Difference between revisions of "April 14, 2011 Patch/fr"

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m (I know that it's not good but I can't translate that tonight)
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{{DISPLAYTITLE: Patch du 14 avril 2011}}
{{DISPLAYTITLE: Patch du 14 avril 2011}}
{{update info|Hatless Update}}
{{Patch layout
{{Patch layout
| source = http://store.steampowered.com/news/5305/
| source = http://store.steampowered.com/news/5305/

Revision as of 01:43, 19 April 2011

Cet article traite spécifiquement des changements apportés par le patch. Pour des informations sur la mise à jour, voir Mise à Jour Sans-Chapeau.

Notes de mise à jour

Apprenez-en plus à propos de la mise à jour sur la Page de la Mise à jour Sans-Chapeau
Hatless Update Titlecard.png

Changements au Moteur Source (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM)

  • Correction d'un exploit par injection de paquets dans les flux client/serveur
  • Correction d'un exploit d'UDP logging
    • Ajout d'une nouvelle commande serveur "sv_logsecret" laquelle émet un nouveau paquet UDP S2A_LOGSTRING2 à n'importe quel cible UDP avec la valeur secrète pré-entrée

Team Fortress 2

  • Ajout de la nouvelle carte Koth_Badlands
  • Mise à jour de CP_Well :
    • La zone de réapparition près du 2ème point de contrôle est maintenant une porte à sens unique
  • Mise à jour de l'Entraînement :
    • Ajout de 3 nouvelles classes à l'entrainement : Demoman, Engineer et Spy
    • Ajout du Succès "Ready for Duty" pour terminer tous les entraînements.
  • Ajout d'un nouveau système pour associer les serveurs dédiés au compte Steam
    • Utilisez la commande console "cl_gameserver_create_identity" pour créer un compte serveur utilisant le compte steam actuellement connecté. Ceci génèrera des valeurs pour "tf_server_identity_account_id" et "tf_server_identity_token"
    • Met les valeurs de "tf_server_identity_account_id" et "tf_server_identity_token" dan votre fichier server.cfg
    • Utilisez la commande console "cl_gameserver_list" pour lister tous les comptes de serveur de jeu possédés par le compte Steam.
  • Ajout d'un nouveau système de coaching de joueur
  • Ajout d'un nouveau système de vote
    • Variables serveurs pour contrôler le système de vote :
      • sv_allow_votes : Permettre le vote ?
    • sv_vote_failure_timer : Un vote qui a échoué ne peut être revoté avant la fin de cette période
      • sv_vote_allow_specators : Permettre aux spectateurs de voter ?
      • sv_vote_issue_changelevel_allowed : Permettre le vote pour changer de niveaux ?
      • sv_vote_issue_kick_allowed : Permettre le vote pour exclure des joueurs du serveur ?
      • sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_allowed : Permettre le vote pour paramétrer le niveau suivant ?
      • sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_allowextend : Permettre le vote pour rallonger la carte actuelle ?
      • sv_vote_issue_restart_game_allowed : Permettre le vote pour redémarrer la partie ?
      • sv_vote_issue_scramble_teams_allowed : Permettre le vote pour mélanger les équipes ?
      • sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_choicesmode : Présenter aux joueurs une liste des cartes avec le moins de temps joué pour choisir ?
      • sv_vote_kick_ban_duration : Combien de temps une exclusion devrait-elle durer ? (en minutes)
  • Chargements dynamiques pour améliorer les performances
  • Changements aux Textes de Combat :
    • Ajout d'une nouvelle variable "hud_combattext_healing" pour montrer le montant de soin donné par seconde
    • Ajout de points bonus pour les objets montrés en utilisant les Textes de Combat
    • La valeur de départ est maintenant affectée par la distance à la cible, rendant plus simple la visualisation des nombres lorsqu'on est proche de ses cibles
  • Mise à jour des voix pour utiliser le codec vocal de Steam pour améliorer la qualité
    • Les serveurs peuvent maintenant changer entre l'ancien et le nouveau codec à l'aide "sv_use_steam_voice", qui est sur 1 par défaut
  • Correction de l'incapacité à voir les couleurs correctes pour les chapeaux peints lorsque l'on tournait le jeu sous DX8
  • Correction de l'incapacité de voir le caractère | dans les noms et descriptions personnalisés
  • Correction d'un certains nombre de cas où les graffitis n'étaient pas importés correctement
  • Changements des Duel
  • La fenêtre de duel à été étendue afin d'inclure les duels spécifiques à une classe en plus des duels par défaut.
    • Les Badges montrent saintement uniquement le nombre de victoires que le joueur a.
  • Ajout des cartes Charge utile à l'entrainement hors ligne.
  • Correction des morts par raillerie du Demi-Zatoichi ne comptant pas comme mort faite par honneur.
  • Correction d'un bug causant une augmentation de la probabilité de critique en tuant un porteur du Katana avec un Katana.
  • Correction d'un exploit de générateurs de bruit infinis où les générateurs pouvaient être utilisés après leur changement.
  • Amélioration de l'effet du Bonus d'extra santé du Medic pour être plus remarquable.
  • Correction des entités func_build pour respecter la valeur de l'équipe et empêcher l'équipe associée de construire dans la zone.
  • Changements des objets:
  • Bot changes:
    • Added Spy TFBots. Spy bots have basic cloaking, diguising, sapping, and backstabbing behaviors now, and are ready to join the fight
    • TFBots understand the basics of the Payload scenario now, and will push the cart on offense, and try to stop the cart on defense
    • Added navigation meshes for pl_goldrush, pl_badwater, pl_upward, pl_thundermountain, and pl_hoodoo_final
    • Improved TFBot reactions to cloaked and/or disguised enemy Spies
    • Improved Demoman bot behaviors for planting sticky bomb traps
    • Demoman bots will now try to move to a safe spot and lob stickybombs onto enemy sentry nests to destroy them
    • Soldier bots switch to their shotgun after emptying their rocket launcher at close/medium range
    • TFBots will no longer hide from sapped or carried sentryguns
    • Engineer bots are better at moving their sentry gun nest as the scenario changes
    • Improved Sniper bot algorithm for finding good sniping spots for both Capture Point and Payload scenarios
    • Sniper bots will take opportunistic shots at targets while they move to their desired sniping spot
    • Fixed bug where Sniper bots would sometimes stand around in their spawn room doing nothing.
    • Improved TFBot ability to find a safe vantage spot to attack enemy sentry guns
    • TFBots will no longer try to use a teleporter entrance they can't actually reach
    • Added tf_bot_melee_only cvar. If set to 1, all TFBots will be restricted to only using their melee weapon

