Scout match-ups

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Class Strategy
vs Scout.png
Combat with another Scout is an unpleasant encounter, because you cannot run away from one. If you are near a medkit, keep it out of the enemy Scout's line of sight, or he might take it before you do. When you are at low health, make sure it's enough to get to the medkit without getting killed.

Avoid his shots while trying to move in close for a kill with your Scattergun. Try to get the jump on him if possible, as you both have the lowest health of any class and a close range shot from a Scattergun can pack a punch. If the enemy Scout uses his double jump to evade your fire, wait until after his second jump or when he lands before shooting him. This gives you a better chance of predicting where he will be and hitting him. Running away from another Scout in the middle of a firefight is inadvisable, considering that you both have the same speed and he can stay on your tail and blast you full of scatter shots. Continuing to deal damage to him however while retreating to health kits or backup from the team will often give you an advantage. Combat against a Scout who has the unlockable weapons is generally easier, however that works the other way around too. With the Force-A-Nature, Scouts can't fire in the air without being sent back. Also, when using Bonk! Atomic Punch, a Scout has limited his gun choices to his Scattergun or his Force-A-Nature only. If he attempts to flee using Bonk!, simply stay on his tail and fire only when it wears off. Take advantage of this by using your Pistol and keeping out of his range. If you have the unlockables, try to hit him with the Sandman's baseball to stun him. This is very hard to achieve, but if you do, he is at your mercy. The Force-A-Nature is also great ambush weapon to Scouts who don't see you coming, being able to instantly kill them in a second if you are close enough by firing both shots consecutively.

vs Soldier.png
A Scout is most effective at close range. So is a Soldier, but the Soldier has a Rocket Launcher. If you do end up in a frontal assault with a Soldier, try to get behind him while staying at medium range in order to avoid the deadly splash damage from his rockets (the splash damage from a rocket Critical hit will take you out in one shot, as will a direct Direct Hit shot very often), and be wary if he switches to his more accurate Shotgun. Make good use of your double jump to confuse him. For instance, if you get shot into the air by a rocket, use your double jump to move yourself away from the area where the Soldier believes you will land, though this is unlikely to work against experienced soldiers. If you have enough health but need to retreat, attempting to jump from the splash damage of his rockets will give you a huge speed boost to let you clear the area quickly. If possible, try to get the jump on a Soldier by running up behind him to deliver a close range shot to his back before he notices you. This should weaken him enough that another shot should hopefully take him out before he reacts. Avoid use of your Bat in this situation unless the Soldier is already severely weakened. Make use of Weapon heckling tactics to disorientate him. The Sandman can be useful to Stun him (which is relatively easy since Soldiers are slow). Use his time stunned to get in a few hits. If you do manage to catch a Soldier completely off-guard, two point-blank shots from your Scattergun will kill him before he can react.
vs Pyro.png
A Pyro can be one of the more deadly opponents you can face, depending on the area around you. In general, however, they are very easy to deal with. Just stay out of range (which is easy as you are faster) of the Flamethrower and blast away as much as possible. Enclosed areas and narrow corridors make the Pyro a much larger threat. If you are caught in such an area with a Pyro closing in, retreat into a more open space. If he sets you on fire, you are almost certain to die without any healing, so always stay out of the range of his Flamethrower. If you are set on fire, immediately retreat to a Health pickup or body of water. Do not try to fight the Pyro unless he has very low health; just stay out of his range and kill him with your Scattergun or Pistol. If he's alone, weapon heckle him. Note: the Flare Gun extends his range (but the flares are very easy to dodge) but lowers his mid-range capabilities somewhat. The best way to kill a Pyro is actually under water.

The Pyro's compression blast ability negates the Sandman's stunning ability if the Pyro can reflect such a fast projectile, and may even stun you. Without the Pistol, you cannot weapon heckle as well, and due to the large spread of the Force-A-Nature, a Pyro may be able to out range you. If the Pyro sees you coming, run!

