Basic Engineer strategy/fr
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L'Engineer est une classe fragile avec des armes plus faibles, mais il a l'habileté unique de construire des Bâtiments. LesTéléporteurs envoient ses alliés à la ligne de front, la Mitrailleuse repousse les ennemis, et le Distributeur guérit et fourni des munitions à ses co-équipiers.
- Frapper les Bâtiments avec la Clé permettera leur construction deux fois plus rapidement. Cet effet est accumulable avec chaque Engineer supplémentaire qui frappe le bâtiment.
- Vous pouvez empaqueter et déplacer des Bâtiments pleinement construits en de nouveaux emplacements. Cette action est apellée le "Redéploiement".
- Si vous êtes en train de redéployer un Bâtiment et que vous rencontrez un ennemi, lâchez votre fardeau par terre et vous battez-vous! Si vous êtes tués pendant que vous transportiez un bâtiment, vous perderez ce dernier.
- Vous pouvez faire tourner sur lui-même le placement potentiel d'un Bâtiment quand vous tenez le plan, en appuyant sur le bouton droit de la souris (PC). En faisant ainsi faire une rotation au Bâtiment, vous pouvez placer une Mitrailleuse dans un coin ou autres endroits inusités sans qu'elle ne fasse face à un mur/obstacle. Changer la direction de la Sortie de Téléporteur affectera la direction vers laquelle feront face les gens qui en sortent.
- Changer votre arme de melee pour une différente lorsque vous êtes à votre Aire de Réapprovisionnement causera la destruction de tous vos Bâtiments, même si vous changiez entre la Clé et l'Hospitalité du Sud.
- Ne construisez pas exactement là où les autres Engineers se sont établis. Si tous les Bâtiments sont concentrés en un même endroit, un seulDémoman ou un Pyro uberchargé pourra tout détruire d'un seul coup!
- Restez vivant! Tandis que vos Bâtiments sont importants pour vous et votre équipe, vous êtes encore plus important vous-même. Vos Bâtiments sont des cibles faciles sans vous, et vous pouvez toujours en construire de nouveaux si vous êtes vivant.
- Soyez vigilants! Il est aisé de trop se concentrer sur sa construction, mais vous devriez toujours être à l'affût et prêts à réagir en un instant pour dérouiller un Spy ou tirer sur un ennemi.
- Tuez le Spy! Il peut placer des Saboteurs instantanément, mais la vitesse de frappe de votre Clé est lente. Abattez-le en premier, puis sauvez vos Bâtiments une fois qu'il est hors d'état de nuire.
- Un Pyro armé d'un Destructeur de Maison est votre meilleur ami. Il peut enflammer les Spies, revoyer les projectiles ennemis avec son tir d'air comprimé et il peut détruire les saboteurs en un seul coup.
Spécifique aux armes
A list of useful tidbits about the Engineer's tools.
- The Shotgun is a powerful primary weapon. At mid-range it has the same spread and damage as a Scattergun. The only difference is that at close range the damage boost is much smaller.
- The Shotgun is more useful than the Frontier Justice whenever you need to deal more damage over time. Because you aren't metering out hard-earned criticals, you can fire indiscriminately.
Frontier Justice
- The Frontier Justice has a clip size of only 3, so marksmanship is key.
- Even doing Critical damage, you still have to contend with a Shotgun's spread, so make sure you're close enough to do maximum damage.
- Whenever you move your Sentry Gun up, consider destroying it to give yourself the Revenge Crits. You can always build a new one at the new location.
- Use your Revenge Crits carefully. You don't want to fire them into a Dead Ringer Spy or waste them on a nearly dead foe!
- Revenge Crits allow you to make offensive pushes. Use Combat Mini-Sentry Guns to build criticals while delivering short-term Sentry support.
Pistol / Lugermorph
- Pistol bullets are surprisingly lethal at close range. Each one can deal somewhere between 10 and 15 damage per hit, and you have a tremendous supply. Don't be afraid to fire and keep firing.
