Pyro | |
---|---|,270,280,1,0,273,43,139,275,63,251,275,78,343,273,83,443,270,90,573,267,95,726,263,95,895,258,97,1067,252,92,1240,247,86,1408,241,81,1566,236,81,1707,232,82,1830,228,88,1935,227,95,2026,226,95,2112,228,76,2209,232,52,2330,236,30,2472,241,13,2631,248,2,2809,255,0,2995,262,6,3176,268,21,270,280,1,0,273,43,139,275,63,251,275,78,343,273,83,443,270,90,573,267,95,726,263,95,895,258,97,1067,252,92,1240,247,86,1408,241,81,1566,236,81,1707,232,82,1830,228,88,1935,227,95,2026,226,95,2112,228,76,2209,232,52,2330,236,30,2472,241,13,2631,248,2,2809,255,0,2995,262,6,3176,268,21,270,280,1,0,273,43,139,275,63,251,275,78,343,273,83,443,270,90,573,267,95,726,263,95,895,258,97,1067,252,92,1240,247,86,1408,241,81,1566,236,81,1707,232,82,1830,228,88,1935,227,95,2026,226,95,2112,228,76,2209,232,52,2330,236,30,2472,241,13,2631,248,2,2809,255,0,2995,262,6,3176,268,21,270,280,1,0,273,43,139,275,63,251,275,78,343,273,83,443,270,90,573,267,95,726,263,95,895,258,97,1067,252,92,1240,247,86,1408,241,81,1566,236,81,1707,232,82,1830,228,88,1935,227,95,2026,226,95,2112,228,76,2209,232,52,2330,236,30,2472,241,13,2631,248,2,2809,255,0,2995,262,6,3176,268,21 | |
Temel Bilgiler | |
Simge: | |
Tür: | Offensive |
Sağlık: | 175 / 260 |
Hız: | 100% 110% with the Gas Jockey item set |
Pyro ile Tanışın | |
“ | Mpphhh mphh mphhhh mphhh mhh!
Dinlemek için tıklayın
— The Pyro on just about anything
” |
Pyro mırıldanan, nereden geldiği bilinmeyen, ateş ve ateşle ilgili herşeye düşkün bir piromandır. Kendi el yapımı Alev Silahı ile, Pyro düşmanlarını yakabilir, azar azar canlarını afterburn ile götürür. Pyro aynı onu yanmaya devam etmekten koruyan taşpamuğu çizgili bir kıyafet giyer.
Ateş silahının kısa menzili yüzünden Pyro düşmanını beklenmedik anda yakalamayı ve tuzağa düşürmeyi gerektiren taktiklere dayanır. Pyro'nun önemli görevlerinden biri Spy checkingdir. Minik bir ateş püskürtme ile görünmez veya kılık değiştirmiş bir Spy'ı yakar(yani ortaya çıkarır). Her ne kadar saldırı ağırlıklı olsa da, Pyro kendi takımının Sentry Gun larını düşman Spy'lardan koruyabilir, Engineerların kurduklarına konulan Elektro Bozucuları Yuvayıkan veya Tokmak ile kaldırabilir, ya da saldıran takımdaki herkesi can doldurmak için kaçmaya zorlayabilir.
Artıdan, Pyro ateş silahının hava püskürtmesi özelliğini kullanarak düşman mermilerini geri sektirebilir, yanan takım arkadaşlarını söndürebilir, bir Medici partnerinden ayırabilir, düşmanları havada sektirerek onları şaşırtabilir, hatta bir roketi kendi ayağının altına sektirerek roket zıplaması bile gerçekleştirebilir. Pyro aynı zamanda kendi takımından bir Sniperın Avcısının okunu yakarak o okun vurduğu kişiyi yakmasını sağlayabilir.
Pyroyu Dennis Bateman seslendirmiştir.
Konu başlıkları
Temel Strateji
- Düşmanlarına tuzak kur ve onları Alev Silahının kısamesafesindeyken yakala.Köşeleri kendine yararı dokunacak şekilde kullan.
- Düşmana kafa göz dalma, seni fark ettiklerinde senin yakın mesafede etkili oluşunu kendilerine avantaj olarak kullanırlar.
