Pyro taunts

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The Pyro

Taunts are character-specific animations that can be manually triggered in-game. The Pyro has several taunts, all of which are listed below with applicable voicelines and a description of the animation. This does not include voice responses or voice commands.


Pyrotaunt1.PNG Associated items Description
The Pyro thrusts their weapon in the air while cackling triumphantly or yelling; there are three different audio cues (second, third).

If taunting with the Phlogistinator at full 'Mmmph', the player gains invulnerability and knockback resistance for the duration of the taunt, after which they are granted full critical hits for ten seconds.

Pyro Armageddon Taunt.png Associated item DescriptionKill Icon
Main article: Armageddon
The Pyro blows a stream of bubbles with a bubble wand as a rainbow with a Balloonicorn at the top forms above them. Then, the Pyro leans over and releases a circular wave of fire around them, damaging any opposite team members caught in the blast. If a player is viewing this taunt while not in Pyroland, the rainbow and the Balloonicorn are invisible and the stream of bubbles is replaced with an arc of fire, though the bubble wand remains visible.
  • Killicon armageddon.png


Pyrotaunt2.PNG Associated items DescriptionKill Icon
Main article: Hadouken
The Pyro charges up and fires a burst of fire from their gloved hands. In Pyroland, the Pyro laughs before firing the blast.
  • Killicon hadouken.png

Execution.PNG Associated item DescriptionKill Icon
Main article: Execution
The Pyro adjusts their stance and fires one shot killing an enemy at close range. If the shot misses, it continues to travel as if fired normally.
  • Killicon execution.png

Gasblast.png Associated item DescriptionKill Icon
Main article: Gas Blast
The Pyro pulls a match out and mocks lighting a fart, using the Thermal Thruster to shoot a plume of fire.
  • Killicon gas blast.png


Pyrotaunt3.PNG Associated items Description
The Pyro plays air guitar on their weapon, making sounds with their voice.
Air guitar
Air guitar end

The Third Degree plays heavy metal guitar noises alongside their voice:

Heavy metal air guitar

The Neon Annihilator plays rumbling bass guitar noises alongside their voice:

Bass air guitar
Lollichop taunt.png Associated item Description
The Pyro spins the Lollichop in their hand, laughs and raises it victoriously as in Meet the Pyro. If a player is viewing this taunt while not in Pyroland, the weapon seen is the stock Fire Axe, though this does not affect the taunt itself.
Pyrotaunt2.PNG Associated item DescriptionKill Icon
Main article: Hadouken
The Pyro charges up and fires a burst of fire from their gloved hands. In Pyroland, the Pyro laughs before firing the blast.
  • Killicon hadouken.png



Taunt balloonibouncer.png Associated item Description
The Pyro brings out and rides a spring-mounted Balloonicorn.


*Laugh* "Mweh!"
*Laugh* "Hueh."
*Gleeful laugh*


[gleeful laughter]
[rhythmic laughter]
[rhythmic humming]
[gleeful laughter]
[muffled laughter]
"Wooo hoo hoo hoo!"
"Woo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!"
"Woo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!"
"Ah ha ha ha ha ha!"
"Whoo hoo hoo! Hudda!"
"Hoo! Hud hudda!"
[maniacal laughter]
[evil laugh]
[evil laugh 2]
[long laugh]

Associated sound effects

[sitting down]
[Squeak 1]
[Squeak 2]
[Squeak 3]
[Squeak 4]
[Squeak 5]
[getting up]

Taunt Cremators Condolences.png Associated item Description
The Pyro pretends to cry while offering a box of paper tissues, then laughsbefore throwing the box away.

Taunt headcase.png Associated item Description
The Pyro pulls out a serving platter with a lid, which they take off and drop in a vigorous manner to reveal the decapitated head of a Heavy. The Pyro then proceeds to smell test the head, followed up with a classic "chef's kiss" movement that makes the head fall off the platter and hit the floor.

Taunt Hot Wheeler.png Associated item Description
The Pyro drives around a motorized tricycle, with the option of driving it more enthusiastically by pressing the "action" button.

The player continuously moves forward during this taunt, only being able to turn left and right.

Taunt Party Trick.png Associated item Description
The Pyro makes a balloon animal-version of the Balloonicorn. The Pyro then pulls out a lighter and lights it and giggles whilst clapping their hands.

