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伤害军团要塞 2中可削减“玩家或实体”血量的一种方式 。伤害可由武器射击火焰灼烧爆炸摔落流血嘲讽杀 事件和例如 火车水面钢锯脱缰的无头骑士魔眼马拉莫斯以及地下世界环境因素造成。


标准伤害 将由以下公式计算:

(基础伤害) × (伤害衰减随机 修正) × (抗性/增伤 修正) × (溅射修正)


(基础伤害) × (溅射修正) × [(基础 抗性/增伤 修正) + (正面 伤害衰减 修正补偿 + 2) × (爆击 抗性/增伤 修正)]


(基础伤害) × (溅射修正) × [(基础 抗性/增伤 修正) + (正面 伤害衰减 修正补偿 + 0.35) × (爆击 抗性/增伤 修正)]


基础伤害 基于每件武器固定的伤害数值。除部分可以因击中目标特殊部位而产生爆击伤害的武器外,伤害并不会因击中目标的不同位置而改变。



(简而言之,距离≤512 单位,将造成额外的伤害,距离≥512 单位,将受到伤害衰竭。)

伤害衰减随机修正 是伤害倍数处于1.5 - 0.5 之间的一条正弦曲线公式,(伤害)受攻击者和目标之间的距离影响。曲线中距离的最大上限为 1024 单位,任何超出 1024 单位的距离均会被作为 1024 单位计算。在该条公式中,判定的距离会随机±102.4 单位 (图像中以距离为512 单位 为例) 这意味着,距离的判定将比实际距离 远/近 出 102.4 单位,光公式而言可得出许多玩家耳熟能详的 15%伤害差异 ;当然这不表示最终伤害只能乘 85–115%。

但 伤害衰竭修正 将对火箭发射器粘性炸弹发射器(五秒内引爆)、注射枪正义野牛歼灭者 6000等武器进行特殊判定。当距离近于512 单位时,这些武器的伤害提升会明显缩水。因此,火箭发射器的最大伤害提升只有125%,而粘性炸弹发射器、注射器、正义野牛、歼灭者 6000 等武器则为 120% (图中以粉棕色曲线表示)。简而言之,这类武器在近距离时将得到较少的伤害增益,并相较于其他武器受到更大的伤害衰竭。

于上类武器相反,侦察兵的主武器(除游击手)的 “伤害衰竭修正”在近距离时将有着明显的伤害提升,在数据面板中,最大可提升至175%的伤害,但在距离≤512 单位时,将与初始算法一致。

发射后超过5秒的粘性炸弹近战武器信号枪榴弹发射器(包括脱缰巨炮)、狙击步枪猎人短弓菜刀 等武器,将会被一致按照距离为 512 单位计算。但火焰喷射器的伤害衰减将按照火焰粒子的持续存在时间而进行单独计算。


  1. 在公式中,距离的数值并不会超过 1024 或低于 0。
  2. 在关闭了随机弹道的服务器上 (使用指令 "tf_damage_disablespread"),伤害衰减的距离判定上限将会被降低 102.4 单位。 超过912.6 单位的距离将被作921.6 单位计算;正常的上限为1024 单位。
  3. 三级步哨枪的火箭击中时,将由目标与工程师的位置距离判定衰减。


The splash modifier is a number used for explosive weapons that do not connect directly with the target. Valve has not released the official stats for the splash damage falloff yet.


Explosive weapons may deal less damage to the user than to enemies, depending on the situation. See the individual weapon pages for more information.


主条目: Critical hit

Critical hits and mini-crits have two effects each.

A critical hit adds damage equal to 2 times the base damage, while a mini-crit adds 0.35 times the damage following falloff compensation.

Both critical hits and mini-crits check to see if the final distance is greater than 512: if it is, then any damage lost is offset by an equal increase in damage. The end result is that the weapon does not lose damage due to the distance modifier when the player is more than 512 units away; if the attack were not a crit or mini-crit, damage would continue to decrease out to 1024 units.

The extra damage added on by critical hits and mini-crits - including that from rampup or offsetting falloff - is of the "critical" type instead of the weapon's standard type (e.g. bullet or explosive). This affects the calculation of damage resistances.

Note: A backstab deals 2 times the victim's current health, but, under normal conditions, it also always crits, increasing the damage to 6 times the victim's current health.

While active, the Battalion's Backup protects team members from critical hits and mini-crits, treating them as normal damage instead. The Vaccinator's protective shield blocks 100% of critical damage from attacks of the selected type.


Each weapon has an associated type of damage that it deals. Some weapons can deal more than one damage type at once; for instance, the Cow Mangler 5000's charged shot deals explosive damage as well as fire afterburn damage.

  • Bullet damage is typically associated with hitscan weapons, though the damage caused by most projectile impacts is treated as such as well (such as syringes, arrows, and energy beams, excluding the Cow Mangler 5000's beam).
  • Explosive damage is usually caused by explosive projectiles. Players killed via explosive damage will often gib.
  • Fire damage is caused by both flaming weaponry and the afterburn they induce.
  • Bleed damage is applied to players that are bleeding.
  • Melee damage is dealt by melee weapons. Melee damage can destroy stickybombs and causes players to scream loudly on kill.
  • Critical damage is caused by critical hits and mini-crits, playing distinctive sound effects and producing louder kill screams.
  • Fall damage is applied to players that hit the ground after too high and/or too fast a drop, as well as damage dealt by the Mantreads and Thermal Thruster.
  • Crush damage results when a player has been sandwiched between two objects (such as between a closing door and the ground). Being killed by crush damage causes the screen to flash red.
  • Drowning damage results when a player has been underwater for too long resulting in the screen flashing blue at the same time damaging the player.