- Düşmanlarına arkadan yaklaşırak genellikle daha güvenli ve daha güçlü bir saldırı tekniği kullanmış olursun; özellikle Sırtyakarınla.
- Alev Makinan çok cephane harcar.Düşen silahları toplayarak mühimmatını doldur.
- Çoğunlukla vur kaç taktiğini uyguluyabilirsin.Böylece onları yanarak ölmeye terk etmiş olursun.
Not: Silah hasarı ortalamadır ve temel değerine göre sıralanmıştır. Daha ayrıntılı bilgi için silahın kendi sayfasına bakınız.
Ateş Silahı, Sırtyakar, Yağyakar, İşaret Fişeği, ve Patlatıcı suyun altında ateşlendiğinde hasar vermez underwater, onun yerine zararsız baloncuklar oluştururlar; ama sen suyun üstünde ve düşmanında suyun üst kısımlarındaysa temel değerdeki hasarı verir. Hasar vermesine râmen yanmaya devam etmeyeceği için bu silahlar o koşullarda daha etkisiz olur.
Ana silah
Silah | Öldürme Simgesi | Cephane Dolu Hali |
Toplam Cephane |
Hasar Mesafesi | Notlar / Özel Yetenekler |
Standart Alev Silahı |
Hava püskürtmesi:
(same reserve) |
N/A | Normal (Maksiumum):
Kritik (Maksiumum):
İkincil saldırı Hava Püskürtmesi ile düşmanları geri itebilir, düşman füzelerini geri sektirebilir, yanan takım arkadaşlarını söndürebilirsin. Hava püskürtmesi 20 mermi kullanır. Bütün geri püskürtülmüş roketler/bombalar/oklar düşmana Mini-Kritik hasar verir. | |
Açılabilir Sırtyakar |
Hava püskürtmesi:
(same reserve) |
N/A | Normal (Maksimum):
Crit (Maksimum):
Arkadan saldırıldığında Kritik Vuruş garantiler. | |
İşleme Yağyakar |
Hava püskürtmesi:
(same reserve) |
N/A | Normal (Maksimum):
Crit (Maksimum):
65% daha hızlı silah değiştirme. |
1 Ateş hasarı Alev Silahından çıkan tanecik uzaklığına göre belirlenir.
Silah | Öldürme Simgesi | Cephane Dolu Hali |
Toplam Cephane |
Hasar Mesafesi | Notlar / Özel Yetenekler |
Standart Av Tüfeği |
6 | 32 | Temel: 60 [6 dmg. × 10 pellets] CritMaksimum: 180 |
Açılabilir İşaret Fişeği |
1 | 16 | Temel:30
Crit:90 Yanma:6 / sn. × 10 sn. |
Değdiğinde duşmanı yakar. | |
Craft Patlatıcı |
1 | 16 | Temel: 30
Crit: 90 Yanma:6 / sn. × 10 sn. |
Değdiğinde duşmanı yakar. |
Yakın Mesafe
Silah | Öldürme Simgesi | Cephane Dolu Hali |
Toplam Cephane |
Hasar Mesafesi | Notlar / Özel Yetenekler |
Stock Yangın Baltası |
N/A | N/A | Temel: 65
Crit: 195 |
Açılabilir Yangın Baltası |
N/A | N/A | Temel: 33
Crit: 195 |
Yanan hedeflere vurulduğunda kritik hasar verir. | |
Craft Yuvayıkan |
N/A | N/A | Temel: 49
Crit: 146 |
Düşman yapılarına iki katı hasar verir. | |
Craft Akülü Krikolyoz |
N/A | N/A | Temel: 65
Crit: 195 |
Öldürünce 75 can puanı doldurur. Aşırı iyileştirme ile maksimum candan daha fazla olabilir. | |
İşlenebilir Sırt Kaşıyıcı |
N/A | N/A | Temel: 82
Crit: 244 |
25% daha fazla hasar verir. | |
Promotional / İşlenebilir Sivreltilmiş Volkan Parçası |
N/A | N/A | Temel: 52
Crit: 156 |
İsâbet halinde, hedef ateşler içinde kalır. | |
Promotional / İşlenebilir Tokmak |
N/A | N/A | Temel: 49
Crit: 146 |
Yuvayıkan ile aynı özelliklere sahiptir. | |
Dağıtıldı Saxxy |
N/A | N/A | Temel: 65
Crit: 195 |
Replay Updatein sınırlı sayıdaki eşyası. | |
Craft Kartpostal Zımbalayıcı |
N/A | N/A | Temel: 33
Crit: 195 |
Yangın Öldürücü ile aynı özelliklere sahiptir. |
Alay Etme Saldırısı
İlgili Silahlar | Açıklama | Ölüm Simgesi | |
Main article: Hadouken
