Engineer responses
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- 1 General Responses
- 1.1 After Killing More than 2 Enemies in 20 Seconds
- 1.2 After Killing More than 5 Enemies in 20 Seconds
- 1.3 Kill Assist
- 1.4 Domination of a Single Opponent
- 1.5 Domination of Two Opponents
- 1.6 Domination of Three or More Opponents
- 1.7 Dominating a Scout
- 1.8 Dominating a Soldier
- 1.9 Dominating a Pyro
- 1.10 Dominating a Demoman
- 1.11 Dominating a Heavy
- 1.12 Dominating an Engineer
- 1.13 Dominating a Medic
- 1.14 Dominating a Sniper
- 1.15 Dominating a Spy
- 1.16 Revenge Kill
- 1.17 Teleportation
- 1.18 Healed by Medic
- 1.19 After Capturing Intelligence/Control Point
- 1.20 Attacking, Control Point Unoccupied
- 1.21 Defense
- 1.22 Round Start
- 1.23 Round Win
- 1.24 Round Loss/Sudden Death
- 1.25 Round Draw
- 1.26 Set on Fire
- 1.27 Spy Kill
- 2 Class-Specific Responses
- 2.1 Building a Dispenser
- 2.2 Building a Sentry gun
- 2.3 Building a Teleporter
- 2.4 Packing Up a Building
- 2.5 Moving a Building
- 2.6 Replanting a Building
- 2.7 Dispenser Sapped by Enemy Spy
- 2.8 Sentry gun Sapped by Enemy Spy
- 2.9 Teleporter Sapped by Enemy Spy
- 2.10 Dispenser Destroyed
- 2.11 Sentry Destroyed
- 2.12 Teleporter Destroyed
- 2.13 After Several Sentry gun Kills
- 2.14 Gunslinger Punch
- 2.15 Third Gunslinger Punch
- 2.16 Wrangler Kill
- 2.17 Golden Wrench Kill
- 3 Unused Responses
General Responses
After Killing More than 2 Enemies in 20 Seconds
After Killing More than 5 Enemies in 20 Seconds
Kill Assist
Domination of a Single Opponent
- *Short Laughter 1*
- *Short Laughter 2*
- *Short Laughter 3*
- *Short Laughter 4*
- "I'm done playin' games with you, boy."
Domination of Two Opponents
Domination of Three or More Opponents
- *Evil Laughter 1*
- *Evil Laughter 2*
- *Evil Laughter 3*
- *Evil Laughter 4*
- *Evil Laughter 5*
- *Evil Laughter 6*
Dominating a Scout
- "Ya'll gotta run a lot faster than that."
- "Ya ain't too fast for me and my machines now, are ya? Heh. Are ya?"
- "Boy, this here is just gonna keep happenin' and happenin'."
- "Dominated, string-bean."
- "Ya'll just got dominated, city boy."
- "What in Sam hill were you thinkin', strng-bean?"
- "Shoot son, you all slow as molasses."
- "Dominated, little feller."
- "Just a dead little jackrabbit."
- "Quick as a hiccup, ain't'cha? Huh. Not quick enough."
- "Not fast enough; not by a damn sight."
- "Gotcha, stretch!"
Dominating a Soldier
- "Ya'll take that, rocket-boy."
- "That there is just a sad display, boy."
- "Don't test my mettle, son!"
- "Dominated, ya damn Yankee."
- "Ya'll just got drafted into my war!"
- "That's what it feels like when eagles cry, soldier-boy."
- "Next time, lift your lid and you might see it comin'."
- "This all's what happens when you fight a man."
Dominating a Pyro
- "Speak up next time, boy!"
- "Sorry ma'am."
- "Dominated, smokey."
- "Gotcha, mumbles."
- "Sorry to put out your campfire boy."
- "You look a mite tongue-tied, son."
- "You shouldn't of played with fire, boy."
- "Didn't your mama teach you not to play with matches?"
- "Ya'll might be flame retardant, but ya sure ain't bulletproof."
Dominating a Demoman
- "I wish ya'll could see how bad I'm kickin' your tail."
- "Drunk on the battlefield ain't no way to be, son."
- "Dominated, eyepatch!"
- "That catch your eye, son?"
- "The hand is quicker than the eye!"
- "Gotcha, eyehole."
Dominating a Heavy
- "Nevermind the bullets; how much all these coffin's costin' ya?"
- "I've seen better sides of beef been run over by a combine."
- "Ya'll come back now!"
- "Nice try, slim."
