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(Dodatkowe przedmioty)
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{{DISPLAYTITLE: Sklep Mann Co.}}
{{DISPLAYTITLE: Sklep Mann Co.}}
{{update trans|outdated information}}
[[File:Mann Co Store screenshotpl.png|right|425px|Strona główna Sklepu Mann Co.]]
{{Quotation|'''Skaut'''|400,000 dolarów, aby strzelać tą bronią, prawda? Fakt, dobrze wydane pieniądze!|sound=Scout_dominationhvy03.wav}}
'''Sklep Mann Co.''' jest systemem mikro-transakcji umiejscowionych w grze wprowadzonym w [[Mann-Conomy Update/pl|Mann-Konomii]]. Sklep pozwala graczom na zakup przedmiotów dostępnych w grze, takich jak [[hats/pl|czapki]], [[weapons/pl|bronie]] i [[action items/pl|przedmioty działania]] za pieniądze przechowywane w [[Steam Wallet/pl|Portfelu Steam]]. Sklep nie promuje żadnej rozgrywki "zapłać, aby wygrać", lecz daje graczom alternatywny sposób zdobywania przedmiotów, zamiast czekać na ich znalezienie, wytworzenie lub wyhandlowanie. Twórcy przedmiotów [[Contribution page/pl|przekazanych przez społeczność]] otrzymują pewien procent od sprzedaży tego, co stworzyli.
Przedmiotów zakupionych w sklepie nie można zamieniać lub używać w wytwarzaniu, jednak [[Gift Wrap/pl|Zestaw do Pakowania]] pozwala graczom na handel zakupionych przedmiotów. Wyjątkami są niektóre [[Tools/pl|narzędzia]], jak np. [[Paint Can/pl|Puszki z farbą]], które są wymienialne nawet po zakupieniu.
[[File:Mann Co Store Front pl.png|right|425px|Strona Sklepu Mann Co.]]
{{Quotation|'''Saxton Hale'''|Browse, buy, design, sell and wear Mann Co.'s ever-growing catalog of fine products with your '''BARE HANDS'''--all without leaving the '''COMFORT OF YOUR CHAIRS'''!}}
Ceny są bardzo zróżnicowane, nowe i rzadkie przedmioty kosztują więcej niż starsze i bardziej popularne. Jako zasada, rzadkie przedmioty kosztują pięć dolarów lub więcej, podczas gdy zwykłe przedmioty kosztują mniej niż pięć. Ceny ustalono na podstawie ilości wytworzonych lub usuniętych przedmiotów. Są one porównywane do kosztów poniesionych na zakup ekskluzywnych przedmiotów dostępnych wyłącznie poprzez przedsprzedaż gier, czyli np. [[Lumbricus Lid/pl|Robaczego Zestawu]] lub [[Max's Severed Head/pl|Zerwanej Głowy Maxa]].
'''Sklep Mann Co.''' (oryg. ''Mann Co. Store'') is an in-game micropayment service included in the [[Mann-Conomy Update]]. The store allows players to purchase in-game items such as [[cosmetics]], [[weapons]], and [[action items]] using money stored in their [[Steam Wallet]]. Creators of [[Steam Workshop|community-contributed items]] receive a percentage of sales for anything they've created. Aside from the main in-game interface, purchases can be made through the official [http://store.teamfortress.com Online Store],<ref name="Online-Store">[http://store.teamfortress.com/?appid=440 Mann Co. Online Store]</ref> on the [[TF2 Official Website|official blog]], or on each item's page on this Wiki.
==Przedmioty nie do kupienia==
Items bought from the Mann Co. Store can be traded, but not immediately; previously, items purchased from the Mann Co. Store were unable to be traded. After the [[Hatless Update]], tools and action items (excluding Pile O' Gifts and the Secret Saxton) bought from the Mann Co. Store were given a 2-day waiting period before becoming tradable. Following the [[Manniversary Update & Sale]], untradable weapons, and cosmetic items that were previously purchased from the store can be now traded, and newly purchased items can be immediately traded as long as the purchaser made his first purchase more than 30 days earlier.
Te elementy nie są dostępne w sprzedaży, ale większość z nich wciąż jest dostępna w grze poprzez wytworzenie, znalezienie, specjalne promocje lub handel. Produkty wymienione tutaj mogą być całkowicie niedostępne, ponieważ są one częścią specjalnych promocji lub wydarzenia, które się odbyło, przez co nie da się ich wymienić. Są to [[Golden Wrench/pl|Złoty Klucz]] i [[Polycount Pin/pl|Broszka Polycount]].
