Obtaining Medic achievements
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Assist in burning 5 enemies with a single ÜberCharge on a Pyro. Difficulty: Easy/Medium How to: The main difficulty with this achievement is finding a situation where five enemies will be conveniently gathered in one place. Situations in which this may occur include the start of the match or when the offensive team are crouched around the cart in a Payload map. Alternatively, if you are on the offensive team, you may find multiple enemies crowded around their control point. Note- It is not necessary for the Pyro to kill five enemies, only to set them on fire. |
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Autopsy Report
Provide an enemy with a freezecam shot of you taunting above their ragdoll. Difficulty: Easy How to: This one is simple. Just kill an opponent with your Bonesaw/Übersaw or Syringe Gun/Blutsauger and press the taunt button ('g') while standing over their body for the achievement. This is safer to do on enemies you've killed behind friendly lines, like Spies or Scouts, since the chances will be considerably lower that you will be attacked while doing the taunt, which may interrupt it. It does not matter whether or not your opponent saves the shot. Beware, however, that if you kill them with a Critical hit, their corpse in their camera will fly dramatically far, so it may not appear to be in the same place to them as it is to you, unless you hit their corpse into a corner. |
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Big Pharma
Assist a Heavy in killing 10 enemies, where neither of you die. Difficulty: Medium-Hard How to: This is one of the more difficult ones, but easier after the December 22, 2009 Patch. Find a good Heavy (it helps if you are communicating via voice chat) and stick with him; as there is a corresponding Heavy achievement, players who do not have that achievement have an incentive to stick with you as well. Make good use of cover and make health and ammo stops regularly. Avoid wide open spaces and watch out for Spies at all times. This may be easier if you heal a Heavy and wait for the enemy to attack rather than taking the fight to them. If at any point you have half or less of your health, find a health pack or other Medic immediately. Whether you use the regular Medigun or the Kritzkrieg is your (and your buddy's) choice. While the Medigun makes you invulnerable and can be used in a pinch to prevent your deaths, your buddy may be tempted to charge forward dangerously and die once the ÜberCharge wears off, and enemies tend to quickly flee in the face of an invulnerable Heavy. The Kritzkrieg takes more skill to be used and cannot prevent either of you from dying, but can easily rack up 3-5 kills in a very short period if you can ambush the enemy team (such as when they are pushing the Payload cart and aren't expecting anything to show up), as well as be used more frequently. A very good place to do this is in Dustbowl - Stage 3 on defense. After the first point has been captured, camping the spiral staircase that leads to the underground gives you a very good chance of unlocking this achievement. Another good place is on Turbine, camping the vents just outside the enemy's spawn. |
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Blast Assist
Assist in exploding 5 enemies with a single ÜberCharge on a Soldier Difficulty: Hard How to: One difficulty lies with whether the Soldier can take all five enemies down in ten seconds with the small magazine size of his Rocket Launcher. As such, a Kritzkrieg ÜberCharge is almost mandatory, since a hit with a Crit rocket is an almost guaranteed kill. The other difficulty lies in finding a situation in which five enemies will be standing in close proximity. Try at the start of a match after waiting for the enemy's ÜberCharges to wear off or when the offensive team are crouched around the cart in a Payload map. It is recommended to do this for a Soldier carrying the default Rocket Launcher, as the Direct Hit's smaller blast radius will make it harder to kill multiple people with a single rocket, and a Crit rocket from the default Rocket Launcher will likely do enough damage to kill in any case. |
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Blunt Trauma
Assist in punching 2 enemies with a single ÜberCharge on a Heavy. Difficulty: Medium How to: The main difficulty of this achievement comes from the Heavy's slow speed combined with the short range of his melee attack, on top of finding a Heavy who is willing to waste an ÜberCharge in helping you with this achievement. As such, try to ambush foes, back them into a corner, or attack large groups of enemies during an assault when they are distracted. It should be noted that you do not have to kill the enemies, just punch two different enemies at least once each. Note - The Heavy plays a short animation when he brings out his Fists, during which he cannot attack. Activate the charge a few seconds after the Heavy takes them out to remedy this. |
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Assist a fellow Medic in killing 5 enemies in a single life. Difficulty: Hard How to: Due to the low health of the Medic class as well as their low offensive capability, this achievement can be quite difficult. Try to ambush weaker foes with the Bonesaw/Übersaw or Syringe Gun/Blutsauger and use an ÜberCharge if necessary, preferably the regular variety. As long as you both live you can try to build up another charge and get up to five kills. Alternatively, you could try the Double Medic Strategy. It doesn't matter who does the killing and who does the healing; once the attacking Medic gets his fifth kill, both Medics will receive the achievement. |
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Doctor Assisted Homicide
Assist in killing 20 nemeses. Difficulty: Easy How to: Should happen eventually after a modest amount of time as Medic. Ask your Medic buddy if they have a nemesis and if so, make them a priority target. As an alternative go onto a duel server and allow the opposition to dominate you then start healing teammates while they take them out. |
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Does It Hurt When I Do This?
