Community Scout strategy

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What the hell did you just say?!
Hit the road, bozo, let a real Scout get to work!
The Scout on impersonators

This article is on Community Scout Strategy.

The Scout has the fastest movement speed and is a great Control Point capturer, while also dealing a decent amount of damage from short to medium range. His low maximum health of 125 makes direct combat difficult and risky. The preferred technique of combat involves circle strafing or weapon heckling.

Quick tips

  • You capture twice as fast as any other class. If you're anywhere near an enemy Control point, stand on it.
    • In Payload maps, crouch-walking behind the Payload to use it as a shield can be very effective since your hitboxes are smaller than other classes.
  • Know where the Health packs are on every map, and grab them every chance you can.
    • However, if you're not too badly injured and another teammate is, leave the health pack for them. Do not use your speed to grab a Health pack when another teammate is injured more than you are.
  • Never try to out-gun tougher classes. Your job is to deal damage and distract, then disappear before the enemy has a chance to shoot back.
  • Use your maneuverability to catch enemies off-guard. Your extra speed and double-jump can get you over gaps, around corners, and over obstacles that block most of the other classes.
  • Sentry Guns should be avoided.
    • You can use Bonk! Atomic Punch, however, to distract an enemy Sentry Gun while a teammate destroys it, or to slip past the Sentry Gun while avoiding damage.



  • The Scout excels at one-on-one combat. Wandering or lone-wolf players are good targets for a Scout.
  • Try to fight on open ground as much as possible, tight spaces limit your evasive options and will make staying alive much harder.
  • Try to be unpredictable. Jumping is an easy way to stay out of the way of Rockets or Pipe Bombs, and Circle-Strafing is a good way to take down other foes.
  • When low on health, wait for the correct moment to strike. Use walls and corners to gain an advantage over enemies by firing and retreating repeatedly to avoid enemy fire.
  • The Scout is the smallest class and can hide behind objects better than every other class. This can be useful while waiting for a group of enemies to pass by.
    • Do not pull out any melee weapon while hiding, as their height may give away your position.
  • Try to be unpredictable while fighting classes that are using hitscan weapons, such as the Shotgun. Use the double jump to launch yourself at an unexpected angle to make yourself harder to hit.
  • Do not confront a Sentry Gun head-on. If you can approach it from behind or to the side, you can take advantage of the Sentry Gun's slow rotation speed. Pop out of cover long enough to take a shot at it, then wait about one second for the Sentry Gun to turn back to its default position.
    • It is also possible to circle strafe a Sentry Gun, as it cannot turn quickly enough to fire at you. This is very difficult, however, and requires that you be as close to the Sentry Gun as possible.
  • When fighting enemy Pyros that are attempting to airblast you into a corner and kill you with the Axtinguisher, use your second jump to escape from above.
  • An entire team of Scouts can attempt a Scout rush, but this is a risky maneuver. Joining forces with even a handful of other Scouts is still a good idea, as they can buy time for the team while the slower, stronger classes catch up.
    • While participating in a Scout rush, coordinate attacks with fellow Scouts for maximum damage.
  • If you find yourself circling an enemy, try to find the right moment to line up with your target and fire your weapon.
  • As a general rule, the usefulness of Scouts is inversely proportional to the number of players in the server and the size of the map.
  • Find a mouse sensitivity that is suitable for playing Scout. Whilst a high sensitivity may seem to pair with the speed of the class, a low sensitivity, paired with more mouse movement, makes it considerably more easy to land shots with your Scattergun, an important skill for the class.
  • The Scout isn't made for direct combat. Use your speed to flank enemies.


  • Run through into players to Spy check. If you don't pass through them, and instead bump into them, then they're a disguised Spy.
  • Attempt to get a friendly Medic using the Quick-Fix to heal you, as your speed will allow him to get to damaged teammates quicker.
  • Because you can easily outrun other classes, it is possible to backcap Control Points. If successful, this will lock the enemy out of capturing your own Control Point(s).
  • Your speed allows you to decide which battles to engage in, enemies cannot run from you if you engage them, nor can they pursue you if you don't want to engage.
  • Your speed gives you the quickest response time to any situation that arises.
  • Death is less of a penalty for you since you will spend less time than other classes running to where the battle is. You are also first to the fight at the beginning of the round
  • Speed makes you more difficult to hit, and beyond certain ranges your speed can render certain projectile weapons useless since you can always react and move out of the way in time.
The Scout's double jump is incredibly versatile, use it well.


  • Whichever movement key is being held at the time of the double jump is the direction you will go. This allows you to immediately turn 90 or 180 degrees in any direction in mid air, and is a very good way to confuse enemies.
    • This is especially effective against Snipers, who usually aim where they expect you to be just after their shot is fired. However, skilled Snipers may be able to predict the path of your second jump, since you cannot move in mid-air after it.
  • Performing a double jump without pressing anything bound to the movement commands will cancel all directional momentum, regardless of speed.
    • As a result of this, try to predict where enemies are aiming before double jumping.
  • Double jumping can save you from fall damage; simply jump just before you would hit the ground.
  • Use the double jump jump to take the higher roads over railroad cars and bridges. Most opponents tend to look forward, rather than up. If it is safe to do so, attack from above, preferably on the enemy's head, to take them by surprise.
  • Certain ledges may require you to crouch-jump in order to reach them. Holding the crouch button while performing a double jump will allow you to reach those ledges.
  • If you are under fire, try jumping over the enemy's head to disorient them or throw their aim off. You can also use this manoeuvre to land a couple extra shots at close range.
  • You are able to perform a triple jump of sorts if the Force-A-Nature is equipped as your primary weapon, as the knockback from firing can be used to propel yourself a few feet upwards when aimed down.
    • Similar results can be achieved using the Boston Basher's self damage, though this is much riskier.
    • The Atomizer allows you to do a triple jump in the same manner as regular jumping, at the cost of 10 health. Use it when you feel as though you are in a safe area.
  • When an enemy Soldier or Pyro decides to pull out his Reserve Shooter, it would be very wise to not jump for a few seconds while fighting, as the Mini-Crit damage can be lethal. After 3 seconds have passed and the Reserve Shooter's airborne Mini-Crits buff wears off, begin utilizing your jumps to confuse the Soldier while he is reloading.

Weapon Specific

Primary Weapons

Scattergun/Festive Scattergun

Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point Blank Medium Range Long Range Critical
Killicon scattergun.png 6 32 85-105 10-40 3-10 180
Festive Scattergun
Festive Scattergun
Killicon scattergun.png
  • When using your Scattergun, a reliable way to ensure you hit consistently is to actually not use your mouse to aim, but to strafe left and right with your cross-hair centered, firing when your cross-hairs and opponent match up. This allows you to focus on moving more efficiently and erratically, making you harder to hit, while at the same time making your aim smoother and more accurate via prediction.
  • The Scattergun can be used to kill an enemy Medic with an unactivated ÜberCharge before he is aware of your presence. It's important that your first shot hits because your target will see tracers fly by and hear your gunshots, leaving them alerted to your presence. Two point-blank shots to a Medic will normally kill him, while 3-4 at medium range will do the same job.
  • Range makes a huge difference to the damage the Scattergun inflicts. If you are undetected, avoid firing early. Wait until you are as close as you can get to the enemy and then open fire. This reduces the number of times you need to hit the enemy, giving them less time to react, and means you won't run out of ammo in the middle of a firefight.


Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point Blank Medium Range Long Range Critical
Killicon force-a-nature.png 2 32 92-113 11-43 3-11 194
  • The Force-A-Nature is an unlockable primary weapon for the Scout. It has a smaller magazine size with a faster firing speed, firing two shells in fast succession for hit-and-run tactics, along with reloading both shots instead of individually. However, the Force-A-Nature has 20% more pellets per slug in exchange for 10% less damage per pellet, forcing the player to fire much closer to use all the pellets in the shot for maximum damage. In addition, when in a close enough range, the Force-A-Nature will knock back the target, and when in mid-air, the Scout as well, confusing enemies, and allowing triple-jumps (and quadruple with the Atomizer) when firing downwards to reach places other classes cannot.
  • When using this weapon, try not to get into a firefight with more than a few enemies. The slow reload time, small magazine, and short range is not suited for these kinds of fights. Instead, try to take on only one enemy at a time so you don't get overwhelmed, and try not to approach them from the front. Come from the sides or behind to take him out before he knows what hit him.
  • If you plan on using the Force-A-Nature, you should probably bring the Pistol as well. The Force-A-Nature's small magazine size means that without the Pistol, you will be essentially weaponless for the two seconds after you fire both shells. With the Pistol, you have the ability to finish off enemies that survived the initial shots.
  • Keep in mind that you can jump even longer distances with this weapon by jumping, aiming below you and firing at the end of your second jump. Another way is to jump, fire quickly, and jump again. Only fire one shot, as the second shot fired while in the air has no effect on you. A couple of interesting facts regarding the Force-A-Nature jump: A Force-A-Nature jump has slightly higher clearance than the standard double-jump. Finally, while at maximum speed, you can gain no forward momentum whatsoever from the Force-A-Nature, so firing in such a way as to try and lengthen your jump is fruitless in this situation (when stationary or moving slower than normal, such as under the influence of Natascha you will gain momentum up to the Scout's normal maximum speed).
    • However, you can gain rearward momentum when in the air moving backwards, so if you are traveling through an open area, you can clear large distances quickly and perhaps more importantly off the ground and out of the crosshairs of Snipers by doing a quick 180 turn, simultaneously switching from forward to backward movement, jumping, and firing the Force-A-Nature just after the peak of the jump's height.
      • Although firing a second shot in midair does not affect your momentum, it's unwise to engage an enemy with only one shot loaded, and reloading with one bullet in the barrel will throw it away. It's invaluable to know when to reload and when you can afford to save the shell for a quick shot or another triple jump.
  • Use the Force-A-Nature's knockback ability to your advantage, two simultaneous shells can send enemies several meters and into hazards such as the pits in Lumberyard and Steel. It's particularly useful in Steel and Mann Manor where the enemies tend to huddle around the last point. You can jump in, blast two people right off the point and run to reload and strike again later (provided they have yet to raise the safety rails).
  • Use the knockback to reach high places in order to kill unaware classes from high, it lowers your chances of being killed when getting closer because other players usually don't look up. The Force-A-Nature fires faster than the Scattergun therefore it is best suited to killing important classes (like Engineers trying to build defenses and medics) and it works better while the target is busy with something.
  • Be wary that a point-blank shot from the Force-A-Nature will send your target flying a significant distance. So if at all possible, be wary of where your shot will throw them into. It's not terribly hard to accidentally send your target into a med-kit, into the safety of Sentry Gun coverage, or even into a cluster of his teammates.
  • Firing point blank at an upward angle, either by terrain or by crouching and looking up can send your target quite high into the sky, making falling damage a factor. It might just be enough to finish an opponent who had initially survived your two shots.
  • Be careful when trying to fire at an enemy from above with the Force-A-Nature, as while the knockback keeps enemies pinned down for a second, the self-knockback will keep you in the air or blast you slightly backwards, possibly throwing off your aim and sending you in a predictable line for people to aim. For this reason, the Force-A-Nature is generally better to attack enemies on the same level or from below, so that they take the full force of the knockback and you still have control.
  • When you use this weapon, a good idea is to turn off the automatic-reload feature if it's active. The Force-A-Nature discards the remaining round if reloaded with the other one in so you must either make a choice to fire or to reload at will.
  • A handy little trick with the Force-A-Nature is to zip away from incoming projectiles. Every now and then you'll find a projectile hurtling towards you with both of your jumps expended. Take a quick turn to the side and fire off a blast and you'll find that attack hurtling past where you used to be.
  • The Force-A-Nature can push ÜberCharged enemies. Use this either to push enemies away from your teammates, or to break the Medi Gun beam and attack the now-vulnerable target.
  • Hitting an enemy with two Force-A-Nature shots and then running behind him as he flies backwards will allow you to hit him with another two shots. This fast combo can deal up to 260 damage, so most classes can be taken down before they have a chance to counterattack.


Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point Blank Medium Range Long Range Critical
Killicon shortstop.png 4 36 69-72 24-48 6-12 144
  • The Shortstop is a craftable primary weapon for the Scout. It has a fast firing speed along with a fast clip-based reload for prolonged combat. The reduced pellet per shot to only four pellets with double the damage for each pellet allows the Scout to keep his distance to deal good damage at mid-range, and still fires powerful shots at close range. It draws from the same ammo pool as the Pistol, burning ammo quickly, unless the Scout is using another secondary such as the Bonk! Atomic Punch.
  • Halfway between the Pistol and the Scattergun, the Shortstop has advantages and disadvantages from both weapon types, making it a good choice when you want to be prepared for a little bit of everything.
  • The Shortstop pairs well with the Crit-a-Cola, as its slightly faster firing rate and quick reload can maximize the potential of the Mini-Crit boost's duration.
    • Using the Crit-a-Cola from range and firing off a few Mini-Crits will serve to weaken your opponent before getting up close. This will help level the playing field health-wise, since Scouts have low health compared to the other classes, and especially so if they have the Sandman equipped.
    • The Shortstop's longer effective range also aids the Scout in literally avoiding the Crit-a-Cola's sole drawback. Keep moving while blasting away at your opponents with Mini-Crits; most classes with long range ability will find it difficult to keep up with a Scout's dodging speed.
  • Four direct hits from the Shortstop can kill most classes, but be cautious while facing off tougher classes like the Heavy, who may survive the four shots of the Shortstop and take you down as you reload.
    • This can be partially circumvented by using the Mad Milk, which heals you, effectively giving you more health to square off against bulkier classes.
  • The Critical hits from this weapon will deal 144 damage at point-blank range, meaning that you cannot one-shot Medics. However, the Medic will be left with really low health and you can probably finish him off with another shot before he can retreat or his teammates can react. And you can still one shot light classes and will deal a good amount of damage to others.
  • A single Critical hit fired from this weapon after a reload will make the rest of the shots critical for a few seconds.
  • Remember that each shot fired brings with it mild knockback to airborne opponents, and 4 shots can push them fair distances similar to the Force-A-Nature. Use this to your advantage when fighting Scouts and Soldiers trying to jump or rocket jump to your location or a vantage point. This can be used to cause environmental deaths, so positioning yourself on the opposite side of a hazard with an opponent between can be helpful.
  • The Shortstop has a moderate reloading time, turning on auto-reload or holding down your reload button may cut off a good chunk of the reload time.
  • The Shortstop works well for dealing with Sentry Guns. A Mini-Sentry Gun will go down in about a clip, even when you're standing outside of its range.

