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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Trenul Durerii}}
{{Weapon infobox
{{Weapon infobox
| weapon-slot = [[Melee/ro|Melee]]
| weapon-slot = [[Melee]]
| used-by = [[Soldier/ro|Soldatul]], [[Demoman/ro|Demoman]]
| used-by = [[Soldier]], [[Demoman]]
| weapon-image=Paintrain.png
| weapon-image=Paintrain.png
| display-loadout-stats = yes
| display-loadout-stats = yes
| backpack-image = pain train
| backpack-image = pain train
| level-and-type = Bâtă Paliativă de  Nivel 5
| level-and-type = Level 5 Makeshift Club
| positive-attributes = +1 ritm de capturare pentru purtător
| positive-attributes = +1 capture rate on wearer
| negative-attributes = 10% vulnerabilitate împotriva gloanţelor pentru purtător
| negative-attributes = 10% bullet damage vulnerability on wearer
| availability = Drop, Creare, [[Crate/ro#Series .234|Cutii]]
| availability = Drop, Craft, [[Crate#Series .234|Uncrate]]
| contributed-by = [http://steamcommunity.com/id/xkostolny Swizzle]
| contributed-by = [http://steamcommunity.com/id/xkostolny Swizzle]
{{Quotation|Lucruri spuse de către beatul '''Demoman'''|...voi merge la staţia trenului durerii în oraşul trenurilor.|sound=Demoman_gibberish13.wav}}
{{Quotation|Drunken gibberish spoken by '''the Demoman'''|...gonna take down to the pain train station in train town.|sound=Demoman_gibberish13.wav}}
'''Trenul Durerii''' este o armă [[melee/ro|melee]] deblocabilă pentru ambii [[Soldier/ro|Soldat]] şi [[Demoman/ro|Demoman]]. Pare să fie făcută dintr-un mâner de [[Axtinguisher/ro|Exctinctopor]] stricat prin care a fost bătut un cui pentru căi ferate.
The '''Pain Train''' is an unlockable [[melee]] weapon for both the [[Soldier]] and the [[Demoman]]. It consists of what appears to be a broken [[Axtinguisher]] handle outfitted with a large railroad nail.  
Când cărată, bâta oferă purtătorului forţă suplimentară de capturare, făcându-i să se numere ca doi jucători când capturează [[control points/ro|puncte de control]] şi [[carts/ro|încărcături]], astfel posedând aceeaşi abilitate ca [[Scout/ro|Cercetaşul]]. Din păcate, cărând Trenul Durerii face stăpânul să sufere cu 10% mai multe pagube de la armele ce folosesc gloanţe, ca [[Minigun/ro|Minigun-ul]], [[Scattergun/ro|Puşca cu Alice]], [[Shotgun/ro|Puşca]], [[Sniper Rifle/ro|Puşca cu Lunetă]] sau [[Sentry Gun/ro|Santinela]].  
When carried, the club grants its wielder additional capture force, effectively making them count as two players when capturing [[control points]] and [[carts]], thus acquiring the same ability as the [[Scout]]. On the downside, carrying the Pain Train makes its owner 10% more vulnerable to bullet-firing weapons, such as the [[Minigun]], [[Scattergun]], [[Shotgun]], [[Sniper Rifle]], or [[Sentry Gun]]s.  
== Pagube ==
== Damage ==
* De Bază: 65 (59 la 72 pagube)
* Base: 65 (59 to 72 damage)
* [[Mini-Crit/ro|Mini-Crit]]: 88
* [[Mini-Crit]]: 88
* [[Critical hit/ro|Lovitură Critică]]: 195
* [[Critical hit]]: 195
Pagubele sunt aproximative şi determinate de către testările comunităţii.
Damages are approximate and determined by community testing.
== Timp de Funcţionare ==
== Function times ==
* Interval de Atac: 0.8 (netestat)
* Attack Interval: 0.8 (untested)
Toate timpurile sunt în secunde. Timpurile sunt aproximative şi determinate de către testările comunităţii.
All times are in seconds. Times are approximate and determined by community testing.
| ingredient-1 = Sandman
| ingredient-1 = Sandman
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== Trivia ==
== Trivia ==
*Arma a fost lansată în [[March 18, 2010 Patch/ro|Patch-ul Martie 18, 2010]] ca parte din prima serie de conţinut creat de către comunitate.
*This weapon was released in the [[March 18, 2010 Patch]] as part of the first series of community-created content.
*Există un bug care face ca pagubele cauzate de foc să crească împotriva utilizatorului.T
*There is a bug that exists which causes flame damage to be increased against the user.
*Arma era intenţionată la început pentru Pyro.
*The item was originally intended for the Pyro.
*Trenul Durerii a fost adăugat accidental în sistemul de drpă cu o zi mai devreme ca "Obiectul Necunoscut 154". În acel timp, obiectul ar fi putut fi găsit prin sistemul de drop aleator, dar nu putea fi găsit în ghiozdan fără ajutorul unui magager de obiecte extern. Aproximativ 1200 jucători au găsit obiectul, dar nu a apărut în ghiozdan până când acesta a fost implementat oficial şi permanen pe data de 18 Martie. Când a fost pus în ghiozdan înainte de această dată, acest obiect avea imaginea [[Bottle/ro|Sticlei]].
*The Pain Train was accidentally added to the drop system a day earlier as "Unknown Item 154". At that time, the item could be acquired through the random drop system, but not found in the backpack without the help of an external item manager. Approximately 1200 players found the item, but it did not drop into the backpack until the item was permanently and officially implemented on March 18. When moved into the backpack before this, the item took the placeholder icon of the [[Bottle]].
*Pentru fabricare, Trenul Durerii se pune ca armă de Soldat şi de Demoman. Însă, folosit pentru obţinerea Jetonului pentru Clasă (cu orice schemă) va produce mereu un Jeton pentru Soldat.
*For crafting purposes, the Pain Train counts as both a Soldier and a Demoman weapon. However, using it for crafting a Class Token (with any blueprint) will always produce a Soldier Token.
*Obiectul a fost creat de însuşi Swizzle. Subtitlul pe care l-a inclus era "The Pain Train's a-comin! Woo woo!"(În română: "''Trenul Durerii vine-auum!Uuu uuu!''"
*The name was made up by Swizzle himself. The caption he also included with the submission was "The Pain Train's a-comin! Woo woo!"
*Când Demoman-ul batjocoreşte cu bâta, el face aceeaşi batjocură ca şi cu sticla, făcându-l să pară că bea din bâtă.
*When the Demoman is taunting with it, he makes the same taunt at with the bottle, making him look like he's drinking the club.
== Galerie ==
== Gallery ==
File:Pain Train Soldier 1st person cropped.png|Vedere prima persoană [[Soldier/ro|Soldat]].
File:Pain Train Soldier 1st person cropped.png|[[Soldier]] 1st person view.
File:Pain Train Soldier 1st person.png|Vedere plină prima persoană [[Soldier/ro|Soldat]].
File:Pain Train Soldier 1st person.png|[[Soldier]] Full 1st person view.
File:Pain Train Demoman 1st person cropped.png|Vedere prima persoană [[Demoman/ro|Demoman]].
File:Pain Train Demoman 1st person cropped.png|[[Demoman ]] 1st person view.
File:Pain Train Demoman 1st person.png|Vedere plină prima persoană [[Demoman/ro|Demoman]].
File:Pain Train Demoman 1st person.png|[[Demoman ]] Full 1st person view.
== Mai vezi ==
== See also ==
*[[Soldier strategy#Pain Train|Pain Train Strategy (Soldier)]]
*[[Soldier strategy#Pain Train|Pain Train Strategy (Soldier)]]
*[[Demoman strategy#Pain Train|Pain Train Strategy (Demoman)]]
*[[Demoman strategy#Pain Train|Pain Train Strategy (Demoman)]]