- Watch for retreating enemies and tag them with Pistol fire. An enemy that is falling back is usually injured, so you're likely to bring them down.
- The Pistol's effectiveness at mid-range makes it a reliable weapon to use in conjunction with the Gunslinger's Combat Mini-Sentry Guns.
- If you use the Wrangler to aim your Sentry Gun, remember that you cannot switch weapons to repair it without disabling it for three seconds. Considering asking another Engineer on your team to repair and reload your Sentry Gun while you Wrangle it.
- With the Wrangler, you can fire your Sentry Gun at enemies outside of the Gun's normal range.
- Don't be afraid to use your Gun as a regular Sentry despite the Wrangler. It's more aware and accurate than you, even if isn't as tough or damaging.
- You can also use the Wrangler to prevent your Sentry Gun from being distracted by invulnerable enemies such as Scouts using Bonk! Atomic Punch or ÜberCharged Medics.
- The Wrangler's shield can be used to defend the Sentry from a distance, even if you can't see the enemy or fire back.
- The Wrangler makes you and your Sentry Gun much more vulnerable to flanking.
- Be careful of making Sentry Guns in locations that are only useful if you Wrangle them but will otherwise be too far away to see much action.
- It is possible to use both the bullets and rockets from your Sentry Gun to propel yourself across the map. This is known as Sentry jumping.
- The game prioritizes repairing buildings over melee combat when using the Wrench. This means that if there is an enemy Spy next to a friendly structure, you may find that you will hit the building instead of him. Step back a bit or switch to your Shotgun if this happens.
- Psychology works to your advantage. Most enemies fire at the Mini-Sentry first, giving you a chance to fight back.
- Avoid idle Mini-Sentry Guns. They are so cheap and fast-building that purely defensive positions are a waste of their potential.
- Pick up the fallen weapons from dead players. Each one is a free Mini-Sentry.
- It is almost always faster and cheaper to demolish and rebuild a Mini-Sentry than it is to reload it. Also, you'll load up any Revenge Crits that it may have earned.
- When using the Gunslinger, surprise can be powerful. Place Sentry Guns in ambush positions to help while your team pushes.
Southern Hospitality
- The Southern Hospitality does a great deal more damage than the Wrench, making it nearly as versatile. Use it unless the enemy team has extremely aggressive Pyros.
- While not a common occurrence on some maps, be very careful of Ubercharged Pyros. They will destroy your Sentry nest easily because fire is not blocked by Buildings.
- The Southern Hospitality will make it easier to track down cloaked Spies. A hit of your Wrench will cause them to bleed, making it much easier to track them as they retreat.
A list of useful tidbits about the Engineer's constructions.
- Dispensers are crucial reinforcements. Where Medics and map pickups fail, Dispensers will carry the weight. A level 3 Dispenser heals many people rapidly and refills their ammo.
- They can be used to block enemies in narrow corridors.
- You can hop on your own Dispenser and climb up to inaccessible places.
- And as always, they give you a regenerating supply of metal for your Buildings.
- Inform your team! Tell them where it is and where it goes.
- Build Teleporters often, but be aware that the Teleporter Exit's placement will change your team's strategy. Poor placement can draw your defenders away or concentrate your teammates in a poor offensive position. Placing a Teleporter far behind the enemy spawn may seem clever, but you'll often lose if your whole team comes through!
- They are crucial for most Attack/Defend and Payload maps.
Sentry Guns
- The difference between an excellent placement and an average one can sometimes be very small. Even a few inches can make the difference between a rock solid defense and an exposed Sentry Gun. Look where the Sentry shoots and where the enemy can fire from.
- Avoid "gimmicky" Sentry positions such as looking down holes in ceilings, in the middle of narrow hallways, or around sharp corners. They'll score kills, but they're generally easy to destroy. These are best used for Combat Mini-Sentry Guns, which are disposable.
- Sentry Guns are best for area denial, not killing. You want keep the enemy from pressuring your team, while your team keeps the enemy from pressuring your Sentry Gun.
See also