Soda Popper

Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point Blank Medium Range Long Range Critical Distance to Activate Hype Hype Duration
Soda Popper
Soda Popper
Killicon soda popper.png 2 32 90 24-67 3-26 180 5200 Hammer Units 8 seconds
  • The Soda Popper is a craftable primary weapon for the Scout. It is very similar the Force-A-Nature, firing two shells in fast succession and reloading both shots, but with the damage and pellet count of the normal Scattergun, .41 seconds faster in reload time, and no knockback. The Soda Popper does not roll for random Critical hits.
    • In addition, while running and jumping with the Soda Popper active, a "Hype" meter fills. When completely filled, the Soda Popper will grant you 8 seconds of Mini-Crit boosts for all weapons. The Hype meter takes roughly 13 seconds to completely fill.
  • At the beginning of a round, you can run toward your objective with the Soda Popper equipped; when the hype meter is almost full, you can switch to a different weapon. This way, should you encounter an enemy, you can equip the Soda Popper to get the Mini-Crit boost to defeat them with.
  • The Mini-Crit boost works for all of your weapons; you can shoot an enemy with your Pistol or hit them with your bat instead of shooting them with the Soda Popper while you use the boost, even bleeding inflicted with the Boston Basher is boosted.
    • Use this to take advantage of the accuracy of your Pistol with the high minimum damage mini-crits provide to inflict high damage at great distances
  • The Soda Popper works great with hit and run tactics. With its fast reload speed, you can easily unload your shells, retreat and attack again in a rapid session.

Secondary Weapons


Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point Blank Medium Range Long Range Critical
Killicon pistol.png 12 36 20-22 10-15 8-9 45
Killicon lugermorph.png
  • Targets too far away for the Scattergun should be fought with the Pistol. It's also a reasonable backup weapon for when your Scattergun runs out of ammunition, and has reliable aim. It can destroy Sentry Guns, Dispensers, and Teleporters at medium range if the situation calls for it; but expect this to use up around half of your Pistol ammunition.
  • When running towards enemies aware of your presence, try firing at them with your Pistol before closing in on them with your Scattergun or Force-A-Nature. When taking on 125HP classes, 2–3 seconds of accurate Pistol fire can take away a quarter to a third off their maximum health allowing you to finish them off with a strong blast of your primary weapon.
  • One of the Pistol's primary uses is to finish off wounded targets attempting to retreat.
  • Scouts only carry 36 spare rounds of Pistol ammunition on top of the 12 round magazine in the weapon. The Pistol can waste a lot of ammunition if fired haphazardly into a firefight. Choose your targets wisely, and aim carefully.
  • The Pistol reloads much more quickly than the Scattergun. When both are empty, reloading the Pistol first will have you firing sooner than reloading the Scattergun.
  • Be wary of when the Pistol actually reloads. Changing weapons before it finishes reloading only means that you have to reload again. Wait about a half-second after the reload animation finishes, and make a mental note of when your magazine count changes.
  • The Pistol is also a great weapon for creating distractions. If you can run behind enemy lines and squeeze a few shots from the rear and then run away, players will often try to follow, making it easier for your team to accomplish objectives.
  • The Pistol works well with the Force-A-Nature. Simply sink two shots into your enemy with the Force-A-Nature, switch to your Pistol and fire at them. Since enemies will be knocked back, you won't have to account for movement for a few precious shots.
  • The Pistol is one of the more deadly weapons to get Critical hits with. If you happen to get First Blood in Arena, switch to your Pistol as it can take any class down in one magazine including most overhealed enemies if you fire fast and accurately enough.
  • Though the Scattergun trumps the Pistol in short ranges, at medium to long ranges your Pistol is a far better option for taking out Sentry Guns than any other Scout weapon. If you're out of the Sentry Gun's range, hitting the Engineer with a Sandman ball and then destroying the Sentry Gun with your Pistol will make this job infinitely easier.
    • However, if you are on maps that make it easy to hide around corners, it may be more effective to use Bonk! Atomic Punch to avoid the otherwise fatal damage.
  • The Pistol shares ammunition with the Shortstop, so using both together is not advised, as you will use your ammo reserves quickly, often leaving you with only your Melee weapon to fend off foes.

