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“ | Gewehre, Pfeile, Steine und anderer Fernkampf-Schrott sind nur reine Zeitverschwendung um einen Mann umzubringen. Schnapp dir einfach das verdammt größte Schwert das Du finden kannst und schlag dem Vollidioten sauber den Kopf ab.
— Werbeanzeige für das Eyelander Nahkampf-set
” |
Der Eyelander ist eine freischaltbare melee Waffe für den Demoman. Er nimmt die Form eines außergewöhnlich großen und blutbespritzten Claymore-Langschwertes an.
Abgesehen davon das er eine größere Reichweite als alle anderen Nahkampfwaffen hat und auch ansonsten zu überzeugen weiß, geht das Gerücht um dass er von einem boshaften, blutgierigen Geist besessen ist. Hauptsächlich macht es sich dadurch bemerkbar, dass das Schwert ununterbrochen nach abgeschlagenen Köpfen verlangt solange es angelegt ist. Spieler die das Schwert tragen leiden in Folge des Fluches an einem Gesundheitsentzug von 25 HP, welcher sie mit nur noch 150 HP hinterlässt. Darüberhinaus fehlt dem Schwert die Möglichkeit zufällige kritische Treffer zu generieren, deshalb sollten sich Spieler die spezielle Fähigkeit des Chargin' Targe's zu Nutze machen, oder auf einen Medic mit dem Kritzkrieg warten.
Wegen der Verzauberung enthauptet das Schwert feindliche Spieler automatisch bei einem Kill und bringt dem Spieler einen Geschwindigkeitsschub und einen Gesundheitsbonus von +15 HP ein. Diese Fähigkeit tritt solange in Aktion bis der 4. Kill und somit der 4. Kopf gesammelt wurde, an diesem Punkt besitzt der Demoman 210 HP und bewegt sich maximal mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 370 Hammer-Units pro Sekunde vorwärts. Sobald die 4 Kills überschritten werden bringt jeder Kopf weiterhin +15 HP ein bis zu einem Maximum von 315 HP, jedoch nimmt die Gesundheit ganz wie beim Overheal des Medics mit der Zeit wieder ab, bis die 210 HP erneut erreicht sind. Die Anzahl der momentan abgetrennten Köpfe ist im HUD jederzeit einsehbar. Das Abtrennen von Köpfen wirkt sich außerdem auf das Aussehen des Demomans aus, mit jedem weiteren Kopf leuchtet sein verbliebenes Auge immer heller auf (siehe unten).
Sollte es einem gelingen einen anderen Demoman mit Eyelander zu enthaupten, werden dessen gesammelte Köpfe, sowie sein eigener, dem Spieler gutgeschrieben.
- Base: 65 (59 to 72 damage)
- Mini-Crit: 88
- Critical Hit: 195 (cannot Krit randomly)
Function times
- Attack Interval: 0.8
- Damage Per Second: 81
All times are in seconds. Times are approximate and determined by community testing.
Related Achievements
As a Crafting Ingredient
Recent Changes
- Prior to the January 13, 2010 Patch, a Spy disguised as an enemy Eyelander Demoman would appear to hold the sword in one hand, identical to the stance made when a Demoman is holding the Bottle.
- The Eyelander has Developer weapon variants, most notably Valve employee Robin Walker's Eyelander, which has a unique flame particle effect around it and grants him a neverending ÜberCharge.
- The name "Eyelander" recalls the word "Highlander", the name given to inhabitants of the Scottish Highlands. Additionally, the name and function of The Eyelander bear a similarity to the movie Highlander, where immortal humans could gain another immortal's power by decapitating him in a sword fight.
- The design of the sword itself bears a striking similarity to William Wallace's sword as it was portrayed in the movie Braveheart.
- The Eyelander was originally issued to American monkeynaut Poopy Joe in order to fight off his Soviet rival Vladimir Bananas before it was acquired by Mann Co. in entirely innocent circumstances. [1]
- The sound made by a corpse upon decapitation is the same one made by the BLU Spy upon having his head blown off by the BLU Soldier in the Meet the Spy video.
- Despite decapitated players making a final death scream when killed with the Eyelander, this would not be possible in real life due to the lungs and trachea being separated from the mouth upon decapitation.
- There are some unused sound files in the game that are related to the Eyelander's taunt. There are two of them: first one has the Demoman saying "There can be only one!", while the second has him saying "There can be only one... Aye!"
- When in player view, the Demoman swings horizontally normally and vertically for Critical hits. In world view, however, the weapon is swung always vertically. As decapitations should require a horizontal swing, it is unknown how heads are actually cut off.
- The number of decapitations performed by a Demoman is tied to his current life, not to the Eyelander. Collected heads are retained as long as the Demoman is alive, irrespective of whether he has the Eyelander equipped. A Demoman can switch his Eyelander and associated head count benefits for the normal Bottle at any time, and regain them if he re-equips the Eyelander later during his life. Take note that this does not work with the Scotsman's Skullcutter, the heads will reset if you switch to this weapon and you will lose all speed and health benefits of your accumulated heads.
- Within the "Meet the Sniper" video, the "F.O.A.D" sign seems to make a small reference to the Eyelander. Within the letter F it is possible to see a silhouette similar to the Demoman holding a sword, much like the Eyelander, decapitating people. The decapitated corpse also appears to look rather similar to the animation that is played by the Scout after being decapitated.
- The decapitation animation the Eyelander's victims suffer does not actually separate the head from the model of the victim, instead shrinking the head so small it cannot be easily seen and spawning a head gib where their head once was to create the illusion of decapitation. This explains why decapitated ragdolls have a 'pinched' looking neck. A severed neck model for the Soldier is in the game files but neither it nor any other models have been implemented as of yet.
- In the comic Loose Canon, the Eyelander can be seen in Blutarch Mann's office in 1890.
- This, along with the Skullcutter, has no unique lines besides the cry for heads by the sword itself. It's common to hear Bottle lines spoken with the sword.
- In the WAR! update comic, Miss Pauling says that the Eyelander is "haunted".
- Eyelander 1st person cropped.png
1st person view.
- Eyelander with Chargin' Targe 1st person cropped.png
1st person view with Chargin' Targe.
Full 1st person view with Chargin' Targe.
- Eyelander glow.jpg
The Demoman's eye glowing from collecting heads
See also
External links