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Hellstone | |
基本信息 | |
开发者: | 未知 |
地图资料 | |
环境: | 万圣节 |
设定: | 夜晚,阴天 |
危害: | 深渊,南瓜炸弹,鬼魂, 骷髅,魔眼,熔岩 脱缰的无头骑士 |
地图照片 | |
地图俯视图 | |
“ | Millstone闹鬼了,从现在开始这里叫Hellstone!但这次你不会被传送到地狱了(骗你的),而是将一辆载着鬼魂的战车推到地狱去!来帮帮这个友善的小鬼魂同时面对来自过去万圣节的恐怖和快乐!
— Hellstone 宣传语
” |
Hellstone是一张社区制作的推车模式地图,于尖叫要塞 2015被添加到游戏中 。该地图取景于泽菲尼亚·曼恩在荒芜之地里的一座澳元素矿场内,地图内有一张海报上写着日期是1850年的下半年,正好是泽菲尼亚死亡的那年。整张地图的设计风格都是破旧的红队主题木场,除了蓝队基地旁的维克工业标志牌。该地图是自定义地图Millstone的万圣节版本。
Hellstone 是被 投稿 到 Steam创意工坊的。
- 路:战车轨道路线一开始是蜿蜒且狭窄的,其周围有三条侧路。
- 仓库:第一条侧路:门口可以俯瞰整个蓝队出生点区域。
- 在回合开始时,会有一只鬼魂生在在蓝队第三出生点处,鬼魂会向前和左方前进一直到仓库然后进入地狱之路再回到出生点,形成一个矩形路线。
- 杂物间:位于轨道的第一处U型拐弯后方的一间小屋,是一处常见的偷袭和工程师驻扎地。
- 在第一波生成的骷髅中会有一部分在这个房间内生成。
- 矿工小屋:第二条侧路,俯瞰红队出生点和战车轨道。此处的单向通道会在第一检查点被占领时关闭。
- 第二出生点:第三条侧路,位于蓝队在占领骑士之家检查点后的出生点处。
- 骷髅会在某个侧路中生成,具体取决于战车的进度。
- 庭院:战车轨道附近的空间会在进入骑士之家后豁然开朗,此处也正好在红队出生点对面。
- 在第一个灵异时刻到来时,会有三只骷髅生成在木工厂后方,还有三至骷髅会生成在蓝队第二出生点出口处钟楼正下方。
- 骑士之家:无头骑士会在这栋建筑一楼的隐藏房间内生成,该隐藏房间会在第二检查点被占领时开启。
- 无头骑士生成的房间内还有一个稀有魔咒。
- 门厅:一间有着很多掩体和深渊的房间。
- 第三出生点:在第四检查点被占领后,被矿车砸开的通道会成为蓝队的出生点。
- 骷髅王出生点:骷髅王会在地狱钟楼检查点下方一层处生成,正位于标识“警告:小心大猩猩和鳄鱼穿过此处”(原文:CAUTION CROCODILES AND GORILLAS BEYOND THIS POINT)。
- 在骷髅王出生点后方的小隧道中藏着一个稀有魔咒。当第一名蓝队玩家进入隧道时会炸开隧道,然后就可以拾取稀有魔咒了。
- 一间有6条突袭路线的双层结构小房间。
- 红队出生点:俯瞰最终地狱深坑区域的红队出生点。
- 红队出生点上方倾斜的屋顶上有一个稀有魔咒。
- 炼狱和地狱分别是由魔眼传送时留下的传送门和死亡时留下的传送门的地下世界地点。
1.仓库 2.杂物间 3.矿工小屋 4.骑士之家 5.庭院 6.地狱钟楼 蓝色/红色斜线:蓝队/红队第一出生点 蓝色/红色双斜线:蓝队/红队第二出生点 蓝色/红色带圈双斜线:蓝队/红队第三出生点
黄色圆圈:第一检查点 绿色圆圈:第二检查点 粉色圆圈:第三检查点 紫色圆圈:第四检查点 白色圆圈:最终检查点
- 占领第一检查点:会有骷髅生成在战车前方和背后的狭窄区域内。
- 占领第二检查点:生成脱缰的无头骑士,并且会开启通往地图后半部分的大门。大门在钟楼第一次进入午夜时间时也会开启。
- 占领第三检查点:伴随着三下钟声和邪恶的笑声生成骷髅王和很多跟随的骷髅随从,在战车通过第三检查点后会开启一个开关,随后矿车会脱轨并撞出一条通往最终区域的新路。
- 占领第四检查点:魔眼会在最终检查点附近生成,主要环绕地狱深坑行动。
- 占领第五即最终检查点:鬼魂进入地狱深坑,回合结束。
“孙武没告诉咱们该咋做!” 这张地图的社区战术(英语)页面是个小条目,它的内容还有待完善。 你可以通过扩充它来为军团要塞官方维基的社区战术计划出一份力。 附注:未添加附注 |
General mechanics for dealing with or exploiting the monsters on other maps apply here as well. However, the monsters that are present change over the course of the map; so monster-specific class selections and load outs can also change as the cart and time progresses in the round. The monster spawns are completely predicable and both teams should be ready for them.
