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An ÜberCharged Heavy
The Heavy on the finer mechanics of an ÜberCharge

ÜberCharge (German for "supercharge" or "overcharge") is an ability of the Medic. ÜberCharge is built up as the Medic heals players with his secondary weapon. Each healing tool has its own unique ÜberCharge effect, which the Medic can unleash once his charge meter reaches 100%, excluding the Vaccinator, which can unleash an ÜberCharge at 25%.

Charge meter

While the Medic has his secondary or melee weapon drawn, a bar showing how much ÜberCharge is built up appears where the ammo count usually is on the HUD. If a friendly Medic is healing the player or is under the player's crosshair, a team-colored box pops up on the HUD, displaying the username of the Medic, the name of the healing gun they have equipped, and their ÜberCharge percentage (If the Medic uses a Name Tag on their secondary weapon, that name will be displayed instead of the weapon type). Medics with the Solemn Vow equipped and Spies will also see this information when their crosshairs are on an enemy Medic.

Accumulating charge

The ÜberCharge meter fills at different rates, depending on the state of the Medic's healing target.


Healing tool State of target Fill rate Fill time
Medi Gun <142.5% Health 2.50000% 40 seconds
>142.5% Health 1.25000% 80 seconds
>142.5% Health + 2nd Heal Beam 0.62500% 160 seconds
Kritzkrieg <142.5% Health 3.12500% 32 seconds
>142.5% Health 1.56250% 64 seconds
>142.5% Health + 2nd Heal Beam 0.78125% 128 seconds
Quick-Fix <142.5% Health 2.75000% 36.4 seconds
>142.5% Health 1.37500% 72.8 seconds
>142.5% Health + 2nd Heal Beam 0.68750% 145.5 seconds
Vaccinator <100% Health 4.17500% 24 seconds
100% - 142.5% Health 2.80000% 36 seconds
>142.5% Health 1.40000% 72 seconds
>142.5% Health + 2nd Heal Beam 0.70000% 144 seconds


  • During Setup time, the Medic's ÜberCharge meter will fill at the healing tool's maximum rate, regardless of the target's health. Self-inflicting damage offers no benefit during this period.
  • Fill rate is halved if the target is affected by an additional healing beam (such as from another Medic, a Dispenser or the Payload cart). This was designed to encourage Medics to spread their healing around.
  • As the Quick-Fix cannot overheal, its meter will generally fill at the maximum rate. If the target is buffed to 142.5% or higher by another source (Medi Gun healing, Powerjack kill etc,) then the Quick-Fix will prevent the buff's natural decay and its meter fill rate will be halved.
  • Accumulated charge does not carry over if the player changes secondary weapons. For example, if a Quick-Fix Medic with 75% charge switches to the Medi Gun at a Resupply Cabinet, the ÜberCharge meter will be reduced to 0%.
  • Healing enemy Spies (disguised as one of your teammates) also fills the ÜberCharge meter. The fill rate is determined by the disguise's health meter and not the Spy's actual health.
  • Healing performed by means other than the healing beam (such as the Crusader's Crossbow, the Amputator's Medicating Melody and the Kritzkrieg's Oktoberfest taunt) does not contribute to the ÜberCharge meter.

Non-healing meter effects

  • Striking an enemy with the Übersaw adds 25 percentage points per hit to the user's ÜberCharge meter.
    • This can be done even during an active charge, although the meter will continue to drain and the effects of the charge will cease until the Medic draws his secondary weapon again.
    • Striking an enemy Scout under the effects of Bonk! Atomic Punch will deal no damage but still add 25% to the Medic's ÜberCharge meter.
    • Striking a disguised enemy Spy will not grant the boost even if the strike kills him or triggers his Dead Ringer.
    • Striking an invisible enemy Spy will not grant the boost regardless of whether he is disguised or not or if the strike kills him.
    • The Übersaw's taunt attack also fills the Medic's ÜberCharge meter: 25% for the initial stunning thrust and 75% for the killing retraction. Note that it is possible for the thrust to connect and the retraction to miss, and vice versa. Each bonus is only awarded if that part affects an enemy target.
  • A Medic struck by a shot from the Pomson 6000 will immediately lose 10 percentage points from his ÜberCharge meter and hear a distinctive sound effect.
  • The start of Sudden Death resets the meter to 0%.
  • In the client view of the Übersaw and Vita-Saw, the canister part of the weapon will glow in relation to how much Übercharge the Medic has. The canister will glow bright red or blue if at full Übercharge.
  • If a Medic dies with the Vita-Saw equipped, he will respawn with up to 20 percentage points of his ÜberCharge meter preserved. This will work even if the player elects to respawn with a different melee weapon, but it does not allow the Medic to carry over prior charge into Sudden Death.


