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{{item icon|Capo's Capper|100px}}
{{item icon|Capo's Capper|100px}}
Because the Eviction Notice does significantly less damage, you'll have to rely more on the Tomislav for close range fighting. The faster spin-up makes this easier, as you can begin shooting and cause great damage before an enemy can do the same with a melee weapon. Use the Family Business to pick off straglers who have escaped the range of your Tomislav.
Because the Eviction Notice does significantly less damage, you'll have to rely more on the Tomislav for close range fighting. The faster spin-up makes this easier, as you can begin shooting and cause great damage before an enemy can do the same with a Cuerpo a cuerpo weapon. Use the Family Business to pick off straglers who have escaped the range of your Tomislav.

Revision as of 09:22, 29 June 2011

El Heavy es la clase más grande, resistente y lenta del juego. A pesar de que su Ametralladora tarda un poco de tiempo en girar, produce algunas de las mayores cantidades de daño del juego, especialmente a corto alcance. El Heavy puede seguir girando su arma para anteponerse a futuros encuentros. Su gran cantidad de salud y de potencia de fuego le convierte en un buen Amigo de Medic. Aún así, su gran tamaño y su lenta velocidad le convierten en un jugoso objetivo, especialmente para Snipers o Spies enemigos, y su volumen general le hacen mediocre para las emboscadas. Un buen Heavy coordina con su equipo para abordar los objetivos de las misiones juntos. Su utilidad cómo tropa de choque tanto en ataque cómo en defensa no debería de ser subestimada por ninguno de los dos equipos.

Armas primarias

Ametralladora / Telón de Acero

Item icon Minigun.png Item icon Iron Curtain.png

Piensa en la Ametralladora cómo una Escopeta de disparo rápido. Con ella, eres capaz de tomar a casi cualquier oponente en un escenario de uno contra uno. Puedes girarla en el aire, lo que te permite atrapar a enemigos por sorpresa a la vez que saltas alrededor de las esquinas. Si no tienes tiempo de preparar tu Ametralladora, cambia a tu Escopeta.


Item icon Natascha.png

Natascha ralentiza a los enemigos, forzándoles a parar y enfrentarte a tí en combate. Los efectos de la Ralentización pueden interrumpir a un Demoman usando el Targe de Carga, cualquier burla, y el uso de ítems consumibles. El daño reducido que produce hará que estés en una significativa desventaja cuando te enfrentes a un Heavy con la Ametralladora normal o el Titán de Latón.

Titán de Latón

Item icon Brass Beast.png

Aunque se podría decir que el Titán de Latón es el arma más fuerte del juego, estás increíblemente inmóvil cuando la usas. La lenta velocidad de giro te hace inadecuado para emboscar o moverte constantemente. Si no la has girado ya, eres muy vulnerable incluso a los ataques frontales. Úsala junto a la Escopeta en situaciones defensivas donde te mueves menos.


Item icon Tomislav.png

La mayor velocidad de giro de la Tomislav te permite hacer y responder a emboscadas más fácilmente. A pesar de que el daño que hace es reducido, disparas más pronto y produces grandes cantidades de daño en periodos de tiempo más cortos. Incluso en una lucha prolongada, deberías poder producir suficiente daño antes de que la desventaja de la potencia de fuego de la Tomislav se vuelva significativa. Úsala junto al Focata de Filete de Búfalo o los Guantes de Rapidez Ultraterrena para aprovechar sus ventajas y permanecer móvil.

Secondary Weapons


Item icon Shotgun.png

If healing yourself or your allies is not an issue, pick the Shotgun over the Sandvich. Although it may be a secondary weapon, it still deals plenty of damage, so use it when moving between areas or when there is no time to spin up your Minigun.

Family Business

Item icon Family Business.png

The increased clip size of the Family Business is balanced by its reduced damage, allowing it to be used for the same purposes as the Shotgun.


Item icon Sandvich.png

Use the Sandvich to quickly patch yourself up in between fights. Make sure to find a safe spot before taking it out, as you are completely helpless while eating. Alternatively, you can throw it on the ground to quickly heal yourself or your Medic while at the front lines. The Minigun will be your only ranged weapon, so keep an eye on your ammunition.

Dalokohs Bar / Fishcake

Item icon Dalokohs Bar.png Item icon Fishcake.png

The Dalokohs Bar cannot heal you as quickly as the Sandvich and cannot be dropped for allies. However, because it has no cooldown, you can eat it at any time to heal minor wounds and continuously keep your increased maximum health. The Dalokohs Bar can be beneficial if your team lacks a Medic but does have a constant source of healing from either a Dispenser or medkits.

Buffalo Steak Sandvich

Item icon Buffalo Steak Sandvich.png

The Buffalo Steak Sandvich is best used to move around the battlefield quickly. Because you are restricted to Cuerpo a cuerpo weapons only, avoid engaging enemies while under its effects. Consider using it alongside the Fists of Steel to mitigate the increased damage you take from ranged attacks. It can still be thrown onto the ground to heal yourself or injured teammates.

Melee Weapons

Fists / Saxxy

Item icon Fists.png Item icon Saxxy.png

If an enemy takes you by surprise at close range, it may still be worth it to just spin up your Minigun instead of switching to your Fists; you are slow and will probably be unable to get within Cuerpo a cuerpo range of your foe. Still, your large health pool does give you the advantage in Cuerpo a cuerpo fights.

Killing Gloves of Boxing

Item icon Killing Gloves of Boxing.png

Take out the Killing Gloves of Boxing when you have the enemy in a corner and can easily land your punches. Once you've obtained the critical hit boost, make the best use of it by switching to the Shotgun or simply continue swinging. Unless you're using the Tomislav, switching to your primary weapon will waste a significant portion of the boost.

Gloves of Running Urgently

Item icon Gloves of Running Urgently.png

Use the G.R.U. to quickly reach the front lines or to retreat from dangerous foes. You can use the Sandvich or Dalokohs Bar to negate the self-damage once you've reached your destination. When wearing them, you can help build a Medic's ÜberCharge meter at the maximum rate.

Fists of Steel

Item icon Fists of Steel.png

The Fists of Steel make you very difficult to kill with ranged weaponry, so take them out when crossing open areas. If an enemy tries to Cuerpo a cuerpo you, switch to your Minigun and shred them.

Warrior's Spirit

Item icon Warrior's Spirit.png

The slight damage increase does aid in killing enemies faster. If you are being healed by a Medic, the health penalty is negligible. However, unless you actively seek Cuerpo a cuerpo combat, use a different Cuerpo a cuerpo weapon to give yourself some utility.

Eviction Notice

Item icon Eviction Notice.png

The increased attack speed of the Eviction Notice does not make up for the reduced damage. Unless you are fairly inaccurate in Cuerpo a cuerpo combat and could benefit from firing twice as many punches, you're better off using a different Cuerpo a cuerpo weapon.

Item sets

The Hibernating Bear

Brass Beast Buffalo Steak Sandvich Warrior's Spirit

The resistance to critical hits is negligible. Due to the Warrior's Spirit lowering your maximum health, you will still die to a fully charged headshot, even when overhealed.

Black Market Business

Tomislav Family Business Eviction Notice Capo's Capper

Because the Eviction Notice does significantly less damage, you'll have to rely more on the Tomislav for close range fighting. The faster spin-up makes this easier, as you can begin shooting and cause great damage before an enemy can do the same with a Cuerpo a cuerpo weapon. Use the Family Business to pick off straglers who have escaped the range of your Tomislav.