User:Violencejr123/Trading guide

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Revision as of 05:30, 19 July 2011 by MassacreJr (talk | contribs) (Ah I think its useless.)
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Hello and welcome to my trading guide. I'm making this page to clarify prices and what you should and should not do. If this guidance doesn't help, use this page. Please note that some of these information might be wrong and/or outdated when new updates come along. It is not recommend that you read this guide, it was just to help name the price of items.

Unique Items
Backpack Degreaser.png

The Degreaser
Level 10 Flame Thrower
65% faster weapon switch
-25% burn damage

Backpack Batter's Helmet.png

Batter's Helmet
Level 0 - 100
You'll be batting a thousand (skulls in) when you don this red piece of plastic!

Here are two examples of a unique item. They can be earned by the Item drop system , Purchase and Crafting. Basically any item you get, will be unique quality. These items are worth less than the vintage quality, which you will learn about in below this page. Unique weapons are worth about another random weapon but, it depends what weapons they are. If it was from the Australian Christmas update, they are worth about 1 scrap. If the weapons were from the Über Update update, they are worth about 2 scraps-1 reclaimed metal. Unique Hats are worth less than the vintage quality. These unique hats can go for about 1 refined to 10 refined depending on the hat (For example, Mining light goes for about 1 refined 2 reclaimed or 1.66 refined, Whilst a Villain's Veil can go for about 10 refined or 4 keys). Mann Co. Supply Crate Keys are about 2.33 refined or 2 refined + 1 reclaimed. Keys can raise in price and they were once 1 refined before. Description tag are about 2 scraps and a name tag is about 1 reclaimed metal.

Vintage Items
Backpack Natascha.png

Vintage Natascha
Level 5 Minigun
On Hit: 100% chance to slow target
-25% damage done
30% slower spin up time

Backpack Hound Dog.png

Vintage Hound Dog
Level 0 - 100
Your opponents will be all shook up when they see these sweet shades and coif.

These items are vintage quality. The only thing that changes is that the text is blue. You could only get it if you got an item(s) before the Mann Conomy Update. They are worth more than unique because they can't be awarded to players only in trading. A unique Hound Dog would go for about 2-3 refined, but a vintage Hound Dog can easily go for about 5-7 refined. This is quality is rare this is the reason for high pricing. Vintage weapons can go for about 1.5 scrap depending on what weapon it is. A vintage crit-a-cola goes for about 0.66-1 refined. The reason for that was because of the fact that back then, crit-a-cola wasn't drop able and didn't had a specific crafting recipe, therefore it being the rarest vintage weapon in the game. Lo-Fi Longwave were vintage quality even though being release in the June 10, 2011 Patch, but are not tradable. Weapons from the Christmas Update, Rift Set and Shogun Pack Update could be vintage only if crafted before March 15, 2011. These weapons are worth about 2-5 refined depending on the weapon.

Possible Vintage quality items
Weapons Force-A-Nature Bonk! Atomic Punch Lugermorph Crit-a-Cola Sandman Sun-on-a-Stick Fan O'War
Force-A-Nature Bonk! Atomic Punch Lugermorph1 Crit-a-Cola Sandman Sun-on-a-Stick3 Fan O'War3
Cosmetics Batter's Helmet Bonk Helm Ye Olde Baker Boy Baseball Bill's Sports Shine Troublemaker's Tossle Cap Whoopee Cap
Batter's Helmet Bonk Helm Ye Olde Baker Boy Baseball Bill's Sports Shine Troublemaker's Tossle Cap Whoopee Cap
Weapons Direct Hit Buff Banner Gunboats Equalizer Pain Train Concheror Half-Zatoichi Escape Plan
Direct Hit Buff Banner Gunboats Equalizer Pain Train Concheror3 Half-Zatoichi3 Escape Plan5
Cosmetics Soldier's Stash Tyrant's Helm Stainless Pot Killer's Kabuto Sergeant's Drill Hat
Soldier's Stash Tyrant's Helm Stainless Pot Killer's Kabuto Sergeant's Drill Hat
Weapons Backburner Flare Gun Axtinguisher Homewrecker Sharpened Volcano Fragment
Backburner Flare Gun Axtinguisher Homewrecker Sharpened Volcano Fragment3
Cosmetics Pyro's Beanie Brigade Helm Respectless Rubber Glove Triboniophorus Tyrannus Vintage Merryweather Whiskered Gentleman Foster's Facade Stockbroker's Scarf
Pyro's Beanie Brigade Helm Respectless Rubber Glove Triboniophorus Tyrannus Vintage Merryweather Whiskered Gentleman Foster's Facade2 Stockbroker's Scarf2
Weapons Loch-n-Load Scottish Resistance Chargin' Targe Eyelander Pain Train Scotsman's Skullcutter Ullapool Caber Half-Zatoichi
Loch-n-Load3 Scottish Resistance Chargin' Targe Eyelander Pain Train Scotsman's Skullcutter Ullapool Caber3 Half-Zatoichi3
Cosmetics Demoman's Fro Glengarry Bonnet Scotsman's Stove Pipe Hustler's Hallmark Tippler's Tricorne
Demoman's Fro Glengarry Bonnet Scotsman's Stove Pipe Hustler's Hallmark Tippler's Tricorne
Weapons Natascha Sandvich Dalokohs Bar Killing Gloves of Boxing Brass Beast Buffalo Steak Sandvich Warrior's Spirit
Natascha Sandvich Dalokohs Bar Killing Gloves of Boxing Brass Beast3 Buffalo Steak Sandvich3 Warrior's Spirit3
Cosmetics Football Helmet Officer's Ushanka Tough Guy's Toque Hound Dog Heavy Duty Rag
Football Helmet Officer's Ushanka Tough Guy's Toque Hound Dog Heavy Duty Rag
Weapons Frontier Justice Wrangler Lugermorph Gunslinger Southern Hospitality
Frontier Justice Wrangler Lugermorph1 Gunslinger Southern Hospitality
Cosmetics Mining Light Texas Ten Gallon Engineer's Cap Texas Slim's Dome Shine Hotrod Safe'n'Sound
Mining Light Texas Ten Gallon Engineer's Cap Texas Slim's Dome Shine Hotrod Safe'n'Sound
Weapons Blutsauger Kritzkrieg Übersaw Crusader's Crossbow Amputator
Blutsauger Kritzkrieg Ubersaw Crusader's Crossbow3 Amputator3
Cosmetics Prussian Pickelhaube Vintage Tyrolean Otolaryngologist's Mirror Ze Goggles Gentleman's Gatsby Physician's Procedure Mask
Prussian Pickelhaube Vintage Tyrolean Otolaryngologist's Mirror Ze Goggles Gentleman's Gatsby Physician's Procedure Mask
Weapons Huntsman Jarate Razorback Tribalman's Shiv
Huntsman Jarate Razorback Tribalman's Shiv
Cosmetics Trophy Belt Professional's Panama Master's Yellow Belt Ritzy Rick's Hair Fixative Shooter's Sola Topi Bloke's Bucket Hat
Trophy Belt Professional's Panama Master's Yellow Belt Ritzy Rick's Hair Fixative Shooter's Sola Topi Bloke's Bucket Hat
Weapons Ambassador Cloak and Dagger Dead Ringer Conniver's Kunai
Ambassador Cloak and Dagger Dead Ringer Conniver's Kunai3
Cosmetics Fancy Fedora Backbiter's Billycock Magistrate's Mullet Frenchman's Beret Camera Beard
Fancy Fedora Backbiter's Billycock Magistrate's Mullet Frenchman's Beret Camera Beard
Cosmetics Modest Pile of Hat Noble Amassment of Hats Towering Pillar of Hats Lo-Fi Longwave Companion Cube Pin Pyrovision Goggles
Modest Pile of Hat Noble Amassment of Hats Towering Pillar of Hats Lo-Fi Longwave Companion Cube Pin4 Pyrovision Goggles6
Tools Competitive Matchmaking Beta Pass
Competitive Matchmaking Beta Pass7
1 Given to players who pre-ordered Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse or who bought it up to a week after release.
2 Given to players who purchased Killing Floor before December 14, 2010 (12:00) PST.
3 Versions crafted before the March 15, 2011 Patch were converted into Vintage quality.
4 Given in Vintage quality to play-testers of Portal 2 prior to the item's official release.
5 Given in Vintage quality to those who had a vintage Equalizer in their backpack at the release of the Pyromania Update.
6 Given in Vintage quality to those who played the game before July 5, 2012.
7 Given to competitive players prior to the release of the Competitive Mode Beta.
• Additionally, due to glitches, a small number of additional Vintage items exist outside of these official sources.