Revision as of 16:07, 3 November 2010

Template:Targeted Template:Weapon infobox

...gonna take down to the pain train station in train town.
— Drunken gibberish spoken by the Demoman

The Pain Train is an unlockable melee weapon for both the Soldier and the Demoman. It consists of what appears to be a broken Axtinguisher handle outfitted with a large railroad nail.

When carried, the club grants its wielder additional capture force, effectively making them count as two players when capturing control points and carts, thus acquiring the same ability as the Scout. On the downside, carrying the Pain Train makes its owner 10% more vulnerable to bullet-firing weapons, such as the Minigun, Scattergun, Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, or Sentry Guns.


Damages are approximate and determined by community testing.

Function times

  • Attack Interval: 0.8 (untested)

All times are in seconds. Times are approximate and determined by community testing.


Sandman Scrap Metal Pain Train
Item icon Sandman.png + Item icon Scrap Metal.png = Item icon Pain Train.png


  • This weapon was released in the March 18, 2010 Patch as part of the first series of community-created content.
  • There is a bug that exists which causes flame damage to be increased against the user.
  • The item was originally intended for the Pyro.
  • The Pain Train was accidentally added to the drop system a day earlier as "Unknown Item 154". At that time, the item could be acquired through the random drop system, but not found in the backpack without the help of an external item manager. Approximately 1200 players found the item, but it did not drop into the backpack until the item was permanently and officially implemented on March 18. When moved into the backpack before this, the item took the placeholder icon of the Bottle.
  • For crafting purposes, the Pain Train counts as both a Soldier and a Demoman weapon. However, using it for crafting a Class Token (with any blueprint) will always produce a Soldier Token.
  • The name was made up by Swizzle himself. The caption he also included with the submission was "The Pain Train's a-comin! Woo woo!"
  • When the Demoman is taunting with it, he makes the same taunt at with the bottle, making him look like he's drinking the club.


See also