa histeria
Znajdź się w drużynie z 6 osobami używającymi Pyrowizji.

Zbiorowa histeria jest spontanicznym nagromadzeniem urojeń przez więcej niż jedną osobę.

Zabij przeciwnika w ciągu 5 sekund po wyjściu z teleportu Inżyniera.

W Sci-Fi często mówi się, że urządzenia teleportacyjne wykorzystują technologię, która tworzy szczelinę (ang. Rift) w czasoprzestrzeni, pozwalając podróżować przez nią praktycznie bez upływu czasu. Stąd angielska nazwa „Riftwalker”.

Zabij 79 wrogów posiadających Balonorożce.

The Great Debate was a debate between two influential astronomers which took place in 1920, and concerned the nature of spiral nebulae and the size of the universe.


Doomsday: Kontrola bezpieczeństwa kosmodromu
Doomsday: Kontrola bezpieczeństwa kosmodromu
Zabij przeciwnika, który w ciągu ostatnich 3 sekund zadał obrażenia niosącemu Australium.

Escape velocity is the speed needed to "break free" from a gravitational field without further propulsion.

Doomsday: Asysta grawitacyjna
Doomsday: Asysta grawitacyjna
Wepchnij przeciwnika do tunelu odprowadzającego spaliny po zakończeniu rundy.

"Liftoff" refers to the moment at which a vehicle such as an aeroplane, helicopter, or more appropriately, a rocket, leaves the ground.
Someone who is said to have been "offed" has been murdered.

Doomsday: Plan 9 w kosmos
Doomsday: Plan 9 w kosmos
Odpal rakietę każdą z 9 klas.

Plan Nine from Outer Space is a 1959 sci-fi film notorious for its poor quality.

Doomsday: Okno startowe
Doomsday: Okno startowe
Wygraj rundę po tym, jak drużyna przeciwna otworzyła pokrywę rakiety.

A rocket booster is a component inside the engine of a rocket which provides additional thrust on takeoff, and is usually jettisoned when no longer required.

Doomsday: Per aspera ad astra
Doomsday: Per aspera ad astra
Wygraj 138 rund.

The Right Stuff is a 1979 book about the U.S. manned space program. It was adapted into a film in 1983.

Doomsday: Wywindowani w kosmos
Doomsday: Wywindowani w kosmos
Wygraj rundę z przynajmniej 5 towarzyszami na platformie windy.

The apogee is the point where a satellite is the farthest away from earth. For example, the moon's apogee is 405,000 km away from earth.

Doomsday: Kosmiczny obóz
Doomsday: Kosmiczny obóz
Zabij przeciwnika przy rozbitej skrzyni, gdy usiłuje on podnieść neutralne Australium.

A Space Camp is a summer camp designed to teach young people about various aspects of astronomy and space exploration.

Doomsday: Załoga w komplecie
Doomsday: Załoga w komplecie
Zagraj z 5 lub więcej osobami z twojej listy znajomych.

The flight crew are the personnel who operate an aircraft while in flight.

Doomsday: Kontroler startu
Doomsday: Kontroler startu
Podnieś Australium z jego lokacji startowej i donieś do celu bez upuszczania go.

As they are so complex, all aerospace flights require a mission control center from where support personnel monitor all aspects of the mission.

Foundry achievements

Foundry: Nerwy ze stali
Foundry: Nerwy ze stali
Wygraj rundę, w której przeciwnik próbował przejąć twój ostatni punkt kontrolny.

Real Steel is a 2011 science-fiction sports film, set in a future where human boxers have been replaced by robots.

Foundry: Zterminatorowany
Foundry: Zterminatorowany
Zabij przeciwnika, spychając go do płomieni pod kotłem.

This is a reference to the film Terminator 2: Judgment Day and its final scene.

Foundry: Grabież terytorialna
Foundry: Grabież terytorialna
Przejmij punkt kontrolny w ciągu 12 sekund od wyjścia z teleportu.

A "claim jumper" is someone who illegally occupies or profits from a property to which another has a legal claim.