Kill 50 Scouts with your Syringe Gun. Difficulty: Medium/Hard How to: Happens eventually, but takes some time. Due to Scouts' speed, try to aim slightly ahead of them rather than at them to kill them, or backpedal while firing to get them to charge at you, making it easier to aim. The Blutsauger is an effective weapon for this, as Scouts pack a punch at close range and you need all the health you can get. Try to play on maps where Scouts are used often, such as Granary and Gravel Pit. Don't forget to use your Syringe Gun and not your Bonesaw. |
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FYI I am a Medic
Use your Bonesaw to kill 5 enemy Spies who have been calling for Medic. The picture for this achievement (the FYI) comes from the YouTube video FYI I am a spy. Valve has confirmed that inspiration for achievement in fact came from the video. Difficulty: Medium How to: Should happen eventually after a modest amount of time playing Medic. If the situation allows, Spy checking anyone who comes up to you for healing and uses the Medic call with your Bonesaw is advised. Particularly be aware of Spies attempting to get the "FYI I am a Spy" or "Insurance Fraud" achievements. In most cases it will take more than one hit, but every now and then you will get lucky and land a Crit on the first attack. |
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House Call
Join a game that one of your friends is in and then deploy an ÜberCharge on him. Difficulty: Easy How to: Exactly as it says. Use the Join Game option from the Friends window in the Steam Community program (from in-game, hit Shift + Tab to bring up the Friends window). Joining the game using other methods will not work. Note - You must Über the friend without dying, so is a good idea to fill the ÜberCharge in the respawn room, and view the current kills. Knowing the respawn time, wait him to respawn and ÜberCharge him after getting out of the gates. If you die the first time, try reconnecting. Also, if you are healing the friend and another Medic deploys an ÜberCharge on them, you will get the achievement. Amusingly, if you ÜberCharge an enemy Spy who is on your friends list with this, you will get the achievement as well. |
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Hypocritical Oath
Kill an enemy Spy that you have been healing. Difficulty: Easy How to: Identify an enemy Spy, give them a quick puff of healing, then whip out one of your other weapons and go to town. Alternatively, you may get this incidentally by identifying an enemy Spy that has called for a Medic, and bumping into him after you've started healing him. |
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Infernal Medicine
Extinguish 100 burning teammates. Difficulty: Easy How to: This should occur eventually after a reasonable amount of time playing Medic. Just listen for cries of "fire!" and Heal any burning allies until the flames are fully extinguished. Make sure the flames go out while the beam from your healing gun is focused on them, and that you are the only person healing them when this happens. Obviously, make sure that your target is burning in your team color first. A fast way to get this achievement is to heal friendly Pyros while they are fighting other Pyros, because when hit by fire, they will extinguish themselves instantly, counting toward the achievement every time they are hit by the enemy. |
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Accumulate 7000 heal points in a single life. Difficulty: Easy - Medium How to: Play maps where a lot of people require healing constantly, such as Dustbowl or Gold Rush or play at the back of a map but near teammates taking damage (the Sniper deck on 2Fort is ideal, though be mindful of local server rules regarding this tactic). Stay out of the enemy line of fire and have some form of cover in sight at all times, and make sure to always keep moving and looking around so that Snipers and Spies can't get easy kills on you. One way to build up points is by backing up two Heavies by yourself and continually heal both as they get into the action; few people will target a Medic over two Heavies. Know when to cut your losses and ditch your Medic buddy if your situation is hopeless; even if you build up multiple ÜberCharges (which you should), be sure not to accompany your buddy on suicide runs unless you are 100% sure that you will survive. Playing