Genuine Items
Backpack Sun-on-a-Stick.png

Genuine Sun-on-a-Stick
Level 10 RIFT Mace
100% critical hit vs burning players
-25% damage done
Spiky end goes into other man.

Backpack Hero's Tail.png

Genuine Hero's Tail
Level 1 - 100
Possibly the result of pigmentation loss due to horrible experiments. Possibly a mop of some kind.

Genuine Items have a dark green text and are worth more than vintage items depending. A genuine Maul can go for about 1 bills - 1 buds. They are worth so much cause they are more rare than vintage quality in most cases. They can only be awarded for those who pre-order or buy a certain game before a certain date. Like a Genuine Hero's Tail as showed on the right side, can go for as muchs as 8-10 refined, but a Genuine Conjurer's Cowl can go for about 3-5 refined due to it being only a $1 dlc therefore more people buying it making it a common item.

Possible Genuine quality items
Weapons Secondary Flying Guillotine
Flying Guillotine
Sleeping Dogs
Melee Sun-on-a-Stick Fan O'War Three-Rune Blade
Sun-on-a-Stick Fan O'War Three-Rune Blade
RIFT Total War: SHOGUN 2 The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
Cosmetics Bonk Helm Ye Olde Baker Boy Hero's Tail Sign of the Wolf's School Planeswalker Goggles El Jefe Ball-Kicking Boots Cross-Comm Express
Bonk Helm Ye Olde Baker Boy Hero's Tail Sign of the Wolf's School Planeswalker Goggles El Jefe Ball-Kicking Boots Cross-Comm Express
NECA Action Figures The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 Tropico 4 Football Manager 2012 Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
Tomb Wrapper Beastly Bonnet Cheet Sheet Alien Cranium Biomech Backpack Xeno Suit
Tomb Wrapper Beastly Bonnet Cheet Sheet Alien Cranium Biomech Backpack Xeno Suit
Tomb Raider Total War: ROME II Alien: Isolation
Weapons Primary Original
Quake 4
Secondary Concheror Righteous Bison
Concheror Righteous Bison
Total War: SHOGUN 2 San Diego Comic-Con 2011
Cosmetics Stainless Pot Tyrant's Helm Hero's Hachimaki Brain Bucket Stahlhelm Battle Bob Cross-Comm Crash Helmet Chief Constable
Stainless Pot Tyrant's Helm Hero's Hachimaki Brain Bucket Stahlhelm Battle Bob Cross-Comm Crash Helmet Chief Constable
NECA Action Figures Homefront Plants vs. Zombies Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad Jagged Alliance - Back in Action Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Hitman: Absolution
Doe-Boy Big Daddy First American Gilded Guard
Doe-Boy Big Daddy First American Gilded Guard
BioShock Infinite BioShock Infinite - Season Pass Thief
Weapons Primary Nostromo Napalmer
Nostromo Napalmer
Alien: Isolation
Melee Sharpened Volcano Fragment Maul Neon Annihilator
Sharpened Volcano Fragment Maul Neon Annihilator
RIFT Red Faction: Armageddon Sleeping Dogs
Cosmetics Brigade Helm Respectless Rubber Glove Dead Cone Russian Rocketeer Area 451 Person in the Iron Mask Centurion Steel Sixpack
Brigade Helm Respectless Rubber Glove Dead Cone Russian Rocketeer Area 451 Person in the Iron Mask Centurion Steel Sixpack
NECA Action Figures Plants vs. Zombies Awesomenauts XCOM: Enemy Unknown BioShock Infinite Total War: ROME II
Nabler Fear Monger Firefly
Nabler Fear Monger Firefly
ThreeA Toys Batman: Arkham Knight
Cosmetics Glengarry Bonnet Scotsman's Stove Pipe Samur-Eye Conjurer's Cowl Mask of the Shaman Bolgan King of Scotland Cape Blind Justice
Glengarry Bonnet Scotsman's Stove Pipe Samur-Eye Conjurer's Cowl Mask of the Shaman Bolgan King of Scotland Cape Blind Justice
NECA Action Figures Total War: SHOGUN 2 Magicka: Nippon From Dust Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Total War Master Collection BioShock Infinite
Tartan Shade Tartantaloons
Tartan Shade Tartantaloons
Total War: ROME II
Weapons Primary Huo-Long Heater
Huo-Long Heater
Sleeping Dogs
Secondary Robo-Sandvich
San Diego Comic-Con 2012
Melee Apoco-Fists
Saints Row: The Third
Cosmetics Officer's Ushanka Tough Guy's Toque Dread Knot Pilotka Dragonborn Helmet Purity Fist Cold War Luchador War Head
Officer's Ushanka Tough Guy's Toque Dread Knot Pilotka Dragonborn Helmet Purity Fist Cold War Luchador War Head
NECA Action Figures Total War: SHOGUN 2 Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Deus Ex: Human Revolution Saints Row: The Third Trine 2
Heavy Artillery Officer's Cap Siberian Sophisticate Pounding Father Little Bear Der Maschinensoldaten-Helm Die Regime-Panzerung Jungle Booty
Heavy Artillery Officer's Cap Siberian Sophisticate Pounding Father Little Bear Der Maschinensoldaten-Helm Die Regime-Panzerung Jungle Booty
Company of Heroes 2 Hitman: Absolution BioShock Infinite ThreeA Toys Wolfenstein: The New Order Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
Taunt Boiling Point
Boiling Point
Weapons Primary Widowmaker
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Secondary Short Circuit
Short Circuit
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Cosmetics Engineer's Cap Texas Ten Gallon Hetman's Headpiece Pip-Boy Wingstick Grizzled Growth Last Straw Prize Plushy
Engineer's Cap Texas Ten Gallon Hetman's Headpiece Pip-Boy Wingstick Grizzled Growth Last Straw Prize Plushy
NECA Action Figures Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword Fallout: New Vegas RAGE The Cave
Vox Diabolus Mister Bubbles
Vox Diabolus Mister Bubbles
BioShock Infinite BioShock Infinite - Season Pass
Cosmetics Otolaryngologist's Mirror Vintage Tyrolean Geisha Boy Planeswalker Helm Quadwrangler Archimedes Combat Medic's Crusher Cap Foppish Physician
Otolaryngologist's Mirror Vintage Tyrolean Geisha Boy Planeswalker Helm Quadwrangler Archimedes Combat Medic's Crusher Cap Foppish Physician
NECA Action Figures Total War: SHOGUN 2 Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 Quantum Conundrum Valve Store Company of Heroes 2 Total War Master Collection
Weapons Primary Machina AWPer Hand Fortified Compound
Machina AWPer Hand Fortified Compound
Deus Ex: Human Revolution Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Thief
Cosmetics Master's Yellow Belt Professional's Panama Anger Bushman's Boonie Lone Star Stovepipe Sniper Shako Steel Songbird Sydney Straw Boat
Master's Yellow Belt Professional's Panama Anger Bushman's Boonie Lone Star Stovepipe Sniper Shako Steel Songbird Sydney Straw Boat
NECA Action Figures BRINK Jagged Alliance - Back in Action Awesomenauts Total War Master Collection BioShock Infinite
Criminal Cloak Dread Hiding Hood