Foundry: Tygiel
Foundry: Tygiel
Wygraj 137 rund.

In any year of the World Snooker Championship, held in the Crucible Theater in Sheffield, England, the winner (or the runner-up) can play a cumulative total of no more than 137 frames over all five rounds.

Foundry: Na gorącym, blaszanym dachu
Foundry: Na gorącym, blaszanym dachu
W jednym życiu zabij dwóch przeciwników będących na dachu nad środkowym punktem kontrolnym.

Raise the Roof has long meant to create an uproar or make a resounding noise (same as rattle the rafters).
More recently, the phase names the gestures similar to that shown in the icon; one instance being a dancing motion whereby the dancer pushes both hands up in the air with their palms open and facing upwards.
To "raze" a building is to demolish it.
"Graze the Roof" is the song playing in the Roof Stage of Plants vs Zombies.

Foundry: Przeciąganie liny
Foundry: Przeciąganie liny
Rozegraj rundę, w której obie drużyny dokonają łącznie 15 przejęć punktów kontrolnych.

A "dead heat" in a sporting event describes a situation in which both teams are so evenly matched that neither can achieve a decisive victory.

Foundry: Piątka przyjaciół pieca
Foundry: Piątka przyjaciół pieca
Zagraj z 5 lub więcej osobami z twojej listy znajomych na mapie Foundry.

Family Force 5 is a Christian crunk rock band from Georgia, USA.

Foundry: Gwarancja na dwie minuty
Foundry: Gwarancja na dwie minuty
Bądź częścią drużyny, która wygra rundę w ciągu 2 minut.

In the National Football League, a "two-minute warning" is given when two minutes of game time remain on the game clock during each half of the game.

Halloween achievements

Atak latarni
Atak latarni
Spowoduj śmierć 5 graczy, detonując pobliskie bomby dyniowe.

A jack-o'-lantern is a hollowed-out pumpkin with a face carved in its front and a light source placed inside.

Polowanie na słodycze
Polowanie na słodycze
Zabierz poległym graczom 20 dyń halloweenowych, aby odblokować kapelusz.

Nagroda: Lekko niepokojąca maska halloweenowa

A coroner is a government official who examines autopsy reports and rules on cause of death.
Candy corn is a type of candy often given out during Halloween.

Konkurs na przebranie
Konkurs na przebranie
Zabij Szpiega przebranego za Twoją aktualną klasę.

A costume contest is a competition in which participants try to determine who has the best Halloween costume.

Wada wzroku
Wada wzroku


Optical Diffusion, the scattering of light, is an important game technology, such as in the Source Phong shader (angielski) na Społeczności programistów Valve (angielski). However, the purposeful misspelling suggests that by defeating the Optical organ, the player is defusing an explosive situation.

Sakston Hale
Sakston Hale
Wytwórz Maskę Saxtona Hale'a.

In the TF2 universe, Saxton Hale is the President and CEO of Mann Co.

Wystraszony na śmierć
Wystraszony na śmierć
Zabij gracza wystraszonego przez ducha.

For someone to be "scared stiff", he/she must be so afraid of something he/she is unable to move. However, the term stiff may also refer to a human corpse; so, killing a scared player results in a Scared Stiff.

Jeździec bez głowy
Jeździec bez głowy
Zabij Bezkonnego Bezgłowego Jeźdźca.

Nagroda: Głowa Bezkonnego Bezgłowego Jeźdźca

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is a short story by Washington Irving in which a young schoolteacher named Ichabod Crane is pursued by a ghost known as the Headless Horseman on an autumn night.
"0wnd" is an Internet slang term used to refer to someone who has been defeated in a game, usually by a large margin.

Mann vs. Machievements

Jaja ze stali
Jaja ze stali
Zniszcz czołg w ostatnich sekundach odliczania do detonacji.

WALL-E is a 2008 animated sci-fi/romance film about robots.
A "ballsy" person is one who is tough or courageous.

Bractwo stali
Bractwo stali
Ukończ misję wraz z 5 osobami ze swojej listy znajomych.

