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Revision as of 19:53, 24 February 2022 by Doclic (talk | contribs) (Add bug relating to the console command build 3 0)
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The silhouette shows that the Ap-Sap can be applied to the building. Note that the eye widens.
A level 1 Sentry being sapped.
There you go. Once again, expertly hacked. Quite technical.
Wheatley on successful sapping

The Ap-Sap is a promotional building weapon for the Spy. It is a flattened Wheatley core with a glowing blue eye, that has voice lines which are activated upon certain circumstances such as deploying a Sapper, death, and more. The eyelid of the Ap-Sap moves as it talks and widens when in range of a sappable building.

This weapon functions identically to the Sapper.

This item is awarded in Genuine quality to players who open a What's in the Portal 2 Soundtrack Box?, which was included via promo code with the Portal 2: Songs to Test By CD.

Damage and function times

See also: Damage
Identical to: Sapper
Damage and function times
Base damage 100% 25 / s
Function times
Recharge time
15 s
Building destroy time
Level 1:
6.00 s
Level 2:
7.20 s
Level 3:
8.64 s
4.00 s
Values are approximate and determined by community testing.


Related achievements

Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro

Ignite 5 Spies who have a sapper on a friendly building.

Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman

Spynal Tap
Spynal Tap
Kill 20 Spies within 5 seconds of them sapping a friendly building.

Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer

Fistful of Sappers
Fistful of Sappers
Destroy 25 sappers on buildings built by other team members.

Get Along!
Get Along!
Manage to get to, and then remove, a sapper placed on your building while you were several meters away.
Quick Draw
Quick Draw
Kill a Spy and two sappers within 10 seconds.

Leaderboard class spy.png Spy

Joint Operation
Joint Operation
Sap an enemy sentry gun within 3 seconds of a teammate sapping another.

Sap Auteur
Sap Auteur
Destroy 1000 Engineer buildings with sappers.
Sap an enemy building, then backstab the Engineer who built it within 5 seconds.

The Man with the Broken Guns
The Man with the Broken Guns
Backstab an Engineer, then sap 3 of his buildings within 10 seconds.

Mvm navicon.png Mann vs. Machievements

Sly Voltage
Sly Voltage
As a Spy, sap 10 robots at once.

Update history

March 12, 2013 Patch

  • The Ap-Sap was added to the game.

March 19, 2013 Patch

  • Fixed the Spy not holding Sappers correctly in third person.

April 23, 2013 Patch

April 29, 2015 Patch

  • Fixed the Ap-Sap causing stuttering on dedicated servers.

July 2, 2015 Patch #1 (Gun Mettle Update)

  • Decreased the damage penalty on Sentry Guns sapped by the Spy from -66% to -33% (i.e. shooting a Sentry the Spy sapped with a Revolver is now more effective).


  • The attribute Place on enemy buildings to disable and slowly drain away its health. Placing a Sapper does not remove your disguise is missing.
  • Upon a feigned death with the Dead Ringer, neither a model is dropped nor a death response is heard by the user or other players.
  • When an Engineer removes this Sapper from a building, the Ap-Sap may respond as if the building was successfully sapped.
  • The Ap-Sap does not glow when crit-boosted.
  • In Mann vs. Machine, after sapping a robot, the Ap-Sap will repeatedly say hacking voice lines once it has recharged.
  • When inspecting the Ap-Sap, the eyelids do not move if a voice line is active.
    • If a voice line is active, then the Ap-Sap is inspected, the eyelids revert back to normal and do not move.
  • The console command build 3 0 will forcibly play a voice line with no cooldown.


  • Stephen Merchant reprises his role as the voice of Wheatley for the Ap-Sap.
  • The name of the item is a portmanteau of "Aperture" and "Sapper".
  • The description mentions GLaDOS, the main villain from the Portal franchise. It also mentions the Aperture Science facilities.


See also