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< Heavy taunts
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The Heavy



Heavytaunt1.PNG 用意する武器 説明文


Heavytaunt2.PNG 用意する武器 説明文
"おい、てめえ! そう、てめぇだ! てめぇは死ね!"
Heavytaunt5.PNG 用意する武器 説明文




Heavytaunt3.PNG 用意する武器 説明文キルアイコン
関連項目: ショーダウン


"パァン! ハッハ~!"
  • Killicon high noon.png
Heavytaunt4.PNG 用意する武器 説明文



Taunt Bare Knuckle Beatdown.png 用意する武器 説明文
Taunt Boiling Point.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Heavy stands next to a table full of food, including a boiling steak in a Joule sous-vide cooker, and flips it over; spilling all the food onto the ground while catching the steak in his mouth.


"Ah, ha ha!"
"Oh, yes."
"Ho ho ho ho ho!"
"Very nice!"
"Ha ha!"

Flipping the table

"Ha ha ha!"
"Good times!"
"Pow! Haha!"
Big laugh
"Heavy flip you!"


"Mmm! Mmm."


[bubbling water]
[flipping table, food landing on the ground, Heavy eating the steak]
[Joule sous-vide cooker ding]
Taunt Proletariat Posedown.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Heavy performs a series of poses.

The Heavy stretches his arms above while grunting:


The Heavy holds his left arm with his right arm, while shaking them, showing how strong they are:


The Heavy lifts his both arms while showing his back:


The Heavy shows-off his power by crossing his arms:

Taunt russian arms race.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Heavy lays down on the floor and starts to perform one handed push-ups.
Taunt soviet strongarm.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Heavy pulls out two large dumbbells, and begins performing an exercise.
Taunt Table Tantrum.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Heavy stands next to a table full of food, including a boiling steak in a pot of water, and flips it over; spilling all the food onto the ground while catching the steak in his mouth.


"Ah, ha ha!"
"Oh, yes."
"Ho ho ho ho ho!"
"Very nice!"
"Ha ha!"

Flipping the table

"Ha ha ha!"
"Good times!"
"Pow! Haha!"
Big laugh
"Heavy flip you!"


"Mmm! Mmm."


[bubbling water]
[flipping table, food landing on the ground, Heavy eating the steak]


Burstchester Heavy.png 用意する武器 説明文
A creature resembling a Bread monster partially comes out of the Heavy's chest. The Heavy tries to smash it, only to end up pushing it back inside, wiping his hands afterwards.


"I will kill you with bare hands!"
"Let us wrestle, little man!"
"Put up fists."
"You are no match for me!"
"I am coming for you, again!"
"Killing you is full time job now."
"So much blood!"
"Oh, Heavy does not feel right."
"Ah, ha ha!"

Wiping his hands

"Your luck runs out."
"This is just the beginning of the pain I will cause you."
"Huh! That is close!"
"Is not funny!"
"Next time I will crush you!"
Conga Heavy.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Heavy bounces in rhythm to the Latin beats while saying:


"Keep dancing, babies!"
(liltingly) "Heavy is credit to conga line!"
"All of you are dancing babies!"
"Ha ho, con-ga!"
"Ha ho ho, conga!"
(singing) "Is conga time, babies!"


(singing) "Conga, conga, conga!"
"Heavy show you, ah ha ha!"
"Ha ha ha!"
"Ha ha ha!"
Heavy Director.png 用意する武器 説明文
Fist Bump Heavy.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Heavy punches both fists against each other three times in quick succession before extending his right arm forward for someone to bump his fist.


While waiting, he looks to his sides and then moves his left arm in a calling manner while saying:

"Come on!"
"Come on!"
"Come to Heavy!"
"Heavy wants this!"

The Heavy then cracks his right hand's fingers before punching the other player's fist.


After a successful fist bump, he points at the other player with his open left hand with a hearty laugh.
Flippin Awesome Heavy.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Heavy will bend his knees slightly and flip players with a single finger. If he is being flipped, the Heavy will perform a somersault and land on his head.


"Heavy flip you!"
"Heavy flip you."
"Is flip time!"
"Heavy flip baby!"
(liltingly) "Come to Heavy!"
"Come to Heavy!"
"Watch! One finger. Huh!"
"Watch! One finger."
"Watch this!"


"Ha ha ha!"


"Uyah, ugh!"
"Ha ha! Oauh, ugh!"
"Nyuuuuh. Is not funny."
"Is not funny."
"Is not funny."
"Nyuuh. Hehehuh, is not funny."


"Ha ha! Daaaahh! Yeeees!"
"Ha ha! I am an animal!"
"Hah ha ha haaaah!"
Heavy highFiveSuccessFull.png 用意する武器 説明文
He then opens his arms to the sides and tilts his head to the right, slaps the other player's hand, and bends forward while flexing his arms.
Kazotsky Kick Heavy.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Heavy will bend his knees and occasionally do the splits.
Mannrobics Heavy.png 用意する武器 説明文
"Ha ho, ha ha ha! Hoh, hoh, hoh! Ha ha! Hah haah! Yaa!"
"Oh ya! Da, da, da! Ya hah! Ho hah ya! Yah!"
"Ohhhh! Who is great? Ha ha ha! "
"Yo hoh! Ya toh ho! Ha ha, ha ha ha! Ha ha, ha ha ha! Hoh hoh!"
"Ho hoh! Ya hyeh ta! Yah ha ha ha, ha ha!"
"Ya ya ya ya! Da da da da!"
"Very much this! I also give this! Then I do this! Then Heavy is done! Hah!"
"Heavy does this move...then this move...then he does this...and Heavy is done!"
The player can freely move around, albeit slowly, during this taunt.
Heavy rock paper scissors.png 用意する武器 説明文


"Rock. Paper. Scissors!"
"Let us play!"
"Who will throw with Heavy?"

