« | Écoute mon pote, J'suis un ingénieur; ce qui veut dire que je résous des problèmes.
Pas des problèmes du genre 'Qu'est-ce que la beauté?', Sinon ça tomberait dans les compétences énigmatiques de la philosophie. Je résous des Problèmes pratiques — L'Engineer sur son travail
» |
Un aimable Texan à la voix douce avec un don pour tous les trucs mécaniques, l'Engineer choisit de construire et de maintenir ses constructions dont ses coéquipiers profitent au lieu de s'engager dans le combat directement. Les différents gadgets de l'Engineer inclut la Sentry, une tourelle automatique qui tire automatiquement sur les ennemis a portée, le Dispenser, un appareil qui soigne les alliés et leur donne des munitions et le [Teleporter/fr|Teleporteur]] qui transporte rapidement les alliés au combat.
Malgré cela, les bâtiments de l'Engineer sont sous le feu nourri des explosifs ennemis et des Spies ennemis; Un bon Engineer doit rester à portée et garder un œil sur son matériel. Quand l'Engineer a besoin a besoin de se salir les mains, son trio d'arme générique mais bien puissante combiné avec l'aide de son matos font de lui une classe redoutable.
Stratégies basiques
- Utilise ton outil de construction pour placer des sentry, dispenser et téléporteurs.
- Tu as besoin de métal pour construire, réparer et améliorer tes constructions. Collecte les armes de ceux tombé au combat pour avoir du métal.
- Tape sur ta Sentry avec ta clé a molette pour l'améliorer avec du métal. Chaque niveau ajoute plus de vie et de puissance de feu.
- Construit ton Dispenser pour fournir a tes coéquipier de la vie et des munitions. Il génère aussi du métal pour toi.
- Construit un Téléporteur pour aider tes amis a arriver la ligne de front plus rapidement.
- Garde un œil pour éviter que les Spy ennemis ne place un Sapper sur tes constructions. Utilise ta clé a molette pour retirer les sappers.
Note: Les dommages des armes sont approximatifs et mesurés à une distance fixe. Regardez la page de chaque arme pour plus d'info.
Arme | Munitions chargées | Munitions transportées | Dégâts | |
![]() |
Shotgun | 6 | 32 | 80-90 (180 Critique) [Rechargement lent] |
Arme | Munitions Chargées | Munitions Transportées | Dégâts | |
![]() |
Pistol | 12 | 200 | 20-22 (45 Critique) [Rechargement rapide] |
Arme | Munitions chargées | Munitions transportées | dégâts | |
![]() |
Wrench | N/A | N/A | 43-87 (195 Critique) [Un peu moins d'un attaque par seconde] |
![]() Débloquable |
Golden Wrench Non confirmée | N/A | N/A | 43-87 (195 Critique) [Un peu moins d'une attaque par seconde] |
Arme | Pouvoirs spéciaux | |
File:Item icon Builder.png | Build Tool | Permet a l'Engineer de construire ses Bâtiments |
File:Item icon Destroy.png | Demolish Tool | Permet a l'Engineer de détruire ses Bâtiments |
Sam & Max variant
Arme | Munitions chargées | Munitions transportées | dégâts | Pouvoir spéciaux | |
![]() Secondaire |
Lugermorph | 12 | 36 | Base: 15 Critique: 45 [6 Balles/sec] |
Même info que le pisolet. |
Bâtiment | Niveau | Coût | Vie | Dégâts/Recharge/Valeur | |
![]() Slot un |
Sentry | Un | 130 | 150 | DPS Moyen: 64 |
Deux | 330 | 180 | DPS Moyen: 128 | ||
Trois | 530 | 216 | DPS moyen des balles: 128 Rockets (tir directe): 100 | ||
![]() Slot Deux |
Dispenser | Un | 100 | 150 | Vie: 10/sec Munitions: 20%/sec Métal: 40/5 sec |
Deux | 300 | 180 | Vie: 15/sec Munitions: 30%/sec Métal: 50/5 sec | ||
Trois | 500 | 216 | Vie: 20/sec Munitions: 40%/sec Métal: 60/5 sec | ||
![]() Slot trois & quatre |
Teleporter Entrée Teleporter Sortie |
Un | 125 | 150 | Recharge: 10 sec |
Deux | 325 | 180 | Recharge: 5 sec | ||
Trois | 525 | 216 | Recharge: 3 sec |