Pyro güç toplar ve ellerinden alevler uçuşacak şekilde bir Hadouken gerçeklekleştirir. |
Eşya setleri
Akaryakıtçının Teçhizatı | |
Etki |
Kurbanlarına bir mezar taşı bırak |
Official class avatars
Resmi Sınıf Avatarları | ||
Orijinal Set | RED 'ÜberŞarjlı' set | BLU 'ÜberŞarjlı' set |
Steam'den TF2 avatarları alın: Orijinal |
Ana madde: Pyro achievements
Güncelleme geçmişi
- Ateş Silahı isabet tepiti düzeltildi
- Ateş Silahının çok kısa mesafedeki hasarı arttırıldı
- Ateş silahının bir yapıya ateşlendiğinde oluşan kekeleme düzeltildi
- Sıklıkla oluşan Syringe Gun & Yangın Baltası hasar uzaklığının istatistik sistemine yanlış bildirimi düzeltildi
- Pyronun Ateş Silahıyla hedefi vururken "cızırdama" sesinin çıkması eklendi
29 Nisan, 2008 Yaması (Gold Rush Update)
- Fixed flamethrower bug where a player flush against a wall couldn't be lit on fire from the front
June 19, 2008 Patch (The Pyro Update)
- Added alt-fire compression blast to the basic flamethrower
- Added The Axtinguisher, The Backburner, and The Flare Gun
- Hadouken taunt now kills people it hits
- Tuned the flamethrower hit detection to improve detection versus retreating opponents
- Removed Flamethrower's damage falloff (was falling off to 25% by the end)
- Fixed "Hot on your Heels" counting non-flamethrower based kills
- Fixed some Pyro achievements not working on some servers
- Fixed Compression Blast and Flare Gun trail particles on DX8
- Fixed another issue with the Hot on your Heels achievement
- Added back some damage falloff to the Pyro's flamethrower. Not nearly as extreme as it was before the Pyro class pack
- Fixed Backburner's flame critical hits not being recalculated after collision. This meant that it would check if the target was looking away once and after that the flame could score a critical hit again even if the orientation changed
- Fixed flares not always being removed on impact
- Removed health bonus from the Backburner
- Fixed grenades, rockets, and flamethrower being able to fire through grates at round starts
August 19, 2008 Patch (A Heavy Update)
- Added new firing sounds to The Backburner
- Fixed bug where switching from flaregun-wielding Pyro to another class meant you didn't get a full ammo loadout on first spawn
- Fixed Pyro model not animating in the class menu
- Increased flare direct hit damage from 20 to 30
- Fixed the Axtinguisher
- Fixed Flamethrower loophole that resulted in the flame effect being stuck on while the Flamethrower wasn't really firing
May 21, 2009 Patch (The Sniper vs. Spy Update)
- Flamethrower's air burst now extinguishes fire on friendly targets
- Grenades and rockets deflected by a pyro under the effects of Kritzkrieg will now be criticals
- Added hat Pyro's Beanie
- Server log improvements:
- Added "player_extinguish" event for servers to log when a Pyro extinguishes flame with the airburst
- Fixed not being able to reflect arrows with the Flamethrower
- [Belgelenmemiş] Flare Gun will now Mini-Crit on a burning enemy
- Added log entries for player extinguished events using the Flamethrower
- Force-A-Nature & Flamethrower air blast knockback effects no longer work on disguised spies
- [Belgelenmemiş] A Pyro's air blast will now extinguish burning disguised enemy Spies.