Bonk! Atomic Punch

Weapon Ammo Effect
Loaded Carried Drink Effect Duration Recharge Time
Bonk! Atomic Punch
Bonk! Atomic Punch
1 Invulnerability but unable to attack, capture or defend 6 seconds 24 seconds
  • The Bonk! Atomic Punch is an unlockable secondary weapon for the Scout. When consumed, the Scout will be invulnerable to damage but is still affected by knockback, similar to an ÜberCharge. While active, the camera shifts to a third-person view, and the Scout cannot attack (but can still taunt-attack). The effect lasts 6 seconds and can be used again in 24 seconds.
  • Use Bonk! for dodging around things you would normally run away from, like Sentry Guns, Heavy/Medic pairs, or large groups of enemies. It makes for a very good retreating device, assuming you survive the time required to bring out the can and drink from it and are also able to distance yourself sufficiently from the enemy.
  • While being on your own isn't all that grand for scouting as stated above, this changes when using Bonk!. It's a very good idea to take a drink before turning a corner that could potentially have a Sentry Gun or Stickybombs around it, especially if there are allies behind you. Doing so can allow for an ad-hoc Über situation where your allies can take out the opposition while you provide cover and distraction. If you have no one backing you, simply reporting what you found via voice chat or yelling 'Sentry Ahead' can potentially save your teammates.
  • It is very easy to distract enemies while you are under the influence of Bonk!. Enemy Snipers can be distracted as they try to shoot you or keep their crosshairs on you waiting for your invulnerability to wear off. Running into Soldiers and Demomen will usually result in them hurting themselves as well as being distracted. Heavies and Pyros are also easily distracted if you run circles around them. This strategy can also be used to counter enemy ÜberCharges; body-blocking a Medic's patient can waste up to six seconds of their preciously short invincibility or Critical hits period. More importantly, it saves your Medic's ÜberCharge for dealing with the enemy, rather than countering the enemy's ÜberCharge.
  • Bonk! can be used as a temporary ÜberCharge for taking out Sentry Guns, as you provide a distraction while your teammates attack. This tactic is of particular use on low population servers or on Arena, where ÜberCharges can be quite rare or lengthy to build up.
  • You can use enemies to travel long distances using Bonk! as well. This is mainly something used in conjunction with an enemy Engineer's Sentry Gun or a Demoman's Stickybombs.
    • With a Sentry Gun, simply jumping while being fired at will cause you to go flying in the direction the Sentry Gun is firing when you jump, combined with a double-jump you can get more height as well (Though be mindful of the map, as the Sentry Gun can easily pin you into a corner on the ceiling).
    • A Demoman's Stickybombs can safely send you behind enemy lines; this is particularly useful on Attack/Defend maps like Dustbowl or Payload maps while on the offensive team; not only will you potentially disarm stickies at the gate for your teammates, but there's a good chance the blast will send you flying behind enemy lines.
  • Use Bonk! to distract enemy Demoman. If he detonates his stickies, your team is safe. If he doesn't detonate them, you will be in a prime position to take him on head to head. Often times the Scattergun will trump the Grenade Launcher due to its speed and increased close range damage. It's a lot safer for you to fight close range than it is for a Demoman, just make sure to stay out of melee range.
  • Bonk! can be used to reset an intelligence return countdown, or to keep a Payload cart from moving backwards if it's being heavily defended. In the case of Intelligence, you can actually run off with it if you're very lucky. At the very least you should be able to move it into a more favorable position for your team.
  • Bonk! can be used to avoid the after-burn damage from Pyros when you're already on fire. Though the after-burn will continue to damage you when Bonk wears off, the life extension Bonk gives you just might be enough to reach a water pool, med pack or Medic before you burn to death. However, you will continue to take after-burn damage if you are set on fire by a Flare Gun.
  • Bonk! can also be used to safely get in range to circle strafe kill a Sentry Gun that is in the open. As long as the path is clear enough for you to run 360 degrees around the Sentry Gun, you can circle strafe and kill the Sentry Gun with either Shotgun or even your Bat. Just be careful not to run too fast so the Sentry Gun switches directions and be wary of its angry owner and teammates stopping your circle strafing. This is easily one of the hardest things to accomplish as a Scout, so don't expect to walk away from these attempts often, if at all.
  • If you drink some Bonk! after emptying your Scattergun clip, you can fully reload your gun while you are invulnerable.
  • Bonk! can be used to safely kill an Engineer with his own Sentry Gun by putting him between you and his gun. Often the Engineer will be hiding behind his gun when it's firing, so you will have to loop around and hope he does not move with the Sentry Gun. If the Engineer has a Dispenser up which he is sitting in front of, you can loop around to behind the Dispenser, wait for his Sentry Gun to kill him and then crouch so that the Sentry Gun does not notice you unless you poke your head over the top. This is especially useful for taking care of the Sentry Gun assuming you don't destroy the Dispenser first, as you can edge it and use close range Scattergun shots to dispose of it as it detects you and turns.
  • If covered by Jarate, drink Bonk! to immunize yourself from the increased damage you will take otherwise. The combined time of switching to Bonk!, drinking it, and then waiting out the effects should be enough time for the Jarate to wear off. It's also possible to be Jarate'd during the effects of Bonk!, so if this happens make a hasty retreat before you begin taking damage again.
  • If you are close to death and on fire/bleeding use Bonk! to find a health or last through the duration of the effect.


Weapon Ammo Effect
Loaded Carried Drink Effect Duration Recharge Time
1 Mini-crits dealt and received 6 seconds 24 seconds
  • The Crit-a-Cola is a craftable secondary weapon for the Scout. When consumed, all damage dealt and taken will be Mini-Crits for 6 seconds, and the active weapon will glow and crackle with electricity (similar to a Crit boost, but with a much lighter color). The Crit-a-Cola has a recharge rate of 24 seconds.
  • The Crit-a-Cola is a high-risk, high-reward weapon. A Mini-Crit-boosted Scattergun is a very powerful weapon, but its glow can single you out as a target, and since you'll take Mini-Crits too, you can die very fast. Because of this, the Crit-a-Cola encourages an ambush style of play.
  • During the 6-second Mini-Crit period, you can fire up to 7 Scattergun shots, 6 Force-A-Nature shots, 9 Shortstop shots, and swing any melee weapon 10 times.
  • At point-blank range, one blast from the Scattergun or Force-A-Nature, with the Mini-Crit buff, is capable of killing any 125-HP class from full health. Therefore, if you find yourself behind multiple Snipers, the Crit-a-Cola can theoretically give you one kill per shot.
  • Sometimes, it's wiser to only fire off a few shots and run away after drinking Crit-a-Cola as opposed to staying and fighting for the whole duration, since you're very susceptible to enemy damage.
  • Mini-Crits don't suffer from damage falloff, so your primary weapon will remain useful at a longer range.
  • Combined with the Force-A-Nature, the Mini-Crits provided by Crit-a-Cola can become a devastating "Alpha-Strike" attack, especially if you have the drop on your opponent. This tactic is best used for taking out a single, high-priority target, such as a Medic with a prepared ÜberCharge, or distracted in the middle of a Kritzkrieg rush. At point-blank range, a single round is capable of dealing up to 150 damage, making it possible to kill any class (asides from overhealed enemies, Demoman, Soldiers, and Heavies) with both rounds under ideal circumstances.
  • The Crit-a-Cola is also a good partner with the Shortstop because you can take down any class (except for a Heavy) in one clip with Mini-Crits. The Shortstop's extra range and tighter spread combined with the Mini-Crits not being effected by damage falloff allows the Scout to effectively strike opponents with Mini-Crits from a safer distance than is possible with the Scattergun or Force-A-Nature.
  • Using the Crit-a-Cola with the Soda Popper is not a good idea, as the Soda Popper provides Mini-Crits without much of a downside compared to the Crit-a-Cola.
  • If you're using the Crit-a-Cola, and you're lucky enough to catch several opponents unaware simultaneously, take advantage of the fact that your Melee weapon is extremely quiet, and does not require reloading like guns do. This tactic works better with the standard Bat rather than The Sandman, as the Sandman lowers your total HP, making you easier to kill once your enemies catch onto your plan.
  • As soon as you get covered in Jarate, drink Crit-a-Cola because Mini-Crits do not stack. If done quickly enough, it will finish before the Jarate does.
    • Similarly, if the enemy team is pushing with any Mini-Crit boost, drink the Crit-a-Cola to level the playing field. There may be a slight advantage to using the Crit-a-Cola against an enemy who has a Critical hit Boost, as their Criticals will not stack with your Mini-Crit debuff. This however, is a risky strategy.
    • Inversely, never drink the Crit-a-Cola when under the effects of a friendly Buff Banner, a Critical hit Boost, or when facing an enemy covered in Jarate. Your Mini-Crits do not stack with Critical hits or other Mini-Crits, and weakening yourself with a Mini-Crit debuff is detrimental.
    • The same rule applies when facing only an enemy Scout under the effects of the Crit-a-Cola, since they already receive Mini-Crits it's redundant to drink your Crit-a-Cola. However, when more enemies are present or the enemy Scout's Mini-Crit period ends, then drinking the Crit-a-Cola gives you an advantage.
  • A good tactic is to drink the Crit-a-Cola while under the effects of a friendly Battalion's Backup, since the defense boost negates the Mini-Crit damage, and allows you to deal Mini-Crit for no penalty.
  • Avoid drinking the Crit-a-Cola when facing alert Soldiers. You will die to a single direct hit from the regular Rocket Launcher, and if you are using the Sandman, one point-blank Shotgun shot will also kill you.
  • It's recommended to avoid using the Sandman when equipped with the Crit-a-Cola, simply because the 15 health lost may be very well needed during the Mini-Crit period.
  • Be careful when going up against Snipers with the Bushwacka equipped, as they will Crit you during the effect of the Crit-a-Cola effectively killing you in one blow.
  • Keep in mind when you use the Crit-a-Cola, you will automatically switch to your currently equipped Melee weapon after drinking Crit-a-Cola, so remember to either have a plan for using your melee weapon, or switch as quickly as you can to your primary weapon.