Originaux | Sans class | Communautaire | Sans chapeaux | ||
Mining light | Texas ten gallon | Engineer's cap | Hotrod | Safe'n'Sound | Texas Slim's Dome Shine |
Avatars officiels
Avatars officiels de Classes | ||
Original | RED 'ÜberChargé' | BLU 'ÜberChargé' |
![]() |
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Obtenez les avatars de TF2 sur Steam: Original |
Sentry Gunner | Sentry Gunner
Accumuler 10 mort avec une seule et même Sentry. |
- As of the WAR! Update, the Engineer is the only class without an update of his own. However, Valve has confirmed the update is currently in development and is heavily hinting at an impending release.[1]
- The Engineer is currently the only class without the ability to taunt kill, as all other classes have been updated and had a taunt kill added in their updates.
- The Engineer is the only class whose default primary weapon is not unique to the class.
- The Engineer is voiced by Grant Goodeve.
- The Engineer's voice actor and the Soldier's voice actor have both voiced the character Wolf O'Donnell from Nintendo's Star Fox series: Grant Goodeve (the Engineer) in Star Fox: Assault, and Rick May (the Soldier) in Star Fox 64.
- The Engineer's favorite equation is in fact part of the equation that governs character lighting in-game.
- The Engineer is the shortest class in the game.
- The song the Engineer plays during Meet the Engineer is called 'Someone Else's Song' and was originally written by Jeff Tweedy of the American Country band Wilco for their album 'Being There' in 1996.
- The Engineer designed and built the Sentry gun under contract from 'TF Industries' in 1965. The PDF manual for the game that is listed in Steam is a blueprint and promotional guide to using the Sentry gun.
- The Engineer drinks 'Blu Streak' brand beer, as seen in Meet the Engineer.
- One of the Pyro's hats, the Respectless rubber glove, appears to be the Engineer's missing left glove.
- The Engineer appeared on the cover of The Teufort Times[2] for his part in the creation of crafting.
- The Soldier calls the Engineer a "cowardin' Canadian" in his domination lines, which may add suspicion towards the Engineer's Texan heritage.
- The Soldier may also be accusing the Engineer of being a 'Draft-dodger': Americans who did not want to enlist moved to Canada to avoid being drafted.
- The Engineer is the only class to have 1 Achievement, being one of the original General achievements (and not counting the proposed Engineer achievements).
- In the trailer for the Mac update, the Engineer is seen holding a brand-new shotgun with detailed engravings, a device on the side, and antennae. It is also notable that this shotgun has a stock, as well as a seemingly longer barrel than the standard shotgun.
- The Engineer and Spy are the only 2 classes to use the PDA slots.
- The Engineer seems to be the only class besides the Medic without a liable health problem. The Heavy is overweight, the Scout has possible radiation poisoning (from Bonk), the Soldier's rocket jumping (i.e. leg fracturing) and extremely poor mental health, the Pyro's asbestos-lined suit (and similar poor mental health), the Demoman's alchoholism and smoking, the Sniper's impeding kidney failure, and the Spy is a casual smoker.
- The Engineer can Reload his Shotgun faster than the Pyro and the Soldier
- Engineer reloads his Shotgun at the same rate as The Heavy
See also
- Engineer Update Coming Soon!
- Meet the Engineer
- Metal
- Engineer User Guides
- Engineer match-ups
- Engineer taunts
- Engineer responses
- Engineer voice commands
- Engineer strategy
- Engineer scripts
- List of references (Engineer)
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