Criminal Cloak Dread Hiding Hood
Weapons Secondary Diamondback
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Melee Conniver's Kunai Sharp Dresser
Conniver's Kunai Sharp Dresser
Total War: SHOGUN 2 Assassin's Creed: Revelations
PDA 2 Quäckenbirdt
Hitman: Absolution
Building Red-Tape Recorder Ap-Sap
Red-Tape Recorder Ap-Sap
Sleeping Dogs What's in the Portal 2 Soundtrack Box?
Cosmetics Backbiter's Billycock Camera Beard Noh Mercy Janissary Ketche Nanobalaclava Dashin' Hashshashin Distinguished Rogue Lacking Moral Fiber Mask
Backbiter's Billycock Camera Beard Noh Mercy Janissary Ketche Nanobalaclava Dashin' Hashshashin Distinguished Rogue Lacking Moral Fiber Mask
NECA Action Figures Total War: SHOGUN 2 Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword Deus Ex: Human Revolution Assassin's Creed: Revelations Total War Master Collection Dishonored
Weapons Melee Half-Zatoichi Freedom Staff Ham Shank
Half-Zatoichi Freedom Staff Ham Shank
Total War: SHOGUN 2 Total War Master Collection Don't Starve
Cosmetics Scrap Pack Doublecross-Comm Professor's Pineapple Champ Stamp Triad Trinket Crafty Hair K-9 Mane Menpo
Scrap Pack Doublecross-Comm Professor's Pineapple Champ Stamp Triad Trinket Crafty Hair K-9 Mane Menpo
Shoot Many Robots Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Quantum Conundrum Sleeping Dogs XCOM: Enemy Unknown Total War Master Collection
Deadliest Duckling Buck Turner All-Stars Wilson Weave
Deadliest Duckling Buck Turner All-Stars Wilson Weave
Hitman: Absolution BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien Don't Starve
Weapons Melee Prinny Machete
Prinny Machete
Disgaea PC
Cosmetics Companion Cube Pin Aperture Labs Hard Hat Tournament Medal - ETF2L Highlander TournamentTournament Medal - GWJ Tournament
Tournament Medal - UGC Highlander TournamentReady Steady Pan Participant
Company Man Deus Specs Killer Exclusive Merc's Pride Scarf Mark of the Saint
Companion Cube Pin Aperture Labs Hard Hat Tournament Medals Company Man Deus Specs Killer Exclusive Merc's Pride Scarf Mark of the Saint
Portal 2 Potato Sack Tournaments Deus Ex: Human Revolution PC Gamer Football Manager 2012 Saints Row: The Third
Point and Shoot Bolgan Family Crest Warsworn Helmet Map Maker's Medallion Merc Medal Atomic Accolade Balloonicorn Robot Chicken Hat
Point and Shoot Bolgan Family Crest Warsworn Helmet Map Maker's Medallion Merc Medal Atomic Accolade Balloonicorn Robot Chicken Hat
Trine 2 Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Art Pass Contest Jagged Alliance - Back in Action Quantum Conundrum Valve Store Adult Swim
Awesomenauts Badge Human Cannonball Marxman Vigilant Pin Friends Forever Companion Square Badge Triple A Badge Heroic Companion Badge Whale Bone Charm
Awesomenauts Badge Human Cannonball Marxman Vigilant Pin Friends Forever Companion Square Badge Triple A Badge Heroic Companion Badge Whale Bone Charm
Awesomenauts Sleeping Dogs XCOM: Enemy Unknown San Diego Comic-Con 2012 Company of Heroes 2 Dishonored
Cockfighter Hitt Mann Badge That '70s Chapeau Faerie Solitaire Pin Brütal Bouffant Croft's Crest Fortune Hunter TF2VRH
Cockfighter Hitt Mann Badge That '70s Chapeau Faerie Solitaire Pin Brütal Bouffant Croft's Crest Fortune Hunter TF2VRH
Scribblenauts Unlimited Hitman: Absolution Faerie Solitaire Brütal Legend Tomb Raider Oculus Rift
Conspiracy Cap Public Accessor Crosslinker's Coil Hardy Laurel Grandmaster Heart of Gold Baronial Badge Horace
Conspiracy Cap Public Accessor Crosslinker's Coil Hardy Laurel Grandmaster Heart of Gold Baronial Badge Horace
Reddit Gunpoint Total War: ROME II Valve Store Humble Bundle Thief Rock Paper Shotgun
MK 50 Dadliest Catch Thought that Counts Brimstone Crown of the Old Kingdom Tomb Readers Jaunty Pin 2015 Honeydew's Charitable Countenance
MK 50 Dadliest Catch Thought that Counts Brimstone Crown of the Old Kingdom Tomb Readers Jaunty Pin 2015 Honeydew's Charitable Countenance
Alien: Isolation Octodad: Dadliest Catch Humble Bundle The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris Tip of the Hats Humble Bundle
Xephos' Philanthropic Physiognomy Arkham Cowl Gift of Giving Prinny Hat Prinny Pouch Duncan's Kindhearted Kisser Hannah's Altruistic Aspect Sips' Selfless Simulacrum
Xephos' Philanthropic Physiognomy Arkham Cowl Gift of Giving Prinny Hat Prinny Pouch Duncan's Kindhearted Kisser Hannah's Altruistic Aspect Sips' Selfless Simulacrum
Humble Bundle Batman: Arkham Knight Workshop Wonderland Disgaea PC Humble Bundle
Sjin's Generous Guise Altruist's Adornment Jaunty Camper Jaunty Benefactor Jaunty Trailblazer Gift of Giving 2016 Audio File Heartfelt Hug
Sjin's Generous Guise Altruist's Adornment Jaunty Camper Jaunty Benefactor Jaunty Trailblazer Gift of Giving 2016 Audio File Heartfelt Hug
Humble Bundle Random Acts of TF2 Tip of the Hats Workshop Wonderland Fight Songs: The Music of Team Fortress 2
TF2Maps Charitable Heart Jaunty Adventurer Jaunty Voyager Jaunty Globetrotter Israphel's Eleemosynary Expression Mandrew's Munificent Mug Titanium Tank Participant Medal 2017 Philanthropist's Indulgence
TF2Maps Charitable Heart 2017 Jaunty Adventurer Jaunty Voyager Jaunty Globetrotter Israphel's Eleemosynary Expression Mandrew's Munificent Mug Titanium Tank Participant 2017 Philanthropist's Indulgence
TF2Maps Tip of the Hats Humble Bundle Potato's MVM Servers Random Acts of TF2
Spectral Snowflake Canteen Crasher Rust Starter Medal 2018 Canteen Crasher Bronze Ammo Medal 2018 Canteen Crasher Silver Building Medal 2018 Canteen Crasher Gold Uber Medal 2018 Canteen Crasher Platinum Crit Medal 2018 Blapature Co. Backer Blapature Co. Supporter
Spectral Snowflake Canteen Crasher Rust Starter 2018 Canteen Crasher Bronze Ammo 2018 Canteen Crasher Silver Building 2018 Canteen Crasher Gold Uber 2018 Canteen Crasher Platinum Crit 2018 Blapature Co. Backer Blapature Co. Supporter
Workshop Wonderland Potato's MVM Servers Blapature Co.
Blapature Co. Benefactor Heartfelt Hero TF2Maps Ray of Sunshine Jaunty Explorer Jaunty Ranger Jaunty Mountaineer
Blapature Co. Benefactor Heartfelt Hero TF2Maps Ray of Sunshine 2018 Jaunty Explorer Jaunty Ranger Jaunty Mountaineer
Blapature Co. TF2Maps Tip of the Hats
Taunt Shred Alert
Shred Alert
Brütal Legend
Action items Noise Maker - Koto Noise Maker - Vuvuzela
Noise Maker - Koto Noise Maker - Vuvuzela
Total War: SHOGUN 2 Football Manager 2012
  • The associated promotion is listed below each item.

