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(Created page with "275px|right|The hitboxes used for bullet-based weapons {{Quotation|'''The Soldier,''' ''telling the Scout that bullets are faster than ever...")
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[[Image:Scout bullet hitboxes.png|275px|right|The hitboxes used for bullet-based weapons]]
[[Image:Scout bullet hitboxes.png|275px|right|The hitboxes used for bullet-based weapons]]
{{Quotation|'''The Soldier,''' ''telling the Scout that bullets are faster than everything else.''|You run fast, my bullets run faster!|sound=Soldier_DominationScout06.wav}}
{{Quotation|'''The Soldier,''' ''telling the Scout that bullets are faster than everything else.''|You run fast, my bullets run faster!|sound=Soldier_DominationScout06.wav}}

Revision as of 07:43, 14 June 2020

The hitboxes used for bullet-based weapons
You run fast, my bullets run faster!
The Soldier, telling the Scout that bullets are faster than everything else.

Hitscan attacks instantly damage targets in their path. All hitscan attacks emit down the crosshair, from the attacker's eye level, despite what is suggested by the view model and world model. Unlike projectiles, hitscan attacks are not code-rendered physical objects, but are infinitely-thin lines drawn on the server that are then rendered client-side visually as projectiles. Depending on the object hit and client settings, the hitscan weapon then generates an effect: dealing damage or painting blood and bullet hole sprites.

Atacurile hitscan cauzează damage instant țintelor din traiectoria lor. Toate atacurile hitscan sunt emise prin țintă, de la nivelul ochiului atacatorului, în ciuda a ceea ce este sugerat de către modelul de vizualizare și de cel din lume. Spre deosebire de proiectile, atacurile hitscan nu sunt obiecte fizice redate de către cod, ci sunt linii infinit de subțiri trasate pe server care apoi sunt redate către client vizual drept proiectile. Depinzând de obiectul lovit și de setările clientului, arma hitscan generează un efect: cauzând damage sau creând sprite-uri de sânge si găuri de glonț.

In technical terms, this means that hitscan weapons have infinite velocity, but this does not mean that they always damage instantly after firing.

În termeni tehnici, asta înseamnă că armele hitscan au viteză infinită, dar asta nu înseamnă că vor cauza damage instant după tragere.

Melee weapons, with the exception of the Spy's melee weapons and the Engineer's melees while working on a building, wait 0.25 seconds after input before initiating a short-ranged hitscan attack. This prevents the weapon from hitting or killing a foe before the melee animation completes.

Armele melee, cu excepția armelor melee ale Spy-ului și a armelor melee ale Engineer-ului în timpul lucrării la o construcție, așteaptă 0.25 de secunde după input înainte de a inițializa un atac hitscan de scurtă distanță. Asta împiedică arma să lovească sau să omoare înainte ca animația de melee sa fie completă.

There are two main types of hitscan attacks: those that make contact with the bullet-based hitbox (the eponymous 'bullets' and the Showdown taunt attack) and those that make contact with the environmental/projectile hitbox (melee weapons, the Chargin' Targe bash, and most other taunt attacks).

Există două tipuri principale de atacuri hitscan

Bullet-based weapons (a list of which is given below) fire seemingly infinite lines (the actual maximum range is ~56,754 units). When fixed weapon spread is disabled, all bullet-based weapons (with the exception of the Ambassador) are affected by bullet-spread during a 1.25 second cooldown after firing a bullet, which causes bullets to move off-course to varying degrees. The Ambassador and the Enforcer are the sole exceptions to this rule, and can fire a perfectly-accurate shot after a 0.8 second cooldown for the Ambassador and a 0.95 second cooldown for the Enforcer. Weapons that fire multiple pellets, like the Shotgun and Scout primaries, guarantee a pellet straight down the crosshair if the weapon was not fired within the last 1.25 seconds. When fixed weapon spread is enabled, these weapons that fire multiple pellets will use a fixed spread pattern that does not require a cooldown to be accurate. For example, the Shotgun uses a fixed 3x3 pattern when fixed spreads are enabled. If a weapon fires more than 9 pellets at once, fixed spread will cause multiple pellets to hit the same location.

Hitscan weapons have the ability to destroy enemy stickybombs once they're attached to a surface. Unlike most projectile-based weapons, hitscan weapons are unable to penetrate friendly players. The only exception to this rule is the Sniper's primary weapons.

Bullet weapons

Lista de arme ce folosesc gloanțe de tip „hitscan”
Primare Scattergun Force-A-Nature Shortstop Soda Popper Baby Face's Blaster Back Scatter
Scattergun Force-A-Nature Shortstop Soda Popper Baby Face's Blaster Back Scatter
Secundare Pistol Lugermorph Winger Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol C.A.P.P.E.R
Pistol Lugermorph Winger Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol C.A.P.P.E.R
Secundare Shotgun Reserve Shooter Panic Attack
Shotgun Reserve Shooter Panic Attack
Secundare Shotgun Reserve Shooter Panic Attack
Shotgun Reserve Shooter Panic Attack
Primare Minigun Natascha Iron Curtain Brass Beast Tomislav Huo-Long Heater
Minigun Natascha Iron Curtain Brass Beast Tomislav Huo-Long Heater
Secundare Shotgun Family Business Panic Attack
Shotgun Family Business Panic Attack
Primare Shotgun Frontier Justice Widowmaker Panic Attack
Shotgun Frontier Justice Widowmaker Panic Attack
Secundare Pistol Lugermorph C.A.P.P.E.R
Pistol Lugermorph C.A.P.P.E.R
Construcţie RED Level 3 Sentry Gun.png Red Mini Sentry.png
Sentry Gun Combat Mini-Sentry Gun
Primare Sniper Rifle Sydney Sleeper Bazaar Bargain Machina Hitman's Heatmaker AWPer Hand Classic Shooting Star
Sniper Rifle Sydney Sleeper Bazaar Bargain Machina Hitman's Heatmaker AWPer Hand Classic Shooting Star
Secundare SMG Cleaner's Carbine
SMG Cleaner's Carbine
Secundare Revolver Ambassador Big Kill L'Etranger Enforcer Diamondback
Revolver Ambassador Big Kill L'Etranger Enforcer Diamondback


The following is a model-by-model video rendering of the bullet-based hitboxes:

See also

External links