Changements Non Documentés

  • Changes to the Spy
    • Spies now can speak their Domination or Revenge lines correctly when using the Knife or Conniver's Kunai.
    • Added new animation for all Spy melee weapons when moving away from a backstab position.
  • Ajout de l'option pour cacher les doublons dans l'Inventaire
  • Modification des textures par défaut du Googly Gazer
  • Updated the main menu to include 'resume game', 'call a vote' and 'request coach' selections.
  • Menu background is now transparent when connected to a server.
  • The Mann Co. Store featured item is no longer viewable by default from the main menu. It will appear upon selecting the 'shop for items' button.
  • Class models presented in the loadout screen are now static and do not play idle animations.
  • Added phong shader on the Grenade Launcher grenades.
  • 'Autoscrambling the teams on round start' is integrated into default server mechanics.
  • Server-side model attachments, as used in popular mods like VS Saxton Hale Mode and Advanced Weaponiser are now entirely disabled.
  • Attribute 23 (no airblast) which was previously applied to the Backburner, is no longer functional. Other attributes that previously have been removed from weapons and are no longer in use, are still functional to date (ie. attribute 49: no double jump).
  • Server plugins can no longer remove wearable items (such as hats) from players. Weapons can still be removed, however.
  • Attempting to modify serverside items_game.txt will not work; the server will always use the default values. Some servers will even run without this file.
  • Items bought from the Mann Co. Store now have a 2 day wait before becoming tradable.

