Difference between revisions of "User:Dereko"

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<!-- Greetings, if you are checking this one's page for "taking away", welcome! Basically That's how I got them. / 如果你是来“拿”东西的,欢迎!我基本上也正是如此得到它们的。 -->
{{DISPLAYTITLE:Dereko 德睿可}}
<!-- Murasmus / 马拉莫斯 -->
<div style="position:fixed;bottom:0px;right:0px>[[File:Merasmus Blood Money.png|link=#top|350px]]</div>
<!-- Background photo, a "black box" in fact. Taken from Mister Mikado. / 伪背景图片,实质是个框,从 Mikado 先生那里拿的 -->
<div style= "padding:1em 1em 1em 1em; position:relative;
            border-radius: 15px; -webkit-border-radius: 15px; -moz-border-radius: 15px;
            background-color:#1C1C1C; color:#FAFAFA; ">
<!-- Notice board, grey box -->
<table class="plainlinks ambox style="background-color:#4f4f4f;">
<td class="ambox-image>[[File:Alert.png|30px]]</td>
<td class="ambox-text">
'''Team Fortress 2''' hasn't got any patch for  <big>{{#expr:trunc(({{#time: U|now}}-{{#time: U|{{updates|type=patch-year}}-{{updates|type=patch-month}}-{{updates|type=patch-day}}}})/86400)}}</big>  days since the last patch on [[Lastpatch|<span style="color: #81BEF7;">{{date fmt|1={{updates|type=patch-month}}|2={{updates|type=patch-day}}|3={{updates|type=patch-year}}}}</span>]] and it has been  <big>{{#expr:trunc(({{#time: U|now}}-{{#time: U|2017-10-20}})/86400)}}</big>  days since [[Jungle Inferno|<span style="color: #81BEF7;">Jungle Inferno</span>]] the last major update on [[October 20, 2017 Patch|<span style="color: #81BEF7;">October 20, 2017</span>]]!<br>'''《军团要塞2》'''自[[Lastpatch/zh-hans|<span style="color: #81BEF7;">{{updates|type=patch-year}}年{{updates|type=patch-month}}月{{updates|type=patch-day}}日</span>]]以来已有 <big>{{#expr:trunc(({{#time: U|now}}-{{#time: U|{{updates|type=patch-year}}-{{updates|type=patch-month}}-{{updates|type=patch-day}}}})/86400)}}</big> 天未发布新的补丁包,且自[[October 20, 2017 Patch/zh-hans|<span style="color: #81BEF7;">2017年10月20日</span>]]发布的最后一次大型更新[[Jungle Inferno/zh-hans|<span style="color: #81BEF7;">丛林炼狱</span>]]已过去了 <big>{{#expr:trunc(({{#time: U|now}}-{{#time: U|2017-10-20}})/86400)}}</big> 天!
Dereko may not able to stay active. For now, Dereko is reviewing and improving previously created translations.<br>
<!-- Companion Calling Card -->
{| class="infobox" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" style="background-color:#FFFFFF; color:#000000; float:right; clear:right; width:40%"
! colspan="3" style="background-color:#4f4f4f;" | <span style="color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 1.5em; font-weight: 500">Companion Calling Card</span>
! colspan="1" style="background-color:#1C1C1C; color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 1.5em; font-weight: 100; height:20px; width:15%;" | Identification Photo
! colspan="2" style="background-color:#1C1C1C; color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 1.5em; font-weight: 100; height:20px; width:25%;" | Basic Information
! rowspan="6" style="background-color:#BDBDBD;" | [[File:User Dereko infobox.png|300px]]
! style="background-color:#4f4f4f; color: #FFFFFF; text-align: center; font-weight: 400; width:10%;" | Name
! style="background-color:#BDBDBD; text-align: center; font-weight: 300; width:25%;" | Dereko
! style="background-color:#4f4f4f; color: #FFFFFF; text-align: center; font-weight: 400;" | Age
! style="background-color:#BDBDBD; text-align: center; font-weight: 300; " | {{#expr:{{#time:Y}}-2001}}
! style="background-color:#4f4f4f; color: #FFFFFF; text-align: center; font-weight: 400;" | Hometown