Mad Milk

Weapon Ammo Effect
Loaded Carried Effect on Enemies Effect on Teammates Duration Recharge Time
Mad Milk
Mad Milk
1 60% of all damage dealt is returned as health. Also shorts out Cloak. Extinguishes flame on yourself and/or teammates. 6 seconds 24 seconds
  • The Mad Milk is a craftable secondary weapon for the Scout. Mad Milk is a thrown weapon that covers enemies in Mad Milk, causing them to have white drops of Mad Milk all over their body. 60% of all damage (except for afterburn) will heal anyone who attacks a player covered in Mad Milk. Similar to Jarate, it will nullify the Cloak of enemy Spies and extinguish teammates and the player when on fire. The Mad Milk has a recharge time of 24 seconds.
  • The Mad Milk allows you to remain in a combat situation for longer without dying/retreating, as you will be regain health as you do damage.
  • Aside from The Special Delivery set bonus, the Mad Milk can actually be more effective with the Scattergun over the Shortstop, as the two extra shots can keep you alive longer via Mad Milk's effect.
  • While still risky, Mad Milk makes head-on approaches to bulky classes like the Heavies more viable, as it allows you to need fewer chances to drop out and hide.
  • Using Mad Milk on classes like the Heavies can be a great benefit to your team because it allows your teammates to regain large amounts of health, due to the Heavy's slow speed and high health.
  • Mad Milk is also a great supplement for an offensive push, allowing attackers to replenish their health quickly.
    • For example, while using the Kritzkrieg's high damage output, teammates heal a great amount of health due to the fact that they will be healing 180% (60% * 3) of the damage they do while under the effects of the Kritzkrieg.
  • Thanks to your maneuverability, Mad Milk comes in handy when used against enemies in the front lines. Simply throw it in and retreat while firing to both heal yourself and teammates. This makes overpowering the enemy much easier during pushes and saves a lot of time and trouble.
  • Since Mad Milk can extinguish afterburn, if you happen to be set aflame, run away to a safe area and splash Mad Milk on yourself to douse the flames.
  • Hitting an enemy with the Fan O' War and dousing them with Mad Milk will give you more health per hit.
  • The white particles of a player dripping in milk makes it easier to see in dark maps such as Sawmill


Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point Blank Medium Range Long Range Critical
Killicon winger.png 5 36 25 15-19 10-12 52
  • The Winger is a craftable secondary weapon for the Scout. It is much like the Pistol, but with 5 rounds per magazine and 15% more damage per round.
  • The Winger is a better weapon-heckling version of the Pistol, inflicting higher damage per round in exchange for a much smaller magazine.
  • Much of the strategy incorporated with the use of the Pistol can be used with the Winger, but players must be wary of the Winger's quick, but frequent, reloading.
  • Like the Pistol and Lugermorph, the Winger shares ammunition with the Shortstop, making it unwise to carry both weapons in one's load-out.
  • The higher base damage of the Winger makes it better-suited for taking out Sentry Guns at a distance; remember that shots fired at buildings don't factor in damage ramp-up/fall-off.
  • While at first the 5-shot magazine of the Winger appears a disadvantage, it allows Scout players to more carefully manage their meager pool of 36 spare Pistol rounds.
  • Since the Winger does higher base damage than the Pistol, it could be used to squeeze in some rounds while you close in and then switch to your primary weapon to finish off your target.

Melee Weapons

Bat/Saxxy/Conscientious Objector/Festive Bat

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Killicon bat.png 0.5 seconds 35 105
Killicon saxxy.png
Conscientious Objector
Conscientious Objector
Killicon conscientious objector.png
Festive Bat
Festive Bat
Killicon bat.png
  • You may prefer to kill situationally-unaware or aiming-impaired Heavies with the Bat by circle strafing around them or jumping on top of their large bodies. A couple of fast hits with the Bat can take out injured or weaker classes quickly. This is useful when you're low on ammo, or your Scattergun or Force-A-Nature needs reloading.
  • While using the Bat you may need to somewhat compensate for the movement of your targets, especially against other Scouts.
  • Against any class other than the Pyro or Heavy, the Bat is an excellent weapon if you've already closed with them. Remember that fast things appear to be going faster the closer they are to you; just jump into a group of enemies and start running around, swinging as fast as you can. You won't be terribly accurate but neither will they, and you swing faster with your Bat so you should connect enough times to get a few kills. This is a dangerous tactic but when it works it can be devastating.
  • When wielding the Bat, try to always circle strafe your victim. You'd always be better off using your Scattergun otherwise.
  • The Bat can be effectively used to circle strafe lower-level Sentry Guns, especially when used with the Force-A-Nature, since it will not run out of ammo or need to reload.
  • Often times a swing of the bat can effectively kill a player that has been weakened by your Scattergun.
  • The Bat is useful when the -15 health from the Sandman causes problems. (ex. While using the Crit-a-Cola.)
  • The Bat is much more ideal to destroy Dispensers and Teleporters due to its constant rate of fire compared to the Scattergun.


Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical Stun Time Recharge Time
Killicon sandman.png 0.5 seconds 35 105 N/A N/A
Killicon sandman ball.png 0.25 seconds 15 45 1-7 seconds 15 seconds
  • The Sandman is an unlockable melee weapon for the Scout. With secondary fire, the Scout will launch a baseball that will stun an enemy on hit for 1-8 seconds varied by distance, but will lower the Scout's maximum health by 15, for a total of 110. Stunned targets are not totally immobile, but are considerably slowed and cannot jump. Hitting an enemy with the ball at maximum range will render the target immobile. The ball has a recharge rate of 15 seconds, or can instantly be used by picking up an already-launched baseball by the user or another Scout.
    • The ball counts as a projectile, and can be airblasted.
  • The Sandman is a great tool for stunning key targets, like upfront attacking classes, or support classes like Medics and Snipers.
  • Critical hits lengthen the stun time. The baseball also uses the same base crit chance of 17% as any melee weapon, making such criticals common.
  • When equipping the Sandman, beware of the -15 health loss. A Soldier can kill you with a single rocket up close, as well as a Demoman with a well placed explosive. This can be a hindrance when trying to get up close to most other classes. Also be aware that you also recover less health from Medkits as they heal percentages of health.
  • The Sandman can be a great supportive weapon for your team. Stunning a target that has a KritzCharge activated on them can hold great benefits for your team. However, this can be a risky manoeuvre on your part.
  • The Sandman is great against classes who you can't normally get close to, like Heavies and Pyros.
  • If you are caught in a bad situation, the stun can buy you enough time to get to safety.
  • Similarly, if you are in a situation to get the first strike, stunning your opponent can give you time to do fatal damage before they can respond.
  • A lone Engineer is another prime target for the Sandman's ball. While stunned, the Engineer cannot repair his Sentry Gun. Use this opportunity to attack the Sentry Gun. This is especially useful if the Sentry Gun is being wrangled since hitting the Engineer with the ball will effectively deactivate it.
  • Hitting the ball into a Sniper nest will stun any Snipers there, since they often stay still while scoped, and you don't have to be in their line of sight to attack them. This can be a great aid to your team's Snipers.
  • When fighting close to a supply closets, firing Sandman balls and running back to restock may be effective to support the team.
  • It's not a good idea to attempt to taunt kill enemies who are stunned, unless he is alone and you hit him with a Crit baseball at short range. The taunt kill is very long and your target will likely recover and move out of the way before they get hit.
  • A Crit Sandman ball will often stun an enemy long enough for you to kill them, even at the minimum stun range.
  • Aiming the stun ball isn't all that easy, but in certain cases it can be. For example, the bridge in Badlands is just long enough for you to hit an enemy with a moon shot, maximum strength stun ball, and is quite simple to hit someone with it since it is a straight away.
  • Avoid using the Sandman with Crit-a-Cola, as the -15 health loss doesn't go well with the Mini-Crits you may take while using it.
  • The Sandman's wooden sound is actually quieter than the Bat's distinctive metallic sound. Use the Sandman if chasing a nearby target, especially if the surrounding area is quiet or the target is more alert.
Home Run
Kill Icon Weapon Damage Duration Details
Home Run
Grand Slam
Killicon grand slam.png Sandman, Atomizer 500 5 seconds The Scout points to the sky, winds up, and swings a deadly blow.
  • It is advisable to only use your killing taunt on scoped Snipers, very distracted Heavies, or someone that has been stunned by a critical ball, because the taunt animation takes so long.
  • The taunt is best used for a little revenge during humiliation. If you're on the losing team, try to lure an enemy close to you but be sure to take heed of the taunt's attack time so that you can get them right as you're about to do your called shot. For example, they come around a corner and right as they do, you hit them with the taunt. It also works when you're on the winning team if the other player isn't moving too much. However, one of three things usually happen: other players are hiding (so you can't kill them), they're actively dodging you, or your allies will kill them before you can.
  • If you manage to hit a target with a ball at just over the range required to halt their movement completely, if you start running towards them before the ball lands and do the Sandman's taunt-kill, you can finish the animation before the target is able to move out of the way. You need an area long enough to hit a ball far enough to get the complete stun effect, an unobstructed straight path to your stunned target, and a good deal of luck to pull this off.
  • If equipped with the Bonk! Atomic Punch, drink it, then immediately unleash the Bonk Taunt in front of an enemy re-spawn or around corners to avoid being hit. The enemy will think you are unarmed and charge at you with a primary or melee weapon.
  • This taunt is completely quiet until executed. However, the kill gives off a much louder sound upon execution. Be sure to get ready for any attention you'll draw to yourself from the loud cheering sound after a successful Home Run.
  • Be aware that stunned targets can use taunts kills. This can be a problem if you try to taunt kill or melee someone who has been completely immobilized. However, the likelihood of this happening to you is very slim, and you shouldn't even be doing this if you aren't playing seriously, so this shouldn't be a problem if you get killed.

Holy Mackerel / Unarmed Combat

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Holy Mackerel
Holy Mackerel
Killicon holy mackerel.png 0.5 seconds 35 105
Unarmed Combat
Unarmed Combat
Killicon unarmed combat.png
  • The Holy Mackerel is a craftable melee weapon for the Scout. Each hit will be announced on the kill feed, and with a kill will show "FISH KILL!", but otherwise functions the same as a bat.
  • The Holy Mackerel is more akin to a regular bat in practice, but is quite humiliating to be killed by, as it is announced with each consecutive hit and has a very distinct wet slapping sound on contact.
  • The question of whether the Bat and the Holy Mackerel have any significant choice differences has been debated, but the difference is in its ability to grab attention. Any player that knows the location of the teammate a Scout has been humiliating knows everything they need to know:
    • There is a Scout, forewarning what to expect and act accordingly.
    • His location, giving the player an element of surprise and superior location when approaching the Scout.
    • The fact that he is using his melee weapon, giving a huge advantage to any player with guns at the ready.
      • If a Scout wishes to avoid giving all this information away, then the Bat is far more subtle.
  • Alternatively, The Holy Mackerel is a great way to quickly communicate with your teammates, especially on defense: the kill is much more noticeable than other weapon kills, teammates will know that enemies are around your location, if the enemy is not killed then your team will know as well, and it is a great Spy detector, as it is not always clear when an invisible Spy is hit.
  • The Holy Mackerel does not provide a FISH KILL notice when triggering a Spy's Dead Ringer.
  • Any fish hits on a cloaked Spy will continue to be displayed on the kill feed.
  • Fish hits on a disguised Spy will not display in the kill feed.
  • The Unarmed Combat does not complete the Special Delievery set, meaning that using it in coordination with the Shortstop and Mad Milk will not give the "+25 Health On Wearer" set bonus. Therefore, this combination is not recomended.

Candy Cane

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Candy Cane
Candy Cane
Killicon candy cane.png 0.5 seconds 35 105
  • The Candy Cane is a craftable melee weapon for the Scout. When the player kills an enemy, a small Health pack is dropped regardless of what weapon the player was using in order to kill the enemy. As a drawback, the Scout takes 25% more damage from explosives.
  • Use the Candy Cane to support your team with Health kits.
  • The Candy Cane dispenses a Health kit on a kill with any of your weapons.
  • Make sure to avoid or dodge Soldiers and Demomen due to the explosive damage penalty. With the Candy Cane equipped, a direct hit from any of their primary weapons at point-blank range will instantly kill you.
  • Using the Candy Cane and Mad Milk can allow you to fully heal yourself and teammates if no Medics or Health kits are nearby.
  • Use the Candy Cane to check for Dead Ringer Spies, as they will not drop Health kits.
  • A successful kill with the Candy Cane in Medieval mode will cause two Health kits to be dropped instead of one.