- "Gotcha chuckwagon!"
- "Gotcha, pork drippin's."
- "Dominated, corncakes."
- "Ya'll just got branded."
- "And another thing? You're ugly."
- "Dumber than dirt, ain't'cha?"
- "You're dumb as a box of rocks!"
- "Ya'll come back now! More where that came from."
- "Dominated, fat man!"
- "You are a whole herd'a ugly."
- "Gotcha fat boy!"
Dominating an Engineer
- "You just ain't doin' it right."
- "Dominated, hardhat."
- "A real Texan, woulda dodged that."
- "You can always tell a Texan, but you can't tell 'em much."
- "You don incurred my wrath, son!"
- "I'm wolverine-mean, you sonovabitch."
- "If ya done it, it ain't braggin'!"
- "You're all hardhat and no cattle."
- "You shoulda oughta brought more guns, son."
Dominating a Medic
- "Doctor! I am the better man!"
- "Guess they didn't teach you to duck in doctor school!"
- "Keep comin' at me doctor; eventually ya'll gonna rustle up some sense."
- "Next time, tend to your own knittin', sawbones."
- "Sell your tonic elsewhere, miracle man."
- "You must be a doctor, 'cause you just saw the extent of my patience!"
- "I'm a killer of men, doc. That is the God's-honest truth."
- "Slap a boltus on that, doc! Ha Ha!"
Dominating a Sniper
- "Ya oughta stand back a little more, like for me and my machines."
- "Looks like that there just weren't the place you oughta be standin'!"
- "Dominated, campground."
- "You shoulda oughta stayed back at your little campsite."
- "Nobody likes a squatter!"
- "I just rode you out under a rail down under."
- "Aw, now you don't look like a happy camper."
- "down under? More like, six feet down under."
Dominating a Spy
- "Now just stop tryin' ta mess with my contraptions."
- "It ain't gettin' any harder for me to kill ya."
- "You know where ya oughta hide next time? Back in France."
- "Dominated, you turncoat."
- "Dominated, you snake!"
- "This skunk's startin' to smell."
- "Slither on back to hell, coward!"
- "That's what my daddy taught me to do to backstabbers."
- "You're a looooooong way from France, boy."
- "Don't go meddlin' in my business."
- "You are a coward and a scoundrel!"
- "If ya'll had more gadgets for killin', you wouldn't need so many for hidin'."
- "I just beat on your sneaky ass like a mule, boy!"
Revenge Kill
- "Well, good night, Irene!"
- "That'll cut'cha back down to size."
- "You were gettin' too big for your britches"
Healed by Medic
After Capturing Intelligence/Control Point
- "We got it!"
- "This one's ours now!"
- "This here point's ours now!"
- "Hell, that was easy."
- "Ah, it's nothin'."
- "Weren't no thing."
Attacking, Control Point Unoccupied
Round Start
Round Win
- "Whooooowee!"
- "Whoooooohoo!"
- "Job well done!"
- "That wasn't even close."
- "Now that there was a fine piece 'a work."
- "Cream gravy!"
- "Yipee-ki-ya-hi-yaaaayhyaaaa-kayo!"
Round Loss/Sudden Death
Round Draw
Set on Fire
Spy Kill
Class-Specific Responses
Building a Dispenser
Building a Sentry gun
Building a Teleporter
Packing Up a Building
Moving a Building
Replanting a Building
Dispenser Sapped by Enemy Spy
Sentry gun Sapped by Enemy Spy
Teleporter Sapped by Enemy Spy
Dispenser Destroyed
Sentry Destroyed
Teleporter Destroyed
After Several Sentry gun Kills
- "I told ya don't touch that darn thing."
- "I built that."
- "That's what it was made for."
- "Another satisfied customer!"
Gunslinger Punch
Third Gunslinger Punch
Wrangler Kill
Golden Wrench Kill
- "That there is a gold-plated kill!"
- "Guess I got the Midas touch."
- "At least you ain't worthless anymore."
- "Erectin' a statue of a moron."
Unused Responses
Combat Mini-Sentry
Medic Follow
Melee Dare
Unknown Condition
- "I'm gonna beat you like a rented mule, boy."
- "I'm gonna tear you down, junior!"
- "You're all about to have a real bad day!"
- "Come here, sissy!"
- "Start prayin', boy!"
- "Git along there, little doggies!"
- "I'm gonna lay you out!"
- "Why don't you all get along before one of you gets hurt."
- "Son! I'm gonna blow that dumb look right off your stupid face!"
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