When the Medic's charge reaches 100%, the meter on the HUD will begin flashing and the character will speak a related voice response. This announcement can warn enemy players of the Medic's full charge, but the Medic can cancel the response by activating a voice command, and Medics can also falsely announce full charge via option 8 of Voice Menu 2.

Once the meter is full, the player can deploy the ÜberCharge by pressing alternate fire (default key: MOUSE2) Upon deploying the charge, certain visual effects will be applied to the affected players, the deploying Medic will play an activation-related voice response, and soon after the patient will play his own voice response. Like the "fully charged" announcement, these can warn enemy players of a deployed charge, and they can be canceled if the speaker activates a properly-timed voice command.

An ÜberCharge will only affect a player for as long as the healing beam is trained on them; if the Medic dies, deactivates the healing beam, changes healing targets, draws another weapon or is forced out of range, its benefit to the patient will end prematurely. Once activated, the ÜberCharge will continue to drain, regardless of the Medic's active weapon. With a single patient, an activated charge lasts 8 seconds, draining the meter at a rate of 12.5 points per second. The Medic is free to move his healing beam to another player, which will give the effects of the charge to the new patient, but the drain rate increases by 50% for each additional target.


Medi Gun

Main article: Medi Gun

Visual effects

The Medic and his healing target will glow in their team color, with yellow or purple eyes and a metallic sheen across their bodies. A slight team-colored distortion will appear around the first-person view of the Medic and his patient.

Immunities and vulnerabilities

The stock Medi Gun's ÜberCharge makes the Medic and his patient invulnerable to most forms of damage. Both players are still vulnerable to telefragging and certain environmental effects - saw blades, trains and pitfalls, but not drowning or fall damage. They are also still subject to knock back and the Pyro's compression blast. The Sandman's alt-fire attack cannot stun them, but the initial strike of the Organ Grinder, Skewer and Spinal Tap taunt attacks can (though they will still inflict no damage). If the deploying Medic is stunned, it will temporarily break the healing beam and leave the patient vulnerable until the Medic has recovered. Similarly, striking ÜberCharged players from behind with the Holiday Punch will cause them to laugh, and striking the Medic this way will break the healing beam.

Secondary effects

The Medic's target will continue to be healed at the normal rate. Activating the Medi Gun's charge or applying it to a new target extinguishes fire. Invulnerability will linger for one second after breaking contact with the beam, allowing a dexterous Medic to grant invulnerability to multiple patients simultaneously. Medi Gun-charged players do not count towards pushing the Payload cart or capturing control points (although they can block enemy captures). They cannot pick up the Intelligence while invulnerable. A Medic cannot activate a Medi Gun ÜberCharge while carrying the Intelligence, and applying the charge to an Intelligence carrier will not make him invulnerable.


Main article: Kritzkrieg

Visual effects

Upon activating ubercharge, yellow sparks will travel down the healing beam (identically to the stock Medi Gun), a team-colored glow and a crackle of electricity will be emitted from the Kritzkrieg and the weapon of the Medic's patient.


For the duration of the charge, all attacks made by the Medic's patient will be critical hits, which deal 300% of the weapon's base damage to enemies and ignore the normal modifiers for range and randomized damage. This can help with the Holiday Punch due to the fact that the laugh occurs on critical hits, and the Kritzkrieg deals critical hits to the ÜberCharge's target patient. Projectiles fired during the Kritzkrieg charge's duration will retain their critical effects even after the charge has ended.