! style="background-color:#BDBDBD; text-align: center; font-weight: 300; " | Sichuan, China
! style="background-color:#4f4f4f; color: #FFFFFF; text-align: center; font-weight: 400;" | Self-claimed<br>Identity
! style="background-color:#BDBDBD; text-align: center; font-weight: 300; " | Jovialitist<br>Observation Addict<br>CEO of Dere Co.
! colspan="2" style="background-color:#1C1C1C; color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 1.5em; font-weight: 100; height:20px;" | Signature
! rowspan="1" colspan="2" style="background-color:#BDBDBD; color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 1.5em; font-weight: 300; height:20px;" | {{/Sig}}
! colspan="3" style="background-color:#1C1C1C; color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 1.5em; font-weight: 100; height:20px;" | Contact
! colspan="3" style="background-color:#BDBDBD; text-align: left;" | [[File:Steam tray.png|20px]] Steam: [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198124151247/ <span style="color: #0101DF;">76561198124151247</span>]<br>[[File:Bilibili Icon.png|20px]] Bilibili: [https://space.bilibili.com/27183760 <span style="color: #0101DF;">27183760</span>]
<!-- Quote -->
{{Quotation|'''The lord of Joviality'''.<br>'''乔瓦利提领主'''如是说。|He who wants to purge the pestilence of world must cure the joviality of souls.<br>如欲绝灭世界之毒害,必先肃正灵魂之愉悦。}}
<!-- Intro -->
<span style="font-size: 150%;">'''Brief introduction / 简介'''</span><br>
Greetings. This one has given themselves a lot of names, including but not limited to:
* Dereko. Preferably in most cases, especially as a TF2 player and/or Wiki editor.
* Deredere. When learned too much "de-" words and/or in short supply of sanity.
* Despa. When wanna enjoy myself despacito, as a friendly egoist.
* Desatis. Heartless creature. "But perhaps that's part of your charm."
* Deyuze. Decisive, dedicated, determined - or just any "de-" word sounds cool to you.
* Demontos. Deceptive, destructive, decayed - or just any "de-" word sounds bad (and also cool) to you.
* Destacius. When interested in rhetoric and exploration.
<span style="font-size: 150%;">'''Focus / 当前事项'''</span><br>
* Keep in the discharge of duty as a language moderator (zh-hans). Do not hesitate to contact me when needed.<br>履行身为moderator的职责。如有需要与我联系即可。
* Restore zh-hans localization work for TF2 to the best of my ability.<br>尽我所能,使TF2的简中本地化工作正常化。
* Maintain a [[/Map translation|<span style="color: #81BEF7">secret project</span>]].<br>维护一项[[/Map translation|<span style="color: #81BEF7">秘密计划</span>]]。
* Update translation pages on my Watchlist.<br>更新我监视列表当中的翻译页面。
<span style="font-size: 150%;">'''Journal & Watchlist / 日志 & 监视列表'''</span><br>
<span style="font-size: 150%;">'''Trivia / 细枝末节'''</span><br>
<span style="font-size: 150%;">'''Wikichievements / 维基成就'''</span><br>
<span style="font-size: 150%;">'''Gallery / 画廊'''</span><br>
{| align="left"
| {{User:Dereko/Userboxes}}
{| align="right"
[[Image:100k-signatures.png|650px|The 100kth file of TF2 wiki]]
<span style="font-size: 150%;">'''See also & External links / 参见 & 外部链接'''</span><br>
* The userbox image is made by [[User:VasyaTheWizard|<span style="color: #92c34c">VasyaTheWizard</span>]], which also used in [[:File:100k-groupphoto.png|<span style="color: #81BEF7">celebration image for 100,000 registered users</span>]].
* The Touhou gif image, [https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=63077093 <span style="color: #81BEF7">Pixiv ID:63077093</span>].
{{Chinese Editor Team
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[[Category:100k attendees]]

