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种类: 推车
文件名: pl_odyssey
发布时间: 2024年7月18日补丁
2024 夏季更新
开发者: Evan "Defcon" LeBlanc
Nickolas "KrazyZark" Fenech
环境: 古希腊,矿场
设定: 白昼,晴朗
危害: 深渊
Healthico.png 医疗包: Smallhealth.png ×15  •  Mediumhealth.png ×15  •  
Largehealth.png ×2
Ammoico.png 弹药盒: Smallammo.png ×11   •   Mediumammo.png ×14   •  
Largeammo.png ×7
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Odyssey overview.png
Item icon Map Stamp - Odyssey.png

Odyssey是一张社区制作推车模式地图,于夏季 2024更新中加入游戏。该地图取景于希腊群岛(英语)中的一座海岛上并且被古遗迹和大理石采石场环绕着。






  • 蓝队出生点: A large spawn with three exits. The left exit leads to an open area behind the cart and a staircase that ascends to the temple construction site on top of the hill, the middle exit leads to Payload Start, and the right exit leads to the flank on the right side of the cart track.
  • 红队出生点: A large spawn with three exits. The top left exit leads to a multi-layered ledge over Checkpoint B, the bottom left exit leads to Checkpoint B on the ground, and the right exit leads to point A inside the temple.
  • 战车起始点: The cart starts right in front of the BLU spawn on top of a hill, in the front of the cart is the start of a gentle incline down the hill. To the left is a temple on a cliff.
  • 侧路: The flank extends from underneath the BLU spawn's right exit all the way to point A, following the edge of the playable map on the right side of the cart. There are three entrances/exits: one underneath the BLU spawn, one underneath the very small temple at the first turn on the cart track, and one inside the point A temple.


  • 蓝队出生点: Spawn stays in the same building at the beginning of the tracks.
  • 红队出生点: The right door leading to point A is locked making only two usable exits.
  • 检查点: The point is on very low ground with little to no cover with many ledges overtop that RED team has easy access to.
  • 侧路: There is a flank route starting in front of the locked building that will be BLU spawn if they capture point B, and goes along the right side of the Payload track into the small temple building by point B.
  • 额外信息: Once point A is captured a short cut is opened at the first turn of the track, going right next to the now locked RED spawn door, making the journey from BLU spawn to point B much faster.

第三检查点——采石场Checkpoint C - Quarry

  • 蓝队出生点: Switched to a small room with one door with the point B flank route in front and the last section of the point B track to the left.
  • 红队出生点: Switched to a Large room with four doors. The right doors exit to multiple ledges over point C, and a cavern over the track in-between point C and D. The left doors exit to a ledge over point D.
  • 检查点: Again the point is on very low ground with many ledges and bridges overhead, RED has very easy access to the highground, but BLU can also reach the highground with flank routes making it easier to take down enemy Sentry Guns and Snipers than point B.
  • 侧路 : A long path on the right of the tracks stretching the whole length from point B to C, with multiple buildings, fences, and Boulders separating it from the main chokepoints. There are five distinguishable exits/entrances for the flank route.


  • 蓝队出生点: Moved to a small room with one exit on a ledge over point C.
  • 红队出生点: Both right side doors are locked leaving only two functioning exits.
  • 检查点: A small flat area with two ledges on either side. The left one is right outside RED team's spawn doors, and the right ledge can be easily accessed by BLU if RED has not set up there yet.
  • 侧路: The main flank starts in the building to the right of the track in the cavern, it leads to the right ledge over point D and RED teams spawn doors. There is a small flank starting to the left right outside the cavern and goes underneath the left ledge of point D.


主条目: 社区 Odyssey 战术


2024年7月18日补丁 #12024 夏季更新

  • Odyssey被添加到游戏中。


  • 修复了一个允许蓝队玩家进入红队出生点的问题。
  • 修复了蓝队第一出生点内的光照问题。


  • 在红队最终出生点的一堵墙后方进行着一场秘密会议,其中有一名红队间谍正在边抽烟边观察一张世界地图。