While the Kritzkrieg will continue to heal its target at the normal rate, activating the charge grants no additional defensive benefits to the Medic or his patient. As buildings are immune to critical hits, the Kritzkrieg is a poor choice for assaulting an enemy Sentry Gun (though critical hits can easily dispatch any Engineers attending to the Sentry Gun).


Main article: Quick-Fix

Visual effects

The Medic's healing beam will pulse and glow with greater intensity, and a team-colored ring surrounds the Medic and his target.


The Medic and his healing target will be healed at an accelerated rate (from 100.8/s while under fire, up to 302.4/s if not wounded in the last 15 seconds.) Both players will also be immune to stun effects, slowdown and most forms of knock back.


While offering greater resiliency, the Quick-Fix's ÜberCharge provides no protection from bursts of high damage, such as Stickybomb traps, backstabs, headshots, or critical hits. Even discounting these threats, focused firepower can overcome this accelerated healing. The charge will not heal the Medic at the accelerated rate unless it is actively healing another player.


Main article: Vaccinator

Visual effects

The patient and the Medic will be covered by a shield with an icon of the type of damage being resisted above both their heads.


With this weapon, the Medic does not have to have the Vaccinator charged 100% to use the ÜberCharge, they can use it in 4 chunks than can be deployed one at a time. Also, like the Kritzkrieg, it has an increased ÜberCharge rate which could be used to keep more teammates alive for longer, like the Quick-Fix. Instead of being invincible to attacks, this Medi Gun allows the user and the patient to be 75% resistant to 3 types of damage: Bullet, Fire and Explosive. Note that the damage type cannot be switched during an ÜberCharge.


The disadvantage of the Vaccinator is that it only protects the patient and the Medic from one type of damage as they cannot be switched during an ubercharge. Also, it doesn't completely make the user invulnerable to any form of attack.

Multiple charges

Multiple ÜberCharges from multiple Medics deployed upon a single player at once do not multiply the effect. While combining charges on a single target yields no additional special effects, Medics with different secondary weapons can grant a single target a combination of their effects. For example, a player receiving a normal ÜberCharge and a Kritzkrieg ÜberCharge will receive the effects of both; invulnerability and guaranteed chance of critical hits.

Enemy Spies

A Spy can trick an enemy Medic into ÜberCharging them while they are disguised, a tactic which can cripple pushes and give the Spy a surprise attack with the misplaced ÜberCharge. The Spy gains all the benefits of the charge. Until the Spy breaks disguise, they will appear to enemy players just as they would if they were on the enemy team (a Spy glowing in the color of the enemy team, in the case of a Medi Gun ÜberCharge, for example). To allies, and all players once the disguise is broken, the Spy and his ÜberCharge visual effects will appear in his own team colors (though dropping the disguise will terminate the healing beam and the charge's effects soon after).

Related achievements

Leaderboard class scout.png Scout

Batting the Doctor
Batting the Doctor
Kill a Medic that is ready to deploy an ÜberCharge.

The Big Hurt
The Big Hurt
Stun 2 Medics that are ready to deploy an ÜberCharge.
Doctoring the Ball
Doctoring the Ball
Kill 3 enemies while under the effects of a Medic's ÜberCharge.

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier

Assist a Medic in exploding 5 enemies with a single ÜberCharge.

Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro

Burn Ward
Burn Ward
Ignite 3 Medics that are ready to deploy an ÜberCharge.
Kill 3 enemies in a single ÜberCharge.

Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman

Tam O'Shatter
Tam O'Shatter
Destroy 5 enemy Engineer buildings during a single ÜberCharge from a Medic.

Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy

Provide an enemy with a freezecam shot of you taunting while invulnerable.

Supreme Soviet
Supreme Soviet
Get ÜberCharged 50 times.
Soviet Block
Soviet Block
While invulnerable and on defense, block an invulnerable enemy Heavy's movement.

Leaderboard class medic.png Medic

Assist in burning 5 enemies with a single ÜberCharge on a Pyro.

Blast Assist
Blast Assist
Assist in exploding 5 enemies with a single ÜberCharge on a Soldier.

Double Blind Trial
Double Blind Trial
Deploy an ÜberCharge within 8 seconds of a nearby enemy Medic deploying his.

Group Health
Group Health
Work with 2 other Medics to deploy 3 simultaneous ÜberCharges.

