The Spoils of Love and War
Video Info
June 18, 2014
Run time:
The Spoils of Love and War is a movie that was released on June 18, 2014 to promote the release of the Love and War Update.
Video description
New Taunts! New Weapons! New short! Get ready for the Love and War Update, coming soon to Team Fortress 2!
Video transcript
[The scene opens on the Pyro and Soldier (wearing the Sons of Arsonry and the Federal Express item sets respectively) while playing Rock, Paper, Scissors. The Soldier loses just as the Demoman teleports in behind them wearing the South of the Border item set with a case of beer and doing the Conga animation. The scene pans over and shows the Engineer, with both the Texas Tech-Hand item set and the Peacenik's Ponytail, and doing the Rancho Relaxo taunt. To the right of the Engineer, an Air Strike is leaning against the wall and a Back Scatter is laying on a crate. Also shown is Miss Pauling and Scout sitting on some boxes. Miss Pauling is holding the B.A.S.E. Jumper and the Scout is holding chicken from the Deep Fried Desire taunt while wearing the Wicked Good Ninja item set (without the mask). Behind the two are jars of the Self-Aware Beauty Mark. The camera pans farther over to show the Heavy throwing a Tide Turner to the side while digging through a box. A Back Scatter, Tide Turner, and an Air Strike are seen in the box, and the Sniper can be seen in the back holding the Classic and wearing the Vive La France. The Heavy stops digging through the box, and turns around to reveal that he has the Bread Bite on his hands and the Eye-Catcher equipped. He swings the Bread Bite in the action of punching at the air as the "glove" with the mouth snaps at the air.]
Heavy: [swinging the Bread Bite] Come to heavy!
[The background music stops and a Love & War title card falls into frame. The center of the title card is pierced by a tiny loaf monster, who is snapping at the camera fiercely. It growls at the camera and the screen cuts to black to show the Team Fortress 2: Free to Play logo with the text "" below it. It then shows the signature Source Filmmaker outro.]