The Brotherhood of Steel is one of many factions seen in the Fallout series of role-playing games.

Swoje trzy grosze
Swoje trzy grosze
Jako zespół sprawcie, by 10 robotów wpadło do dołu podczas jednej fali na mapie Manhattan.

Chippin' In means throwing in or contributing to a collective or team effort. Chippin' In also means knocking something into a hole. Additionally, the pit on this map is Captain Dan's wood chipper.

Ctrl + Atak + Delete
Ctrl + Atak + Delete
Zniszcz pogromcę działek, nim ten dotrze do celu.

Control-Alt-Delete is a keyboard command used to bring up the task manager in Windows, or otherwise used to restart a PC computer. This particular combination of keys is chosen due to generally being the least susceptible to ghosting.

Deus ex machina
Deus ex machina
Pokonaj falę ataku w misji zaawansowanej, nie ginąc.

A deus ex machina, literally "god out of the machine", is a plot device that suddenly and abruptly solves a story's seemingly unsolvable problem.

Czy androidy śnią?
Czy androidy śnią?
Grając Skautem, użyj Piaskuna, by naznaczyć śmiercią 15 robotów w tej samej fali ataku.

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? is a 1968 science-fiction novel about a bounty hunter who is charged with "retiring" escaped androids.

Blokada silnika
Blokada silnika
Nie dopuść, by bomba dotarła do strefy alarmowej podczas ostatniej fali ataku w misji zaawansowanej.

An engine block is a metal block that contains an internal combustion engine's cylinders.

Zabij 15 robotów niosących bombę pod rząd w tej samej fali, nim zdążą zdobyć poziom.

.exe is the filename extension Windows and MS-DOS use for a program (an executable file).

Przechwycone pakiety
Przechwycone pakiety
Podnieś kupkę kredytów, która lada chwila zniknie.

In computing, a cache is a temporary place to store information, to make retrieving the same information later faster.
The term "fast cash" refers to a quick way to make money.

Frag to pieniądz
Frag to pieniądz
Zbierz wszystkie dodatkowe kredyty w misji zaawansowanej.

To say someone has gone from "rags to riches" means he/she has come from a state of poverty to a state of wealth, usually in a relatively short time.
In online games, the term "frag" is synonymous with "kill".

Niemiecka inżynieria
Niemiecka inżynieria
Zniszcz 15 robotów, używając Mannierki z ładunkiem „ÜberCharge”.

"German engineering" is a buzzword used in recent Volkswagen advertisements.

Duch w maszynie
Duch w maszynie
Zniszcz robota niosącego bombę w 5 sekund po użyciu Mannierki z ładunkiem „Teleportacja do strefy odrodzenia”.

Ghost in the Machine is a 1993 film about a serial killer whose mind is transferred to a computer and goes on a murder spree.

Suma wszystkich fachów
Suma wszystkich fachów
Rozegraj całą misję jedną klasą i powtórz to dla każdej innej.

A "jack of all trades" is a person who is competent with many skills.

Twardy reset
Twardy reset
Jako Pyro zresetuj bombę 3 razy w pojedynczej fali.

A hard reset is a forced shutdown and reboot to a system by hardware means, usually done by pressing a reset button.

Ruski rezystor
Ruski rezystor
Grając Grubym, użyj furii, by odepchnąć robota, który właśnie miał donieść bombę do celu.

"Heavy metal" is a term that commonly refers to a metallic element that is toxic and typically has a high density.

Krytyczny terror
Krytyczny terror
Zniszcz gigantycznego robota, używając Mannierki z ładunkiem „Premia krytyczna”.

A critical error is an error that is serious enough to make the program or operating system cease to run properly, causing the computer to freeze or restart.

Ładunek negatywny
Ładunek negatywny
Podczas jednej fali ataku zabij 5 Medyków gotowych do użycia ÜberCharge.

A particle with a negative charge has an abundance of electrons in its outer atomic shell.