Weapons bought from the Mann Co. Store can't be used in crafting, while cosmetics can. Following the {{Patch name|11|29|2012}} items bought from that date can be used in crafting, while previously purchased ones can't.
==Specjalne strony wydarzeń==
== Cennik ==
Podczas niektórych wydarzeń w sklepie pojawiają się specjalne strony na określony czas.
Prices vary greatly, with newer and rarer items priced higher than older and more common ones. As a rule of thumb, rare items cost ten or more dollars while common items(cosmetics excluded) cost less than five. These prices preserve the values of crafted or dropped items. On occasion, the store will have sales on cosmetics and weapons.
[[File:Halloween Page pl.png‎|thumb|Strona Halloween]]
Strona Halloween była dostępna na czas Scream Fortress od 31 października 2010 do 8 listopada 2010.
==Limitowana Czapka Mann Co.==
== Możliwe do kupienia przedmioty ==
{{main|Mann Co Store Pricelist/pl|l1=Cennik Sklepu Mann Co.}}
Każdy, kto zakupi jakikolwiek przedmiot w sklepie otrzymuje obecnie [[Mann Co. Cap/pl|Czapkę Mann Co.]]. Jest to czapka z daszkiem dostępna dla wszystkich klas z symbolem Mann Co. z przodu.
== Wcześniej możliwe do kupienia przedmioty ==
{{main|Previously purchasable items/pl|l1=Wcześniej możliwe do kupienia przedmioty}}
==Dodatkowe przedmioty==
== Niemożliwe do kupienia przedmioty ==
{{main|Non-purchasable items/pl|l1=Niemożliwe do kupienia przedmioty}}
Za każde 19,99$/15£/15€/600 rub wydane w sklepie w jednej transakcji otrzymasz darmowy przedmiot. Będzie to standardowy losowy przedmiot bez możliwości handlu. Kapelusze i inne rzadkie przedmioty generują się z taką samą szansą jak prezent [[Secret Saxton/pl|Sekretny Saxton]].
== Wypróbowanie broni ==
Weapons can be tested by selecting the desired weapon in the Store, and clicking the "Try it out!" button at the bottom-left corner. However, cosmetics, tools, action items, and items labeled as "New" ''cannot'' be tested. This will give the player the selected weapon for one week, during which the weapon cannot be crafted or traded. After the week is done an alert will appear notifying that the test period is over, and the item will be removed from the player's backpack. Afterwards they will be able to test out another weapon, or even the very same weapon if they want. This process can be repeated an infinite amount of times without any adverse effects. As an added bonus, during the testing period, the player can buy the item for a 25% discount off of the regular price.
== Dodatkowe uwagi ==
Keep in mind that weapons that come with a [[decal tool]] when bought in the store, such as the [[Conscientious Objector]], will not come with a decal tool when tested.
*W wywiadzie online główny projektant Robin Walker wyjaśnił, że prawie wszystkie przedmioty dostępne w sklepie można także wytworzyć lub znaleźć w grze. "Naszym głównym celem było upewnienie się, że wszystkie elementy wpływające na grę można znaleźć w grze, także nikt nie może kupić sobie przewagi w grze nad kimś, kto postanowił zdobyć je w tradycyjny sposób." <ref name="PC-Gamer">[http://www.pcgamer.com/2010/09/30/interview-valve-on-why-theyre-selling-team-fortress-2-items-for-real-money/ PC Gamer: Dlaczego Valve sprzedaje przedmioty do TF2 za prawdziwe pieniądze] {{Lang icon|en}}</ref>
*Przedmioty zakupione w sklepie bądź podarowane jako bonus są oznaczone jako "zakupione" (nie mogą być zamienione lub użyte w wytwarzaniu) lub "promocyjne" (nie mogą być użyte w handlu).
Deleting the test item from your inventory will not result in the trial period being terminated. You will still have to wait the same amount of time to try out a new item, and you will not get the same item back.
*Przeglądanie Sklepu Mann Co. będzie również dodawać zaległe lub niewłaściwie ułożone przedmioty w [[Backpack/pl|Plecaku]].
== Strony sklepu podczas wydarzeń ==
During some events, special pages will show up in the store for a limited time.
File:Halloween Page.PNG|Scream Fortress Halloween event. October 27, 2010 through November 8, 2010.