A common strategy used by Scouts is to backpedal and pick the Pyro off with his Scattergun, where the Pyro can't hit him with his Flamethrower/Backburner, as his Shotgun is less effective, and the Flare Gun's accuracy screws up due to the Pyro being in motion, however for an experienced Pyro this may not be an issue, especially with the critical damage dealt by the Flare Gun past mid range.

vs Demoman.png
A Demoman is a dangerous foe as his weapons can take you out in one single hit. If using his Grenade Launcher he can be a fairly easy target. Just dodge like mad and make good use of your double jump to avoid getting a lucky grenade to the face or simply stay at medium range while pelting him with the Pistol. If he is hiding behind a carpet of sticky bombs, your best bet is to use an alternative route to get him from behind or to destroy them with your weaponry. If you can get in close range and avoid grenades, you should be able to take him down with a combination of accurate shots and weapon heckling.

Despite the high damage range and radius of Sticky bombs, many Demomen will not expect a Scout to run directly at them while using the weapon, and will attempt to kill you by planting stickies around to try and trap you. If you can get in close, your job of killing the Demoman becomes far easier, as it is much harder for him to kill you, especially without damaging himself. Occasionally a suicide rush to make a Demoman kill himself via splash damage can be effective if trying to discourage an enemy team from pushing into an area.

In the case of the Chargin' Targe and Eyelander, merely keep your distance and blast away at him with your Scattergun, or whittle him to death with your Pistol. It may also be a wise idea to bait the charge from the demo to prevent being struck by a guaranteed critical hit.

vs Heavy.png
The sheer resilience of the Heavy makes him a tough target for a Scout, as his Minigun can cut you down faster than you can pump him full of Scattergun shots. Avoid direct combat with a Heavy from all ranges unless you have the Sandman, since if the Heavy has his Minigun spun you cannot win reliably. The Heavy is an intimidating class to fight but a Scout with enough patience and persistence can take down a Heavy in combat, or with the element of surprise can kill a Heavy in 3 Scattergun shots point blank range. At medium range, the Heavy also makes a prime target for the Sandman stun, due to his size and slow gait. This can give you the time to cut into his health or make an escape.

Try to stay in his face and circle strafe to avoid his fire or jump over him entirely to confuse him while delivering close range Scattergun shots; he's such a big target that it's difficult to miss. Throw a few double jumps into the mix to confuse him. If you are feeling lucky, try to land on his head, as he will wonder where you disappeared to and will continue to look around, long enough for you to finish him. It's always funny if you manage this.

If he is paired up with a Medic, it's generally a good idea to just run. If that's not an option go solely for the Medic first, since if you do die you've at least caused some lasting damage. You can then leave the Heavy to be dealt with by your team or you could try to finish him off using the above strategy.

Alternatively, blast him when he has his Minigun powered down and get behind cover as soon as he revs his gun up. When you hear him stop spinning his Minigun, get in and do damage. Repeat this until the Heavy is dead. If he doesn't power down his Minigun while going after you, try to pop up and attack him from unexpected angles and retreat before the Heavy starts firing at you.

If you have the Sandman, use it! The stun will allow you to kill him easily, though you should keep moving erratically or he may have enough time in the delay it takes for you to get close to spin up and take you out.

Another strategy if you have a little bit of height and surprise on the Heavy is to jump on his head. Since players on opposite teams don't pass through each other, his large size acts as a perfect platform from which to bash in his skull with your Bat or Scattergun. (Don't use the Force of Nature for this, the knockback will push you off his head.) Usually you can kill him before he figures out what's going on. This works the best when the Heavy's Minigun is spinning or when he's standing near a wall. Valve are bound to patch this eventually, so make the most of it while you still can. But, avoid combat with the Heavy at all costs unless you get a long stun with The Sandman on him.

vs Engineer.png
A lone Engineer is a straightforward but rare target. Tactics for an Engineer without a sentry are obvious, dodge his shots and put in your own. Watch out for his Shotgun of course, it can deal a lot of damage.