This achievement is associated with Captain Dan's wood chipper -- the sign above the chipper states that the company’s wood pulp is “Now legal to eat”. Microcrystalline cellulose is a term for refined wood pulp, which is used as a thickener in soup and as an excipient in other food products. With proper labeling, wood pulp is legal to eat.
Ooohh Ooh Ahh Ahhhh! is a stereotypical vocalization made by banana-littering giant gorillas, such as those that have famously run loose in Mannhattan.

Strażnik pałacowy
Strażnik pałacowy
Zniszcz czołg zanim przedrze się przez ogrodzenie na mapie Rottenburg.

A palisade is a defensive fence or wall made by setting wooden stakes, posts, or trunks in the ground. This is a classically expedient and less than permanent construction; but building one could aide in the defense of a stone palace, a relatively permanent installation.

Sektory chwały
Sektory chwały
Ukończ misje Kurs Kolizyjny, Dryl Doego oraz Manewry.

RAID is a storage technology that spreads storage across multiple disk drives for performance or security.

Platforma mobilna
Platforma mobilna
Grając Inżynierem, ucieknij ze swoim działkiem przed gotowym do detonacji pogromcą działek.

Real Steel is a 2011 science-fiction sports film, set in a future where human boxers have been replaced by robots.

Krzemowa rzeźnia
Krzemowa rzeźnia
Zniszcz 100 000 robotów.

Silicon is a chemical element commonly used in the manufacture of electronic devices.

Napięcie robocze
Napięcie robocze
Grając Szpiegiem, dezaktywuj saperem 10 robotów jednocześnie.

"High voltage" refers to voltage in circuits that poses safety issues.

Filtr antyspamowy
Filtr antyspamowy
Podczas jednej fali ataku obroń właz 10 razy w momencie gdy roboty są o krok od zrzucenia bomby.

Spam is a common term for junk mail. Spam blockers are programs that filter spam out of one's inbox.

Zabij 4 przeciwników jednocześnie jako Snajper.

A spark plug is a device that delivers electric current to a car's engine in order to ignite it.

Stalowe fragnolie
Stalowe fragnolie
Pomyślnie ukończ wszystkie fale w misji.

Nagroda: Mannierka wzmacniająca

Steel Magnolias is a 1989 comedy film about a group of women described as delicate as magnolias, but tough as steel.
In online games, the term "frag" is synonymous with "kill".

Zbierz ogółem 1 000 000 kredytów.

The T-1000000 is from the Universal Studios park attraction T2 3-D: Battle Across Time and is a metal spider-like version of the T-1000 from Terminator 2: Judgment Day.

Grając Żołnierzem, podczas jednej fali ataku wzmocnij efektem sztandaru 4 lub więcej towarzyszy jednocześnie.

A Turbocharger is a device which delivers compressed air to an engine to allow more power to be produced.

Edycja -> Cofnij
Edycja -> Cofnij
Podczas fali ataku zbuduj nowe działko strażnicze w 3 sekundy po zniszczeniu poprzedniego, używając Mannierki z ładunkiem „Błyskawiczne ulepszenie konstrukcji”.

To undelete a computer file is to undo a delete of the file.

Zasoby dzielone
Zasoby dzielone
Grając Medykiem, podziel się Mannierką 5 razy podczas jednej fali ataku.

File sharing is a method of transferring data over the Internet. It is often misused for illegal purposes.

Plon ponurego złomiarza
Plon ponurego złomiarza
Zdobądź premię kredytów na końcu fali.

Rage Against the Machine is a rock band from Los Angeles, California, USA.

Snakewater achievements

Snakewater: Kłody pod nogi
Snakewater: Kłody pod nogi
Zabij 15 przeciwników na belkach nad centralnym punktem kontrolnym.

In the Coen Brothers film The Big Lebowski, Logjammin' is the title of a pornographic movie in which the character Bunny Lebowski starred.


Baby Face's Blaster
Baby Face's Blaster

This weapon is a reference to Lester "Baby Face Nelson" Gillis, an infamous bank robber during the early 20th century.

Conscientious Objector
Conscientious Objector
We gave peace a chance. It didn't work.