on 27/7 CTF servers that have the time and capture limits disabled can make this achievement easier as you don't have to work against the clock. You can press TAB to see how much total healing you have done, though this will be the total amount of time while on that server, so subtract your total healing points at the beginning of the round. Keep in mind that overheal points still count as healing done; this means that during the round setup time, you should overheal every person on your team, this alone can net you 1000 heal points before the round has even started. Be sure to overheal everyone you see (within reason) when the round actually starts, Engineers, Snipers, and Spies often get overlooked when it comes to overhealing, but that's 75 healing you're passing up if you don't overheal them, and it only takes a second anyway. You will not receive progress on this achievement while you're earning it and you will not earn it until you die. Find a map that will take a long time, such as a Territorial Control Map like Hydro, stay in your base + just overheal people as they respawn. You just have to hope the game takes long enough for all your overheals to add up. |
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Medical Breakthrough
Assist in destroying 5 enemy Engineer buildings with a single ÜberCharge on a Demoman. Difficulty: Very Hard How to: A rather situational achievement. Find a map with areas that often have a number of buildings situated in one area such as near the final point in Dustbowl stage 2, in the raised area past the building near the second terminus of Gold Rush stage 2, or in the sewers in 2Fort (if doing this it's best to enter from the water as the bend in the sewer is closer here.) This is far easier to get if the enemy is turtling. Since there will be inevitably be a number of Sentry Guns and Crits do not affect buildings, a regular ÜberCharge is highly preferable. Try not to get into a situation where you or your parter can be juggled (such as anywhere where you have to make a drop) and watch for Pyros with compression blast. This is considerably easier if you are partnered with a competent Demoman with a microphone. It should not matter whether your buddy is carrying the default Stickybomb Launcher or the Scottish Resistance. While the Scottish Resistance can carry more ammo, its magazine capacity is still eight bombs, and those bombs take longer to prime, which increases the chance that they will be destroyed, plus the Demoman has to aim at the bombs to detonate them, which can be hard to do in the heat of battle. |
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Medical Intervention
Save a falling teammate from dying on impact. Difficulty: Very Easy How to: Have a Demoman deploy three stickies on one spot, overheal him to full, then have him stand on top of the three and detonate them. As long as you keep healing, you'll get the achievement when he lands. Alternatively, you can overheal a Soldier who has an Equalizer in his inventory, have him perform Kamikaze out in the open, and then heal him immediately after he flies into the air (obviously, he should un-equip the Equalizer upon finishing the taunt). |
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Midwife Crisis
Heal an Engineer as he repairs his Sentry Gun while it's under enemy fire. Difficulty: Easy How to: Join a map on defense where a Sentry Gun will normally be covering a critical chokepoint such as Dustbowl or Gold Rush, and heal the Engineer as he repairs his Sentry Gun when the enemy are making their push. |
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Quadruple Bypass
Heal a teammate who is taking fire from four enemies at once. Difficulty: Medium How to: This will usually occur during the start of a match, or when you and your Medic buddy are making a push on the final point. An ÜberCharge should help your buddy become a priority target for at least four enemies. Maps such as Gold Rush and Dustbowl often start with a huge firefight, so these maps are your best bets. Ideally, you should heal a Heavy, both because an overhealed Heavy has the most HP in the game and because a revved-up Heavy is easier to hit for the enemy. |
