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Informações básicas
Tipo de mapa: Pontos de Controle
Nome do arquivo: cp_conifer_rc2
Versão: Candidato a lançamento 2
Adicionado em: 22 de junho de 2018
Última atualização: 12 de agosto de 2019
Desenvolvedor(es): AsG_Alligator
Link(s): TF2Maps
Informações do mapa
Ambiente: Alpino
Cenário: Ensolarado
Perigos: Abismos
É perfeito!
O Spy admiriando as vistas do Canadá
Visão geral de Conifer.

Conifer é um mapa linear de Pontos de Controle de Ataque/Defesa criado pela comubidade de estágio único. A equipe BLU precisa capturar apenas A e então B antes de vencer a partida, visto que não há outros estágios, similar à maioria dos mapas de Ataque/Defesa na rotação de mapas da Valve.

O tema de Conifer é inspirado no mapa oficial Yukon, passando-se nas profundezas da natureza canadense, onde a equipe RED instalou uma base militar e de armazenamento disfarçada de instalação de mineração abandonada localizada em um vale grande. Uma montanha nevada também pode ser vista ao fundo.

Há também vários equipamentos de construção e esqueletos de prédios espalhados pelo mapa, sugerindo que a RED está renovando o sítio para construir nele. O ponto final também tem uma base militar com heliportos, uma instalação de armazenagem subterrânea e uma antena de satélite, expandindo a ideia de que o mapa é algum tipo e instalação de espionagem.


Todos os locais são descritos do ponto de vista dos integrantes da BLU conforme eles deixam a base.

Ponto de Controle A

O Ponto de Controle A fica entre dois prédios em uma ponte suspensa sobre um rio raso que leva a uma cachoeira, a qual, por sua vez, leva a um abismo mortal. Uma caixa de munição grande e um kit médico pequeno ficam debaixo da ponte.

  • Base da BLU: A Base da BLU fica dentro de um prédio grande e contém três armários de reabastecimento e quatro saídas.A primeira e a segunda saída, na esquerda,coloca os jogadores diretamente no meio de um vale. A segunda saída é idêntica, porém coloca os jogadores atrás de uma série de caixas, as quais podem ser usadas como cobertura contra fogo inimigo. A terceira e a quarta saída, na direita, levam para cima de um telhado; para descerem, os jogadores devem pular uma queda curta. Descer leva a uma escada que conecta a uma caverna, a qual contém uma caixa de munição média e um kit médico pequeno.
  • Estrada: A Estrada pode ser acessada ao virar para a esquerda dentro do lave e subir uma rampa. A Estrada contém vários equipamentos de construção que podem ser usados como cobertura enquanto se segue a Estrada. Perto do final há m prédio semelhante a um contêiner que contém uma caixa de munição grande e um kit médico médio, assim como uma janela que Snipers podem usar devido às vistas de longa distância até o ponto que ela fornece.
  • Prédio do Ponto A: O prédio que leva ao Ponto de Controle A possui dois caminhos. O primeiro caminho passa por baixo do prédio e leva os jogadores para debaixo da ponte em que o Ponto de Controle se encontra. O segundo caminho fica na metade superior do prédio, oferecendo terreno elevado à equipe BLU que pode ser usado como vantagem para capturar o ponto.

Ponto de Controle B

O Ponto de Controle B fica em uma plataforma subterrânea perto da instalação de armazenamento e é suspenso sobre um abismo mortal. Uma caixa de munição grande fica próxima, perto de algumas caixas dentro da instalação.

  • Caminhos: Há três caminhos que podem ser usados para alcançar o Ponto de Controle B. O primeiro caminho fica à esquerda e leva a um prédio que, por sua vez, leva a uma varanda com uma caixa de munição e um kit médico médios; pular da varanda leva o jogador a um heliporto com uma caixa de munição grande próxima. O segundo caminho fica no meio e leva diretamente a um terreno elevado que oferece uma vantagem para capturar o ponto. O terceiro caminho fica à direita dentro de um prédio, o qual leva a uma caverna que leva os jogadores para trás do ponto; este caminho pode ser utilizado como uma área para preparar uma emboscada.
  • Base da RED: A base da RED fica dentro de uma casa de madeira atrás de um prédio após o Ponto de Controle B; ela possui duas saídas e um único armário de reabastecimento.