Associated sound effects

[puffing sounds]
[busy mumbling]
[maniacal laughter]


[clap], [clap], [clap], [clap], [clap], [clap], [clap]

Taunt Pool Party.png Associated item Description
The Pyro inflates a small kiddie pool, pours gasoline in it, jumps in, and plays with a Rubber Duck.

Taunt Roasty Toasty.png Associated item Description
The Pyro leaps up, as a log, a campfire, and a stick with two marshmallows stuck to it spawn beneath them. As they settle, the Pyro's foot launches the stick into the air, which the Pyro catches. They sit on the log crosslegged, and begin to roast the marshmallows on the fire, occasionally checking how burned the marshmallows have become. When the taunt is finished, the marshmallows catch fire, and the Pyro throws the stick into the campfire and claps, before standing up.

Stump appears

[muffled grunt of effort]

Holding up the stick

"Huh dah!"
"Ruh dyah!"
"Huddah hudduh!"
"Huppo hoh!"

Roasting the marshmallows

"Euduh rah!
"Ohh...ruddah buddoh."
[mumbled scat singing]
"Gvuuh jovhh."
"Phice fah."
"Fink fhu."
"Uh-huh." (muffled)
"Huffah hu-oh!"
"Huddah hu-oh!"
"Huh-nah! Huh-naaah..."
[evil laugh]
[evil laugh]


[evil laugh 2]
"Wooo hoo hoo hoo!"
"Woo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!"
"Woo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!"
"Ah ha ha ha ha ha!"
*Gleeful laugh*

Taunt Scorcher's Solo.png Associated item Description
The Pyro sits on the ground and tries to poorly play a few songs on a toy piano.


Dreams of Cruelty
Team Fortress 2 Main Theme

Taunt Skating Scorcher.png Associated item Description
The Pyro hops into some ice skates and begins skating. Pressing MOUSE1 or MOUSE2 makes the Pyro do different tricks; they also do a trick when ending the taunt. When starting and ending this taunt, Pyro emits the same sound and particle effects as the Noise Maker - Winter Holiday.

The player continuously moves forward during this taunt, only being able to turn left and right.


Burstchester Pyro.png Associated item Description
A creature resembling a Bread monster partially comes out of the Pyro's chest. The Pyro pats the creature, which tries to bite their hand, causing the Pyro to quickly flinch their hand back. The creature then goes back inside.

Creature noises

[Long scream 1]
[Long scream 2]
[Happy scream 1]
[Happy scream 2]
[Growl 1]
[Growl 2]
[Growl 3]
[Growl 4]
[Growl 5]
[Growl 6]
[Growl 7]
[Growl 8]
[Growl 9]
[Growl 10]
[Snap 1]
[Snap 2]
[Snap 3]
[Snap 4]
[Snap 5]
[Snap 6]
[Snap 7]
[Snap 8]

Pyro Cheers!.png Associated item Description
The Pyro leans to the left as they take out a team-colored gas canister, holding it high up with their left hand and pointing to it with their left index finger while mumbling. They readjust their posture and look both sides, then tilt themselves back as they drink enthusiastically from it through the breathing filter on the front of their gas mask. As Pyro is done drinking, they shudder briefly before putting the canister away.

Conga Pyro.png Associated item Description
The Pyro bounces in rhythm to the Latin beats and while mumbling:

Dancing to the Conga

[amused laughter]
[gleeful laughter]
[cheerful humming]
[rhythmic laughter]
"Whoo, hoo hoo!"
[rhythmic humming]
[raunchy laughter]
"Whoo hoo!"
The player continuously moves forward during this taunt, only being able to turn left and right.

Pyro Director1.png Associated item Description
The Pyro extends their arms and makes a square with their fingers, trying to visualize the scene in front of them in a frame or a screen. This taunt has two variants:


  • Pyro hops and lands with their legs open, their arms angled a bit downwards, and the hands parallel to one another vertically, with both palms facing forward. They also shake their hips a bit.


  • Pyro throws their hip to the right, elbows pointing to the sides, and hands parallel to one another horizontally, with the right hand's palm facing forward and the left hand's palm facing them.

Fist Bump Pyro.png Associated item Description
The Pyro raises their right hand closed into a fist up high before extending their arm forward and inviting others for a fist bump.



While waiting, the Pyro looks left and right while saying:

[muffled] "Right here!"
[muffled challenging]
[menacing muffles]

The Pyro then quickly claps twice and giggles in excitement before punching the other player's fist.


After a successful fist bump, the Pyro swings their left arm in a backward motion with a hearty laugh.

