Difference between revisions of "Megaton/zh-hans"

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{{Map infobox
{{Map infobox
  | map-status                  = community
  | map-status                  = community
Line 8: Line 7:
  | map-released                = {{Patch name|7|18|2024}}
  | map-released                = {{Patch name|7|18|2024}}
  | map-released-major          = Summer 2024 Update
  | map-released-major          = Summer 2024 Update
  | map-environment            = Tropical, island
  | map-environment            = 热带,海岛
  | map-setting                = Daytime
  | map-setting                = 白昼
  | map-has-deep-water          = yes
  | map-has-deep-water          = yes
  | map-has-bots                =  
  | map-has-bots                =  
Line 28: Line 27:
== {{common string|Locations}}==
== {{common string|Locations}}==
*'''出生点''': The Spawn is a single large room with a small exit to the right, a big exit in the middle, and a small exit immediately to the left of the middle exit.
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*'''大房''': Immediately outside of the spawn is a large building with three entrances: a door in the middle and two side entrances. The middle entrance leads to a big room with a staircase to a balcony, as well as a doorway on both sides leading to the left and right hallways. Through the two side entrances are hallways that split off into two more paths; one leads to the outside and to the main room, and another leads to the water. On the left path there is a doorway to the outside and the water entrance is a one-way drop. On the right, there is a large shutter door leading to the outside, while the entrance to the water is a ramp.
*'''屋顶''' & '''Walkway''': At the top of the Big House is a walkway with 8 windows. 6 are at the front and two are on the side. Only two windows at the front have glass in them, the rest are empty with the windows on the side providing an entrance to the Roof of the building. On the opposite side of the Big House is an inaccessible catwalk. The roof of each side of the Big House can be walked on, but the roof of the Big House itself cannot.
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*'''高脚屋''': Between the Big Houses and to the side of the Control Point is a Stilt House on each side, containing a medium [[Pickups|health kit]] and [[Ammo|ammo pack]]. The underside of the Stilt House is accessible and features a small health kit.
*'''码头''': Between the Big House and the Stilt House is a Dock on each side with a medium health kit on top of it, a small hill in front of the dock contains a single small ammo pack.
Line 61: Line 60:
*'''控制点''': The Control Point is a big tower holding a nuclear bomb, which drops when the round is over, killing everyone. Underneath the Control Point is a medium health kit and large ammo pack. Standing on the Control Point causes a [[w:Geiger counter|Geiger counter]] noise to play.
*'''控制点''':控制点为一座悬挂着核弹的高塔,在回合结束时,核弹会掉落并炸死所有玩家。控制点下方有一个中医疗包和大弹药箱。站在控制点上方会产生[[w:Geiger counter|盖格计数器]]{{lang icon|en}}独有的响声。
Line 75: Line 74:
{{Update history|
{{Update history|
'''{{Patch name|7|18|2024}} #1''' ({{update link|Summer 2024 Update}})
'''{{Patch name|7|18|2024}} #1''' ({{update link|Summer 2024 Update}})
* Added Megaton to the game.
* Megaton被加入到游戏中
'''{{Patch name|7|18|2024|no-link=yes}} #2'''
'''{{Patch name|7|18|2024|no-link=yes}} #2'''
* Fixed a missing material on the sandbags.
* 修复了沙包上的一处材质丢失问题。
* Fixed clipping on an open crate.
* 修复了一处开口板条箱的碰撞问题。
'''{{Patch name|7|19|2024}}'''
'''{{Patch name|7|19|2024}}'''
* Fixed the finale being cut off by a round ending too early
* 修复了终场事件在回合结束后过早的被分割问题。
* Fixed players not being blown to smithereens during the finale
* 修复了终场事件期间有些玩家不会被炸成碎块的问题;
* Fixed players being able to get stuck in the edges of the thatch rooftops
* 修复了玩家会卡在茅屋屋顶边缘的问题。
* Improved optimization. Investigation into further improvements for lower-end and config users is ongoing.
* 改善了性能表现。关于低配置及自设CFG环境下的用户体验优化工作,尚在进一步探究。
'''{{Patch name|8|2|2024}}'''
'''{{Patch name|8|2|2024}}'''
* Improved performance by up to 20%, with more significant improvements possible depending on system specs (Thanks ficool2!)
* 性能优化了将近 20%,根据系统规格可能会有更显著的提升(感谢ficool2!);
* Fixed the grates around the capture zone allowing blast damage to pass through
* 修复了控制点区域附近的栅栏,使得爆炸伤害可以穿透栅栏;
* Fixed a few cases of alpha painted displacement seams
* 修复了一些 alpha 绘制的{{code|displacement}}的接缝问题;
* Improved lighting on several models, especially on the rocks throughout the map
* 优化了数个[[vdc:Model|模型]]的照明,尤其是整个地图上的岩石;
* Fixed surfaceprop on BLU's metal plates
* 修复了[[BLU/zh-hans|蓝队]]金属板上的[[vdc:$surfaceprop|{{code|surfaceprop}}]];
* Fixed several pixelwalks along thatch roofing and exteriors of the team buildings
* 修复了存在于数个沿着茅草屋顶和团队建筑外部的{{code|pixelwalk}};
* Improved clipping throughout
* 优化了整体的地图碰撞;
* Fixed a support beam intersecting with spawn doors
* 修复了一个与出生点门口相交叉的支撑梁;
* Fixed a few instances of visible displacement holes in the perimeter dropoff
* 修复了数个在边缘渐变下可见的{{code|displacement}}缺口的问题;
* Added a unique kill icon for the end of the round
* 添加了一个在回合结束时使用的专属击杀图标;
* Fixed floating spawndoor motors
* 修复了浮动的出生点门口电机;
* Plus... all you need for a beach party!
* 再加上……海滩派对所需的一切!
'''{{Patch name|8|13|2024}}'''
'''{{Patch name|8|13|2024}}'''
* Fixed rockets being able to quite literally crash the beach party (Thanks again, ficool2!)
* 修复了火箭能够完全破坏海滩派对的问题(再次感谢 ficool2!)。

