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Revision as of 18:42, 3 November 2014

Carnival of Carnage
Carnival of Carnage.png
Variants: Doomsday
製作者 {{{map-developer}}}
環境 砂漠
時間帯・天気: 真夜中
危険箇所 カボチャ爆弾,
Loading screen photos.
Carnival of Carnage overview.png
Misfortune telling! Dangerous rides! The world's biggest test-your-strength strongman machine! Merasmus's Carnival of Carnage has it all... except corpses!
Carnival of Carnage の宣伝文句

 Carnival of Carnage は Valve が制作したスペシャル・デリバリーマップです。 2014年10月29日、Scream Fortress 2014 アップデートの一部としてリリースされた Doomsday の“幽霊屋敷”バージョンです。

 プレイの流れはドゥームズデイと同様です。プレイヤーの目標は入場チケットでいっぱいのブリーフケースを、マップの反対側にある The World's Largest Strongman Machine(世界一巨大な力試しマシーン) まで運び、その頂上にある幽霊のように透き通った錠の中へ突っ込むことです。この目標を達成しようとしている間じゅう、メラスマスはプレイヤーたちに向けてイヤミな台詞を言い続けます。 ラウンドの開始時、メラスマスは The World's Largest Strongman Machine に入場する権利を購入するためにチケットを集めるようプレイヤーに要求します。一方で彼はプレイヤーに他のチームを殺すようにも求めますが、これはサーカスを司る邪悪なシュメールの神 Bonzo の血塗られた欲望を満たすためなのです!プレイヤーが続けて次のラウンドをプレイした場合、メラスマスはラウンド開始のコメントに加えて『罠に引っかかるとは馬鹿な奴め』と言いますが、同じことはもうしないと“約束”します。

 チケット入りブリーフケースをめぐる前半戦の間に、メラスマスは The World's Largest Strongmann Machine の元に全プレイヤーを召喚し、時間制限がついた3つの呪いから1つ選んで呪いをかけてくることがあります。それぞれの呪いは Underwater (全プレイヤーはジャラテのプールと化したマップ全体を泳ぎまわることになります。ジャラテのプールでは溺れることがないので、スカイボックスの一番上なども含め、ありとあらゆる場所へ泳いでいくことが可能ですが、水中における武器使用制限はそのままです)、 Big Head (全プレイヤーの頭がヘリウムで大きくふくらみます。ヘリウムの影響でジャンプは高くなり、宙に浮いてゆっくり落下するようになりますが、不思議なことにプレイヤー達の声は逆に低くなります)、そして No Guns (全プレイヤーは近接武器以外使えなくされ、身体が縮むレア呪文の効果を与えられます。ただし、無限ジャンプボーナスは付きません)の3種類です。

 過去のハロウィーンマップと同じく、マップ内にはカボチャ爆弾が設置されています。いくつかの地点には Helltower と同様に魔法の呪文が配置されていますが、今回、魔法の呪文は輝く水晶玉のような見た目をしています。通常呪文とレア呪文とは、 Helltower のものと同じように色分けされています。

File:Carnival of Carnage Overview.jpg
The Duck Collectorsパートのマップ上面図。
The Falling Platformsパートのマップ上面図。
The Bumper Car Soccerパートのマップ上面図。

Bumper Cars

Once either team has placed the tickets at the top of the machine, both teams will be pulled into aggressive bumper car duels. The bumper cars are controlled with the directional and jump keys, with the option to activate a speed boost with the alt-fire key. Any player hit by another car will receive damage and be knocked back, with both being affected by the speed of the attacking car. The more damage a car has, the farther it will be knocked back. If a player is knocked off the map, they will become a ghost. Ghosts are capable of flight via the jump key, and can be turned back into bumper cars if they fly back to the arena and touch another player on their team. The bumper cars can also pick up one of four spells in crystal balls. These spells are Uber Heal (remove 50% of damage taken, but does not affect surrounding players), Boxing Glove (fire a projectile boxing glove which will launch enemy players and damage them), Parachute (launches the player up into the air and then lets them float down slowly on a parachute), and Bomb Head (The Bombinomicon appears and gives you a bomb head which will explode and damage the player after a period of time as it does on Ghost Fort. If the player can ram another player before it explodes, the explosion will affect the person being hit instead, usually knocking them back a huge distance as well.)

Once in a Bumper Car Arena, the teams are pitted against each other in one of three possible randomly chosen competitions:

Falling Platforms

The first possible is "Falling Platforms" where the last team with a player remaining on an increasingly smaller arena of intermittently falling platforms win. If both teams have at least one player remaining on the last platform, or the center platform, the Horseless Headless Horsemann will be summoned to knock players off of said platform until one team is left standing. If the Horseless Headless Horsemann is defeated before one team is left standing another one will be summoned again and again until the objective is achieved. There are no obtainable spells in this minigame.

