Halloween Contracts

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Halloween Contracts
ConTracker Halloween 2017.png
Root directory for the Halloween Contracts in the 2017 Event.

Halloween Contracts are a set of Contracts for use with the ConTracker during Halloween Events. The Contracts were introduced in the Scream Fortress 2017 Event in coordination with the then ongoing Jungle Inferno Campaign that had introduced the ConTracker system. Many more contracts were added in the following annual Halloween Events. These contracts are free for every user, similar to the Pyroland Contracts, but are active only for a limited time during the Events. The Halloween Contracts can be contributed to by friends through the Friendly-Fire system.

These contracts are navigated, selected, tracked, and turned in using the ConTracker. Every contract completed and turned in earns a Halloween Package, an Action Item that opens to give out any single Halloween-restricted item from the previous updates, similar to the Goodie Cauldron or the Gift Cauldron. The granted items granted are non-tradable and non-marketable, meaning they cannot be sold on the Community Market, nor be Traded to others. Also, when completed and turned in, Halloween Contracts count as Merasmissions on the Soul Gargoyle.

From the starting Scream Fortress contract, players can unlock and choose from contracts for the bosses, official (Valve-made) maps, and community maps. The boss contracts are unlocked in the order each boss was added to the game; Horseless Headless Horsemann, MONOCULUS, and Merasmus, while for the official maps, the contracts for the last two released Valve Halloween maps are unlocked first. The community maps are arranged in tracks by year of release.


See also: Community Halloween maps strategy
  • Be polite: Don't greedily pick up Crumpkins if some other player needs them for Contracts (or the Candy Coroner achievement) or can make better tactical use of them.
  • Be efficient: If there is a Bonus Objective that a player can accomplish reasonably quickly (there are several in the Halloween set), the souls collected while focusing on that Bonus first can simultaneously completely fulfill the Primary Objective.
  • Have a plan: It is possible to turn in all Halloween Contracts in the set by completing only one Objective per Halloween Contract; however, once a player has used their last available Star has to activate a Halloween Contract, at least one Objective must be completed and turned in on one activated Contract before being able to activate any other Contract. Turning in a few extra Bonus Objectives gives more flexibility in queuing up for maps.
  • I make it look easy! If the player's objective is to complete only a few easy Bonus Objectives with minimal effort, then
    • "Escape from Loot Island" (Eyeaduct) and "Stun Merasmus with a Bomb Head" (Ghost Fort) are high-scoring, easy actions that can be done many times in a round, rapidly completing both the Bonus and Primary Objective.
    • "Deposit Soul/Gib Objectives" can be easily completed before the Primary Objective is completed.
  • Everyone! Friendship is stupid magic on Boss Contracts! No amount of Friendly-Fire will speed up any Boss Contract; so, play with friends on other Contracts.
  • I never really was on your side. Often enough, though, when co-opting though Friendly-Fire, one friend will get autobalanced, thus blocking Friendly-Fire point-sharing. Rather than leaving the server, friends can coordinate some pumpkin kills that are Bonus Objectives on most Contracts, until they are rejoined after the end of the game.
  • Back from the dead and reporting for duty! Flying a Ghost back to the Bumper Car game helps both the team and the completion of other player's Contracts. And, never give up the Ghost, because even after the round ends there is a period where Ghosts can still be revived as long as any teammate is alive.
  • Mmph mmmph mph-mph mmph mmmmph! Some Halloween Contracts have a Bonus Objective of collecting Halloween pumpkins, with enough souls collectible in the effort to complete the Primary Objective at the same time.
    • The Spyro technique (augmented with the Powerjack for flanking) is particularly effective at this, for both creating and immediately picking up the pumpkins.
    • Alternatively, discharging an Mmmph into an enemy crowd can easily drop one or more Crumpkins, which can be quickly picked up to continue the Crit-kill spree (if you survive).
    • Follow the Boss around during a truce; each Boss kill also has a chance of dropping Halloween pumpkins.
  • C'mere, Crumpkill! To score Crumpkin kills, the Spy, Scout, or Pyro can set up rear ambushes on multiple players that are close to each other, picking up any Halloween pumpkin that drops from the first kill to kill the others nearby. Look for narrow passages from the enemy spawn or for pushes on a King of the Hill Capture point for group ambushes.
  • Y'all know what, you're not scary, you're just weird. Completing Boss contracts can be as simple as joining a server (you do not have to play from the beginning of the round), setting the Contract, damaging one of the Bosses during a truce, and finishing the round. As long the Boss you damaged is defeated and you finish the round, you get the completion.
  • And these bodies. Do they have to be under the circus? No, picking up a Soul Gargoyle adds 10 Contract Points all at once to the Primary Objective of the active Halloween Contract!
  • I require assistance! Assists give you souls, so if you pocket the best player in the server, you can get a lot of souls with little effort.