Unusual Items
Backpack Napper's Respite.png

Unusual Napper's Respite
Level 0 - 100
Effect: Circling Heart
After a long day of burning scouts.

Backpack Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker.png

Unusual Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker
1 - 100
No random critical hits
-25 max health on wearer
Cursed by dark spirits similar to those that dwell within the Eyelander.

Unusual quality is a purple color and it depends on how to get them. Unusual hats can only be unbox by crates and have effects. Flies tend to go for about 3-4 buds depending on the hat. Confetti can usually go for about 1.5-3 buds depending on the hat. TF2 logo & Peace logo can go for about 2.5-4 buds depending on the hat. Vivid Plasma & Searing Plasma can go for about 4-7 buds depending on the hat. Ghost can go for about 6-9 buds depending on the hat. Green Energy & Purple Energy can go for about 7-10 buds depending on the hat. Scorching Flames can go for about 8-12 buds depending on the hat. Burning Flames can go for about 9-15 buds depending on the hat. Sunbeams can go for about 8-10 buds depending on the hat. The only unusual weapon you can get is a Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker. It has the quality text unusual but doesn't have an effect and can only be obtain by crafting. A dirty one can go for about 2-3 refined and a clean one can go for about 3-5 refined.

Possible Unusual quality items
Batter's Helmet Can be found in unusual quality Bonk Helm Can be found in unusual quality Ye Olde Baker Boy Can be found in unusual quality Baseball Bill's Sports Shine Cannot be found in unusual quality Troublemaker's Tossle Cap Can be found in unusual quality Whoopee Cap Can be found in unusual quality Milkman Can be found in unusual quality Bombing Run Can be found in unusual quality Flipped Trilby Can be found in unusual quality
Batter's Helmet Bonk Helm Ye Olde Baker Boy Baseball Bill's Sports Shine Troublemaker's Tossle Cap Whoopee Cap Milkman Bombing Run Flipped Trilby
Superfan Cannot be found in unusual quality Essential Accessories Cannot be found in unusual quality Hero's Tail Cannot be found in unusual quality Sign of the Wolf's School Cannot be found in unusual quality Planeswalker Goggles Cannot be found in unusual quality Bonk Boy Can be found in unusual quality Flip-Flops Cannot be found in unusual quality Lucky No. 42 Cannot be found in unusual quality El Jefe Can be found in unusual quality
Superfan Essential Accessories Hero's Tail Sign of the Wolf's School Planeswalker Goggles Bonk Boy Flip-Flops Lucky No. 42 El Jefe
Backwards Ballcap Can be found in unusual quality Hermes Can be found in unusual quality Hot Dogger Can be found in unusual quality Stereoscopic Shades Cannot be found in unusual quality Ball-Kicking Boots Cannot be found in unusual quality Wrap Battler Cannot be found in unusual quality B-ankh! Cannot be found in unusual quality Futankhamun Cannot be found in unusual quality Big Elfin Deal Can be found in unusual quality
Backwards Ballcap Hermes Hot Dogger Stereoscopic Shades Ball-Kicking Boots Wrap Battler B-ankh! Futankhamun Big Elfin Deal
Bootie Time Cannot be found in unusual quality Boston Boom-Bringer Cannot be found in unusual quality Fast Learner Cannot be found in unusual quality Teufort Tooth Kicker Cannot be found in unusual quality Front Runner Can be found in unusual quality
Bootie Time Boston Boom-Bringer Fast Learner Teufort Tooth Kicker Front Runner
Soldier's Stash Can be found in unusual quality Tyrant's Helm Can be found in unusual quality Gentle Manne's Service Medal Cannot be found in unusual quality Stainless Pot Can be found in unusual quality Killer's Kabuto Can be found in unusual quality Sergeant's Drill Hat Can be found in unusual quality Lumbricus Lid Cannot be found in unusual quality Grenadier's Softcap Can be found in unusual quality Chieftain's Challenge Can be found in unusual quality
Soldier's Stash Tyrant's Helm Gentle Manne's Service Medal Stainless Pot Killer's Kabuto Sergeant's Drill Hat Lumbricus Lid Grenadier's Softcap Chieftain's Challenge
Stout Shako Can be found in unusual quality Dr's Dapper Topper Can be found in unusual quality Defiant Spartan Can be found in unusual quality Hero's Hachimaki Cannot be found in unusual quality Exquisite Rack Can be found in unusual quality Honcho's Headgear Can be found in unusual quality Brain Bucket Can be found in unusual quality Team Captain Can be found in unusual quality Furious Fukaamigasa Can be found in unusual quality
Stout Shako Dr's Dapper Topper Defiant Spartan Hero's Hachimaki Exquisite Rack Honcho's Headgear Brain Bucket Team Captain Furious Fukaamigasa
Armored Authority Can be found in unusual quality Jumper's Jeepcap Can be found in unusual quality Fancy Dress Uniform Cannot be found in unusual quality Pocket Medic Cannot be found in unusual quality Lord Cockswain's Pith Helmet Can be found in unusual quality Lord Cockswain's Novelty Mutton Chops and Pipe Cannot be found in unusual quality Stahlhelm Cannot be found in unusual quality Hat With No Name Can be found in unusual quality Salty Dog Can be found in unusual quality
Armored Authority Jumper's Jeepcap Fancy Dress Uniform Pocket Medic Lord Cockswain's Pith Helmet Lord Cockswain's Novelty Mutton Chops and Pipe Stahlhelm Hat With No Name Salty Dog