Fichiers modifiés

Note: Le journal des modifications ci-dessous est généré à partir des différences entre deux révisions du jeu. Ces données peuvent être incomplètes ou incohérentes.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.
Changements de la révision
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/bin/server.dll
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/bin/server.dylib
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/bin/server.so
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/maps/cp_well.bsp
Added: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/maps/itemtest.bsp
Added: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/maps/koth_badlands.bsp
Added: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/maps/koth_badlands.nav
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/maps/koth_sawmill.nav
Added: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/maps/pl_badwater.nav
Added: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/maps/pl_goldrush.nav
Added: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/maps/pl_hoodoo_final.nav
Added: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/maps/pl_thundermountain.nav
Added: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/maps/pl_upward.nav
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/maps/tr_dustbowl.bsp
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/maps/tr_target.bsp
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/maps/tr_target.nav
Added: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/media/tr_goldrush.bik
Added: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/media/tr_goldrush.mov
Added: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/media/tr_target_demo.bik
Added: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/media/tr_target_demo.mov
Added: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/media/tr_target_engineer.bik
Added: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/media/tr_target_engineer.mov
Added: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/media/tr_target_spy.bik
Added: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/media/tr_target_spy.mov
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/particles/class_fx.pcf
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/particles/class_fx_dx80.pcf
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/particles/explosion.pcf
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/particles/explosion_dx80.pcf
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/particles/explosion_dx90_slow.pcf
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/particles/explosion_high.pcf
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/particles/medicgun_attrib.pcf
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/resource/TF2Build.ttf
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/resource/tf_english.txt
Added: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/sound/coach/coach_attack_here.wav
Added: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/sound/coach/coach_defend_here.wav
Added: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/sound/coach/coach_go_here.wav
Added: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/sound/coach/coach_look_here.wav
Added: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/sound/coach/coach_student_died.wav
Added: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/sound/ui/duel_challenge_accepted_with_restriction.wav
Added: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/sound/ui/duel_challenge_rejected_with_restriction.wav
Added: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/sound/ui/duel_challenge_with_restriction.wav
Added: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/sound/ui/message_update.wav
Added: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/sound/ui/training_point_big.wav
Added: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/sound/ui/training_point_small.wav
Modified: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/HUD/death_panel_mask.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/models/player/items/all_class/team_button_blu.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/models/player/items/engineer/engineer_eye_machine_blue.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/models/player/items/engineer/engineer_eye_machine_red.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/models/player/items/engineer/engineer_eye_team_blue.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/models/player/items/engineer/engineer_eye_team_red.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/models/player/items/pyro/pyromancer_horn_texture.vtf
Modified: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/models/player/items/pyro/pyromancers_mask.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/models/player/items/pyro/pyromancers_mask_s1.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/models/player/items/pyro/pyromancers_mask_s2.vtf
Modified: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/models/player/items/scout/mnc_mascot_all.vtf
Modified: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/models/player/items/spy/spy_private_eye.vtf
Modified: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/models/player/items/spy/spy_private_eye_blue.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/models/props_badlands/siloroom_light2.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/vgui/achievements/tf_complete_training.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/vgui/achievements/tf_complete_training_bw.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/vgui/hud/vote_no.pwl.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/vgui/hud/vote_no.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/vgui/hud/vote_yes.pwl.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/vgui/hud/vote_yes.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/vgui/icon_checkbox.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/vgui/icon_coach.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/vgui/icon_resume.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/vgui/icon_whistle.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/vgui/polaroid_empty.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/vgui/polaroid_overlay.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/vgui/replay/bottomFringe.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/vgui/replay/info_button_over_small.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/vgui/replay/info_button_small.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/vgui/replay/panel_scalable_balloon.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/vgui/replay/panel_scalable_default.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/vgui/replay/panel_scalable_highlight.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/vgui/store/mannco_promo.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/vgui/tf_box.vtf
Modified: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/demo/top_hat.dx80.vtx
Modified: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/demo/top_hat.dx90.vtx
Modified: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/demo/top_hat.mdl
Modified: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/demo/top_hat.phy
Modified: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/demo/top_hat.sw.vtx
Modified: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/demo/top_hat.vvd
Modified: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/engineer/mad_eye.dx80.vtx
Modified: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/engineer/mad_eye.dx90.vtx
Modified: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/engineer/mad_eye.mdl
Modified: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/engineer/mad_eye.sw.vtx
Modified: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/engineer/mad_eye.vvd
Modified: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/pyro/pyro_pyromancers_mask.dx80.vtx
Modified: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/pyro/pyro_pyromancers_mask.dx90.vtx
Modified: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/pyro/pyro_pyromancers_mask.mdl
Modified: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/pyro/pyro_pyromancers_mask.phy
Modified: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/pyro/pyro_pyromancers_mask.sw.vtx
Modified: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/pyro/pyro_pyromancers_mask.vvd
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/props_badlands/siloroom_light2.dx80.vtx
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/props_badlands/siloroom_light2.dx90.vtx
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/props_badlands/siloroom_light2.mdl
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/props_badlands/siloroom_light2.phy
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/props_badlands/siloroom_light2.sw.vtx
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/props_badlands/siloroom_light2.vvd
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/props_badlands/siloroom_light2_small.dx80.vtx
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/props_badlands/siloroom_light2_small.dx90.vtx
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/props_badlands/siloroom_light2_small.mdl
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/props_badlands/siloroom_light2_small.phy
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/props_badlands/siloroom_light2_small.sw.vtx
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/props_badlands/siloroom_light2_small.vvd