Boston Basher/Three-Rune Blade

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Boston Basher
Boston Basher
Killicon boston basher.png 0.5 seconds 35 105
Three-Rune Blade
Three-Rune Blade
Killicon three-rune blade.png
Bleeding Killicon bleed.png 40 damage over 5 seconds N/A N/A
  • The Boston Basher is a craftable melee weapon for the Scout. On hit, the enemy will bleed for 5 seconds, but on miss, however, will apply the damage and bleed effect to the user. The user will not be damaged when hitting a teammate, any world geometry, or a prop.
  • Don't hold the attack button. Instead, keep tapping it when the enemy is close to minimize misses.
  • The bleed effect can be useful for preventing Spies from escaping by cloaking. However trying to hit a Spy that has already turned invisible is inadvisable.
  • The Crit-a-Cola can be useful with the Boston Basher, the self inflicted damage will not be boosted by Crit-a-Cola's effect.
  • This can be used for a Hit and Run tactic as you can hit someone and finish them off with you primary weapon.
  • By hitting yourself while being healed, you can boost a friendly Medic's charge speed.
  • By swinging right before jumping, a Scout can boost himself with the self damage of the Boston Basher to heights comparable to the Soldier's rocket jump.
  • If you land a successful hit on an enemy using the Boston Basher and the enemy's coated in Mad Milk, the bleed damage will heal you.


Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Killicon sun-on-a-stick.png 0.5 seconds 26 79
  • The Sun-on-a-Stick is a craftable melee weapon for the Scout. It delivers 25% less damage than the Bat, but guarantees a Critical hit whenever you strike a burning enemy.
  • Only equip the Sun-on-a-Stick when you have a Pyro on your team, as the Critical hits only come into play when your opponent is suffering from afterburn.
  • If you see an unaware opponent suffering from afterburn, charge at him and try to kill him.

Fan O'War

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical Marked for Death Time
Fan O'War
Fan O'War
Killicon fan o'war.png 0.5 seconds 4 13 15 seconds
  • The Fan O'War is a craftable melee weapon for the Scout. A player hit by the Fan O'War will be "marked for death", indicated by the hit enemy having a skull with crossbones floating above their head, and all damage they take will be Mini-Crits. The "marked for death" effect lasts 15 seconds. As a drawback, the Fan O' War deals 90% less damage on hit.
    • The Fan O' War's effect can only be applied to one enemy at a time.
  • Remember that the Fan O'War is essentially the melee equivalent of Crit-a-Cola; while you don't receive critical damage, it still requires that you get within point-blank range of enemies, so timing is still vital.
  • Note that ambushing and good maneuvering are crucial with the Fan O'War; whether you're using it on the front lines or the opposing base, remember that surprising the enemy is key to landing a hit (as rushing straight towards almost any class is not a great idea).
  • Whilst hit-and-run techniques are not recommended during areas with high enemy traffic, it's still remotely easy to kill lone enemies with it; hitting an enemy and weapon heckling will cause most classes to flee due to your obvious advantage, allowing you to close the gap and finish them.
  • The Fan O'War is perfect for countering spies; even if a marked Spy cloaks with a Dead Ringer, the skull symbol will remain above their head, allowing you and your team to prevent their escape.
  • The Fan O' War is a good weapon to pair with Mad Milk, as you will gain more health from the marked enemy.


Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
On Enemies On Buildings Self-Damage Critical
Killicon atomizer.png 0.65 seconds 28 35 10 84
  • The Atomizer is a craftable melee weapon for the Scout. It grants you the ability triple jump, dealing 10 self-damage on the third jump, but also has 30% slower firing speed following by 20% less damage done.
  • Although the Atomizer does less damage toward players, it does the same amount of damage as the normal bat towards buildings; it can be used to destroy non-sentry buildings to conserve ammo.
  • The Atomizer's third jump can be useful, but choose wisely when to triple jump. Those 10 health points can be critical at times.
  • If you are about to take fall damage after using your double jump, don't be afraid to use the triple jump to save yourself. It is less risky to lose 10 health than take more damage from falling.

Wrap Assassin

  • The Wrap Assassin launches a Bauble similar to the Sandman's baseball. The Bauble causes bleed on hit, and this can be used to pick off fleeing enemies when you do not have a Pistol equipped.
  • Due to the 70% melee damage reduction, the Wrap Assassin should only be used as a melee weapon if as a last resort.

Item Sets

The Special Delivery

Main article: Item sets
The Special Delivery
Backpack The Special Delivery Bundle.png

Leave a Calling Card on your victims

  • The +25 health The Special Delivery gives you is a great help when fighting other Scouts, trying to outlast after-burn, surviving wayward explosives, or even survive a fully charged body-shot from a Sniper Rifle on servers with random damage spread enabled.
  • Remember that the only ranged weapon in The Special Delivery is the Shortstop.
  • Using Mad Milk in combination with the Shortstop will allow you to take advantage of your health increase even more, staying in battle for much longer.
  • The health bonus from using The Special Delivery allows you to survive four Shortstop shots at medium range, point-blank Direct Hit rockets and other high damage sources that would normally kill you.
  • The Milkman indicates that the Scout may be using the set, so be prepared that in group fights enemies may concentrate a great deal of fire on you to take you down because of the health boost, even when not using this set.

The #1 Fan

Main article: Item sets
The #1 Fan
Item icon Timbuk-Tuesday Bundle.png

No effect

  • All three items in The #1 Fan set complement each other well, encouraging a "Hit and Run" style of Scout play:
    • The Soda Popper lets you deal mini-crit damage at a fast and consistent rate.
    • The Winger, while having a much smaller clip size than the Pistol, has an increased damage output that pairs well with the mini-crits offered by the Soda Popper.
    • The Atomizer increases the Scout's ability to run out of battle with its third jump and, at the same time, lets the Scout reach locations that are otherwise inacessible.
  • When you're using The #1 Fan, try not to engage in fight with too many enemies. Since your weapons have very small clip sizes, your chances of being caught with an empty clip are a lot higher. Engaging one enemy at a time will increase your chances of survival with The #1 Fan.
  • When your Hype bar is completely filled, usually a preferable strategy is to get to point blank range, deal two Mini-Crit shots with the Soda Popper, and then retreat while firing at enemies with the Winger.

Weapon combinations

Weapon heckling


Weapon heckling refers to the Scout's ability to exploit other classes' varied weapons using his speed. By rapidly changing his weapons and spacing from the enemy, he forces them to switch their weapons, and then exploits its shortcomings, effectively allowing the Scout to defeat any class in a one on one fight. The concept is described and demonstrated in detail in EvilDaedalus's How to Play the Scout[1]. Note: most veteran players will most likely stick to one weapon, so be warned. Also be warned that this strategy is very hard without the Pistol, but not impossible if you carry only the Scattergun. It still works in combination with the Force-A-Nature and Pistol, albeit less effectively. Also, it can be used with help from the Sandman, although this can sometimes be difficult.

Classes that can be heckled:

Heckling a Scout

Heckling a Scout is a bit harder to do. If he's using the Force-A-Nature or the Scattergun, stay out of his range and Pistol/Shortstop him to death. If he switches to the Pistol, switch to your primary weapon and get in close for a point-blank attack.

