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种类: 推车
文件名: pl_embargo
发布时间: 2024年7月18日补丁
2024 夏季更新
开发者: João "Hoppkins" Marcos
Patrick "Zeus" Hennessy
Rodrigo "Rapoza Dynamica" Carneri
Torkil "TheLazerSofa" Malvik Bidtnes
Lizard Of Oz
Vasilis "Billo" Chatzikostas
Maksim "Velly" Streltsov
Szabó "Maxxy" Attila
Elian "iron" Rodriguez
Sarah Jane Eve
Chandler "OctoBlitz" Dunaway
Alex "FGD5" Stewart
Nick "nickybakes" Baker
环境: 市区
设定: 白昼,晴朗
危害: 深渊直升机旋刃碾压熔岩墙
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Embargo overview.png
Item icon Map Stamp - Embargo.png

Embargo是一张社区制作推车模式地图,于夏季 2024更新中加入游戏。该地图取景于古巴,地图中的战车轨道沿街道而行,途中会经过“罗霍赌场(Rojo's Casino)”,靠近赌场时可以听到其中播放的赌场音乐。在该地图中蓝队要扮演成来自美利坚合众国的突击小队,其目标为推动载满颜料的战车(来污染巴西元素和钞票)到邪恶指挥官的老巢中,而红队扮演该地图中虚构指挥官的精英小队并阻止蓝队。











  • 蓝队重生点:拥有三个出口的古老岩石建筑。一处斜坡向下通往最低的出口并直接通往战车起始点,斜坡旁则是通往左侧的第二个出口。一组楼梯向上通往第三个出口,拥有一个阳台,可部分俯瞰起始区域。
  • 战车起点:战车起点位于一处小悬崖边缘上的直升机停机坪。
    • 战车在回合开始时由直升机送来,且在直升机着陆之前不能被推动。在这一过程完成之前回合计时器不会开始倒计时。
  • 洞穴: Next to BLU's first spawn, acting as a small flanking route.
  • Meta Lurgica: A large open building. A small bridge stretches above the cart's path, with small side rooms to each side of the building. A loading dock gate blocks the path until the cart reaches the ramp up to it.


  • 蓝队货车:战车进入一辆小型货车,后方拥有可搭乘和可作为蓝队补给器的平台,与Frontier里的类似。卡车前部提供了掩护,但也阻挡了视线。与普通的战车不同,货车不会在长时间无人推车时倒退。
  • Ropa Vieja: To the right of the truck's starting point are a set of buildings containing health and ammo kits, with a set of stairs leading to the roof; this acts as a sightline, with the sign available as a form of cover.
  • Peixuxa:一座包含了蓝队第二重生点的小型建筑。楼梯上方有一个中型医疗包和一个中型弹药箱,还有一座俯瞰检查点B的桥梁。
  • 中央建筑:卡车起始点左部是一座大型尖塔。Inside are stairs leading up to the second floor, containing health and ammo kits, with a path leading directly to checkpoint B, or the bridge into Peixuxa.
  • Rojo的赌场: The casino has three entrances, with a closed door at the front up a set of stairs, and an opening to the right side that leads into RED's first spawn, though tanks will attempt to block the latter after the truck progresses far enough. The third entrance is at the checkpoint itself, but does not open until the truck reaches the checkpoint.


  • 赌场接待处: A large open room, with two sets of stairs leading up to the second floor, and a door that remains closed until the truck approaches it. RED's first spawn opens up to be accessible by everyone, with the resupply lockers hidden away. Robots wander the room carrying medium health kits.
  • 主大厅: An even larger room, with a chandelier and some planks acting as a bridge for the second floor. Two rooms on each floor are available to the back right; the lower containing shallow water, and the upper containing a betting table, as well as health and ammo kits. The room can also be entered from a corridor to the right of the room, of which also contains BLU's third spawn.

Once the point is captured, the cart is taken out of the truck and placed back onto the track, and will reverse if left unmanned for 30 seconds like before.


  • 阳台: A view from the second floor of where the cart leaves the truck, acting as a vantage point while looking down the cart's path. The balcony leads down to a catwalk.
  • 熔岩植物:战车路径左侧的小房间。可作为通往红队基地的捷径,拥有一处小围栏提供掩护。
  • 总部: The final checkpoint is contained in a large open room, with RED's second spawn directly infront of it. To both sides are raised areas, putting BLU at a disadvantage for the final push. After the checkpoint has been captured, the cart will create a non-damaging explosion that surrounds the area in blue-colored paint; players who are too close to the cart during this explosion will have their screens covered in a blue paint, of which does not disappear until the round resets.


管家是由用户Hoppkins 配音的。

Item icon Botler 2000.png  通用回应


主条目: 社区 Embargo 战术


2024年7月18日补丁 #12024 夏季更新
  • Embargo被加入游戏中。

2024年7月25日补丁 #1

  • Minor visual and clipping improvements.
  • 修复了战车丢失轮廓线的问题。
  • 在可游玩区域添加了更多的管家。
  • 修复了颜料溅射覆盖图层对爆炸范围内的玩家不生效的问题。
  • 现在赌场内的环境音效音量可由音量设置调整。
  • 改进了在某些墙附近的玩家的可视性(感谢Arthur)。
  • 为直升机旋刃添加了击杀图标
  • 修复了覆盖了《军团要塞2》基础材质的问题。
  • 修复了在点A后可以短暂阻挡战车的问题(感谢Aar)。
  • 修复了C点附近的门关上时被卡在里面的问题。
  • 修复了室内迷雾有时在室外生效的问题(感谢Phe)。
  • 增加了红队在最终点的重生时间。
  • 修复了与自制模型相关的客户端崩溃问题。
  • 改进了最终点的性能表现。

2024年7月25日补丁 #2

  • 更新了pl_embargo,修复了视觉错误。


  • Reduced respawn time on Last for RED from 34 to 22 seconds
  • 已要求管家们在说话和爆炸时声音更小
  • Minor visual fixes


  • 在战车从直升机里运出来之前,它的碰撞箱和生命/弹药补充功能已经在停机坪上了。
  • 在第三检查点后战车从货车里吊起到轨道上时,它的粒子效果和生命/弹药补充功能还停留在卡车里。
  • Health packs from the robot butlers are unaffected by health pack attributes, such as the one on the Back Scratcher.
  • If the health pack from a robot butler is picked up, walking into it immediately after can heal the player for a second time.
  • 黏弹会卡在赌场内部垂直打开的门里。[1]


  • There is a missing persons poster of a health inspector in the "Ropa Vieja" restaurant. In BLU's second spawn, the kitchen of the "Peixuxa Restaurante", the same missing poster is crossed out with blue paint. Not far from that poster is a severed hand next to a notepad and pencil commonly associated with health inspectors.

