Posto de Melhoria

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< Upgrade Station
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Posto de Melhoria
MvM Upgrade Station.png
When a robot kills a human, we erupt into a pleading mist of blood, meat particles and tears, which you can't really trade for anything. But when a robot dies, he explodes in a shower of money, which, during between-wave lulls, you can exchange at any Upgrade Station for weapon, item and ability upgrades.

Um Posto de Melhoria (Upgrade Station) é um lugar para os jogadores comprarem melhorias de armas, habilidades e buffs do Cantil de Poder no modo de jogo Mann vs. Machine. Os jogadores podem acessar um dos dois quiosques na base à qualquer momento para comprar melhorias com os créditos coletados. O custo de cada melhoria não aumenta com uma compra repetida. Entre as ondas, o jogador pode modelar o número de níveis em uma melhoria ao apertar os botões + e - para redistribuir os seus créditos caso tenha cometido um erro.

During the setup of the first wave of the mission, upgrades can be sold back if the player wants to change weapons, classes, or buy a different upgrade. However, from the moment the first wave starts and onward, all upgrades will be nonrefundable. This icon (MvM Class upgraded.png) will appear next to a class in the Class Selection Menu if that class already has upgrades applied to it. Weapon upgrades apply to only a single weapon but take effect for all classes that can equip the weapon. Un-equipping a weapon will deactivate all upgrades associated with that weapon, but they will be regained if the player re-equips it. Disconnecting from a server and rejoining will allow the player to retain the player current amount of credits and upgrades if the player chooses the same class.

Failing to complete a wave will refund the credits spent before that wave to give the player a chance to use a different strategy. Otherwise, credits will not be refunded after accepting the upgrades.

Since there are no Resupply Cabinets in the base, purchasing an upgrade from an Upgrade Station will restore health and ammo without needing to switch classes. Players cannot heal using the Upgrade Station during waves.

Interface do usuário

MvM Upgrade UI.png

Upgrade Stations são acessadas ao andar para perto delas. Por padrão, a arma primaria é selecionada. The UI automatically shades upgrades in a compartimento if the player cannot afford them. Players may cancel at any time or simply walk away from the kiosk before accepting an upgrade to regain the credits used during the session.





Corpo a corpo




Estas melhorias estão disponíveis apenas para o Engineer.

Cantil de Poder

Estas melhorias estão disponíveis para qualquer classe com um Cantil de Poder, Cantil de Baterias ou Cantil de Doces e Travessuras equipado no compartimento de Ação. Cantis podem armazenar até três cargas e apenas um tipo de carga por vez.

Note que certas armas não podem ser melhoradas. São elas:

Conquistas relacionadas

Mvm navicon.png Mann vs. Machievements

Máximo Desempenho
Máximo Desempenho
Maximize todas as resistências de uma única classe.
Atualização do Sistema
Atualização do Sistema
Maximize todas as melhorias de uma arma primária.

Histórico de atualizações

Atualização de 15 de agosto de 2012
  • Added Mann vs. Machine.

Atualização de 17 de agosto de 2012

  • Fixed a client crash related to the Mann vs. Machine upgrade panel.
  • Fixed seeing incorrect upgrades in the Mann vs. Machine upgrade panel.
  • Updated upgrade icons to remove numbers.

Atualização de 23 de agosto de 2012

  • Fixed the Metal Regen upgrade displaying a percentage instead of an incremental value.

Atualização de 4 de setembro de 2012

  • Fixed a client money display issue when purchasing or selling Garrafa charges after changing classes.
  • Fixed Rifle de Sniper reload upgrade not reducing the time delay from hip shot to scoping.

Atualização de 21 de setembro de 2012

  • Added the ability to buy projectile penetration for the Crusader's Crossbow.
  • Fixed the Arma Médica overheal duration attribute causing the overheal effect to decay faster, rather than slower.
  • Fixed the Demoman shields not saving their upgrades upon round reset.

Atualização de 27 de setembro de 2012

  • Fixed a bug where players could only buy 1 upgrade at a time from the upgrade station.

Atualização de 9 de outubro de 2012

  • Balance changes:
    • Explosive Headshots
      • Damage is now 150 regardless of upgrade level.
      • Damage is done in one tick instead of the previous six.
      • Added a slowing effect based on upgrade level (50%-80% slow, 2-4 second duration).
      • Radius still scales with upgrade level (unchanged).
    • Marked For Death duration reduced to 7 seconds from 15 seconds when the target is a giant robot.
    • Reduced the "effect bar recharge rate increased" upgrade from 20% increments with an 80% cap to 15% increments with a 60% cap.


  • Changing a weapon via loadout screen before walking up to the upgrade station, then buying a single upgrade, will prevent buying or selling any upgrades.
  • The descriptions for the reload speed and firing rate upgrades are slightly misleading. Rather than making these actions a set percentage faster, they actually reduce the function time by the stated percentage. E.g. A weapon with a cumulative 60% faster reload time will reload in 40% of the normal time (i.e. 100% - 60%), not 62.5% (100% / 1.6).
  • Occasionally, when on the Canteen charges page, clicking once on any upgrade's + sign will give the player two charges for the Canteen, at the same cost of purchasing one charge twice, though only one circle fills. The player will end up with those two charges upon clicking "accept", and the interface returns to the correct number of circles filled the next time the player goes to the kiosk.


  • Existem muitos itens visíveis na Upgrade Station, entre eles estão Bear Trap e a Frag Grenade, ambas armas canceladas.
  • Inside the game files, there are 3 upgrades to be found that are not currently in the game; They include a radius of Sentry Gun upgrade, regeneration of a percent of a mercenary's max ammo every 5 seconds upgrade, and gaining more credits through an additively stacking percent multiplier upgrade.
  • Existe uma música não utilizada nos arquivos do jogo que possivelmente seria reproduzida enquanto o jogador utiliza o Posto de Melhoria.

Veja também

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