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The Candy Cane is an unlockable melee weapon for the Scout released with the Australian Christmas Update.
Scout |
| Weapons |
Primary | | | Secondary | | | Melee |
Bat ( Frying Pan, Saxxy, Conscientious Objector, Freedom Staff, Bat Outta Hell, Memory Maker, Ham Shank, Golden Frying Pan, Necro Smasher, Crossing Guard, Batsaber, Prinny Machete) · Sandman · Holy Mackerel ( Unarmed Combat) · Boston Basher ( Three-Rune Blade) · Candy Cane · Sun-on-a-Stick · Fan O'War · Atomizer · Wrap Assassin | | | | | | |
| | Abilities | | | Cosmetics | | | Item sets | | | Special taunts | | | Achievements | | | Character | | | Strategy | | | Other | |