Eureka Effect

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It fixes, it dents craniums, it's the wonder tool of the century!
— Eureka Effect publicity blurb

The Eureka Effect is a melee weapon for the Engineer. It is a retro-futuristic pipe wrench with a team-colored handle and an atomic symbol etched into the top of it. A spiral antenna, not unlike a Template:W, is attached to the head. A switch near the top of the grip is connected to a red wire that is plugged into the bottom of the antenna.

Using this wrench prevents the player from being able to haul buildings. Instead, pressing alt-fire or taunting (default key 'G') will cause the Engineer to perform a taunt for approximately 2 seconds with the weapon, during which he hoists his wrench into the air and is struck by a bolt of lightning, causing him to be teleported directly to the team's active respawn room. Doing so gives him full ammo and health and removes all effects caused by other players in the process and allows him to change his loadout, similar to touching a resupply cabinet. The taunt cannot be activated if the player is in the air or in water.

Switching from this weapon to a different melee weapon will destroy all existing buildings.

The Eureka Effect was later contributed to the Steam Workshop, at Valve's request.

Damage and function times

See also: Damage
Identical to: Wrench
Damage and function times
Base damage 100% 65
Point blank 55-75
Critical 195
Mini-crit 75-101
Damage repaired per hit 105
Upgrade amount per hit 25
Metal cost per repairing hit 1 + damage / 5
Metal cost for reloading ammo 1 / bullet
2 / rocket salvo
Function times
Attack interval 0.8 s
Values are approximate and determined by community testing.


Item set

Main article: Item sets
Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack
Item icon The Brainiac Pack Bundle.png

No effect


See also: Crafting


Jag Reclaimed Metal Eureka Effect
Item icon Jag.pngx2 + Item icon Reclaimed Metal.png = Item icon Eureka Effect.png
Class Token - Engineer Slot Token - Melee Scrap Metal Possible Results
Item icon Class Token - Engineer.png + Item icon Slot Token - Melee.png + Item icon Scrap Metal.png =
Item icon Gunslinger.png Item icon Southern Hospitality.png Item icon Jag.png Item icon Eureka Effect.png

As a crafting ingredient

Refined Metal Brainiac Pack weapon Possible Results
Item icon Refined Metal.pngx4 + Item icon Pomson 6000.pngItem icon Eureka Effect.png =
Item icon Brainiac Hairpiece.png Item icon Brainiac Goggles.png
Eureka Effect Reclaimed Metal Rescue Ranger
Item icon Eureka Effect.pngx3 + Item icon Reclaimed Metal.png = Item icon Rescue Ranger.png


Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer

Built to Last
Built to Last
Help a single building tank over 2000 damage without being destroyed.

Circle the Wagons
Circle the Wagons
Repair 50,000 damage to friendly buildings constructed by other players.

Doc, Stock, and Barrel
Doc, Stock, and Barrel
Repair a sentry gun under fire while being healed by a Medic.

Fistful of Sappers
Fistful of Sappers
Destroy 25 sappers on buildings built by other team members.

Get Along!
Get Along!
Manage to get to, and then remove, a sapper placed on your building while you were several meters away.
Land Grab
Land Grab
Help a teammate construct a building.

Quick Draw
Quick Draw
Kill a Spy and two sappers within 10 seconds.

Rio Grind
Rio Grind
Perform 50 repairs and/or reloads on a Sentry gun being Wrangled by another Engineer.

Silent Pardner
Silent Pardner
Upgrade 50 buildings built by other team members.

The Wrench Connection
The Wrench Connection
Kill a disguised spy with your Wrench.

Update history

December 15, 2011 Patch (Australian Christmas 2011)

  • The Eureka Effect was added to the game.

December 16, 2011 Patch

  • Fixed an exploit with The Eureka Effect where the effects could activate without taunting in high-lag situations

January 11, 2012 Patch

  • Added crafting blueprint for the Eureka Effect.

Unused content

  • There is an idle particle designed for the tip of the electrode which is unused.


  • Because the Eureka Effect's alt-fire functions like an instant respawn, it will still replenish metal, ammo, and health in Arena mode and during Sudden Death, remove stored Revenge Crits if the Frontier Justice is equipped, and remove any crit boost status (such as crits during Humiliation) or debuff status (such as Jarate and being marked for death).
  • The hauling HUD prompt is still present when this weapon is equipped.
  • The Eureka Effect currently uses the suicide kill icon, as the associated kill icon entry "wrenchmotron" is currently missing (though one named "eureka_effect" exists).


  • The weapon's alt-fire ability bears resemblance to the Instant Teleport, a scrapped secondary weapon which would teleport the Engineer to his Teleporter Exit.
  • The name is derived from the term Template:W, any sudden unexpected discovery, or the sudden realization of the solution to a problem.
  • This weapon is called the Wrenchmotron 600 on the Dr. Grordbort's website. The Eureka Effect is listed as an "electrifying taunt" there.[1]



See also