Infernal Impaler Cannot be found in unusual quality Idiot Box Cannot be found in unusual quality Steel Pipes Cannot be found in unusual quality Shoestring Budget Cannot be found in unusual quality Ornament Armament Cannot be found in unusual quality All-Father Cannot be found in unusual quality Kringle Collection Cannot be found in unusual quality Lucky Shot Can be found in unusual quality Conquistador Can be found in unusual quality
Infernal Impaler Idiot Box Steel Pipes Shoestring Budget Ornament Armament All-Father Kringle Collection Lucky Shot Conquistador
Battle Bob Cannot be found in unusual quality Teufort Tooth Kicker Cannot be found in unusual quality Professor's Pineapple Cannot be found in unusual quality
Battle Bob Teufort Tooth Kicker Professor's Pineapple
Pyro's Beanie Can be found in unusual quality Brigade Helm Can be found in unusual quality Respectless Rubber Glove Can be found in unusual quality Triboniophorus Tyrannus Can be found in unusual quality Vintage Merryweather Can be found in unusual quality Whiskered Gentleman Cannot be found in unusual quality Attendant Can be found in unusual quality Foster's Facade Cannot be found in unusual quality Stockbroker's Scarf Cannot be found in unusual quality
Pyro's Beanie Brigade Helm Respectless Rubber Glove Triboniophorus Tyrannus Vintage Merryweather Whiskered Gentleman Attendant Foster's Facade Stockbroker's Scarf
Old Guadalajara Can be found in unusual quality Napper's Respite Can be found in unusual quality Handyman's Handle Can be found in unusual quality Madame Dixie Can be found in unusual quality Pyromancer's Mask Can be found in unusual quality Prancer's Pride Can be found in unusual quality Sight for Sore Eyes Cannot be found in unusual quality Dead Cone Can be found in unusual quality Hottie's Hoodie Can be found in unusual quality
Old Guadalajara Napper's Respite Handyman's Handle Madame Dixie Pyromancer's Mask Prancer's Pride Sight for Sore Eyes Dead Cone Hottie's Hoodie
Connoisseur's Cap Can be found in unusual quality Stately Steel Toe Can be found in unusual quality Birdcage Can be found in unusual quality Little Buddy Can be found in unusual quality Flamboyant Flamenco Can be found in unusual quality Cremator's Conscience Cannot be found in unusual quality Blazing Bull Cannot be found in unusual quality Fallen Angel Cannot be found in unusual quality Tail from the Crypt Cannot be found in unusual quality
Connoisseur's Cap Stately Steel Toe Birdcage Little Buddy Flamboyant Flamenco Cremator's Conscience Blazing Bull Fallen Angel Tail from the Crypt
Apparition's Aspect Cannot be found in unusual quality Last Breath Cannot be found in unusual quality Bubble Pipe Can be found in unusual quality Moonman Backpack Cannot be found in unusual quality Ornament Armament Cannot be found in unusual quality Head Warmer Can be found in unusual quality Jingle Belt Cannot be found in unusual quality Waxy Wayfinder Can be found in unusual quality Scrap Pack Cannot be found in unusual quality
Apparition's Aspect Last Breath Bubble Pipe Moonman Backpack Ornament Armament Head Warmer Jingle Belt Waxy Wayfinder Scrap Pack
Triclops Cannot be found in unusual quality Professor's Pineapple Cannot be found in unusual quality
Triclops Professor's Pineapple
Demoman's Fro Can be found in unusual quality Glengarry Bonnet Can be found in unusual quality Scotsman's Stove Pipe Can be found in unusual quality Hustler's Hallmark Can be found in unusual quality Tippler's Tricorne Can be found in unusual quality Sober Stuntman Can be found in unusual quality Carouser's Capotain Can be found in unusual quality Rimmed Raincatcher Can be found in unusual quality Dangeresque, Too? Cannot be found in unusual quality
Demoman's Fro Glengarry Bonnet Scotsman's Stove Pipe Hustler's Hallmark Tippler's Tricorne Sober Stuntman Carouser's Capotain Rimmed Raincatcher Dangeresque, Too?
Scotch Bonnet Can be found in unusual quality Prince Tavish's Crown Can be found in unusual quality Samur-Eye Can be found in unusual quality Reggaelator Can be found in unusual quality Private Eye Can be found in unusual quality Conjurer's Cowl Can be found in unusual quality Sultan's Ceremonial Can be found in unusual quality Tam O' Shanter Can be found in unusual quality Mask of the Shaman Can be found in unusual quality
Scotch Bonnet Prince Tavish's Crown Samur-Eye Reggaelator Private Eye Conjurer's Cowl Sultan's Ceremonial Tam O' Shanter Mask of the Shaman
Buccaneer's Bicorne Can be found in unusual quality Tavish DeGroot Experience Can be found in unusual quality A Whiff of the Old Brimstone Cannot be found in unusual quality Hair of the Dog Cannot be found in unusual quality Scottish Snarl Cannot be found in unusual quality Pickled Paws Cannot be found in unusual quality Ornament Armament Cannot be found in unusual quality Bolgan Cannot be found in unusual quality Aladdin's Private Reserve Cannot be found in unusual quality
Buccaneer's Bicorne Tavish DeGroot Experience A Whiff of the Old Brimstone Hair of the Dog Scottish Snarl Pickled Paws Ornament Armament Bolgan Aladdin's Private Reserve
Snapped Pupil Cannot be found in unusual quality Teufort Tooth Kicker Cannot be found in unusual quality Professor's Pineapple Cannot be found in unusual quality Liquor Locker Cannot be found in unusual quality
Snapped Pupil Teufort Tooth Kicker Professor's Pineapple Liquor Locker