- Learn to jump: The three flanking passages on the Road to Hell require Jumping for the RED team to use. Much the same may be said of the second half of the map; Horsemanns House, Hells Bells, and Monoculusmos Monsterinus may each be flanked by RED with Jumping.
- Baby skeletons are babies: A couple of Heavies with full Minigun magazines, ready for the skeleton spawn at the Road to Hell capture, firing while backpedaling (S), can largely handle a four skeleton wave.
- Just keep pushing: Bullets spent fighting the first MONOCULUS spawn are bullets that miss the real enemy.
- When at all practical, avoid engaging MONOCULUS and hope it teleports to be in the other team's way.
- Use the blocking cover it provides to set up defenses and pushes for when it clears.
- When a boss monster is near the cart, keep a BLU Scout or a Cloak and Dagger Spy in the area to tap the cart while the monster's attention is elsewhere.
- Rockets rain on the just and the unjust: In the final push, MONOCULUS fires on either team indiscriminately; so do not waste firepower on the monster; simply adjust tactics to its changing positions.
- Don't shoot the Horsemann: Lead the Horseless Headless Horsemann into the enemy's area and hope they shoot at him.
- In Russia, cart pushes you: The stun radius of the cart is limited; a Spy can backstab a player from just outside of the stun zone, so keep the cart to your back when Spies are active.
- Added Hellstone to the game
- Fixed getting out of the map using spells
- MONOCULUS moves now around the end area of the map instead of staying near final pit
- Made spells spawn a bit less frequently
- Fixed ghost long arms, now it travels/arrives to hell
- Performance optimizations
- Updated the navigation file
- Fixed door near final pit so players no longer get stuck in it
- Decreased ghost cart stun area. Now you have to be closer to the cart as RED to get scared
- Fixed odd cable appearing sometimes in the ground near BLU spawn
- Fixed being able to shoot spells into BLU spawn during setup time
- Fixed Monoculus dropping down into a pit in rare cases
- Updated bot navigation file, bots now use all routes, won't get stuck so easily and are smarter
- Fixed woodpile spot where HHH could get stuck
- Improved clipping on wood piles
- Fixed missing rooftop texture
- Fixed a few props flashing at certain angles
- Fixed a spot in the last area where you could place stickies underground
- Fixed Monoculus not getting stunned when hit by players exiting purgatory
- Fixed an exploit where you could trap Horseless Headless Horsemann in place
- Fixed some door frames from being able to shoot through them
- Fixed a texture error
- Fixed a barrel that you could walk through
- Improved navigation file for better bot movement
- Fixed being able to shoot through building wall located front of RED 1st base
- Community request: Added
outputs to thetf_gamerules
entity for maps
- Fixed an issue where players were able to trap Headless Horseman above the death pit
- Fixed a spot where players could trap players with teleport exit
- Headless Horseman getting stuck in B area house staircase
- A frog is hidden behind the middle generator behind the window in BLU's first Spawn, viewable only by using
Another Gibus-wearing ghost is hidden in the upper floor of RED's base, facing another entrance to Hell.