Revision as of 15:36, 14 September 2023

Merasmus Blood Money.png

Companion Calling Card
Identification Photo Basic Information
User Dereko infobox.png Name Dereko
Age 24
Hometown Sichuan, China
Observation Addict
CEO of Dere Co.
User Dereko Name.png
Steam tray.png Steam: 76561198124151247
Bilibili Icon.png Bilibili: 27183760
He who wants to purge the pestilence of world must cure the joviality of souls.
The lord of Joviality.

Brief introduction / 简介

Greetings. This one has given themselves a lot of names, including but not limited to:

  • Dereko. Preferably in most cases, especially as a TF2 player and/or Wiki editor.
  • Deredere. When learned too much "de-" words and/or in short supply of sanity.
  • Despa. When wanna enjoy myself despacito, as a friendly egoist.
  • Desatis. Heartless creature. "But perhaps that's part of your charm."
  • Deyuze. Decisive, dedicated, determined - or just any "de-" word sounds cool to you.
  • Demontos. Deceptive, destructive, decayed - or just any "de-" word sounds bad (and also cool) to you.
  • Destacius. When interested in rhetoric and exploration.

Focus / 当前事项

  • Keep in the discharge of duty as a language moderator (zh-hans). Do not hesitate to contact me when needed.
  • Restore zh-hans localization work for TF2 to the best of my ability.
  • Maintain a secret project.
  • Update translation pages on my Watchlist.

Journal & Watchlist / 日志 & 监视列表

Thanks for visiting!

I am updating the Chinese version of the main page and the following 497 pages,as well as some other pages not mentioning below:

25/01/10 漫画《岁月消逝》

24/05/26 医生炸弹魔书(消歧)

24/01/05 公司与企业列表

23/12/03 工程师地图Los Muertos

23/09/10 机枪手

23/04/18 爆破手

23/03/02 集换式卡牌

23/02/11 工程老爹的格纹衬衫

23/02/02 通报员

23/01/19 异形计数器

23/01/10 社区通报员

22/12/04 普鲁士头盔相机胡子背后诽谤者的小礼帽

22/10/23 官员的红军帽绅士的红军帽暴君头盔迪克西夫人的花礼帽塔维什王子的皇冠

22/10/10 翻转的圆毡帽精美的鹿角斯巴达战士头盔西班牙牛仔帽深色侦探帽绿林好汉之帽

22/07/19 灵异时刻

22/07/04 大富翁:军团要塞2

22/05/22 团队领袖之帽

22/03/26 喷图

21/12/26 火焰兵起源引擎

21/08/17 侦察兵士兵

21/06/24 泽菲尼亚·曼恩的遗嘱

21/05/08 JB·布兰克丹尼斯·贝特曼

21/03/05 马伦·马穆拉吉姆·莫瑞杰伊·平克顿埃里克·沃尔帕

21/02/22 漫画《裸者与死者》

21/02/13 黄金慈善海瑟·坎贝尔

21/02/03 迈克·莫拉斯基

21/02/01 加布·纽维尔罗宾·沃克约翰·库克

20/12/26 运输坦克

20/12/23 Steam集换式卡牌

20/12/17 死亡

20/12/14 重生/刷新

20/12/07 能量护盾

20/12/05 复活装置

20/11/29 烈焰浪人套装易燃武士盔本能寺纵火者

20/11/14 漫画《往日旧伤》

20/11/06 漫画《血浓于水》

20/10/26 迷途城堡

20/10/14 漫画《寒狱之行》

20/10/05 工布林怪物工具箱

20/09/27 漫画《坎坷回归》

20/09/12 粒子效果

20/09/09 雪茄大佬平线庸医面包(消歧)

20/09/04 面包头蟹面包大脚基辅老母鸡

20/08/30 击杀图标

20/08/28 漫画《解雇时刻》

20/08/21 民用级统计记录表

20/08/15 曼恩公司供应箱钥匙圣诞节礼物盒

20/08/02 漫画《摊牌》

20/08/01 化学试剂组

20/07/28 演说谷

20/07/08 账户类型连杀加工器

20/07/04 连杀工具包

20/07/02 漫画《石像鬼与碎石》

20/06/27 葛保诺火箭

20/06/22 奇异猪油礼物发射器

20/06/21 奇异转化药剂

20/06/14 稀有转化魔法魔咒书

20/06/11 漫画《机器推销员之死》

20/06/06 地图 Egypt

20/06/04 地图 Lakeside

20/06/01 守卫犬更新

20/05/30 漫画《匿影藏形》僵尸的符咒帽防火的秘密日记

20/05/24 隐藏页面

20/05/22 列车

20/05/18 双城(城市)

