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< Mannhattan
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开发者: 未知
环境: 现代城市
设定: 白昼,晴天
危害: 绞肉机(和它旁边的香蕉皮)
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Mannhattan overview.png
关于爆破手饰品,请见:头戴式蘑菇云(Mannhattan Project)
双城之中的第一城, Mannhattan,将我们的雇佣兵从荒芜之地卵石坑的暴晒中带到了正在扩张中的东海岸现代城市,他们会在这里捍卫萨克斯顿霍尔精品店Mhankö系列的制造部门。Mannhattan的机器人部落可以推进自己的出生点,并首次将能刷新的炸弹引入地图,从而带来独特的新 MvM 体验。

Mannhattan 是一张在双城更新中被添加到游戏的曼恩 vs.机器模式地图。其展示了一片代表着美国曼哈顿的都市风光。雇佣兵要在此保卫曼恩公司的"Mhankö" 生产线。

Unique to this map are its two gates, labelled Gate A and Gate B. Roughly half of the robots that spawn are "gatebots", identified by glowing yellow lights on their heads, which ignore the bomb and instead try to open the gates much like capturing control points. When one or more gatebots are near or capturing a gate, an alarm will sound to all players, alerting that a gate is being captured. Once a gate is captured, all bombs currently in play are sent back to spawn and all non-giant robots are stunned for approximately twenty seconds. When this time expires, a loud whistle blows (similar to Foundry), and the robots resume their assault, gaining guaranteed critical hits for a short period of time. Note that unlike control points, the robots' capture progress cannot be blocked by the presence of a player and robots can still capture the point if übered; every robot in the capture zone must be destroyed to stop the capture progress.

The capturing of a gate has three effects that make the defenders' job more difficult: the robots' spawn moves up to the newly captured gate, captured gates cannot be closed or recaptured for the rest of the wave, and an additional bomb is brought into play for each gate captured. This forces the defenders to split their forces accordingly, as players then have to defend against two or three bombs at once. In the event both gates are captured, the remaining gatebots' lights turn off, and they join the rest of the horde in carrying the bombs.

Tanks do not spawn on this map.

The map contains 3 missions: the Intermediate mission Big Apple Barricade, the Advanced missions Empire Escalation and Metro Malice.



The Warehouse is the first spawning location of the robots. They'll come in through the main shipping doors as well as the overhead catwalks.

  • Gate A: The first gate that must be captured by the robots before they can capture Gate B.

Shipping Containers

A series of large shipping containers lay in the middle of the map. All over the containers are catwalks for tactical positions, as well as alternate pathways. Near the containers are two key points of the map.

  • Grinder: To the left of the containers is a grinder with a banana peel near it. Should a player step on a peel they'll instantly slip and fall into the grinder. A skilled Pyro can airblast robots into the grinder for an instant kill.
  • Gate B: To the right side is Gate B, locked until the robots capture Gate A.

Sea Side Exports

The location of the main hatch. Has two pathways on the sides and one in the middle.

  • Old Railway Ditch: Underneath the central bridge to the hatch. Contains one medium health kit.
  • Mannhattan Used Fireworks (And Repair): Structural pathway on the left lane. Contains a Max Ammo and small health kit.


主条目: Community Mannhattan strategy


  • The map's name is a play on Manhattan, a borough of New York City and Mann Co..
  • The poster of a "Missing" gorilla refers the association of King Kong with Manhattan.
  • Periodically, a surface subway train car can be seen speeding down the tracks behind a fence. It can't be interacted with, but this model of train car was later used on the PASS Time map District.



另见: Obtaining Mann vs. Machievements

Mannhattan has 5 map-specific achievements.

和你的队友一起,在一回合内,用陷阱消灭 10 个可怜的家伙。

在 Mannhattan 上进行一场进阶任务,没有让敌方的出生点推进一次。

在 Mannhattan 的一次进阶难度任务中,和你的队友一起,杀死 50 个正在接收信号的机器人。

在 Mannhattan 摧毁 500 个正在破门的机器人。



  • Added Mannhattan to the game.


  • Rebalanced Empire Escalation
  • Fixed credits not always being collected when they fall into the grinder.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed the gates to be captured out of order.
  • Fixed a lighting bug related to lower graphics settings that cause the map to be too dark.


  • Fixed being able to construct buildings inside the respawn room.
  • Fixed a material problem near the hatch.


  • Fixed Spies spawning behind the closed door at Gate A.
  • Fixed Sentry Busters sometimes staying at Gate A instead of attacking the Sentry Gun.


  • Mac users currently have a bug which times out the user before and during the wave.
  • Gate A will occasionally continue its alarm even while robots are nowhere near the gate, and the door can very rarely, miraculously vanish despite the robots failed attempt to open it.
  • If a Gate were to have been opened, it will force all giant robots to fall back even after a giant robot has successfully deployed the bomb, preventing a wave loss.
  • Rarely, in Mannhattan, stray radio waves will appear in midair, even if no robots are under them, when a robot successfully captures a point.
  • Rarely, the gate before Gate A in Mannhattan will appear to be still open even though the gate closing sound plays and there are no robots passing through it before it closes. The same situation may apply to Gate A when Gate B is captured.
  • Occasionally gate bots will run to spawn after briefly touching the gate.