If the Engineer is with a Sentry Gun however, he becomes a very high threat to your well-being. If possible, try to avoid any routes covered by Sentry guns altogether and check around corners before rushing into new areas - or you could be taken down in seconds. If you are quick, you can run past a Sentry Gun before it target locks you but placement does not usually allow this. With luck you may be able to take out the Engineer, in which case you can stay out of the Sentry's range while taking shots with your Pistol until you destroy it (don't use your Scattergun to do this, as its spread makes it less effective). In certain placements, like right around corners, you may be able to run circles around a Sentry Gun while attacking it with your Bat or Scattergun until it is destroyed, as the Sentry rotates slower than you can run. Do not try this on a Level 3 sentry, the rockets will probably get you as you try to circle strafe.

Another thing to consider when trying to best Sentries is the knock-back of its fire. Sometimes you can aim your trajectory to land out of its range by double jumping strategically into its fire, taking some damage but getting pushed past it by the Sentry itself.

If there is no route around or past the Sentry, you can use the invulnerability granted by the Bonk! Atomic Punch to run past it, or distract it long enough for a teammate to demolish it. If you attempt to destroy one of his buildables with your Bat, he may notice you and Wrench your face in, which will kill you in 2 hits, although the Wrench also has an incredibly high crit rate. Keep this in mind.

The best opportunity to go after the Engineer is that when they are hauling buildings as if you kill a hauling engineer you destroy the building they are carrying.

vs Medic.png
A Medic is usually a very easy target for a Scout. When battling a lone Medic, simply strafe at close range to avoid his Syringe Gun shots and Bonesaw and give him a few blasts with your Scattergun. He should go down fairly quickly. If he has a Medic buddy, taking down the buddy is next to impossible. If the Medic is healing an enemy, approach from behind without being noticed and take him out while he is busy healing. Two shots from the Scattergun at point blank range will kill him. After killing the Medic, you should run before his former healing target can react. Medics commonly revert to the Bonesaw, try Weapon heckling. If they don't see you coming, use the Force-A-Nature to sneak up and blast the Medic, to either kill him or separate him from his Medic buddy. Avoid going point blank to a Medic, however, as the Syringe Gun will do very high damage (and heal a lot if he's using the Blutsauger, as all the hits will connect). In fact, if he is carrying a Blutsauger it is recommended you run, unless he does not see you coming or is especially aiming-impaired.

Medics are very rarely alone, however, so when you see one go for him straight away then run, so his Medigun target drops down to 100% (from 150%) health, then attack again.

vs Sniper.png
At long range, zigzag, jump, crouch, and strafe constantly to make yourself as difficult a target for the Sniper as possible. Bonk! Atomic Punch or the Sandman's stun can also allow you to cross otherwise Sniper-friendly corridors. A fully charged shot from a Sniper Rifle or an uncharged headshot will always kill you if it connects. If you are able to get up behind a Sniper who is in scope, you should be able to take him out with your Scattergun before he can react, or if you feel like conserving ammo, beat him to death with your Bat. When meeting a Sniper on the move or one that has noticed you, attack in the normal way, strafing at close range with the Scattergun. Chances are he will either die or attempt to get you with his SMG or Jarate. A Sniper using the Huntsman is deadlier when his arrows are ignited, you are almost guaranteed to die from a single charged arrow if it is lit on fire.

Something you should watch out for when at close range is the sniper's Kukri, or even worse, Tribalman's Shiv. Both of these items can deal massive damage to you in a relatively short space of time, so despite your dodging abilities, you have to be careful at close range. Especially when a Jarate and Shiv combination will kill you in one hit via "bleed" damage.

vs Spy.png
You are one of the deadlier classes for a Spy, since you're usually too fast to Backstab unless you are standing still (which as a Scout you shouldn't be), and your Scattergun is good for up close Spy checking. Be careful when retreating though, because if you back into him you're going to feel a large, deadly prick. When in a firefight with a Spy, simply strafe as usual while taking shots at him with your Scattergun. If he runs away or you see a Cloaked Spy at any time, use the spread of your Scattergun to reveal their location then try to predict his movements while continuing to fire. Similiarly, if they are using the Dead Ringer and you can tell you have triggered it, run in the direction he was running when it happened, or to the nearest ammo kit to cut him off should he make a beeline for it. Be wary of his Revolver at close range, it can take you down in 3 shots if he has good aim (2 shots at close range if you carry the Sandman).