Football Helmet Can be found in unusual quality Officer's Ushanka Can be found in unusual quality Tough Guy's Toque Can be found in unusual quality Hound Dog Can be found in unusual quality Heavy Duty Rag Can be found in unusual quality Pugilist's Protector Can be found in unusual quality Hard Counter Can be found in unusual quality Cadaver's Cranium Cannot be found in unusual quality Dealer's Visor Cannot be found in unusual quality
Football Helmet Officer's Ushanka Tough Guy's Toque Hound Dog Heavy Duty Rag Pugilist's Protector Hard Counter Cadaver's Cranium Dealer's Visor
Coupe D'isaster Can be found in unusual quality Big Chief Can be found in unusual quality Magnificent Mongolian Can be found in unusual quality Dread Knot Can be found in unusual quality Team Captain Can be found in unusual quality Large Luchadore Can be found in unusual quality Capo's Capper Can be found in unusual quality Pocket Medic Cannot be found in unusual quality Copper's Hard Top Can be found in unusual quality
Coupe D'isaster Big Chief Magnificent Mongolian Dread Knot Team Captain Large Luchadore Capo's Capper Pocket Medic Copper's Hard Top
Big Steel Jaw of Summer Fun Cannot be found in unusual quality Security Shades Cannot be found in unusual quality Pilotka Cannot be found in unusual quality Dragonborn Helmet Can be found in unusual quality Storm Spirit's Jolly Hat Cannot be found in unusual quality Purity Fist Cannot be found in unusual quality Gym Rat Can be found in unusual quality One-Man Army Can be found in unusual quality Outdoorsman Can be found in unusual quality
Big Steel Jaw of Summer Fun Security Shades Pilotka Dragonborn Helmet Storm Spirit's Jolly Hat Purity Fist Gym Rat One-Man Army Outdoorsman
Can Opener Cannot be found in unusual quality Soviet Stitch-Up Cannot be found in unusual quality Steel-Toed Stompers Cannot be found in unusual quality Cold War Luchador Cannot be found in unusual quality War Head Cannot be found in unusual quality Sandvich Safe Cannot be found in unusual quality All-Father Cannot be found in unusual quality Toss-Proof Towel Cannot be found in unusual quality
Can Opener Soviet Stitch-Up Steel-Toed Stompers Cold War Luchador War Head Sandvich Safe All-Father Toss-Proof Towel
Mining Light Can be found in unusual quality Texas Ten Gallon Can be found in unusual quality Engineer's Cap Can be found in unusual quality Texas Slim's Dome Shine Cannot be found in unusual quality Hotrod Can be found in unusual quality Safe'n'Sound Can be found in unusual quality Buckaroos Hat Can be found in unusual quality Industrial Festivizer Can be found in unusual quality Big Country Can be found in unusual quality
Mining Light Texas Ten Gallon Engineer's Cap Texas Slim's Dome Shine Hotrod Safe'n'Sound Buckaroo's Hat Industrial Festivizer Big Country
Professor's Peculiarity Cannot be found in unusual quality Teddy Roosebelt Cannot be found in unusual quality Googly Gazer Cannot be found in unusual quality Hetman's Headpiece Can be found in unusual quality Western Wear Can be found in unusual quality Ol' Geezer Can be found in unusual quality Prairie Heel Biters Cannot be found in unusual quality Pip-Boy Cannot be found in unusual quality Wingstick Cannot be found in unusual quality
Professor's Peculiarity Teddy Roosebelt Googly Gazer Hetman's Headpiece Western Wear Ol' Geezer Prairie Heel Biters Pip-Boy Wingstick
Clockwerk's Helm Cannot be found in unusual quality Pencil Pusher Can be found in unusual quality Virtual Reality Headset Can be found in unusual quality Builder's Blueprints Cannot be found in unusual quality Buzz Killer Cannot be found in unusual quality Frontier Flyboy Cannot be found in unusual quality Legend of Bugfoot Cannot be found in unusual quality Itsy Bitsy Spyer Cannot be found in unusual quality Brainiac Hairpiece Can be found in unusual quality
Clockwerk's Helm Pencil Pusher Virtual Reality Headset Builder's Blueprints Buzz Killer Frontier Flyboy Legend of Bugfoot Itsy Bitsy Spyer Brainiac Hairpiece
Brainiac Goggles Cannot be found in unusual quality Stocking Stuffer Cannot be found in unusual quality Teufort Tooth Kicker Cannot be found in unusual quality Texas Half-Pants Cannot be found in unusual quality
Brainiac Goggles Stocking Stuffer Teufort Tooth Kicker Texas Half-Pants
Prussian Pickelhaube Can be found in unusual quality Vintage Tyrolean Can be found in unusual quality Otolaryngologist's Mirror Can be found in unusual quality Physician's Procedure Mask Cannot be found in unusual quality Ze Goggles Can be found in unusual quality Gentleman's Gatsby Can be found in unusual quality Berliner's Bucket Helm Can be found in unusual quality Blighted Beak Can be found in unusual quality German Gonzila Can be found in unusual quality
Prussian Pickelhaube Vintage Tyrolean Otolaryngologist's Mirror Physician's Procedure Mask Ze Goggles Gentleman's Gatsby Berliner's Bucket Helm Blighted Beak German Gonzila
Geisha Boy Can be found in unusual quality Medic's Mountain Cap Can be found in unusual quality Grimm Hatte Can be found in unusual quality Private Eye Can be found in unusual quality Team Captain Can be found in unusual quality Doctor's Sack Can be found in unusual quality Planeswalker Helm Cannot be found in unusual quality Surgeon's Stahlhelm Can be found in unusual quality Couvre Corner Cannot be found in unusual quality