Diário de mudanças

Diário de mudanças:
July 23, 2017
  • Moved B point to a different area (far side of the spillway, inbetween(sic) rock formations).
  • Moved red spawn to the building on the far side of the spillway.
  • Changed the stairway leading up to the catwalk at the buinding(sic) near A.
  • Redesigned the area between A and B.
  • Removed lower left path leading from BLU spawn to A.

July 29, 2017

  • Reworked B point area again, along with red spawn.
  • Blocked jump up to the rock arch and roof of the security booth at A point (non-jumper classes can only access the area from BLU spawn side by going over the road on the rock arch).
  • Fixed rendering issues with water.

July 30, 2017

  • Added upper route under the dam.
  • Redesigned interior of the building before B.
  • Blocked some sightlines between A and pre-B area.
  • Changed the area in front of BLU spawn.

July 31, 2017

  • Reworked lower path to B
  • Fixed some clipping issues.

September 26, 2017

  • Finished bulding(sic) stage 2 layout.

October 13, 2017

  • 3cp a/d conversion

October 16, 2017

  • Various bugfixes.
  • Changed the building route to C point area to a one-way dropdown.
  • Redesigned C point.
  • Sliding gate in the building near B now opens up again after B is capped.

October 17, 2017

  • Fixed a displacement hole between A and B
  • Widened the walkway above A
  • Blocked a sightline to RED forward spawn.
  • Fixed lighting in RED forward spawn.

October 29, 2017

  • Reworked C point topside area and RED final spawn.
  • Added a doorway to the interior of B point building, removed divider wall inside.
  • Removed 2nd BLU forward spawn.
  • BLU gets the gas station forward spawn after capping B.

November 1, 2017

  • Redesigned B point.
  • Moved blu forwardspawn closer to B.
  • Removed the gas station behind A and surrounding area from playspace.

November 3, 2017

  • Reworked B point a bit, allowed access to gas station roof.
  • Fixed some minor issues.
  • Red forward spawn is now disabled when A is captured.

November 4, 2017

  • Added more cover and an additional acces(sic) route to gas station roof.
  • Improved clipping in various spots
  • Redesigned dropdown route under A
  • Added one-way door to window building above A.

March 12, 2018

  • Reworked initial area, moved BLU spawn from mine to a new building.
  • Added stairs to dropdown leading to underside of A point.
  • Reworked B point.

March 22, 2018

  • Reworked B point (yet again).
  • Fixed missing content from version alpha 9.

March 26, 2018

  • Fixed BLU forward spawn not activating properly after B point is captured.
  • Replaced overlay roads with displacements.
  • Added an out of bounds area in place of the orange dev block.
  • Cut down on health pickups near A.
  • Added a create to the vent (which I only now noticed that it forces you to crouch to get into the vent, GG me).
  • Extended the pit under C, added lights to it.
  • Added fog change trigger to the underground area of C.

March 30, 2018

  • Expanded B building.
  • Fixed several sightline issues around A point.
  • Added nobuild to large animal container in C undergroud(sic) bit.
  • Removed crate from vent above B.
  • Fixed B point not adding time for BLU.
  • Tweaked respawntimes for both teams for all points.

April 8, 2018

  • Added a bridge connecting the to the dropdown doorway in red building before A.
  • Moved the locked door to the other doorway of the tower near A, added 2 sniper windows to it.
  • Added a hole in the wall leading directly onto A from inside of red building.
  • Added a bridge to the suspended bit of red building.
  • Moved the construction shed.
  • Rebuilt A>B connector.
  • Redesigned B building slightly.
  • Added a room connecting the interior of B building to the road tunnel.

April 11, 2018

  • Rebuilt part of A-B connector.
  • Added a fence on A to block a sightline.
  • Removed fence from the courtyard between A-B connector building and B building.
  • Added an open boxcar sitting right on top of the reailroad(sic) crossing
  • Removed flipped dumptruck cover from side entrance to B.
  • Added an elevated area next to C pit.
  • Fixed one of sniper windows at A being obstructed by model collisions.
  • Fixed being able to climb on top of rocks in the area next to B with non-jumper classes.
  • Changed one of the ammopacks in underground C area to a large one.
  • Changed RED final spawn so that upon exiting the spawn players can clearly see all 3 paths to C.