A conscientious objector is someone who refuses military service for ideological reasons.
The description of the weapon references Give Peace a Chance, a song by John Lennon.

Frying Pan
Frying Pan

The Frying Pan is a melee weapon used by the survivors in Left 4 Dead 2.

Soldiers and Demos

Can duel with katanas

For a one-hit kill

The Half-Zatoichi is a reference to a long running Japanese fictional character, Zatoichi, that is a blind swordsman. The name comes from the Demoman's missing eye, making him half blind, and the Soldier having his helmet over his eyes as opposed to being completely blind, and therefore "half" Zatoichi.

Market Gardener
Market Gardener

The Market Gardener is a reference to a World War 2 maneuver known as Operation Market Garden in which Allied forces parachuted down to meet up with ground forces in the Netherlands.

Winner: [Category] [Year] Imbued with an ancient power.

The Annual Saxxy Award is a reference to the annual Academy Award, having similar prize statuettes and opening songs.

Cosmetic items

Alien Swarm Parasite
Alien Swarm Parasite
This cute little guy was once the scourge of humanity in another time and place. Now he's content to ride on your head and keep the sun off.

This is a stylized version of an enemy parasite from Alien Swarm.

Aperture Labs Hard Hat
Aperture Labs Hard Hat
Produce-powered personal illumination and cranial safety apparatus. NOT FOR USE OUTSIDE OFFICIAL APERTURE FACILITIES.

This cosmetic is a reference to the "Potato Clock" or "Potato Battery", a popular science fair project where a potato is used to power a clock or other electronic appliance and a running joke in Portal 2.

Athletic Supporter
Athletic Supporter
[Insert Favorite Regional Team Here]

The Athletic Supporter sports the Monday Night Combat logo on the front.
"Athletic supporter" is an alternate name for a jockstrap.

Be the Big Man of Christmas with this fur-fringed pom-pom hat!

The "Big Man of Christmas" is Santa Claus; the abbreviation is a play on the term "Big Man on Campus", a highly respected individual on a college campus.

Bill's Hat
Bill's Hat
Left 4 You.

This is the beret worn by Vietnam war veteran Bill in Left 4 Dead.

"If ye gaze upon one tome-themed badge this year, MAKE IT NOT THIS ONE!" - Merasmus the Magician

The name "Bombinomicon", a portmanteau of Bomb and Necronomicon, is a reference to the fictional grimoire from the works of H. P. Lovecraft. Its appearance is based on the Necronomicon seen in the Evil Dead series of filmes, which had a face, was bound in flesh, and inked in blood.
Company Man
Company Man

The logo of Sarif Industries from the Deus Ex series is printed on the front of the cap.
Dr. Whoa
Dr. Whoa

The item is a reference to the Eleventh Doctor from the television series Doctor Who, who wears a similar bow tie.

If you are visited by one piece of spectral headwear this night, make it the Ghost of Christmas Hats, donated in true Smissmas spirit by Steam User Jacen.

The Ebenezer's name, as well as its description, is a reference to Charles Dickens' novel A Christmas Carol. The description references the three spirits of Christmas Past, Present and Future that visit Ebenezer Scrooge, the main character, during the course of the story.

Ellis' Cap
Ellis' Cap

Ellis wears this cap in Left 4 Dead 2.

Show enthusiasm! For your favorite things!

The item's name and description are a reference to the film Office Space, in which employees of the restaurant Chotchkie's were required to wear at least "fifteen pieces of flair" (wacky buttons and decals) on their uniforms to demonstrate their enthusiasm.

Full Head of Steam
Full Head of Steam
You never took a break from cp_foundry, and now you can prove it with the actual steam whistle used to call the breaks you never took!

A "Full Head of Steam" refers to a steam boiler (especially a locomotive’s) that is "all fired up", "raring to go", and operating at full pressure (also called full head). Wearing a hat with a steam whistle suggests a "Head Full of Steam".
The idiom "full steam ahead" describes a task done with as much enthusiasm as possible, or to go as straight forward as humanly possible.

Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect
Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect
Earned by completing 28 objectives in 'The Great Steam Treasure Hunt.' Beware the Cephalopod padlock.