Geisha Boy Medic's Mountain Cap Grimm Hatte Private Eye Team Captain Doctor's Sack Planeswalker Helm Surgeon's Stahlhelm Couvre Corner
Surgeon's Stethoscope Cannot be found in unusual quality Einstein Cannot be found in unusual quality Dr. Gogglestache Cannot be found in unusual quality Emerald Jarate Cannot be found in unusual quality Dr. Whoa Cannot be found in unusual quality Nine-Pipe Problem Cannot be found in unusual quality Scrap Pack Cannot be found in unusual quality Surgeon's Side Satchel Cannot be found in unusual quality Quadwrangler Cannot be found in unusual quality
Surgeon's Stethoscope Einstein Dr. Gogglestache Emerald Jarate Dr. Whoa Nine-Pipe Problem Scrap Pack Surgeon's Side Satchel Quadwrangler
Trophy Belt Can be found in unusual quality Professional's Panama Can be found in unusual quality Master's Yellow Belt Can be found in unusual quality Ritzy Rick's Hair Fixative Cannot be found in unusual quality Shooter's Sola Topi Can be found in unusual quality Bloke's Bucket Hat Can be found in unusual quality Ol' Snaggletooth Can be found in unusual quality Larrikin Robin Can be found in unusual quality Crocleather Slouch Can be found in unusual quality
Trophy Belt Professional's Panama Master's Yellow Belt Ritzy Rick's Hair Fixative Shooter's Sola Topi Bloke's Bucket Hat Ol' Snaggletooth Larrikin Robin Crocleather Slouch
Villain's Veil Can be found in unusual quality Desert Marauder Can be found in unusual quality Anger Can be found in unusual quality Sniper's Snipin' Glass Cannot be found in unusual quality Your Worst Nightmare Can be found in unusual quality Swagman's Swatter Can be found in unusual quality Crocodile Smile Cannot be found in unusual quality Holy Hunter Cannot be found in unusual quality Silver Bullets Cannot be found in unusual quality
Villain's Veil Desert Marauder Anger Sniper's Snipin' Glass Your Worst Nightmare Swagman's Swatter Crocodile Smile Holy Hunter Silver Bullets
Garlic Flank Stake Cannot be found in unusual quality Itsy Bitsy Spyer Cannot be found in unusual quality Outback Intellectual Cannot be found in unusual quality Bushman's Boonie Cannot be found in unusual quality Teufort Tooth Kicker Cannot be found in unusual quality Fruit Shoot Can be found in unusual quality Flamingo Kid Cannot be found in unusual quality
Garlic Flank Stake Itsy Bitsy Spyer Outback Intellectual Bushman's Boonie Teufort Tooth Kicker Fruit Shoot Flamingo Kid
Fancy Fedora Can be found in unusual quality Backbiter's Billycock Can be found in unusual quality Camera Beard Cannot be found in unusual quality Magistrate's Mullet Can be found in unusual quality Frenchman's Beret Can be found in unusual quality Familiar Fez Can be found in unusual quality Détective Noir Can be found in unusual quality Le Party Phantom Can be found in unusual quality Noh Mercy Can be found in unusual quality
Fancy Fedora Backbiter's Billycock Camera Beard Magistrate's Mullet Frenchman's Beret Familiar Fez Détective Noir Le Party Phantom Noh Mercy
Private Eye Can be found in unusual quality Charmer's Chapeau Can be found in unusual quality Janissary Ketche Can be found in unusual quality Cosa Nostra Cap Can be found in unusual quality Made Man Cannot be found in unusual quality Rogue's Col Roule Cannot be found in unusual quality Nanobalaclava Can be found in unusual quality Counterfeit Billycock Can be found in unusual quality L'Inspecteur Can be found in unusual quality
Private Eye Charmer's Chapeau Janissary Ketche Cosa Nostra Cap Made Man Rogue's Col Roule Nanobalaclava Counterfeit Billycock L'Inspecteur
Spectre's Spectacles Cannot be found in unusual quality Under Cover Cannot be found in unusual quality Griffin's Gog Cannot be found in unusual quality Intangible Ascot Cannot be found in unusual quality Dr. Whoa Cannot be found in unusual quality Dashin' Hashshashin Cannot be found in unusual quality
Spectre's Spectacles Under Cover Griffin's Gog Intangible Ascot Dr. Whoa Dashin' Hashshashin
Cheater's Lament Cannot be found in unusual quality Ghastly GibusGhastlier GibusGhastlierest Gibus Cannot be found in unusual quality Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask Cannot be found in unusual quality Bill's Hat Cannot be found in unusual quality Modest Pile of Hat Can be found in unusual quality Noble Amassment of Hats Can be found in unusual quality Towering Pillar of Hats Can be found in unusual quality Max's Severed Head Cannot be found in unusual quality MercenarySoldier of Fortune
Grizzled VeteranPrimeval Warrior
Cannot be found in unusual quality
Cheater's Lament Ghastly Gibus
Ghastlier Gibus
Ghastlierest Gibus
Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask Bill's Hat Modest Pile of Hat Noble Amassment of Hats Towering Pillar of Hats Max's Severed Head Mercenary
Soldier of Fortune
Grizzled Veteran
Primeval Warrior
Earbuds Cannot be found in unusual quality Alien Swarm Parasite Cannot be found in unusual quality Bronze Dueling BadgeSilver Dueling Badge
Gold Dueling BadgePlatinum Dueling Badge
Cannot be found in unusual quality Ellis' Cap Cannot be found in unusual quality Mann Co. Cap Cannot be found in unusual quality Wiki Cap Cannot be found in unusual quality Polycount Pin Cannot be found in unusual quality Scout MaskSoldier MaskPyro Mask
Demoman MaskHeavy MaskEngineer Mask
Medic MaskSniper MaskSpy Mask
Cannot be found in unusual quality Saxton Hale Mask Cannot be found in unusual quality