Damage vulnerability, resistance, and blocking

A player may take a modified amount of damage due to certain items. These effects stack multiplicatively. "X% damage vulnerability" multiplies that kind of damage by 100% then adding X%, and "Y% damage resistance" multiplies that kind of damage by 100% then subtracting Y%; for example, the Chargin' Targe grants 30% explosive damage resistance, which means all incoming explosive damage is multiplied by 70%.

Because effects are stacked multiplicatively, combinations of effects result in a slightly different value than may be expected; for example, a Soldier with the Pain Train (10% bullet weakness) and an active Battalion's Backup (50% sentry resistance) has a combined resistance of 45% against Sentry bullets - as opposed to the 40% that would result from the effects being simply added together.

Some weapons imbue an effect which increases or decreases the damage received from certain types of weapons. These effects may either be applied as "on wearer" (having the item equipped in the loadout) or "while active" (actively wielding the item).

副武器 Bonk! Atomic Punch Pictogram info.png  在效果作用下,免疫所有伤害。
近战武器 Candy Cane Pictogram minus.png  穿戴时受到的爆炸伤害 +25%
Sun-on-a-Stick Pictogram plus.png  手持时火焰伤害抗性 +25%
副武器 Battalion's Backup Pictogram info.png  效果增益启用时,为你和范围内队友提供减伤保护。
降低 50% 步哨伤害,免疫爆击的额外伤害,降低 35% 其它所有伤害。
近战武器 Pain Train Pictogram minus.png  穿戴时受到的子弹伤害 +10%
主武器 Phlogistinator Pictogram info.png  正在“呜唔”嘲讽时无敌。
副武器 Detonator Pictogram minus.png  对穿戴者自身造成的爆炸伤害 +50%。
近战武器 Powerjack Pictogram minus.png  手持时,受到的所有伤害 +20%。
副武器 Chargin' Targe Pictogram plus.png  穿戴时火焰伤害抗性 +50%。
Pictogram plus.png  穿戴时爆炸伤害抗性 +30%。
Splendid Screen Pictogram plus.png  穿戴时火焰伤害抗性 +20%。
Pictogram plus.png  穿戴时爆炸伤害抗性 +20%。
Tide Turner Pictogram plus.png  穿戴时火焰伤害抗性 +15%。
Pictogram plus.png  穿戴时爆炸伤害抗性 +15%。
近战武器 Pain Train Pictogram minus.png  穿戴时受到的子弹伤害 +10%。
Claidheamh Mòr Pictogram minus.png  手持时受到的伤害 +10%。
主武器 Natascha Pictogram plus.png  生命值低于 50% 时,枪管高速旋转时 +20% 伤害抗性。
Brass Beast Pictogram plus.png  生命值低于 50% 时,枪管高速旋转时 +20% 伤害抗性。
副武器 Buffalo Steak Sandvich Pictogram minus.png  在效果作用下,受到的伤害 +20%。
近战武器 Warrior's Spirit Pictogram minus.png  手持时受到的伤害 +30%。
Fists of Steel Pictogram plus.png  手持时远距离伤害抗性 +40%。
Pictogram minus.png  手持时受到的近战伤害 +100%。
近战武器 Southern Hospitality Pictogram minus.png  穿戴时受到的火焰伤害 +20%。
副武器 Vaccinator Pictogram info.png  治疗时,为治疗者和治疗目标提供对所选伤害类型持续为 10% 的伤害抗性。
Pictogram info.png  Übercharge 生成一个护盾,可提供所选伤害类型的 75% 的基础伤害抗性和爆击伤害抗性。
副武器 Darwin's Danger Shield Pictogram plus.png  穿戴时火焰伤害抗性 +50%。
Pictogram plus.png  完全免疫后续燃烧。
近战武器 Bushwacka Pictogram minus.png  手持时受到的伤害 +20%
近战武器 Spy-cicle Pictogram plus.png  被火焰击中时:在 1 秒内免疫一切火焰伤害,10 秒内免疫后续燃烧。
PDA2 Invis Watch Enthusiast's Timepiece Pictogram info.png  隐形时 +20% 伤害抗性。
隐形手表 热衷者的计时器
Quäckenbirdt Cloak and Dagger
德国鸭表 隐形刺客
Dead Ringer Pictogram info.png  在手持并首次受到伤害后,受到的伤害 -75%,并免疫后续燃烧 3 秒。
Pictogram info.png  被激活后,使用者的获得 65% 伤害抗性,并在 3 秒内持续流失到 20%。



2010年12月17日补丁 (澳大利亚圣诞节更新)

  • [未记载] 近战武器不再造成枪械类型的伤害。


  • [未记载] 近战武器不再会因负面效果而造成枪械武器伤害。