Bumper Car Soccer

The second possible is "Bumper Car Soccer" where both teams try to ram a giant beach ball into their opponents' toothy goal and the first to 3 points or the last team on the field wins. When one team is in match point, Merasmus will announce to the players that he is bored and asks the leading team to hurry up and finish, though there is no time limit after he says so. If any player drives into the goals' up-chuck after a goal is scored into the scored goal the player(s) will be pushed back the opposite direction. Spells are obtainable in this minigame to players' advantage.

Duck Collectors

The third possible is "Duck Collectors" where large number of ducks will intermittently spawn on a large figure 8-esque race track and the first team to collect 200 ducks or the last standing team wins. If damage is dealt to opposing players' bumper cars, a couple of golden "bonus" ducks will fly out of the rammed car and values as 2 ducks per golden duck. Spells are obtainable in this minigame to players' advantage.


2014年10月29日 パッチ
  • Added new Halloween map Carnival of Carnage
    • Merasmus will spread misfortune with server wide curses
    • Added a Strongmann Test-Your-Strength machine which is in no way an eldritch portal to Bumper Car Madness!

2014年10月30日 パッチ

  • Updated sd_doomsday_event
  • Added spell pickups near the ticket case spawn
  • Reduced mega spell respawn time from 90 seconds to 45 seconds
  • Fixed curses occurring in bumper car minigames
  • Fixed players being able to boost their bumper cars early
  • Increased the damage that bumper cars receive from collisions
  • Players can no longer suicide when in a Bumper Car
  • Replaced large ammo kits near the Strongmann machine with spells
  • Reduced ammo kit size on the bridge from full to medium
  • Updated HHH to use a giant Necro Smasher when attacking players
  • Platform game:
    • Fixed Merasmus giving instructions in the platform game when it gets to the final platform
    • Center tent pole now vanishes when the final platform is reached
  • Soccer game:
    • Added HHH, spawns 45 seconds into the match
  • Duck game:
    • Increased max score to 200


  • It is possible to build a teleporter in the small rooms behind the spawn rooms, thereby gaining access to said rooms.
  • It is possible to get behind a wall underneath Merasmus's head, by using the spell that makes the player tiny and going under one of the ramps next to Merasmus's head and crouching.
  • During the bumper cars soccer mini game, after one team scores the winning goal, it is still possible to hit the ball into the opposite goal causing Merasmus to announce the formerly losing team's victory.
  • During the "falling platforms" minigame, players can get stuck to the bounds of the arena. They cannot fall, and if they're the last one alive, other players will respawn above the pit. The only way to fix this glitch is if the player kills himself, disconnects, or upon round end.
  • If a player teleports while getting teleported the bumper cars minigame, they'll stay in the initial part of the map and won't be transported to the arena. They'll still have their bumper car. This mostly causes a problem on the "falling platform" minigame, since the enemy team can't win until the player dies, and allies can't resurrect because the player is not in the bumper cars arena. The only way to fix this glitch is if the player kills himself, disconnects, or upon round end.
    • If one of Merasmus' curses is cast as the round goes to the bumper cars portion, players will have the spell cast on them, therefore teleporting them to the Strongmann. The round will be unable to continue, as all players will be in the Doomsday portion of the map. You can fix this by scrambling the teams.
  • If one of Merasmus' curses is cast just as the round goes to the bumper cars portion, the spell will stay during the minigame. This can lead to odd situations like underwater bumper cars where the cars can "swim" upwards to any point on the map and avoid death. The spell will not end until the bumper cars segment ends.
  • The bumper cars have a tendency to flip upside down (especially if the underwater spell continues functioning during the bumper cars mini-game) causing the playermodel to assume a reference pose.
  • It's not possible to use the Disguise Kit by selecting it on the weapon category when under the effect of Merasmus's melee-only curse, however, it's possible by pressing the Last Disguise button (Default bind: B ).
    • The same thing can be done on any of the bumper cars games.


  • The bumper car minigames utilize a similar mechanic to that of the Super Smash Bros. series - instead of health points that result in death once depleted, players have a damage percentage that rises upon taking damage, with higher percentages resulting in more knockback, and with the only way to die being to get knocked off the stage.
  • The "Shoot The Idiot" and "Raccoon Rampage" shooting gallery minigames both re-use art from the Doom-Mates comic, which was used to set up the 2012 Scream Fortress event. "Shoot The Idiot" uses the image of the RED Soldier from pages 5-7, and "Raccoon Rampage" uses an image of one of the running raccoons from the aforementioned pages. The "Raccoon Rampage" sign features Lieutenant Bites and another raccoon, as seen on the comic's cover. Neither game is actually playable, and only serve as decoration.
  • Merasmus got the money to build the carnival by borrowing money from the Japanese Mafia. This is evidenced by him making several comments in-game about how he owes them $12,000 and how they'll break his legs if he doesn't come up with the cash, as well as in the Blood Money comic.