File:Summer Page.png‎|Summer Sale. June 30, 2011 through July 11, 2011.
File:Dr Grordbort Page.png‎|The Dr. Grordbort promotionals page. July 20, 2011.
File:Mann_Co_Store_Sale_September.png|Mann Co. Store Sale added in celebration of the public release of Steam Trading. September 6, 2011.
File:Halloween Page 2011.png|Very Scary Halloween Special event. October 27, 2011 through November 6, 2011.
<references />
== Promocyjna Czapka Mann Co. ==
{{main|Mann Co. Cap|Mann Co. Online Cap}}
The first purchase made in the in-game Mann Co. Store will grant the player a [[Mann Co. Cap]], an all class baseball cap with the Mann Co. symbol on the front. Though Valve has claimed that there is only a limited amount of time before this cap will be unavailable, the cap has been available since the release of the Mann-Conomy Update on September 30, 2010, and has been since a promo for any player to purchases their first item or items.
==Zobacz też==
The first purchase made outside the game through the Online Store, or the web interface as well, will grant the player a [[Mann Co. Online Cap]], an all class baseball hat with a darker color scheme and a white Mann Co. symbol on the front.
* [[Bundles/pl|Pakiety]]
== Paczka ze Sklepu Mann Co. ==
{{main|Mann Co. Store Package}}
For every $19.99/£15/€15/600 rub spent at a time in the store (before tax is applied), players will receive a Mann Co. Store Package which can be unwrapped to obtained a free item. This is taken from a standard random drop. Cosmetics and other rarer items generate with the same chances as the [[Secret Saxton]] gift.
== Historia aktualizacji ==
'''{{Patch name|9|30|2010}}''' ({{update link|Mann-Conomy Update}})
* Mann Co. Store added to the game.
'''{{Patch name|4|14|2011}}''' ({{update link|Hatless Update}})
* Added paint preview to hats.
* {{undocumented}} The Mann Co. Store featured item is no longer viewable by default from the main menu. It will appear upon selecting the 'shop for items' button.
* {{undocumented}} Tools and action items (Excluding [[Pile o' Gifts|Pile O' Gifts]] and [[Secret Saxton]]) bought from the Mann Co. Store now have a 2 day wait before becoming tradable.
'''{{Patch name|6|23|2011}}''' ({{update link|Über Update}})
* {{Undocumented}} European prices (€) in the Mann Co. Store have been updated to equal the same amount of money as it is in dollars.
'''{{Patch name|8|2|2011}}'''
* Fixed a bug that caused team color paints to appear to be coming out of the wrong cans for the store icons.
'''{{Patch name|9|6|2011}}'''
* Reorganized the tabs in the Mann Co. Store into [[Bundles]], [[Weapons|Guns]], [[Hats]], [[Misc]], [[Tools]], and [[Map Stamp|Maps]] to make it easier to find specific items.
* Added a Hot Items tab to the Mann Co. Store to show real-time popularity of items in the Mann-Conomy.
'''{{Patch name|9|15|2011}}'''
* Purchased items are no longer announced in the chat text.
'''{{Patch name|10|13|2011}}''' ({{update link|Manniversary Update & Sale}})
* Experimenting with a new store interface with a subset of players.
* Non-newly-released weapons in the store can now be tried out for free once per week.
* All items purchased in the store can be used for crafting and can be traded after a few days.
'''October 13, 2011 Patch #2'''
* Items purchased from the store are no longer craftable.
'''{{Patch name|10|14|2011}}'''
* Items purchased from the Store during the window where store items were craftable have been made craftable. Items purchased from the Store moving forward will continue to be uncraftable.
'''{{Patch name|2|23|2012}}'''
* Fixed Mann Co. Store item previews for paints and styles
'''{{Patch name|5|10|2012}}'''
* {{Undocumented}} [[Mann Co. Store Package]] was added to the game.
'''{{Patch name|7|23|2012}}'''
* {{Undocumented}} Lowered the prices of many items.
'''{{Patch name|11|29|2012}}'''
* Cosmetic items purchased from the Mann Co. Store are now able to be used in crafting.
* Class starter bundles now contain a Name Tag instead of a class-specific hat.
