Gravel Pit

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Gravel Pit
Tf2 gravelpit.jpg
Basic Information
Variants: Coal Pit and Lava Pit
Developer(s): Unknown
Map Info
Environment: Industrial
Setting: Daylight, overcast
Map Photos
Loading screen photos.
Map Overview
Gravel Pit overview.png
Oi, lend us yer shovel, so I can dig yer grave!
The Sniper to the Soldier

Gravel Pit is an Attack/Defend Control Point map. It was one of the six maps included with Team Fortress 2's initial release.

Like all Attack/Defend maps, RED always plays defense and BLU always plays offense, and once the BLU team has captured a control point, it is locked and can never be retaken by RED. The map differs from other Attack/Defend control point maps in that it allows the attackers to capture the first two points (points A and B) in any order before assaulting the final control point (point C). Points A and B are directly accessible from the BLU base, while they must cross through one of them in order to reach point C. RED's base is located near point C.

The objective of Gravel Pit is that BLU must attack and capture all three points in order to win the match. A and B must be captured before C can be. The objective for RED is that they must hold out and prevent BLU from capturing the final point C. Time is added to the countdown if BLU captures either points A or B in order to buy more time for capture point C.

Junction, an official community made map, shares the same gameplay design with Gravel Pit.

Introduction Video


Overview of the map.(Large file)

Capture Point A - The Radio Tower

Capture Point A is to the left as you exit the BLU base. The point is at the top of a hill, inside a building. There are two exits from the BLU tunnel to this area, and they allow access to the two ramps around the outside of the point. . A medium health pack is under the capture point. There are also two medium ammo boxes near the cap building, one to the front and one at the back of the CP building. From point A, there are tunnels that connect to points B and C.

  • BLU Spawn Base: Located on one side of the map, the BLU Base has two exits - one to cap A, and the other one to cap B.
  • A Tunnel: The tunnel which connects BLUs spawn yard and the A battlefield. The tunnels leading to the BLU base are accessible by rocket, grenade, or double jumping; they can also be entered by crouch-jumping onto the part of the wall jutting out next to the left entrance, then by crouch-jumping toward the left entrance while strafing right and turning right to barely land on the tunnel ledge
  • Valley: The valley is the area between the two dirt paths which lead up to the control point building. There are numerous small buildings in this area.
  • Paths: On both sides of the area are dirt paths which lead to the top of the area and the control point building.
  • Radio Tower: The radio tower houses the control point. It is atop the dirt paths at the far end of the valley. There are two floors, the bottom directly under the control point and the control point floor. On the side of the building is a set of stairs which lead to the control point from the valley. The roof of the building is also accessible by rocket/sticky jumping or through double jumping across various clippings along the building's sides.

Capture Point B - The Radar

Capture Point B is to the right as you exit the BLU base. The point is in the large structure in the center of the area.

  • B Tunnel: There are two tunnels coming from the BLU base. The Short B is covered by a small house and a fence that partially obscures the BLU tunnel, and exits out next to the A/B Connector. Long B exits out on the far side of the B area. Both require players to rocket/grenade/double jump to access the tunnels from the Capture Point side. Two ramps along the back wall give access to Capture Point C.
  • The Radar: The Radar is the building which houses the control point. It has two main entrances, the main entrance on the far side of the area atop a ramp, and the other on the C side atop two ramps. There are four windows, two on each side which are all accessible. The roof is a common spot for Soldiers or Demomen and contains a dropdown directly to the point.
  • Shadow Side: Next to the building, on the side opposite the B Tunnel exits is the shadow side, named for the building's shadow which is cast on it.
  • Balcony: Directly outside the C entrances is the balcony. It s a high point which serves as a vantage point for most of the B area. There are two ramps on both sides which lead down to ground level.
  • A/B Connector: Between the A and B areas is the A/B Connector which is a tunnel which connects from BLU's A tunnel exit to BLU's short B tunnel exit.

Capture Point C - The Laser Gun

Capture Point C is past the first two points, and adjacent to the RED base. The tunnels leading to the other Capture Points are on a higher level than the ground in this area. The capture point is located at the top of the central structure.

  • RED Spawn Base: Located directly adjacent to Capture Point C, on the opposite side of the area from the tunnels to Capture Points A and B.
  • The Laser Tower: In the center of the area is the giant tower, which atop sits a laser gun. There are three floors to the tower. The first is accessible from ground level by a ramp, and from two bridges connecting to the catwalks. The second floor is accessible by two sets of ramps of which lead along the outside of the tower and one through it. The third floor is the top which contains the capture point and a small room behind the point open on three of its sides.
  • Catwalks: All along the outside edge of the area are the catwalks. These are the metal walk-ways which are accessible via four entrances, two from the A/C connector tunnels and two from the B/C connector tunnels, and are also accessible from two ramps outside the RED spawn.
  • Ground Level: Below the catwalks and surrounding the tower is the ground level. On the far side is an entrance which leads to the A/C connector tunnels.


See Community Gravel Pit strategy

Related Achievements

Achieved.png General

Impossible Defense
Impossible Defense
Successfully defend Gravel Pit without giving up a capture.
World Traveler
World Traveler
Play a complete game on 2Fort, Dustbowl, Granary, Gravel Pit, Hydro, and Well (CP).

Update history

January 25, 2008 Patch

  • Changed the scoring method in CP_GravelPit to score per capture rather than per round
  • Updated CP_GravelPit to fix all known exploits


  • Gravel Pit is locale number 34 in the 'Pits of America' stamp range.[1]
  • Before their War, the RED Demoman and BLU Soldier went on the 'Gravel Pits of America' scenic bus tour together.
  • 'The Insult that made a "Jarate Master" out of Sniper' takes place in Gravel Pit.
  • There are many healthkits and ammo packs underneath displacements in Gravel Pit, which you can access through noclip.
  • According to the Map of Mann's Land, Gravel Pit is westward from Badwater Basin and northeast from Well (called The Well). A sea of gravel (called The Gravel Sea on the map) lies to the west.

Control Point Timing

Control Point Multiplier Seconds
Control Point A ×1
60 .000
40 .000
32 .727
28 .800
Control Point B ×1
60 .000
40 .000
32 .727
28 .800
Control Point C ×1
12 .000
8 .000
6 .545
5 .760


  • It is possible for a RED Engineer to build a Teleporter inside the RED spawn on top of a control console.
  • If a BLU Engineer builds a Teleporter exit in the BLU-only area outside the main spawn, it is possible for an enemy Spy to teleport into the BLU spawn.

See also