The hat is level 28, the same number of objectives required to be completed in The Great Steam Treasure Hunt to earn it.

Human Cannonball
Human Cannonball
Ask any daredevil what they strap onto their heads before getting shot out of a cannon and the answer will be the same: a glassy, unfocused stare from years of head trauma. Head trauma that could have been prevented with this sharp-looking crash helmet.

The human cannonball is a popular circus stunt in which a person is launched from a cannon.

Lo-Fi Longwave
Lo-Fi Longwave
Can't stop the signal.

This hardhat sports the KritzKast logo on the front.
The description is a tagline for pirate radio.

Map Maker's Medallion
Map Maker's Medallion

The hammer symbol on this medal is a reference to Valve's map editor, Hammer.
The item is referred to as a "Func_Medal", a reference to the various func-prefixed entities available for use with the Hammer editor.

Everyone knows laughter is the best medicine. But did you know that laughter is also the best disguise? No? Well, good thing you're not a cop infiltrating the Chinese mafia, then. Oh wait you are. AND NOW YOU'RE DEAD. Look, rookie, these glasses are actually hilarious.

The item is designed to resemble the popular novelty item Groucho glasses, which are based on the comedian Groucho Marx.
The name is a play on the term "marksman", referring to a person who can shoot well.

Max's Severed Head
Max's Severed Head
Expertly crafted headwear from cruelty-free farms in the Philippines. Hollowed-out skull casing wicks moisture away when in the heat of battle.

This hat is made from the head of Max from Sam & Max. The description is a reference to the first Sam & Max comic, Monkeys Violating the Heavenly Temple, which took place in the Philippines.

Congratulations on doing more yesterday to support the TF2 map-making community through map stamps than anyone else! Wear this with pride before it changes hands tomorrow!

Philately is the collection and study of postage and imprinted stamps.

Point and Shoot
Point and Shoot
The next time someone accuses you of not being a real wizard because you refuse to (read: can’t) do spells, poke them in the eye with this magically blinding pointy hat and run.

Amadeus, a wizard in Trine 2, wears a hat similar to this. The description references the fact that Amadeus is incapable of conjuring a fireball, a recurring joke in the Trine series.

Proof of Purchase
Proof of Purchase
From another era.

The description references this hat's origins; it is visible on the Human Commando player model from the early "Invasion" version of Team Fortress 2, as well as the files that were leaked in 2003 with Half-Life 2's source code.

Resurrection Associate Pin
Resurrection Associate Pin

This item features Portal's companion cube.
The item is level 13, the same number of games required to be played in the Potato Sack pack to earn it.

Spine-Chilling Skull
Spine-Chilling Skull
Express your undying hatred for the living.

This hat is level 31, referring to Halloween on the 31st of October.

Spiral Sallet
Spiral Sallet
Little known fact: knights in chess travel over other pieces by rocket jumping.

The Spiral Sallet is named after the eponymous hat[1] from Spiral Knights, though it bears more resemblance to the Mighty Cobalt Helm[2]

Spirit Of Giving
Spirit Of Giving
The more gifts you give away, the bigger your heart will get! Get what gift-givers call "the Smissmas spirit," and what cardiologists call hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

The item is a reference to the classic Dr. Seuss story How the Grinch Stole Christmas! whose title character is born with a heart two sizes two small but when he gives Christmas presents to the Whos of Whoville, his heart grows three sizes.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the medical term for thickening and growth of the heart.

Teufort Tooth Kicker
Teufort Tooth Kicker
These steel-toed dogs were scientifically engineered (in a wind tunnel) by America's foremost authorities on mouth-kicking to perfectly fit the inside of an idiot's mouth.

The Capture the Flag map 2Fort is often referred to as "Teufort" in TF2's supplementary material.

Top Notch
Top Notch
Welcome to a secret society so exclusive it makes the Illuminati look like a Costco. How exclusive? You are the only member. This is the only item of its kind in all of existence. So don't craft it, Miney.

