
From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 04:30, 20 February 2024 by Profiteer (talk | contribs)
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Basic information
Gender: Male
Birth place: China
Native language: Chinese
Team Fortress 2
Favourite maps: Dustbowl
Favourite hats: Brotherhood of ArmsKiller ExclusiveChicken Kiev
Contact information
IRC nickname: 奸商 or Profiteer
"Mwaha! The spoils of war."
— When Profiteer making money from CSGO and TF2
You want to do something right, you gotta do it yourself
— IDK a dwarf?
  • 一个闲到翻译wiki的人
  • 现役平常大学生
  • 喜欢玩TF2插件服,最喜欢vsh
  • 我觉得我的英语没多好所以我大部分时间就在中文区翻译(如果英文区有答辩我也会搞搞)
  • 我编辑英文区文章的时候会汗流浃背。
  • 加入TF2WIKI有段时间了,一般不会主动犯什么错误,有漏洞请指出。
  • 我目前没有参加任何翻译组的打算,如果对我的翻译有任何意见或建议可以跟我私聊或者用我留的联系方式与我取得联系
  • 如果我在线我会盯着Change log来防止答辩文章的产生
  • 为新人准备的教程
  • 以防我暴毙,这是在我理解之内简中区缺少的页面。



  • A guy with too much time to spend that eventually choose to translate TF2 wiki.
  • average college student.
  • likes to play on custom community mode servers, fall in love with VSH mode.
  • I wish to have the right to nominate myself in future moments, need some luck and some work to do that.
  • I'm not that confidence about my English skill,so I'll just hanging around in Chinese wiki(if I see crap in English section I'll also clean it up).
  • This user have no confidence when editing English articles.
  • I join TF2 wiki for a while, but not as long as the "old ones", you may got suggest from me but in most case that wouldn't be the best suggestion.
  • I have no intention to join any translation group(s),if you got any problem or suggestion with my work you can talk to me or contact me through ways below. No point to keep distance with zh-hans group now
  • I don't reply much,but in most cases I just have nothing to reply. You know what? I reply a lot in fact.


Now I'm trying everything, since maps in zh-hans are pretty much done(high traffic ones)


简体中文总翻译进度/Simplified Chinese Translation Progress

"Move out!"
— When Profiteer see all the red links

目前我正在搞的条目/Stuffs I'm currently working on

The following pages are created or mostly created by my own. Redirect pages are not included

2024 February

2023 December

2023 November

2023 October

2023 June因期末考延迟完成/delay due to exam

2023 May May goal complete/五月目标全部完成

2023 April April goal Over-fulfillment/四月目标超额完成(Double Cross,Mannworks和TFC内容)

2023 March March goal complete/三月目标全部完成

The following pages are updated by me or at least in my watch list



Slinychievement Date Notes
Tf soldier duty bound.png

The Mann of Honor
Do you like Slimy's edits? No? Then you will NOT earn this Slimychievement!

December 8th, 2023 Thank you for thanking me for thanking ShadowMan for thanking me!
Slinychievement Date Notes
Tf demoman operation high dive.png

I Know Everything!
Complete Slimy's Ultamite TF2 Quiz.

January 10th, 2024 You know it all!


我自认为我对他人是非常友好且平等的但是如果你符合以下条件别指望我给你好脸色。 I consider myself very friendly and equal to others, but if you suit for factors below, don't expect a welcome from me.

User Boxes 用户盒子


User Cheddar Error 505.png This user wants to edit TF Wiki, but it decided that today was not the day. Come back later.
TF2 crosshair.png This user is a Team Fortress Wiki translator!
Edit icon.png This user is a Team Fortress Wiki editor.
Approved.png This user watches the Recent Changes log.
zh-hans 简体中文是这位用户的母语。
en-2 This user has intermediate knowledge of English.
Tf medic heal under fire.png This user has made over 2,500 edits to the Team Fortress Wiki!
Dead Heat Icon.png As of 1 October, 2024,
I have been a Team Fortress Wiki member for 1 year, 6 months, 28 days (since 04 March, 2023).

Crystal xeyes.png This user is afraid of red links.

This Person

Dead Ringer.png This user has spent more than 2000 hours of his life playing Team Fortress 2!
Trading parcel.png This user loves to trade items.
Flag China.png This user is Chinese and knows more about Sun Tzu than you do. 你好!
Heavypain.png This user is stupid.

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!"

Saxton cropped.png This user is Saxton Hale!
“There, there. Have an eagle!”
Coca-Cola logo.png This user drinks too much Coca-Cola.
Wheatley.png This user is NOT A MORON!
User TARDIS.png This user enjoys watching Doctor Who.
Gabe Newell Thumb.jpg This user is a fan of Gabe.
Steam tray.png This user has a Steam profile, which can be found here.
Userbox Love-Hate Random Crits.png This user loves when their shots are random crits, but hates being killed by them.
User Jagoba RL Black Humour.png This user loves black humour.
User FNV40x.png Patrolling the Mojave almost makes this user wish for a nuclear winter!
PraisetheSun.png This user praises the Sun! \[T]/
Server This guy here is running a TF2 dedicated server!


Jungle Inferno Update.jpg This user witnessed the Jungle Inferno Update!
Backpack Winter 2017 War Paint Case.png This user witnessed the Smissmas 2017 update!
Scream Fortress 2018 showcard.png This user witnessed the Scream Fortress 2018 Update!
Backpack Winter 2018 Cosmetic Case.png This user witnessed the Smissmas 2018 update!
Scream Fortress 2019 showcard.png This user witnessed the Scream Fortress 2019 Update!
Backpack Winter 2019 Cosmetic Case.png This user witnessed the Smissmas 2019 update!
Scream Fortress 2020 showcard.png This user witnessed the Scream Fortress 2020 Update!
Backpack Winter 2020 Cosmetic Case.png This user witnessed the Smissmas 2020 update!
Scream Fortress 2021 showcard.png This user witnessed the Scream Fortress 2021 Update!
Backpack Winter 2021 Cosmetic Case.png This user witnessed the Smissmas 2021 update!
Scream Fortress 2022 showcard.png This user witnessed the Scream Fortress 2022 update!
Backpack Winter 2022 Cosmetic Case.png This user witnessed the Smissmas 2022 update!

The not so active crew