Update history

October 26, 2017 Patch (Scream Fortress IX)
  • Free Halloween Contracts and rewards added to the ConTracker!

October 19, 2018 Patch (Scream Fortress X)

  • Added 5 new Contracts for the featured maps.

October 10, 2019 Patch (Scream Fortress XI)

  • All Halloween Contracts have been reset, allowing them to be completed again.
  • Completing a Halloween Contract will give players a classic Halloween item and the chance for a Spooky Spoils Case.
  • [Undocumented] Added 2 new Contracts for the featured maps.

October 1, 2020 Patch (Scream Fortress XII)

  • All Halloween Contracts have been reset, allowing them to be completed again.
  • Added new Contracts for this year's featured community maps.
  • Completing a Halloween Contract will give players a classic Halloween item and the chance for a Wicked Windfall Case or Scream Fortress XII War Paint Case.

October 8, 2020 Patch

  • Updated pl_hasslecastle
    • Updated the "Kill with a pumpkin bomb" bonus objective to be "Win a round".

October 5, 2021 Patch (Scream Fortress XIII)

  • All Halloween Contracts have been reset, allowing them to be completed again.
  • Added new Contracts for this year's featured community maps.
  • Completing a Halloween Contract will give players a classic Halloween item and the chance for a Crimson Cache Case or Scream Fortress XIII War Paint Case.

October 8, 2021 Patch

  • Updated the 2nd objective for the Graveyard contract to be "Survive 500 damage in a single life on Graveyard".

October 5, 2022 Patch (Scream Fortress XIV)

  • All Halloween Contracts have been reset, allowing them to be completed again.
  • Added new Contracts for this year's featured community maps.
  • Completing a Halloween Contract will give players a classic Halloween item and the chance for a Ghoulish Gains Case or Scream Fortress XIV War Paint Case.

October 7, 2022 Patch

  • Fixed Crasher's contract objective pointing to the wrong map.
  • Fixed the Escape Hell contract objective not triggering on some maps.

October 11, 2022 Patch #1

  • Fixed a client crash related to the Ghoulpit contract.
  • Fixed Sinthetic contract objective counting pumpkin bomb kills instead of killing the Toastmaster.

October 9, 2023 Patch #1 (Scream Fortress XV)

  • All Halloween Contracts have been reset, allowing them to be completed again.
  • Added new Contracts for this year's featured community maps.
  • Completing a Halloween Contract will give players a Classic Halloween item and the chance for a Bone-Chilling Bonanza Case.

October 10, 2024 Patch #1 (Scream Fortress XVI)

  • All Halloween Contracts have been reset, allowing them to be completed again.
  • Added new Contracts for this year's featured community maps.
  • Completing a Halloween Contract will give players a Classic Halloween item and the chance for a Terrifying Trove Case.

October 11, 2024 Patch

  • Updated Toxic's second objective to be 'Collect a Halloween Pumpkin on Toxic'.

October 18, 2024 Patch

October 24, 2024 Patch

  • Updated Freaky Fair's expert contract to be "Win a round on Freaky Fair".


  • In the Sinthetic Contract, the "Kill the Toastmaster on Sinthetic" Bonus Objective incorrectly displays the progress as 1/2 when completed.
  • In the Outburst Contract, the "Deal 1000 damage as a Merc" Primary Objective can be completed by dealing any amount of damage to Hale.

Bugs affecting and significantly accelerating Contract completion:

Note: Although not a Halloween Contract bug per se, the fact that repeats of Bonus Objectives are unlimited as long as the Contract's Primary Objective is incomplete can greatly speed the completion of Primary Objective.

  • In the Pit of Death Contract, dropping a soul counts identically to picking one up; so, dropping and picking up souls repeatedly counts rapidly towards the "Collect haunted souls" Bonus Objective.
  • In the Harvest Event Contract, killing a player with a weapon that causes stun (such as the Natascha, Loose Cannon) counts as killing a player scared by a ghost.
  • In the Eyeaduct Contract, the "Kill an enemy on Loot Island" Bonus Objective can be completed by killing a player at the end of the round, when all alive players are teleported to the Underworld.
  • In the Helltower and Bonesaw Contracts, every player's touch of the Bombinomicon Point scores the contract points for the "Reach the Bombinomicon" Bonus Objective regardless of whether the player has already touched the point that round or completed that Bonus Objective. So, repeatedly touching and leaving the Bombinomicon Point in the same round can rapidly complete both the Bonus Objective and the Primary Objective (each tap of the Point adds 15 CP to the Primary Objective until completed or Humiliation time runs out).