* {{Undocumented}} Raised the prices of many cosmetic items.
'''{{Patch name|12|12|2012}}'''
* {{Undocumented}} Added search function to the Mann Co. Store.
'''{{Patch name|1|8|2013}}'''
* Fixed a client crash when viewing the Top Sellers tab in the Mann Co. Store.
'''{{Patch name|2|14|2013}}'''
* Fixed not being able to view different styles while previewing items in the Mann Co. Store.
'''{{Patch name|5|13|2013}}'''
* {{Undocumented}} Moved [[Lollichop]] to the Weapons category in the store.
'''{{Patch name|6|18|2014}}''' ({{update link|Love & War Update}})
* Added 15 taunts and a taunt bundle.
* Added 5 weapons and a weapon bundle.
* Added 44 cosmetics and a cosmetic bundle.
* Added "Taunt" category into the store.
* Added [[Mann Co. Stockpile Crate Key]].
* The "Hats" and "Misc" categories have been merged into "Cosmetics".
'''{{Patch name|9|17|2014}}'''
*{{undocumented}} The cosmetic items from the [[Strongbox Pack]] were added to the Mann Co. Store.
'''{{Patch name|11|10|2014}}'''
* Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.
'''{{Patch name|12|1|2014}}'''
* Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.
'''{{Patch name|12|12|2014}}'''
* Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.
'''{{Patch name|12|15|2014}}'''
* Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.
'''{{Patch name|12|17|2014}}'''
* Added a one week delay before [[items]] purchased from the Mann Co. Store or the [[Steam Community Market]] can be [[Trading|traded]]
'''{{Patch name|12|22|2014}}'''
* Added [[Naughty Winter Crate Key 2014|Naughty]] and [[Nice Winter Crate Key 2014|Nice]] winter keys to the Mann Co. Store.
* Added [[Quickiebomb Launcher]], [[Panic Attack]] and [[Iron Bomber]] to the Mann Co. Store.
'''{{Patch name|1|5|2015}}'''
* Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.
'''{{Patch name|1|7|2015}}'''
* {{undocumented}} Removed [[Duck Journal]], [[Duck Token]], [[A Random Duck Token Gift]] and [[Pile of Duck Token Gifts]] from the Mann Co. Store.
'''{{Patch name|1|13|2015}}'''
* Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.
'''{{Patch name|1|15|2015}} #1'''
* Added [[Tomb Readers]], [[Crown of the Old Kingdom]], [[Jungle Booty]], [[Bootenkhamuns]], [[Orion's Belt]], [[Pocket Raiders]] to the Mann Co. Store.
'''{{Patch name|2|11|2015}} #1'''
* Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.
'''February 11th, 2015 Patch #2'''
* Fixed players not being able to purchase items from the Mann Co. Store.
'''{{Patch name|2|18|2015}}'''
* Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.
'''{{Patch name|3|12|2015}}'''
* Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.
* Updated the Mann Co. Store and [[Mann Co. Catalog|Armory]] to not display [[item levels]].
* Added 3 new community-created taunts to the Mann Co. Store
** Scout taunt: The [[Boston Breakdance]]
** Sniper taunt: The [[Killer Solo]]
** Sniper taunt: [[Most Wanted]]
'''{{Patch name|3|18|2015}}'''
* Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.
'''{{Patch name|3|31|2015}}'''
* Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.
'''{{Patch name|4|29|2015}}'''
* Fixed not being able to preview paint changes in the Mann Co. Store.
'''{{Patch name|6|11|2015}}'''
* Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.
'''{{Patch name|7|1|2015}}'''
* Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.
'''{{Patch name|7|23|2015}}'''
* Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.
'''{{Patch name|8|18|2015}}'''
* Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.
'''{{Patch name|10|28|2015}}''' ({{update link|Scream Fortress 2015}})
* Added two new community-made taunts to the Mann Co Store: [[Soldier's Requiem]] and [[Zoomin' Broom]]
'''{{Patch name|12|22|2015}}'''
* Updated the Mann Co. Store with the Smissmas sale. Deep discounts on nearly everything in the store.
'''{{Patch name|1|7|2016}}'''
* {{undocumented}} Removed [[Gift Wrap]] from the Mann Co. Store.
* {{undocumented}} Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.