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Hit enemies with your Bonesaw 5 times in a row without dying or missing. Difficulty: Hard How to: Try to take a group of enemies by surprise or ideally, a distracted Heavy, who should take five hits alone before either of you kills the other. Circle strafe him if he reacts before you get five hits in. The normal Bonesaw may be preferable to the Übersaw as it lets you get more hits in, though using the Übersaw helps your team more as you will most certainly build up multiple ÜberCharges while attempting this achievement. Ideally, don't attempt to attack a target unless you are sure that you will hit him, and don't be afraid to take out your Syringe Gun/Blutsauger and retreat if you don't think you can win. The hits don't need to be within a certain period of time, simply don't miss or die before getting your five hits. You can also attempt to get this simply through uncovering and killing Spies, which is safer but also harder, as Spies will most definitely try to avoid being hit by you. Another possibility is to attack a Medic while he uses an ÜberCharge on a teammate. The achievement does not require you to do damage, only to hit an enemy. |
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Surgical Prep
Have an ÜberCharge ready before the setup phase ends. Difficulty: Very Easy How to: Just heal a teammate during setup until your ÜberCharge meter is full. As ÜberCharges fill at faster rates during the setup phase, you should get this one without even trying. Simply make sure not to any teammates that are being healed by other Medics, as double-healing will slow the both of you down. Using the Kritzkrieg instead of the standard Medigun can help you earn this achievement, as it requires less healing to fully charge an ÜberCharge. |
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Deploy an ÜberCharge on a teammate less than a second before they are hit by a Critical explosive. Difficulty: Medium How to: This should happen eventually after a number of ÜberCharges on your teammates. If you want to do it intentionally then wait for a Crit rocket, as they move slowly and are easier to react to in time (note: be sure to distinguish between rockets from the default Rocket Launcher and those from the Direct Hit, and alter your timing accordingly). ÜberCharging a friendly Demoman when he has planted a Critical sticky and getting him to detonate can also help you get this achievement. |
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Ubi Concordia, Ibi Victoria (In unity, there is victory)
Assist in killing 3 enemies on an enemy control point, in a single life. Difficulty: Hard How to: This one is difficult, but less so than before the December 22, 2009 Patch. Try to have a high endurance, high damage class such as a Heavy, Demoman or Soldier as your Medic buddy, though a Heavy is preferable due to his lesser dependence on ammo. Try to take points that are not being heavily assaulted by teammates (such a Point A on Gravel Pit) so that they do not receive assist kills and if possible, refrain from capturing the point until you have obtained the achievement and instead wait for the enemy to come to you. If you have an ÜberCharge and the situation is hectic, use it. Additionally, a Kritzkrieg may be more useful than a regular ÜberCharge, as enemies may not stay on their point itself for long unless a teammate is capping it, it increases the odds of actually getting a kill rather than an assist, and they're less likely to scatter upon seeing a Kritzkrieg as opposed to a regular ÜberCharge. Certain points will be easier to get this achievement on, such as point A on Steel or the second point on Dustbowl stage 1, as Engineers are more likely to build on the point itself and thus there is a higher chance of catching enemies crowding around a Dispenser. |
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You'll Feel a Little Prick
Assist in killing 3 enemies with a single ÜberCharge on a Scout. Difficulty: Hard How to: Due to the size of the Scout's magazine and the sporadic damage of the Scattergun, an ÜberCharge with the Kritzkrieg is preferable if you can take the enemy by surprise. Situations in which three enemies may be found in one place include the start of the match or when the offensive team are crouched around the cart in a Payload map. Note that this is easier to achieve by supporting a Scout not equipped with the Force-A-Nature, due to the need to reload after two shots, and the knockback may make it harder to kill targets. |
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