20/05/16 漫画《比德维尔的大计划》

20/05/12 名医帽绅士的蝴蝶结

20/05/10 陶俑战士藏龙人造满洲胡少林腰带

20/05/06 漫画《比下棋还可怕的命运》

20/05/01 换购

20/04/29 魔咒书页空白的花俏魔咒书花俏魔咒书

20/04/22 漫画《可视化历史》管理员的语音回应

20/04/13 配音演员

20/04/08 物品掉落系统

20/04/04 漫画《葛保诺的坠毁》漫画《真意》

20/03/24 漫画《血债血偿》

20/03/20 稀有

20/03/16 漫画《合同》

20/03/09 漫画《坟地争锋》

20/03/06 炸弹魔书(角色)

20/03/03 漫画《战争!》

20/02/28 荒芜之地(地区)荒芜之地的地图荒芜之地

20/02/22 漫画《厄运之友》

20/02/10 漫画《骨肉兄弟》

20/02/07 宝琳小姐TF 工业曼恩公司

20/01/31 管理员

20/01/23 澳元素生命延长装置

20/01/20 万圣节 BOSS 语音回应

20/01/11 漫画《跌宕事典》

20/01/04 萨克斯顿圣诞帽圣诞火腿小企鹅卵石雪景之帽炫目花环迪斯科之眼维京刺盔

19/12/20 袋基米德高音喇叭

19/12/25 漫画《拜见导演》

19/12/20 革命领袖派对斗篷

19/12/19 囚犯之帽苏维埃猛男

19/12/18 漫画《往事追叙》

19/12/17 非玩家角色/NPC

19/12/16 燃料喷射器亡者之王怒火狂鲨亡者之帽金丝雀矿工伊丽莎白三世鸦人面具巫毒面具面刺专家卡通蝙蝠帽魔眼(镜)面包口罩恐怖魔角骷髅先生口袋妖怪

19/12/10 长须神工

19/12/04 狂人面罩狂人约束衣

19/11/23 漫画《圣诞头条》

19/11/17 毁灭机器人

19/11/13 竞技模式

19/11/08 毁灭玩家

19/11/06 比赛模式

19/11/05 训练模式

19/11/03 漫画《炸弹魔书》

19/10/29 万圣节合同

19/10/27 马拉莫斯

19/10/23 脱缰的无头骑士

19/10/22 幽灵

19/10/21 万圣节魔咒

19/10/19 魔咒

19/10/16 万圣节地图

19/10/15 骷髅战士巫毒诅咒的灵魂

19/10/11 原子能饮料帽自大的海盗神速流氓箭迟但到和平破坏者不死之鸟融化的冰淇淋出生点看守者旅行者的大衣炸药腹肌无可饶恕之荣耀脑机接口头盔德州面包机基本必需品瓦加瓦加外套相机礼帽订书机英雄

19/10/10 大公夫人大公夫人的宝冠大公夫人的小仙女翅膀大公夫人的芭蕾舞短裙

19/10/09 满月之夜万圣节模式被诅咒的船长独眼乌贼鱿鱼船长

19/10/08 物品套装万圣节服装太阳王图坦卡蒙的诅咒拉美西斯的皇家遗物

19/10/05 饰品

19/10/02 装饰战绘

19/09/30 机制

19/09/26 游戏模式列表

19/09/24 地图 Lazarus

19/09/21 步哨枪

19/09/18 地图列表

19/09/17 皮肤武器

19/09/15 节日武器

19/09/14 物品兵种/职业

19/09/11 武器

19/09/10 精干的专业佣兵超级危险的胡须

19/09/04 作战装具丛林老兵的头盔走运的新兵

19/09/03 式样/样式

19/09/02 身体区域

19/09/01 睹者之选易燃之礼武装之袜拐杖糖雪翼滑板主菜单

19/08/30 交易Steam 社区市场

19/08/27 热带蟾蜍香蕉炸弹危险的呱呱

19/08/26 丛林里的花环嘶嘶作响的围巾古怪的格查尔鸟

19/08/25 军团要塞官方维基维基军帽鬼王(鬼王的脑袋鬼王的肩甲)

19/08/23 阿僵米德阿基米德(消歧)

19/08/22 Team Fortress 2

19/08/20 火焰兵幻境

19/08/11 猫(消歧)Mercenary Park(消歧)