'''{{Patch name|7|7|2016}} #1''' ({{update link|Meet Your Match Update}})
* Added the [[Competitive Matchmaking Pass]].
* Added new class starter packs.
* Added new key-less cosmetic crates.
* Revamped main store pages.
* Added a spotlight item.
* Added ability to mouse over and preview items in a bundle/crate/collection.
* Adjusted some weapon prices for consistency.
'''{{Patch name|10|21|2016}}''' ({{update link|Scream Fortress 2016}})
* Added two new taunts to the Mann Co. Store.
** Taunt: [[Victory Lap|The Victory Lap]].
** Taunt: [[Second Rate Sorcery]] (community-created).
'''{{Patch name|12|21|2016}}''' ({{update link|Smissmas 2016}})
* Added 3 new taunts to the Mann Co. Store.
** The [[Scotsmann's Stagger]] (community-contributed).
** The [[Didgeridrongo]] (community-contributed).
** The [[Table Tantrum]] (Valve).
== Błędy ==
* The information and preview for the [[Über Update]] [[Bundles|Bundle]] claims that there are items for 7 classes inside; however, the [[Detonator]] is overlooked.
* If a bundle contains two hats for one class, such as the World War Wednesday Bundle or Manno-Technology Bundle, the preview will show both items being worn at once.
* Some items are erroneously categorized, such as a number of items being listed as hats, despite similar items being listed as miscellaneous items.
** The [[Tour of Duty Ticket]], [[Squad Surplus Voucher]], [[Meet the Medic (taunt)]], [[Schadenfreude]], [[High Five]], [[Shred Alert]] and [[Noise Maker|Noise Maker Vuvuzela]] are listed as miscellaneous items despite being tools/action items.
== Uwagi ==
* In an online interview, lead designer Robin Walker explained that nearly everything purchasable at the Mann Co. Store is also available to find via drops or crafting. "Our main goal to make sure that all gameplay affecting items are findable, so that no-one can buy an in-game advantage over someone who’s choosing to find their items." <ref name="PC-Gamer">[http://www.pcgamer.com/2010/09/30/interview-valve-on-why-theyre-selling-team-fortress-2-items-for-real-money/ PC Gamer: Valve on why they’re selling TF2 items for real money] </ref>
* Items that are bought or given as a bonus from the store will be tagged as purchased (cannot be crafted) or promotional (cannot be traded).
* Visiting the Mann Co. Store will also add any outstanding items to the player and it will resolve issues with items in invalid positions in the player's [[Items#Backpack|backpack]].
* Until the {{Patch name|5|3|2012}} and the introduction of the [[Mann Co. Store Package]], items received from a $20 purchase were uncraftable.
** Items that were received from spending more than $20 at the Mann Co. Store, whilst untradable themselves, could originally be crafted with other items into metal to make items which were tradable. This was removed in a subsequent patch.
* Before buying cosmetic items from the Mann Co. Store, buyers can preview painted variants and styles of items they are interested in buying.
== Demonstracja zakupu ==
== Odniesienia ==
== Galeria==
=== Sklep w grze ===
File:MannCoStoreOct2011.jpg|A redesign of the front page added during the Manniversary Update.
File:MannCoStoreItemsOct2011.jpg|A redesign of the inventory pages added during the Manniversary Update.
File:Mann Co Store Free Player.png|The front page of the store as seen when using a Free-To-Play account.
File:Mann Co Store screenshot.png|The former front page, as it appeared until the September 6, 2011 update.
=== Sklep online ===
File:Mann Co. Online Store Front Page.png|The Online Store front page as of December 2012.
File:Mann Co. Online Store Banner - Robotic Boogaloo.png|The Online Store banner during the [[Robotic Boogaloo]] community update.
File:Mann Co. Online Store Banner - Early 2014.png|The Online Store banner as of early 2014.
File:Mann Co. Online Store WEB API TF2 Blog.png|The Online Store Web API used on the official blog.
== Zobacz też ==
* [[Mann Co. Catalog/pl|Katalog Mann Co.]]
* [[Mann Co. Catalog/pl|Katalog Mann Co.]]
* {{item link|Bundles}}