Flippin Awesome Pyro.png Associated item Description
The Pyro bends their knees slightly with their hands interlocked to form a platform for players to flip themselves off. If the Pyro is being flipped, they perform a somersault in mid-air.

Preparing to flip

"Whoo hoo hoo! Hudda!"
"Hoo! Hud hudda!"
"Hellooo! Let's load 'em up!!"

Flipping another player

(sing-song) "Up you go!"

Being flipped

"I'm flying!"
"Hah da-ra!"
"Wooo hoo hoo hoo!"
"Woo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!"
"Woo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!"
"Ah ha ha ha ha ha!"

After flipping

"Yee haw!"
"Ha ha ha!"
"You know the drill!"
"Come to me!"
"Hud hudda hud hah!"
"Thanks again!"
"Thanks a lot!"
"Thank you for the (unintelligible)!"

Pyro highFiveSuccessFull.png Associated item Description
The Pyro hops and raises their hand while saying:
"Hit me!"
"High five!/Come on!"

The Pyro then snaps their fingers before slapping the other player's hand. There are two possible reactions to the successful high five:

  • Pyro crosses their arms on their chest while saying:
*Laugh* "Mweh!" (Possibly "Haha, yeah!")
*Laugh* "Hueh." (Possibly "Haha, yeah!" or "Haha, [al]right!")
  • Pyro bounces in place while clapping and saying:
*Gleeful laugh*

Kazotsky Kick Pyro.png Associated item Description
The Pyro bends their knees and kicks from side to side while their open arms bounce up and down. The Pyro eventually closes their hands into fists in front of them, in an excited manner, opening their arms back and looking left and then right soon after. The player can freely move around, albeit slowly, during this taunt.

Pyro Killer Joke.png Associated item Description
The Pyro plays a sting and an unchoked cymbal, then gleefully stomps the ground before raising both drum sticks up.

Stomping ground

"Woo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!"
"Wooo hoo hoo hoo!"
"Woo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!"
"Ah ha ha ha ha ha!"

Raising drumsticks


Mannrobics Pyro.png Associated item Description
The Pyro goes through an aerobics routine with the option of a class-specific animation. The player can freely move around, albeit slowly, during this taunt.

Pyro Mourning Mercs.png Associated item Description
Pyro takes a step back and raises their hands in front of their chest, then falls to their knees while crying and rubbing their gas mask's lenses with their hands before getting back up.

Pyro rock paper scissors.png Associated item Description
The Pyro engages in an intense battle of Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Initiating a throw

"Rock, paper, scissors!"
(liltingly) "Who wants to throw?"
"Anyone want a throw?"
"Betta bah"

Starting the throw

"Here we go!"


[evil laugh]



Pyro Scaredy-cat!.png Associated item Description
The Pyro screams and covers their face. After a while, they look back up and wipe their mask.


*Muffled scream 1*
*Muffled scream 2*
*Muffled scream 3*

Wiping their mask

"Eeuaghafvada..." (Possibly "Oh, the horror.." or "Oh, my God.")
"Gvuuh jovhh."
"Euduh rah!

Pyro taunt laugh.png Associated item Description
The Pyro laughs a hearty laugh and shakes their finger.

Second Rate Sorcery Pyro.png Associated item Description
The Pyro takes out a staff with a skull on its top and a tag reading "99¢" while marching in place. Pyro attempts to cast a spell with the staff, fails to create anything but green sparkles, and then wags their finger at the staff, scolding it before putting it away.

Pyro Shred Alert taunt.png Associated item Description
The Pyro summons a guitar and plays an intense solo as flames and lightning spout from behind.

Skullcracker Pyro.png Associated item Description
The Pyro gestures towards their head and then perform a head butt with another player.

Initiating a head butt

[muffled]"Right here!"
[muffled challenging]"I need a headbutt!"
[menacing muffles] "Headbutt me!"
[muffled]"Right here!"
[muffled]"Let's headbutt!"
[muffled]"Let's headbutt!"
[muffled]"A headbutt?"
[muffled]"Come on!"
[muffled]"Let's do this!"
[muffled]"Let's do this!"
[muffled]"Let's do this!"
[muffled](possibly) "Come get your skull cracked!"

Performing a head butt

[muffled][grunt of effort]

After a head butt

[exhausted grunt]
[rocking out]
[intense rocking out]

Square Dance Pyro.png Associated item Description
The Pyro swings their partner 'round and 'round. At the end of the taunt they let off a flare of fire.