19/08/07 地图 Snowplow

19/07/26 步哨助理迷你工程师

19/07/23 布.基齐先生的灵魂微型德州人

19/07/22 死不瞑目的间谍鬼魂披风幽灵诅咒之舟

19/07/21 魔术师的兔子帽暗影之人的礼帽梦魇猎手画皮

19/07/20 机器伙伴 3000

19/07/19 补给器

19/07/18 宝石之眼灼热人字拖

19/07/16 羽蛇神面具羽蛇神祭服献祭之石

19/07/13 战鹰图腾面具

19/07/09 猎手的必需品杀手的工具包

19/07/06 哥特式伪装火焰机器人 40 号

19/07/02 传送装置

19/06/30 建筑

19/06/28 随身补给器

19/06/24 商务休闲衫

19/06/17 阿伯丁的鸟人腐烂的鹦鹉

19/06/13 弓手的护鼻头盔皇家卫队射手之靴

19/04/22 霓虹灯饰

19/04/21 纵火狂蚁十字军战服

19/04/05 沙皇毡帽巨熊必需品

19/03/31 夜生活联邦闹事者

19/03/24 孤独的幸存者长毛熊怪少妇杀手

19/03/09 纸板海盗帽

19/03/03 鸭嘴面具蛛形纵火狂

19/02/14 为特别的人准备的一些特别的东西

19/02/13 火神之盔雅典战袍奥林匹亚信使口袋管理员

19/02/10 雪橇小伙伴暗夜猎手

19/02/09 钢铁防爆盔工程之神的塑像头戴式双筒观测器

19/02/08 鹰眼猎手飞行员夹克传奇武士的斗笠

19/02/07 胸口插大刀钓鱼工具包重型背带

19/02/06 骷髅贝雷帽弹药背心

19/02/05 苏格兰大胃王消防员的必备品

19/02/04 地图 Mercenary Park《丛林炼狱》宣传片阿兹特克战盔阿兹特克狂战士雪人公园纪念品佣兵公园纪念帽雪人公园安全帽

19/02/03 护耳军帽肥佬的野战帽精英特种兵西伯利亚之虎

19/02/02 00后佣兵少年的毛衣棒球小鸟

19/02/01 登山指挥官

19/01/31 吝啬鬼络腮胡

19/01/25 杀手面具暴徒型男恶棍之靴

19/01/18 重型海盗高科技间谍

19/01/17 公路之星主教之冠

19/01/13 爆击火箭神教徒

19/01/06 气派的骑士帽

18/12/02 夏威夷衬衫超重型游客

18/11/24 倒霉的雇佣兵

18/11/19 神秘的骨链蜡烛手雷

18/10/27 启蒙之灯

18/10/04 极地毛线帽

18/09/15 旋翼战士

18/09/08 烤肉背包镜面防护帽

18/08/29 花哨衬衫

18/08/28 废物挎包

18/08/27 割喉看门人

18/08/26 苏格兰王布鲁斯之盔

18/08/25 时髦的头带

18/08/24 背刺者之蛇

18/08/23 拿破仑情结

18/08/22 三明治之帽

18/08/21 鸡翅大侠弄臣之帽

18/08/20 手术头巾致死胡髭淘金者

18/08/19 异形寄生体《刺客信条:启示录》相关信息《异形丛生》相关信息

18/08/18 无名之人隐秘围巾

18/08/17 职业杀手的俄国军帽丛林一族的长须神射手的马海毛大衣

18/08/16 信使邮包蒙面兜帽

18/08/15 极地毛绒帽冻原防寒大衣

18/08/14 右舷斗士白金沙皇

18/08/13 南极护目镜卡车司机帽

18/08/12 同胞蛆虫毁灭者

18/08/11 偷猎者的夹克

18/08/05 螺栓海盗的双角帽炸弹兵的螺栓花白胡须

18/08/04 贝督因蒙面头巾斯巴达披风跳跳兔的弹道学背心外科学护膝

18/07/29 灯泡面罩金属鸟笼

18/07/28 灼人奇案烫手神探

18/07/22 废铁包丛林伪装盔火箭飞人

18/07/21 浮夸的朋克发型

18/07/01 日行者爆破手的遮风围巾

18/07/12 先锋之盔典雅的臂甲侍从的铠靴

18/07/11 天狗滑雪盔滑雪新手暴风滑雪裤

18/07/10 寄生之眼

18/07/01 恐怖的浓汤隐藏在垃圾桶内的生物

18/06/30 老兵的军服刺杀者西装

18/06/29 防破片头盔便携式啤酒冷却装置鸦里士多德

18/06/24 海王之魇斩手铡刀

18/06/22 气密式纵火狂面罩甜蜜的圣诞毛衣

18/06/18 无面之人格子呢斯巴达头盔

18/06/17 糖上舔血硬头硬脑

18/06/16 火焰驯鹿火爆萌物气球独角兽兜帽气球独角兽气球驯鹿独角兽

18/06/09 暗影刺客

18/06/08 午餐盒

18/06/07 自由之羽阿伯丁的鸟头人鸡辅猛禽麦基米德夜行者爵士帽

18/06/06 大规模杀伤性小伙伴死朋友

18/06/05 获元钾

18/05/27 报亡之雀头等大奖

18/05/25 地狱骨盔

18/05/20 公爵发型

18/05/19 谋帽害命芝加哥外套

18/05/18 古巴大胡子危机

18/05/13 外籍军团的军装

18/05/12 潜行者的皮衣裤

18/05/11 猫耳睡衣烈焰造型无边帽

18/05/06 宿醉英雄防爆背心

18/05/05 火箭十字盔北极巨熊

18/05/04 罪者之镜狂野西部胡须

18/05/01 海盗头巾

18/04/30 布尔什维克骑手

18/04/29 下界恶兽阿库拉博士血站总管的面容血站总管的大衣

18/04/28 澳冕星尘披风最后的拓荒者

18/04/20 清算人的帽子风流杀手

18/04/19 暗杀雨帽遮尘风衣

18/04/18 时空之主

18/04/15 病房大衣医学之谜

18/04/14 水管工之帽

18/04/07 蒸汽管的大问题悲惨之声

18/04/05 白色俄罗斯大佬勒布斯基