Revision as of 11:15, 24 June 2017

Strona Sklepu Mann Co.
Browse, buy, design, sell and wear Mann Co.'s ever-growing catalog of fine products with your BARE HANDS--all without leaving the COMFORT OF YOUR CHAIRS!
Saxton Hale

Sklep Mann Co. (oryg. Mann Co. Store) is an in-game micropayment service included in the Mann-Conomy Update. The store allows players to purchase in-game items such as cosmetics, weapons, and action items using money stored in their Steam Wallet. Creators of community-contributed items receive a percentage of sales for anything they've created. Aside from the main in-game interface, purchases can be made through the official Online Store,[1] on the official blog, or on each item's page on this Wiki.

Items bought from the Mann Co. Store can be traded, but not immediately; previously, items purchased from the Mann Co. Store were unable to be traded. After the Hatless Update, tools and action items (excluding Pile O' Gifts and the Secret Saxton) bought from the Mann Co. Store were given a 2-day waiting period before becoming tradable. Following the Manniversary Update & Sale, untradable weapons, and cosmetic items that were previously purchased from the store can be now traded, and newly purchased items can be immediately traded as long as the purchaser made his first purchase more than 30 days earlier.

Weapons bought from the Mann Co. Store can't be used in crafting, while cosmetics can. Following the Aktualizacja z 29 listopada 2012 items bought from that date can be used in crafting, while previously purchased ones can't.


Prices vary greatly, with newer and rarer items priced higher than older and more common ones. As a rule of thumb, rare items cost ten or more dollars while common items(cosmetics excluded) cost less than five. These prices preserve the values of crafted or dropped items. On occasion, the store will have sales on cosmetics and weapons.

Możliwe do kupienia przedmioty

Osobny artykuł: Cennik Sklepu Mann Co.

Wcześniej możliwe do kupienia przedmioty

Osobny artykuł: Wcześniej możliwe do kupienia przedmioty

Niemożliwe do kupienia przedmioty

Osobny artykuł: Niemożliwe do kupienia przedmioty

Wypróbowanie broni

Weapons can be tested by selecting the desired weapon in the Store, and clicking the "Try it out!" button at the bottom-left corner. However, cosmetics, tools, action items, and items labeled as "New" cannot be tested. This will give the player the selected weapon for one week, during which the weapon cannot be crafted or traded. After the week is done an alert will appear notifying that the test period is over, and the item will be removed from the player's backpack. Afterwards they will be able to test out another weapon, or even the very same weapon if they want. This process can be repeated an infinite amount of times without any adverse effects. As an added bonus, during the testing period, the player can buy the item for a 25% discount off of the regular price.

Keep in mind that weapons that come with a decal tool when bought in the store, such as the Conscientious Objector, will not come with a decal tool when tested.