April 21, 2018

  • Removed B point
  • Entirely new A-B connector
  • Added a 2nd doorway to the basement route leading under A.
  • Removed Road tunnel route to B (former C) point.
  • Made it so RED respawns instantly for a few seconds after A is capped.

April 25, 2018

  • Added areaportals around A point buildings.
  • Added a shortcut from the windowed tower building near A with the exit near the waterfall.
  • Added a flank around B point chokes, entrance from the waterfall stair shack, exit near checkerboard shack over B.
  • Fixed some clipping issues.
  • Removed a few boxes from B point platform.
  • Fixed being able to shoot through setup doors.

May 1, 2018

  • Fixed a displacement clipping through a wall near main A-B entrance you could get stuck in.
  • Removed one of the medkits near A.
  • Widened the wall opening over A.
  • Altered initial area to block sightlines.
  • Added a dropdown shortcut from initial area mine to the mine tunnel exiting next to the waterfall.
  • Added detail to RED forward spawn and small tower near A.
  • Altered RED forward spawn resupply cabinet to turn into a static 2fort cabinet model after A is lost instead of making the cabinet magically disappear.
  • Fixed displacement seam in A-B connector.
  • Added shelf blocking a sigthline through large red building near A.
  • Increased fade distance on areaportal under A.

May 7, 2018

  • BETA!
  • Detailed remaining areas.
  • Added 3D skybox.
  • Tweaked env_light and fog settings.
  • Added soundscapes.

May 11, 2018

  • Redesigned tunnel flank to last.
  • Added sightline blocker to area in front of BLU spawn.
  • Blocked off direct route up to the road from BLU spawn.
  • Removed RED forward spawn.
  • Fixed solid cobweb in the building near A.
  • Set prop fades on a bunch of props.
  • Added lamps to shadowy area near BLU spawn.
  • (Hopefully) fixed A cap not adding time for BLU.
  • Fixed being able to get stuck in rocks between A and B.

May 13, 2018

  • "Fixed" item patch overlays rendering through waterfall shed wall.
  • Removed boxes from final point elevator.
  • Increased height of player clip ceiling over final area.
  • Added areaportals to the underground area of last.
  • Lowered the ground around the hangar building balcony, to get up to it from RED side you now need to use stairs at the back of it.
  • Added more shrubs.
  • Added forward spawnpoints in blu spawn that activate with A cap.
  • Made several observer points team-specific.
  • Clipping fixes.

May 16, 2018

  • Added a couple of light fixtures above doorways to make them more noticable(sic).
  • Added several occluders(sic) to combat bad performance in certain areas.
  • Removed some cover from elevated flank on last.
  • Fixed several displacement problems.
  • Fixed several clipping issues.

May 18, 2018

  • Added a rock formation with high ground in A-B yard as a better anchor point for BLU.
  • Added a gantry crane with a container over B point to cut sightlines around the point.
  • Added an extra fence as cover for mine tunnel flank to B.
  • Added a one-way door to the tunnel exit.

May 21, 2018

  • Added an elevated platform at B.
  • Added a structure at B cutting sightlines across area.
  • Removed gantry crane over B.
  • Removed one-way door from tunnel exit at B.
  • Increased fade distance of tall windows in the hangar building.

May 26, 2018

  • Removed the dropdown in checkerboard shack on B.
  • Added a doorway from the interior of the checkerboard shack to the elevated platform next to it.
  • Added a window overlooking the point.
  • Added a medium healthkit on the BLU side of the hangar building.
  • Added a small healthkit to the interior of the large red building at A.
  • Opened up the other half of the hole over A so one can walk through the whole thing.
  • Added lamps to the interior of the construction shed.

June 6, 2018

  • Stuff changed (I dont remember honestly what i changed lol)(sic).

June 9, 2018

  • Added an elevated rock platform between 2 entrances to B, accessible from hangar building balcony.
  • Added a rock divider between helipad and rock spire between entrances.

June 22, 2018

  • Fixed all reported bugs from last version.
  • Fixed exterior soundscapes missing sound positions for bird noises.

August 11, 2019

  • Removed pretty much all Yeti Park references.
  • Fixed some minor bugs.
  • Added func_rotating to radar dish at B.
