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Grundlæggende information
Ikon: 40px
Type: Defensiv
Helbred: 175 / 260
150 / 225 med Eyelanderen udstyret
210 / 315 med Eyelanderen fuldt opladt
Hastighed: 93%
79% mens bærendeSkottens Kraniekløver
123% with the Eyelanderen fuldt opladt
Mød Demomanen
En krydsede tråd, en egensindig knivspids kalium chlorat, en vildfaren ryk... og kabumski!
Demoman'en om erhvervsbetingede risici

Demoman'en, en grådig scrumpy drikkende, monster forstyrrende, demolitions ekspert fra det Skotske højland, Demoman'en (Hvis rigtige navn er Tavish DeGroot) er en af de mere alsidig medlemmer af holdet. Selvom hans våben ikke er særlig præcise på lange distancer, er Demoman'en kraftful og hans uforudsigelighed gør at han kan holde stand i de fleste situationer. Han er mester af alt eksplosivt, med fokus i indirekte kampe på mellem afstand. Bevæbnet med sinGranatkaster og Klæbebomber, bruger Demoman'en sit gode øje og kendskab til omgivelserne for en godt timet detonation, der sender fjender flyvende afsted, ofte i flere stykker.

Demoman'en, som hans navn antyder, udmærker sig ved hurtig demontering. Hans granater hopper rundt om hjørner for at skabe ravage for fjendens Robotgeværer, mens han forbliver ude af syne. Hans klæbebomber er et perfekt redskab for at blokere et område, holde modstanderne væk fra vogne, kontrolpunkter og Intelligence, han anser for at være off-limits.

Demoman'en er stemme-skuespillet af Gary Schwartz.


Basisk Strategi

Hovedartikler: Demoman tips, Demoman strategy
  • Hit MOUSE1 to fire sticky bombs and then use MOUSE2 to detonate them later.
  • With the Stickybomb Launcher, the longer you hold down the fire button, the farther the shot will go.
  • Set off sticky bombs beneath your feet to ‘sticky-jump' up to great heights.
  • Shoot sticky bombs onto walls and ceilings where they're hard to spot.
  • Also if you "flick" your mouse to where you want the sticky to go, it will reach even further.


Hovedartikel: Weapons

Bemærk: Våbenskade er afrundet og listet med basiske værdier. Se individuelle våben-sider for flere tal.


Weapon Ammo
Damage Range Notes / Special Abilities
Item icon Grenade Launcher.png
Granatkaster 4 16 On direct hit:
Base: 81–111
Crit: 280–300

After bounce:

Base: 22–64
Crit: 1901
  • Granater eksploderer ved kontakt med en modstander, medmindre granaten har ramt en overflade først.


Weapon Ammo
Damage Range Notes / Special Abilities
Item icon Stickybomb Launcher.png
Klæbebombekaster 8 24 Directly underneath:
Base: 103–171
Crit: 3531
  • Primary fire affyrer bomberne, secondary fire får dem allesammen til at eksplodere samtidig. Ved at holde primary fire nede skydes bomberne længere afsted.
  • Klæbebomber hænger fast ved de fleste overflader og forbliver klar til at sprænges, medmindre spilleren detonerer dem, eller dør.
  • Demoman'en må have op til 8 klæbebomber lagt ud på samme tid.* Sticky Bombs may be attacked and destroyed.
  • Kan bruges til at udføre et Klæbebombe hop, der minder meget om Soldatens raket hop, som bruges til at komme op til høje positioner, eller for at slynge sig selv hurtigere fremad.
Item icon Chargin' Targe.png
Angrebsskjoldet N/A N/A Full charge:
50 + 10 per head (up to 5)

Pictogram plus.png With secondary fire charges player forward at high speed adding Mini-Crits (at half charge) or Critical hits (at full charge) to any attack. Any enemy hit just by the full charge takes 50 or more damage.

Pictogram plus.png Adds 50% resistance to fire damage.

Pictogram plus.png Adds 40% resistance to explosive damage.

Pictogram plus.png Grants its abilities passively, does not need to be selected.

Item icon Scottish Resistance.png
Den Skotske Resistens 8 36 Directly underneath:
Base: 103–171
Crit: 3531
Stickybomb Launcher alternative:

Pictogram plus.png Stickies are visible through walls and any obstacle, and can be detonated by 'selecting' (looking at) them.

Pictogram plus.png Can destroy enemy stickies.

Pictogram plus.png Can lay 14 sticky bombs at once.

Pictogram plus.png Has 12 more ammo carried.

Pictogram plus.png Has 25% higher firing speed.

Pictogram minus.png Has 0.8 sec. longer priming time.


Weapon Ammo
Damage Range Notes / Special Abilities
Item icon Bottle.png
Flaske N/A N/A Base: 65

Crit: 195

  • The Bottle will break upon a successful Critical hit (purely cosmetic feature).
Item icon Eyelander.png
Eyelanderen N/A N/A Base: 65

Crit: 195

Pictogram plus.png Has larger melee range.

Pictogram plus.png Every killing blow decapitates the enemy, increasing its head counter. Every head taken raises user's speed (~8%) and health points (15) to a maximum of 4 times each life.

Pictogram minus.png Lowers maximum health by 25 points.

Pictogram minus.png No random Critical hits.

Item icon Pain Train.png
Smertetoget N/A N/A Base: 65

Crit: 195

Pictogram plus.png Doubles capture power for points and carts.

Pictogram minus.png Raises bullet vulnerability by 10%.

Item icon Scotsman's Skullcutter.png
Skottens Kraniekløver N/A N/A Base: 78

Crit: 234

Pictogram plus.png Has larger melee range.

  • Every killing blow decapitates the enemy, but does not increase the head counter.

Pictogram plus.png Deals 20% more damage.

Pictogram minus.png Lowers speed by 15%, even if not wielded.

Item icon Frying Pan.png
Stegepande N/A N/A Base: 65

Crit: 195

1 Explosion damage is determined by the distance from the explosion.

Taunt attack

Demoeyelander.png Relateret våben BeskrivelseKill Icon
Se også: Decapitation
Demoman'en svinger sit sværd rundt og skærer ud foran sig, hvorefter han renser sit sværd med sin hånd.
  • Killicon barbarian swing.png


Hovedartikel: Hats

Official class avatars

Officielle klasse-avatarer
Originale sæt RED ÜberLadet sæt BLU ÜberLadet sæt
Demomanava.jpg Buffed red demoman.jpg Buffed blu demoman.jpg
Få TF2-avatarer på Steam: Originale


Hovedartikel: Demoman achievements


  • The censored portion of the Demoman's diatribe in the Meet the Demoman trailer will be filled in in a community competition held by Kritzkarst. Winning entries will receive prizes awarded by Valve.
  • The Heavy and the Demoman are both voiced by Gary Schwartz.
  • The Demoman was born to a clan of Scottish Demomen whose motto is "In regione caecorum rex est luscus", which roughly translates as "In the realm of the blind, the one eyed man is king." According to his mother, his father lost both his eyes before he was 30 and maintained 26 jobs until his dying day.
  • The Demoman's old trading card bio is largely the same, except that his original parents are killed rather than his adoptive set.
  • The Demoman is missing his shoulder emblem in the RED main menu splash screen. (Both in the original RED team picture and the Soldier/Demo Face-off picture.) He is also missing his shoulder emblems in Meet the Demoman.
  • The HUD icon of the Demoman is inverted horizontally, as he is depicted as left-handed. The Demoman's patch is also on the wrong eye.

Se også


  1. a b Team Fortress 2 Trailer 2, released in September 2006.

External links