Deleting the test item from your inventory will not result in the trial period being terminated. You will still have to wait the same amount of time to try out a new item, and you will not get the same item back.

Strony sklepu podczas wydarzeń

During some events, special pages will show up in the store for a limited time.

Promocyjna Czapka Mann Co.

Osobne artykuły: Mann Co. Cap, Mann Co. Online Cap

The first purchase made in the in-game Mann Co. Store will grant the player a Mann Co. Cap, an all class baseball cap with the Mann Co. symbol on the front. Though Valve has claimed that there is only a limited amount of time before this cap will be unavailable, the cap has been available since the release of the Mann-Conomy Update on September 30, 2010, and has been since a promo for any player to purchases their first item or items.

The first purchase made outside the game through the Online Store, or the web interface as well, will grant the player a Mann Co. Online Cap, an all class baseball hat with a darker color scheme and a white Mann Co. symbol on the front.

Paczka ze Sklepu Mann Co.

Osobny artykuł: Mann Co. Store Package

For every $19.99/£15/€15/600 rub spent at a time in the store (before tax is applied), players will receive a Mann Co. Store Package which can be unwrapped to obtained a free item. This is taken from a standard random drop. Cosmetics and other rarer items generate with the same chances as the Secret Saxton gift.

Historia aktualizacji

Aktualizacja z 30 września 2010 (Mannkonomia)

  • Mann Co. Store added to the game.

Aktualizacja z 14 kwietnia 2011 (Bezczapkowa aktualizacja)

  • Added paint preview to hats.
  • [Nieudokumentowane] The Mann Co. Store featured item is no longer viewable by default from the main menu. It will appear upon selecting the 'shop for items' button.
  • [Nieudokumentowane] Tools and action items (Excluding Pile O' Gifts and Secret Saxton) bought from the Mann Co. Store now have a 2 day wait before becoming tradable.

Aktualizacja z 23 czerwca 2011 (Überowa aktualizacja)

  • [Nieudokumentowane] European prices (€) in the Mann Co. Store have been updated to equal the same amount of money as it is in dollars.

Aktualizacja z 2 sierpnia 2011

  • Fixed a bug that caused team color paints to appear to be coming out of the wrong cans for the store icons.

Aktualizacja z 6 września 2011

  • Reorganized the tabs in the Mann Co. Store into Bundles, Guns, Hats, Misc, Tools, and Maps to make it easier to find specific items.
  • Added a Hot Items tab to the Mann Co. Store to show real-time popularity of items in the Mann-Conomy.

Aktualizacja z 15 września 2011

  • Purchased items are no longer announced in the chat text.

Aktualizacja z 13 października 2011 (Aktualizacja i wyprzedaż mannorocznicy)

  • Experimenting with a new store interface with a subset of players.
  • Non-newly-released weapons in the store can now be tried out for free once per week.
  • All items purchased in the store can be used for crafting and can be traded after a few days.

October 13, 2011 Patch #2

  • Items purchased from the store are no longer craftable.

Aktualizacja z 14 października 2011

  • Items purchased from the Store during the window where store items were craftable have been made craftable. Items purchased from the Store moving forward will continue to be uncraftable.

Aktualizacja z 23 lutego 2012

  • Fixed Mann Co. Store item previews for paints and styles

Aktualizacja z 10 maja 2012

Aktualizacja z 23 lipca 2012

  • [Nieudokumentowane] Lowered the prices of many items.

Aktualizacja z 29 listopada 2012

  • Cosmetic items purchased from the Mann Co. Store are now able to be used in crafting.
  • Class starter bundles now contain a Name Tag instead of a class-specific hat.
  • [Nieudokumentowane] Raised the prices of many cosmetic items.

Aktualizacja z 12 grudnia 2012

  • [Nieudokumentowane] Added search function to the Mann Co. Store.

Aktualizacja z 8 stycznia 2013

  • Fixed a client crash when viewing the Top Sellers tab in the Mann Co. Store.

Aktualizacja z 14 lutego 2013

  • Fixed not being able to view different styles while previewing items in the Mann Co. Store.