- Added new hats: Brigade Helm and Respectless Rubber Glove
- Fixed the Pyro's airblast pushing Spectators in free-look mode
- Fixed Pyro's Hadouken killing Scouts that have used Bonk! and are phasing
December 17, 2009 Patch (WAR! Update)
- Fixed being able to affect friendly pipes with airblast (they would unstick)
- Added jiggle bones for Pyro's chicken hat
- Fixed Pyro's not getting the proper kill icon for kills with deflected Direct Hit rockets
- Added backstab death animation
- Shotgun reload for Heavy & Pyro changed to feel more appropriate now
March 18, 2010 Patch (First Community Contribution Update)
- Added weapon: Homewrecker
- Added hat: Triboniophorus Tyrannus
- Flamethrower direct damage reduced 20%.
- Burn duration reduced (10 -> 6 seconds).
- Airblast re-fire delay reduced by 25%.
- Airblast ammo usage reduced by 20%.
- All reflected rockets/grenades/arrows now Mini-Crit.
- Airblasting enemies into environmental deaths now awards the death credit to the Pyro.
April 29, 2010 Patch (119th Update)
- Added a 20% damage bonus to The Backburner.
- Fixed the Flare Gun's afterburn duration being lowered by the Flamethrower's duration reduction.
- Updated the Homewrecker
- Flamethrower changes
- Increased base damage 10%
- Afterburn duration increased (from 6 to 10)
- Flares that hit a burning player at mid-to-long range will crit
- Reduced Backburner damage bonus from 20% to 15%
May 20, 2010 Patch (Second Community Contribution Update)
- Added hats: Vintage Merryweather and Whiskered Gentleman
- Moved the "Whiskered Gentleman" to the Misc loadout slot
July 8, 2010 Patch (Engineer Update)
- Added better feedback sound for Pyros when their flamethrower is doing damage
- TF Bot Changes
- Added tf_bot_pyro_always_reflect cvar. Set to 1 to make Pyro bots always reflect projectiles, regardless of difficulty level
September 30, 2010 Patch (Mann-Conomy Update)
- Added weapons: Degreaser and Powerjack
- Added hats: Attendant, Handyman's Handle, Napper's Respite and Old Guadalajara
- [Belgelenmemiş] Added unused "Hi-five" taunt
- [Belgelenmemiş] Pyro's Airblast pushes grounded stickies approximately twice the distance now
- The Respectless Rubber Glove and Brigade Helm paint effects are more noticeable
- [Belgelenmemiş] Paint fixed on the Old Guadalajara
- [Belgelenmemiş] Napper's Respite's team colored stripes changed to a brownish-orange
October 27, 2010 Patch (Scream Fortress)
- [Belgelenmemiş] Fixed Napper's Respite painted pattern
- [Belgelenmemiş] Added the Triboniophorus Tyrannus to the store
- Fixed the shotgun reload animations for the Pyro looping endlessly
- The Homewrecker is now capable of removing Sappers from both a Teleporter's entrance and exit with a single swing
- Made the following hats paintable: Pyro's Beanie, Whiskered Gentleman
- Fixed the Pyro's Beanie not being paintable
- Added the Pyro's "Foster's Facade" and "Stockbroker's Scarf
December 17, 2010 Patch (Australian Christmas)
- Added new weapon: 'The Back Scratcher'
- Added new hats: 'Madame Dixie', 'Pyromancer's Mask' and Prancer's Pride'
- Fixed a Flamethrower bug that allowed players to rapidly fake the Pyro's airblast effect
- The following hats are now paintable or have had their paintability improved: Pyromancer's Mask and Madame Dixie
- Fixed a spelling error on the "Pyromancer's Mask"
- [Belgelenmemiş] Fixed Degreaser not using the native icon when killing enemy players
- [Belgelenmemiş] Fixed players claiming health by switching to the Powerjack as the enemy dies from burn damage from the Flamethrower
- [Belgelenmemiş] The Powerjack behaves as it did before the January 7, 2011 Patch
- Added New weapon: Sharpened Volcano Fragment
- Fixed some missing surfaces on the bottom of the Pyro's mask
- Updated the burn effect from the Pyro's Sharpened Volcano Fragment to only last for a limited time on enemies
- The Napper's Respite, Handyman's Handle and Old Guadalajara were added to the Mann Co. Store