勝ち (Condition-specific)

"Heavy crush scissors!"
"Ha hah!"
"Very good!"
"You lose!"
"Heavy wins!"
"Hah! Rock beats scissors!"
"Paper destroy little rock!"
"Hah ha"
"I beat you with rock!"
"I beat you with paper!"
"I beat you with scissors!"
"Ahhh hah!"
"Hyaaahh hah!"


"Next time I will crush you!"
"Ahhhh! Heavy hate losing!"
"Stupid, stupid game!"
Heavy taunt laugh.png 用意する武器 説明文
Second Rate Sorcery Heavy.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Heavy takes out a staff with a skull on its top and a tag reading "99¢." He attempts to cast an Overheal spell with his left hand while kicking to the sides, failing to create anything but green sparkles. He then breaks the staff in half while groaning before returning to his original position.
Heavy Shred Alert taunt.png 用意する武器 説明文
ヘビーがギターを持ち出し、炎とスポットライトをバックに 激しい単独演奏 を行います.
Skullcracker Heavy.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Heavy will gesture towards his head and then perform a head butt with another player.


(liltingly) "IS HEAD-BUTT TIME!"
"Come on!"
"Come on!"
"Come on."
"Heavy wants this!"
"Come to Heavy!"
"We do this!"
"We do this."
"Come here, babies!"
"Come here, baby!"
"Come here, baby."
"We must do this!"
"We must do this."


"Heeyah uh!"


"Ahhh! Heha!"
Square Dance Heavy.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Heavy will swing his partner 'round and 'round while saying:


"Let us dance!"
"Is time to dance!"
"Is do-si-do!"
"You will dance!"
"Dance or I crush you!"
"Is do-si-do time!"


(liltingly) "Do-si-do!"
"Do si do do!"
(singing) "Do do do, do si do!"
"Ha ha ha!"


"Ha ha, is nice!"
"Ha ha ha, is good hey!"
"Ha ha ha ha! Okay, enough."
"Okay, enough."
"Ha ha ha! No more."
"No more."
"We are done."
Victory Lap Heavy.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Heavy jumps into a team-colored bumper car. Pressing MOUSE1 makes him honk the car's horn. The player can freely move around, albeit slowly, during this taunt.
Heavy yetipunch.png 用意する武器 説明文
A wooden cutout of a Yeti appears roaring in front of the Heavy. He rubs the palms of his hands against one another in anticipation, flexes his arms, puts both of his fists to his right side, and hits the cutout with them, destroying it. He then returns to his original position.

Before punching the yeti

Heavy yetismash.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Heavy turns into a Yeti, beats his chest while roaring, and slams the ground with his fist; he then turns back to normal and stands back up while saying:
"Heavy doesn't feel right!"
"Hoh, something is different."
"Ugh, Heavy hate magic."
"Ahahaha (Laughter)"
Zoomin' Broom Heavy.png 用意する武器 説明文


Heavy taunt halloween.png コスチュームの組み合わせ 説明文


Heavy show1.png 用意する武器 説明文
None ヘビーが両手と左足を上げた後、両手の掌を上に向けて前へ突き出します。




2008年8月19日 パッチ (Heavy アップデート)
  • [非公開] 拳の挑発で狙った相手を一撃必殺できるようになった。
  • [非公開] K.G.B.用の挑発を追加した。

2009年9月15日 パッチ

  • Sandvichを食べることにより、ヘビーのヘルスが満タンになるようになった。

2009年10月14日 パッチ

  • Sandvichを食べる行為とドロップ(配膳)させる行為が同時にできた症状を修正した。

2009年12月7日 パッチ

  • ヘビーの拳の挑発攻撃中に手が見えなくなってしまう症状を修正した。

2010年9月30日 パッチ (Mann-Conomy アップデート)

  • [非公開] ゲーム中に使われていないハイタッチのアニメーションを追加した。

2010年10月6日 パッチ

  • GRUの挑発がK.G.B.と同じになった。

2011年5月5日 パッチ (Replay アップデート)

  • Director's Visionの挑発を追加した。
  • [非公開] ゲーム中に使われていない掌を見せるアニメーションを追加した。

2011年6月8日 パッチ (Über アップデート)

  • [非公開] Schadenfreudeの挑発を追加した。

2011年10月13日 パッチ (Manniversary アップデート&セール)

  • High Five!の挑発を追加した。

2011年11月22日 パッチ

  • ヘビー用アイテムセット「The FrankenHeavy」の挑発を追加した。

2013年2月18日 パッチ

  • Shred Alertの挑発を追加した。

2014年6月18日 パッチ (Love & War アップデート)

2015年7月2日 パッチ (Gun Mettle アップデート)

2015年10月6日 パッチ (Invasion コミュニティアップデート)

  • Burstchesterがゲームに追加された。

2015年10月28日 パッチ (スクリームフォートレス 2015)

  • Zoomin' Broomがゲームに追加された。

2015年11月3日 パッチ

  • ラウンド開始前の硬直時間中に挑発をしても動けないようになった。

2015年12月17日 パッチ (Tough Break アップデート)

  • Mannrobicsの挑発を追加した。