The hat adopts the likeness of Markus "Notch" Persson's personal avatar, a drawing of himself in the artistic style of Minecraft, on which he was the lead developer until the game's official release.
Something which is described as being "top notch" is first rate, or excellent.

Towering Pillar of Hats
Towering Pillar of Hats
A-ha-ha! You are as PRESUMPTUOUS as you are POOR and IRISH. Tarnish notte the majesty of my TOWER of HATS.

This hat and its description are references to the hidden Gentle Manne of Leisure page[3] on the Classless Update.

Voodoo Juju
Voodoo Juju
Only the finest leather hats come with tattoos and piercings.

The Voodoo Juju is level 31, referring to Halloween on the 31st of October.

World Traveler's Hat
World Traveler's Hat
Given to generous souls who have donated to community map makers. The effect will only be visible while on a map that has been donated towards!

Should a player contribute enough to obtain 200 stamps for their World Traveler's Hat, its rank will change to "Unobtainium", a reference to a recurring alloy in science fiction and speculative science.


Some bots which have names that reference other games include:

  • Aperture Science Prototype XR7 – Aperture Science Laboratories is the main setting for Portal.
  • Black Mesa – The main setting of Half-Life.
  • Boomer Bile – A substance produced by Boomers in the Left 4 Dead series.
  • CEDA –- The Civil Emergency and Defense Agency in the Left 4 Dead series is responsible for control of the Infection.
  • Chell – The name of the protagonist of Portal.
  • Companion Cube – An object in Portal used to solve Test Chamber 17.
  • CrowbarGordon Freeman's melee weapon of choice in the Half-Life series.
  • Delicious Cake – The "reward" of subsequent testing in Portal.
  • Dog – The name of Alyx Vance's pet robot from Half-Life 2.
  • GLaDOS – The main antagonist of Portal.
  • Hostage – A hapless citizen held up by the Terrorist team in Counter-Strike.
  • IvanTheSpaceBiker – A nickname given to the original model of Gordon Freeman in Half-Life.
  • One-Man Cheeseburger Apocalypse – A reference to a quote from Coach in Left 4 Dead 2.
  • Still Alive – The name of the song played during the end credits in Portal.
  • TAAAAANK! – A warning shouted by the Survivors in the Left 4 Dead series when a Tank is spotted.
  • The Combine – The primary antagonists of Half-Life 2 and its episodic sequels.
  • The Freeman – The nickname Gordon Freeman is given by the Vortigaunts of Half-Life 2.
  • The G-Man – A mysterious recurring character in the Half-Life series.
  • WITCH – One of the Special Infected types in the Left 4 Dead series.
  • ZAWMBEEZ – Pronunciation for "zombies", the primary enemies in the Left 4 Dead series.

Responses and sounds

The Soldier and Demoman often reference Greek myth in their taunts of each other, especially concerning the Cyclops.

One of the stock death responses used in Trailer 2 is the infamous Wilhelm Scream, a well known movie sound effect. This was also the death scream used for the Civilian class, when it was originally accessible via console commands.

Haunted Fortress 2, the soundtrack to the Scream Fortress Update, contains screaming sounds used by the Witch Infected from Left 4 Dead.

"Flawless Victory, now do it again!"

This line from the Administrator is a reference to the Mortal Kombat announcer's famous "Flawless Victory!" line.

"Merasmus talks about guns like you ain't got none, mortals! That's because I sold them all! (laughter)"

This line from Merasmus is a reference to Dr. Dre's 1999 single "Forgot About Dre", specifically referencing the lines "Now you wanna run around talkin' 'bout guns like I ain't got none / What, you think I sold 'em all?"

Companies, posters, and signs

Many signs and posters decorating the maps, many depicting businesses in the Team Fortress world, make a wide assortment of references; see List of companies and List of posters.


  • Team Fortress 2 carries a heavy retro 1960's style, drawing heavy thematic and musical inspiration from famous spy films and series such as James Bond, Get Smart and The Avengers.

References in other games

Due to its high popularity, references of Team Fortress 2 can be found in other games as well.

References in other media


See also