Heckling a Soldier

The Rocket Launcher is most deadly at close range, but outside of that, a competent Scout should be able to dodge all of a Soldier's shots. Almost verbatim from heckling a Pyro, pester him at medium range, he will quickly realize his rockets are worthless. As he switches to Shotgun, give him a nice buckshot greeting. Run back when he switches weapons. Repeat. If he sticks to his Shotgun, try to attack from another angle. Be careful if he is using an unlock that replaces his Shotgun, because if he does, he will more than likely keep firing rockets. If you get too close, you could easily be killed. If you're equipped with the Bonk! Atomic Punch use it to run into the Soldier, blocking his movement and rockets. This can cause him to be hit by his own splash damage seriously wounding or killing him.

Heckling a Pyro

The Pyro is the classic heckling target, because his two very different weapon categories. While the primary weapons cause massive damage at close range, the secondary weapons are outmatched by the Scout's weapons at both medium and long range.

Pester the Pyro with the Pistol or Scattergun just outside his Flamethrower range so that he must switch to the Shotgun to damage you. As he is switching to the Shotgun, take this opportunity to get close and blast him a few times. If he then switches to his Flamethrower, run away from the Flamethrower's range and repeat until he is dead. A Pyro with the Flare Gun, however, is not a threat outside the Flamethrower's range; just be careful not to run into the Flare.

Avoid Degreaser Pyros: Their fast weapon switching can make it extremely dangerous to heckle them.

Heckling a Demoman

Any of the Demoman's primary ranged weapons will kill you in two direct hits, but none of them are particularly suited for close or long range. Jumping into close quarters will force the Demoman to shoot stickies under his feet or pull out his melee weapon. In both cases you can simply jump outside of the Demoman's range and fill him with buckshot as he frantically tries to reload. More experienced Demomen will use their Grenade Launcher for close range combat, and although grenades may be difficult to dodge, the Grenade Launcher runs out of ammo quickly. Stay out of his range, dodging his grenades using your speed and double jump until he has to reload. When he does reload, run in and blast him. If he is carrying the Chargin' Targe instead of the Sticky Launcher or the Scottish Resistance, close combat will be extremely difficult for him. When he runs out of ammo for the Grenade Launcher, he will only be able to melee you, in which case dodge his charge with a double jump. If he decides to flee with his dash either finish him off with your Pistol or catch up and blast him with your primary weapon.

Heckling a Heavy

The Heavy is extremely deadly, and can cut through you like butter at any range, but he has one weakness: Minigun-spinning. Get in when he does not know you are there, and quickly pump 2 scatter gun shots into him. He will turn around and attempt to fire his gun at you, at which point you can retreat behind a corner. He will likely ignore you after you've fled, starting to fire at something else or going off to find a medkit. At this point, you can repeat the first 2 steps until he is dead. If he is smart enough to switch to his Shotgun, then run in, jump around to mess up his aim, and fill him with buckshot. He will then pull out his Minigun again, so then repeat the first steps. If he sticks to his Shotgun or carries a Sandvich to eat during your pause, it's best to run as he can simply outlast you until you die. Be careful if the Heavy starts eating a Sandvich, as his healing may cause you to use all your Scattergun shots to try and kill him, leaving you with no loaded ammo. If you know for sure that the Heavy is almost dead, then a few shots can kill him as he is eating.

A Heavy using Natascha is extremely difficult to deal with as a Scout, as one single hit from its bullets will slow you enough that the Heavy can aim right at you, causing almost certain death. Just attack him while he has his gun spun down, and escape before he spins it up. Repeat as necessary.

Listen carefully for the sound of a Heavy when he spins down- astute players can discern from sound the type of Minigun the Heavy is using (Minigun or Natascha) and then plan tactics accordingly. If he's using Natascha, wait for him to stop spinning, although greater risks can be taken if the heavy prefers Sasha.

A Heavy using the Tomislav will not switch to another weapon and will almost always bring a Sandvich with him, he isn't open for ambushes and you cannot hear his spin-up sound. land a few shots on him then run, wait until he eats/picks up his Sandvich, be extremely careful after he switches back to his Tomislav again, and do your best to dodge his bullets while damaging him.

A Heavy with the Brass Beast can deal more damage to a Scout, but the Heavy has a longer spin-up time and moves slower when spinning the Brass Beast. Attack him when he is not prepared and take cover cover once he starts shooting then wait until he stops spinning before attacking him again. Another method would be to stun with the sandman ball as he would make an easy target to hit once he starts spinning.

Heckling an Engineer

Weapon heckling can also be used on the Engineer, although doing this is relatively pointless and over-complicates the encounter. Only heckle if the Engineer is in plain sight, as he may have a nest set up around a corner or on a higher elevation that he can Wrangle his sentry from and kill you with relative ease. Further complicating matters is if the Engineer has a Gunslinger or Southern Hospitality instead of a regular Wrench, as a Gunslinger Engineer can deploy a sentry behind you that will finish assembly before you have time to turn around, bleed you to death with his Hospitality or critical you if he has any saved up with his Frontier Justice.

Heckling a Medic

Heckling a Medic is almost the opposite of heckling a Pyro or Soldier. When fighting a Medic, he will probably have his primary weapon out and shooting you from medium range. Get in close, dodging as many needles as you can and attack him. Most likely he will then whip out his melee weapon and attempt to melee you. Once this happens, move out of his range and keep attacking him until he either dies or pulls his Syringe Gun back out, then repeat. Keep an eye on your health, once you get low try to finish the job or pull out. Medic's usually will not be able to kill you at long range, except if he is using the Crusader's Crossbow.

Heckling a Sniper

Heckling a Sniper is harder than most of the classes, due to the Scout's weapons not being too accurate at long ranges. The Pistol is the most useful against a Sniper; try to keep the fire on him to prevent him from hitting you. Remember, a fully-charged body shot will kill a Scout. Above all else, keep moving unpredictably. Also, try to look for a Sniper with the Razorback or Jarate, as they won't have an SMG to deal with you. This means they will have to rely on trying to snipe you at close range or pulling out the Kukri. These attacks can be dodged by an observant and quick Scout.

Heckling a Spy

Spies typically wish to avoid a heckling situation by retreating while firing one of the many revolvers they have or attempting to Cloak outright and hide. Scouts can take advantage of their great speed to get in close to retreating or hiding Spies using the Bat or Force-A-Nature. Typically, the success of a heckling situation is dependent upon the distance between the Spy and the Scout. Longer distances provide the Spy with the greater advantage to hide, change disguise or get assistance from teammates. It's inadvisable to attempt to heckle an uncloaked Spy up close using the Bat or Sandman if the Spy is wielding his knife due to the chance of a lucky backstab. In this situation, switch to the Force-A-Nature, or Scattergun for best results. Scouts can cover much more distance faster than any other class, use this to your advantage when dealing with a Spy that tries to Cloak and hide by swinging your bat constantly as you run through an area you suspect a Spy is hiding in. Many Spies will continue to attempt to stay cloaked and hide once they are bumped into (or damaged) providing you enough time to eliminate them.

See also

External links