Revision as of 05:37, 16 September 2024

种类: 山丘之王
文件名: koth_megaton
发布时间: 2024年7月18日补丁
2024 夏季更新
开发者: Aeon "Void" Bollig
Liam "Diva Dan" Moffitt
环境: 热带,海岛
设定: 白昼
危害: 溺水
Healthico.png 医疗包: Smallhealth.png ×2  •  Mediumhealth.png ×11
Ammoico.png 弹药盒: Smallammo.png ×2   •   Mediumammo.png ×6   •  
Largeammo.png ×1
Megaton overview.png
Item icon Map Stamp - Megaton.png

Megaton是一张社区制作山丘之王地图,于夏季 2024更新中加入游戏。该地图取景于太平洋中一座用于测试核武器的海岛上。



  • 出生点:玩家出生在一个大型房间内,其中右侧设有一个小型出口,正中设有一个大型出口,在正中出口左侧还有伴随着一个小出口。
  • 大房:一走出出生点就是一座配有三个出入口的大型建筑:三个出入口分别位于正中与两侧。其中正中的入口通往一个较大的房间,房间内还有通往阳台的楼梯,在房间两侧还有分别通往左、右走廊的通道。两侧的入口分别通往两侧的走廊,走廊内部还会进一步分出更多路线;其中一条走廊通往外部和主房间,;另一条通往水域。在左侧的走廊处有一扇通往室外的门扉和一个单向的水域入口。在右侧,有一扇大型卷帘门通往室外,同时通往水域的入口是一条斜坡。
  • 屋顶以及走廊:大房顶部是一条配有8扇窗户的走廊,其中6扇位于正面,2扇位于侧面。在正面的窗户中只有两扇配有玻璃,其余的窗户没有任何障碍物阻拦可由玩家自由出入。在大房的另一侧是一条玩家不可进入的过道。大房房檐的屋顶部位是可游玩区域,但是正上方的屋顶是不可游玩区域。
  • 高脚屋:位于大房和控制点侧边之间的建筑就是双方的高脚屋,其中放置有一对中医疗包弹药箱。高脚屋的底部是可供玩家出入的,其中放置有一个小医疗包。
  • 码头:位于高脚屋和大房之间的是双方的码头区域,在其顶部有一个中医疗包,在码头前方的小丘上有一个小弹药箱。
  • 控制点:控制点为一座悬挂着核弹的高塔,在回合结束时,核弹会掉落并炸死所有玩家。控制点下方有一个中医疗包和大弹药箱。站在控制点上方会产生盖格计数器(英语)独有的响声。


主条目: 社区 核平海岛(Megaton) 战术


2024年7月18日补丁 #12024 夏季更新
  • Megaton被加入到游戏中

2024年7月18日补丁 #2

  • 修复了沙包上的一处材质丢失问题。
  • 修复了一处开口板条箱的碰撞问题。


  • 修复了终场事件在回合结束后过早的被分割问题。
  • 修复了终场事件期间有些玩家不会被炸成碎块的问题;
  • 修复了玩家会卡在茅屋屋顶边缘的问题。
  • 改善了性能表现。关于低配置及自设CFG环境下的用户体验优化工作,尚在进一步探究。


  • 性能优化了将近 20%,根据系统规格可能会有更显著的提升(感谢ficool2!);
  • 修复了控制点区域附近的栅栏,使得爆炸伤害可以穿透栅栏;
  • 修复了一些 alpha 绘制的displacement的接缝问题;
  • 优化了数个模型的照明,尤其是整个地图上的岩石;
  • 修复了蓝队金属板上的surfaceprop
  • 修复了存在于数个沿着茅草屋顶和团队建筑外部的pixelwalk
  • 优化了整体的地图碰撞;
  • 修复了一个与出生点门口相交叉的支撑梁;
  • 修复了数个在边缘渐变下可见的displacement缺口的问题;
  • 添加了一个在回合结束时使用的专属击杀图标;
  • 修复了浮动的出生点门口电机;
  • 再加上……海滩派对所需的一切!


  • 修复了火箭能够完全破坏海滩派对的问题(再次感谢 ficool2!)。