- Updated the Sharpened Volcano Fragment so it can be traded
- [Belgelenmemiş] Updated the Sharpened Volcano Fragment so it can be crafted
- Crafting recipe for the following weapons changed Homewrecker and Sharpened Volcano Fragment
- Added new hat: Sight for Sore Eyes
April 14, 2011 Patch (Hatless Update)
- Added new paint styles to the Pyromancer's Mask
- Replaced the no-crit attribute with -25% damage on the following: The Powerjack
- Item changes:
- Flaregun Flares always crit burning targets, regardless of range
- Backburner
- Removed the restriction on airblast
- Ammo cost increased 150% (4 blasts at full ammo)
- Damage bonus reduced to 10% (from 15%)
- [Belgelenmemiş] Attribute 23 (no airblast) which was previously applied to the Backburner, is no longer functional. Other attributes that previously have been removed from weapons and are no longer in use, are still functional to date (ie. attribute 49: no double jump)
- Updated the Pyromancer's Mask with changes from the community creators
- [Belgelenmemiş] Added Dead Cone
May 5, 2011 Patch (Replay Update)
- Added new hats: Hottie's Hoodie and Connoisseur's Cap
- Dead Cone made craftable, tradeable, and giftable
- Dead Cone was added to the list of hats that can be unusual
- Made the Hottie's Hoodie craftable
- Updated the Connoisseur's Cap to be craftable
- Added The Maul
June 23, 2011 Patch (Über Update)
- Added weapon: Detonator
- Added weapon: Postal Pummeler
- Added hat: Stately Steel Toe
- There is a small issue in the Pyro's BLU team icon, where the Pyro holds a RED Team Flamethrower instead of the BLU Team Flamethrower. This can be seen in the class menu in-game while on BLU team.
- The Pyro is the mascot of "Pyro's Hamburgers", a brand of food sold in Left 4 Dead 2.
- Template:W was hired as the first BLU team Pyro.[2]
- The Pyro has the same voice for the English, German, Spanish, French and Russian versions of Team Fortress 2.
- The Pyro is playable in Killing Floor, as a promotional bonus character for those who have purchased both Killing Floor and Team Fortress 2. This makes the Pyro the only class to be playable in another game.
- The Pyro makes an appearance in Worms: Reloaded as part of one of the forts; the rest of the fort is composed of Hydro. In addition, the Pyro's gas mask is a selectable hat for the player's worms.
- A promotional item exists in Monday Night Combat of the Pyro's gas mask, wearable by the Tank class, with the name "Jet Guns Are Better".
- Three Napalm Grenades, a weapon from the Original Team Fortress Classic, rest on the front of the Pyro's suit (unless the player has the Stockbroker's Scarf equipped). These were originally intended to be usable weapons in TF2, but they (along with all the other classes' grenades) were pulled from the game, and are now purely cosmetic.
- There is much debate about whether the Pyro is female or male, with evidence pointing both ways. Examples include:
- Other classes' domination lines include some which refer to Pyro as female, possibly just to insult the Pyro's fighting capability.
- A flowery purse is located on the locker in the spawn room on some maps near the Pyro's gasmask and suit.
- The Madame Dixie and the Pyro's humiliation stance are both arguably feminine.
- The Pyro has been referred to as both "he" and "she" by Valve, including on the official blog, and in the UI, which referred to the Pyro as either 'him' or 'her' in the challenge dialogue box and alternated randomly between the two.
The Pyro Team Fortress Classic'te Pyro.
- Pyro concept r.png
Pyronun konsept resimi
Related merchandise
See also
- Fire
- Compression blast
- Juggling
- Ambushing
- Pyro match-ups
- Anti-Pyro strategy
- Pyro taunts
- Pyro responses
- Basic Pyro strategy
- Community Pyro strategy
- Pyro voice commands
- List of references (Pyro)
- Dodgeball
- Pyro (Classic)
- Merchandise
- ↑ Pyro Trading Card
- ↑ Team Fortress: Loose Canon, page 5. Retrieved 2011-05-21.
External links