18/04/01 人民委员大衣

18/03/31 尖叫雄鹰冷锋践踏者

18/03/25 纵横七海

18/03/24 小灰人

18/03/23 严寒战线指挥官严寒战线防护衣

18/03/17 烈酒储存箱

18/03/16 第一次尝试:完善前辈翻译 舞会面具

How did you find here? Well,the following are some other things that I am watching.
I personnaly record them here to calculate and confirm the number of the pages on my watchlist.

  • 1391 Files
  • 17 Team Fortress Wiki
  • 29 Templates
  • 56 Categories

Trivia / 细枝末节

Dereko, the CEO of DERE CO.
  • This one holds a "peaceful semi-isolationism" diplomatic stance within TF2 community, in expectation to reduce loss of joviality and stay relatively focused on my position, since August, 2022.
    此人自2022年8月起在TF2社区中持“和平半孤立主义”的外交立场, 以期减少愉悦流失并在个人位置上保持相对专注。
  • This one has the honor of being a Wiki Cap owner since May 20, 2020. Sincere thanks to everyone support and trust me.
  • This one has a lot of eccentricities, which they won't tell you right here. Obviously the affection in "de-" words is one of them.

Wikichievements / 维基成就

Gallery / 画廊

Flag China.png This user is Chinese and knows more about Sun Tzu than you do. 你好!
Dead Heat Icon.png As of 16 March, 2025,
I have been a Team Fortress Wiki member for 7 years, 0 months, 0 days (since 16 March, 2018).

S This user is a Team Fortress Wiki staff member.
Kollectivization.png This user page is 7,321 bytes large.
Administrator Surveillance.png This user is addicted to surveillance and keeps a long Watchlist.
RED Wiki Cap.png This user owns a Wiki Cap.
Medic edit.png This user likes to "edit" teammates.
Heavy like to shoot this gun.PNG This user. Like. To edit. This wiki. Is all you need to know.
100k-signatures.png This user participated in creating the 100,000th file on the Wiki!
This user participated in creating the celebration image for 100,000 registered users!
Userbox Touhou Rin Kaenbyou.png This user is a fan of Touhou. Their favorite character is Rin Kaenbyou.

GLaDOS.png This user edits the Wiki for science. You monster.
Tony's Revenge.png This user has reached a wrong number!
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
zh-hans 简体中文是这位用户的母语。
es-1 Este usuario tiene un conocimiento básico del español.
The 100kth file of TF2 wiki

See also & External links / 参见 & 外部链接

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Translation Progress(zh-hans)
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Steam Profile
Bilibili Profile
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