Earbuds Alien Swarm Parasite Dueling Badges
Bronze - Silver
Gold - Platinum
Ellis' Cap Mann Co. Cap Wiki Cap Polycount Pin Halloween Masks Saxton Hale Mask
Horseless Headless Horsemann's Head Cannot be found in unusual quality Spine-Chilling Skull Cannot be found in unusual quality Voodoo Juju Cannot be found in unusual quality Horrific Headsplitter Cannot be found in unusual quality Companion Cube Pin Cannot be found in unusual quality License to Maim Cannot be found in unusual quality Bounty Hat Cannot be found in unusual quality Treasure Hat Cannot be found in unusual quality Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect Cannot be found in unusual quality
Horseless Headless Horsemann's Head Spine-Chilling Skull Voodoo Juju Horrific Headsplitter Companion Cube Pin License to Maim Bounty Hat Treasure Hat Hat of Undeniable Wealth and Respect
A Rather Festive Tree Can be found in unusual quality World Traveler's Hat Cannot be found in unusual quality Athletic Supporter Cannot be found in unusual quality Humanitarian's Hachimaki Cannot be found in unusual quality Benefactor's Kanmuri Cannot be found in unusual quality Magnanimous Monarch Cannot be found in unusual quality Aperture Labs Hard Hat Cannot be found in unusual quality Resurrection Associate Pin Cannot be found in unusual quality Frontline Field Recorder Cannot be found in unusual quality
A Rather Festive Tree World Traveler's Hat Athletic Supporter Humanitarian's Hachimaki Benefactor's Kanmuri Magnanimous Monarch Aperture Labs Hard Hat Resurrection Associate Pin Frontline Field Recorder
SpaceChem Pin Cannot be found in unusual quality Lo-Fi Longwave Cannot be found in unusual quality Proof of Purchase Cannot be found in unusual quality Professor Speks Cannot be found in unusual quality Summer Hat Cannot be found in unusual quality Summer Shades Cannot be found in unusual quality Dr. Grordbort's Crest Cannot be found in unusual quality Company Man Can be found in unusual quality Spiral Sallet Cannot be found in unusual quality
SpaceChem Pin Lo-Fi Longwave Proof of Purchase Professor Speks Summer Hat Summer Shades Dr. Grordbort's Crest Company Man Spiral Sallet
Party Hat Cannot be found in unusual quality Killer Exclusive Can be found in unusual quality Tournament Medal - ETF2L Highlander TournamentTournament Medal - GWJ TournamentTournament Medal - UGC Highlander Tournament Cannot be found in unusual quality Manniversary Paper Hat Cannot be found in unusual quality Flair! Cannot be found in unusual quality Photo Badge Cannot be found in unusual quality Clan Pride Cannot be found in unusual quality Merc's Pride Scarf Cannot be found in unusual quality Seal Mask Cannot be found in unusual quality
Party Hat Killer Exclusive Tournament Medals
Manniversary Paper Hat Flair! Photo Badge Clan Pride Merc's Pride Scarf Seal Mask
MONOCULUS! Cannot be found in unusual quality Spine-Tingling SkullSpine-Cooling SkullSpine-Twisting Skull Cannot be found in unusual quality Bombinomicon Cannot be found in unusual quality Mark of the Saint Cannot be found in unusual quality Point and Shoot Cannot be found in unusual quality Top Notch Cannot be found in unusual quality Dr. Grordbort's Copper Crest Cannot be found in unusual quality Dr. Grordbort's Silver Crest Cannot be found in unusual quality Full Head of Steam Cannot be found in unusual quality
MONOCULUS! Spine-Chilling Skull 2011 Bombinomicon Mark of the Saint Point and Shoot Top Notch Dr. Grordbort's Copper Crest Dr. Grordbort's Silver Crest Full Head of Steam
Brown Bomber Can be found in unusual quality B.M.O.C. Cannot be found in unusual quality Holiday Headcase Cannot be found in unusual quality Ebenezer Cannot be found in unusual quality Spirit of Giving Cannot be found in unusual quality Bolgan Family Crest Cannot be found in unusual quality Map Maker's Medallion Cannot be found in unusual quality Merc Medal Cannot be found in unusual quality Something Special For Someone Special Cannot be found in unusual quality
Brown Bomber B.M.O.C. Holiday Headcase Ebenezer Spirit of Giving Bolgan Family Crest Map Maker's Medallion Merc Medal Something Special For Someone Special
Warsworn Helmet Cannot be found in unusual quality Dueler Cannot be found in unusual quality Philateler Cannot be found in unusual quality Gifting Man From Gifting Land Cannot be found in unusual quality Bolt Action Blitzer Cannot be found in unusual quality Atomic Accolade Cannot be found in unusual quality
Warsworn Helmet Dueler Philateler Gifting Man from Gifting Land Bolt Action Blitzer Atomic Accolade
Key Can be found in unusual quality Can be found in Unusual quality Previously found in Unusual quality Previously found in Unusual quality Cannot be found in unusual quality Cannot be found in Unusual quality
 Item obtainable via random drop  Item not obtainable via random drop  Special Halloween item

Strange Items
Backpack Minigun.png

Strange Minigun - Kills: 0

Backpack Scattergun.png

Strange Scattergun - Kills: 0

Strange quality is colored orange and can only be unbox from a crate. Strange weapons count your kills and give you a different rank upon different amount of kills. Strange stock weapons such as a Scattergun cost much more than unlockable or craftable weapons. A strange Rocket Launcher can go for about 1-2 refined, whilst a strange Direct Hit can go for about 1-2 reclaimed. Template:Strange quality table