Medical Breakthrough
Medical Breakthrough
Assist in destroying 5 enemy Engineer buildings with a single ÜberCharge on a Demoman.

[[File:Template:Dictionary/achievements/medic/preventative medicine-icon|64px|center|alt=Template:Dictionary/achievements/medic/preventative medicine-title]] Template:Dictionary/achievements/medic/preventative medicine-title
Template:Dictionary/achievements/medic/preventative medicine-desc

Surgical Prep
Surgical Prep
Have an ÜberCharge ready before the Setup phase ends.

Deploy an ÜberCharge on a teammate less than a second before they're hit by a critical explosive.
You'll Feel a Little Prick
You'll Feel a Little Prick
Assist in killing 3 enemies with a single ÜberCharge on a Scout.

Blunt Trauma
Blunt Trauma
Assist in punching 2 enemies with a single ÜberCharge on a Heavy.

Family Practice
Family Practice
ÜberCharge 5 of your Steam Community Friends.

House Call
House Call
Join a game that one of your friends is in and then deploy an ÜberCharge on him.

Placebo Effect
Placebo Effect
Kill 2 enemies in a single life, while having your ÜberCharge ready, but undeployed.

Second Opinion
Second Opinion
ÜberCharge 2 teammates at once.

Trauma Queen
Trauma Queen
Deploy 3 ÜberCharges in less than 5 minutes, and assist in 5 kills during that time.

Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper

Parting Shot
Parting Shot
Headshot an enemy player the moment his invulnerability wears off.
Kill a Medic that is ready to deploy an ÜberCharge.

Leaderboard class spy.png Spy

Dr. Nooooo
Dr. Nooooo
Backstab a Medic that is ready to deploy an ÜberCharge.

Mvm navicon.png Mann vs. Machievements

German Engineering
German Engineering
Use a canteen charged with 'ÜberCharge' to destroy 15 robots.
Negative Charge
Negative Charge
Kill 5 Medics that are ready to deploy an ÜberCharge in a wave.

Update history

October 5, 2007 Patch
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed disconnected medics to continue Übercharging their target until they timed out.

November 7, 2007 Patch

  • Fixed Medic's Über-charge stats tracking.

December 20, 2007 Patch

  • The Medic's Medi Gun now charges at an increased rate during Setup time, to remove the need for self-damage grinding.
  • Fixed exploit where the Medi Gun ÜberCharge wouldn't drain if you switched weapons.

April 1, 2008 Patch

  • Each extra player ÜberCharged drains the ÜberCharge an additional 50% faster.

May 5, 2008 Patch

  • Fixed unlimited ÜberCharge exploit.

May 7, 2008 Patch

  • Fixed another unlimited ÜberCharge exploit.

May 21, 2008 Patch

  • Fixed rapid weapon switching allowing Medics to prevent deployed ÜberCharges from draining.

August 13, 2009 Patch

  • ÜberCharged players can no longer be stunned.

January 10, 2011 Patch

  • Fixed the Kritzkrieg charge deployed sound getting stuck on.

May 5, 2011 Patch

  • Fixed removing the burning/jarated conditions on players who are being ÜberCharged by a Medic using the Kritzkrieg.
  • Added Mad Milk to the conditions that are cleared when players are made invulnerable by a Medic with an ÜberCharge.

July 7, 2011 Patch

  • [Undocumented] Added ÜberCharge overlay for Quick-Fix users during the Megaheal.

January 26, 2012 Patch

  • Fixed a bug where the Medic would lose his healing target's speed when deploying his ÜberCharge while using the Quick-Fix.


  • The textures for ÜberCharged classes, like the gibs, are for the old models from early versions of Team Fortress 2. If you look closely, you can see that the ÜberCharge textures for the classes are misaligned in some places (such as the goggles crossing the Engineer's nose).
  • When you hit a Medi Gun ÜberCharged player with a critical hit, they will take no damage. However, the critical hit sound will still play and the letters that indicate a critical hit will appear above the enemy.
  • Invulnerable players are not immune to Jarate (whether applied from the Sydney Sleeper or the item) or Mad Milk, although neither will have any effect while the ÜberCharge lasts.


See also