Starting a dance

[mumbled] "Do-si-do!"
[mumbled] "Do-si-do!"
[mumbled] "Do-si-do time!"
[mumbled] "Dance time!"
[excited mumbling]
[mumbled] "Do-si-do!"
[mumbled] "Dance time!"

During the dance

[gleeful laughter]
[mumbled singing]
[mumbled comment]
[muffled laughter]
[mumbled scat singing]

Dance's end

(liltingly) "Do-si-do?"
[offended mumbling]
[mumbled compliment]
[mumbled] "Boo!"

Victory Lap Pyro.png Associated item Description
The Pyro jumps into a team-colored bumper car. Pressing MOUSE1 makes them honk the car's horn. The player can freely move around, albeit slowly, during this taunt.

Pyro yetipunch.png Associated item Description
A wooden cutout of a Yeti appears roaring in front of the Pyro. Pyro claps their hands, spins around twice, and hits the cutout with the palms of both of their hands, destroying it. Pyro then jumps back and returns to their previous position.

Cutout appears

[roar 1]

Cutout destroyed

[breaking wood]

Defeated roar

[roar 2]

Pyro yetismash.png Associated item Description
The Pyro turns into a Yeti, beats their chest while roaring, and slams the ground with their fist; Pyro then turns back to normal, claps their hands happily, and jumps back up.

Yeti transformation

[snow falling, loud roar]
[landing from jump]
[short roar]
[long roar 1]
[chest hit 1]
[chest hit 2]
[chest hit 3]
[chest hit 4]
[chest hit 5]
[chest hit 6]
[chest hit 7]
[chest hit 8]
[chest hit 9]
[long roar 2]
[slamming the ground]

Jumping back up

[Long laugh]
"Hudda hudda huh!"

Zoomin' Broom Pyro.png Associated item Description
The Pyro pulls out a witch's broom and proceeds to ride it, hovering above the ground. The player can freely move around, albeit slowly, during this taunt.

Pyro Unleashed Rage.png Associated item Description
The Pyro throws a tantrum while stomping on the floor, Pyro then Cross his hands over his chest, looks down mumble


Neck Snap Pyro.png Associated item Description
Pyro raises their hands closed into fists and points to themselves with their thumbs, with a pleasured vocalization, before hopping up to the Soldier. Pyro then does the sign of the horns with both hands as the Soldier grabs their head. When Pyro's neck is snapped, their head turns 180°, with their body following right after, as they let out a grunt. Pyro cowers a bit and shakes it off, with another pained grunt, before looking back at the Soldier with a dazed vocalization, and returning back to their original position.

Unused content


Update history

June 19, 2008 Patch (Pyro Update)
  • Hadouken taunt now kills people it hits.

September 30, 2010 Patch (Mann-Conomy Update)

  • [Undocumented] Added an unused "high-five" taunt.

May 5, 2011 Patch (Replay Update)

June 23, 2011 Patch (Über Update)

  • Added Schadenfreude taunt.
  • [Undocumented] Added laughing animations.

October 13, 2011 Patch (Manniversary Update & Sale)

June 27, 2012 Patch (Pyromania Update)

  • [Undocumented] Added taunts for the Rainblower, the Scorch Shot and the Lollichop.

February 18, 2013 Patch

June 18, 2014 Patch (Love & War Update)

July 2, 2015 Patch (Gun Mettle Update)

October 6, 2015 Patch (Invasion Community Update)

October 28, 2015 Patch (Scream Fortress 2015)

November 3, 2015 Patch

  • Updated taunts to prevent movement during the pre-round period when players are frozen

December 8, 2014 Patch (End of the Line Update)

December 17, 2015 Patch (Tough Break Update)

July 7, 2016 Patch #1 (Meet Your Match Update)

July 7, 2016 Patch #1 (Meet Your Match Update)

October 21, 2016 Patch (Scream Fortress 2016)

October 20, 2017 Patch #1 (Jungle Inferno Update)

December 21, 2017 Patch (Smissmas 2017)

December 3, 2020 Patch (Smissmas 2020)

December 2, 2021 Patch (Smissmas 2021)

October 5, 2022 Patch (Scream Fortress 2022)

December 5, 2022 Patch (Smissmas 2022)

July 12, 2023 Patch (Summer 2023 Update)

October 9, 2023 Patch (Scream Fortress 2023)

December 7, 2023 Patch (Smissmas 2023)

July 18, 2024 Patch (Summer 2024 Update)