Aktualizacja z 13 maja 2013

  • [Nieudokumentowane] Moved Lollichop to the Weapons category in the store.

Aktualizacja z 18 czerwca 2014 (Miłość i wojna)

  • Added 15 taunts and a taunt bundle.
  • Added 5 weapons and a weapon bundle.
  • Added 44 cosmetics and a cosmetic bundle.
  • Added "Taunt" category into the store.
  • Added Mann Co. Stockpile Crate Key.
  • The "Hats" and "Misc" categories have been merged into "Cosmetics".

Aktualizacja z 17 września 2014

  • [Nieudokumentowane] The cosmetic items from the Strongbox Pack were added to the Mann Co. Store.

Aktualizacja z 10 listopada 2014

  • Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.

Aktualizacja z 1 grudnia 2014

  • Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.

Aktualizacja z 12 grudnia 2014

  • Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.

Aktualizacja z 15 grudnia 2014

  • Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.

Aktualizacja z 17 grudnia 2014

Aktualizacja z 22 grudnia 2014

Aktualizacja z 5 stycznia 2015

  • Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.

Aktualizacja z 7 stycznia 2015

Aktualizacja z 13 stycznia 2015

  • Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.

Aktualizacja z 15 stycznia 2015 #1

Aktualizacja z 11 lutego 2015 #1

  • Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.

February 11th, 2015 Patch #2

  • Fixed players not being able to purchase items from the Mann Co. Store.

Aktualizacja z 18 lutego 2015

  • Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.

Aktualizacja z 12 marca 2015

  • Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.
  • Updated the Mann Co. Store and Armory to not display item levels.
  • Added 3 new community-created taunts to the Mann Co. Store

Aktualizacja z 18 marca 2015

  • Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.

Aktualizacja z 31 marca 2015

  • Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.

Aktualizacja z 29 kwietnia 2015

  • Fixed not being able to preview paint changes in the Mann Co. Store.

Aktualizacja z 11 czerwca 2015

  • Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.

Aktualizacja z 1 lipca 2015

  • Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.

Aktualizacja z 23 lipca 2015

  • Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.

Aktualizacja z 18 sierpnia 2015

  • Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.

Aktualizacja z 28 października 2015 (Scream Fortress 2015)

Aktualizacja z 22 grudnia 2015

  • Updated the Mann Co. Store with the Smissmas sale. Deep discounts on nearly everything in the store.

Aktualizacja z 7 stycznia 2016

  • [Nieudokumentowane] Removed Gift Wrap from the Mann Co. Store.
  • [Nieudokumentowane] Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents.

Aktualizacja z 7 lipca 2016 #1 (Poznaj wroga swego)

  • Added the Competitive Matchmaking Pass.
  • Added new class starter packs.
  • Added new key-less cosmetic crates.
  • Revamped main store pages.
  • Added a spotlight item.
  • Added ability to mouse over and preview items in a bundle/crate/collection.
  • Adjusted some weapon prices for consistency.

Aktualizacja z 21 października 2016 (Scream Fortress 2016)

Aktualizacja z 21 grudnia 2016 (Śnięta 2016)



  • In an online interview, lead designer Robin Walker explained that nearly everything purchasable at the Mann Co. Store is also available to find via drops or crafting. "Our main goal to make sure that all gameplay affecting items are findable, so that no-one can buy an in-game advantage over someone who’s choosing to find their items." [2]
  • Items that are bought or given as a bonus from the store will be tagged as purchased (cannot be crafted) or promotional (cannot be traded).
  • Visiting the Mann Co. Store will also add any outstanding items to the player and it will resolve issues with items in invalid positions in the player's backpack.
  • Until the Aktualizacja z 3 maja 2012 and the introduction of the Mann Co. Store Package, items received from a $20 purchase were uncraftable.
    • Items that were received from spending more than $20 at the Mann Co. Store, whilst untradable themselves, could originally be crafted with other items into metal to make items which were tradable. This was removed in a subsequent patch.
  • Before buying cosmetic items from the Mann Co. Store, buyers can preview painted variants and styles of items they are interested in buying.

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