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TF2 Hydro Map.jpg
製作者 未知
環境 インダストリアル
時間帯・天気: 晴れてる
危険箇所 落とし穴
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Hydro overview.png






RED CP1: レーダーアンテナ


大きいレーダーアンテナです。 アンテナのなかにコントロールポイントあります。

  • 大水エリアからの入り口: レーダーアンテナと大水エリアはトンネルにより繋がっています。
  • タビーン室からの入り口: タビーン室とレーダーアンテナは大きい岩層により繋がっています。この岩層は二つの道に分けています。その二つの道の間には穴があります。
  • 端エリアからの入り口: There are three paths from the radar dish to the bridge area. The first is the large path on the right hand side of the map. The other two paths are to the left of the main path, one of which goes off to the left (either down to the ground or onto a catwalk), while the middle one connects directly to the raised rocky ledge of the bridge area.
  • 階段の下: このエリアにある階段全部玉通り過ぎれます。

BLU CP1: 発電所



  • 大水エリアからの入り口: The flood area connects to the turbine room via three paths. The two left paths connect to an open area outside of the turbine room, which in turn allows access to either the lower area of the building, or the room with the large pipes. The third path is on the right, and goes from the flooded area through a small tunnel and meets with the lower left path.
  • 端エリアからの入り口: The turbine room is connected to the bridge area by a main road, sewer tunnels, and the ventilation system. The main road leads to an area outside of the turbine room that allows access either to the lower or middle levels of the building. The sewers connect the bridge area to the lower area of the turbine building, while the vents connect the roof of the bridge area to the room full of pipes next to the main building.
  • レーダーアンテナからの入り口: The radar dish connects to the turbine room via a rock formation. Once inside the building, the exits lead either onto the cat walk, or follow the stairs down to the middle of the room.
  • Service room: There is a small windowed room that is next to the bridge. This room is often used as a hiding place for Engineers as it allows them to see attackers without being shot at.

RED CP2: ダム



  • 端エリアからの入り口: The bridge area connects to the flood area via an upper and lower path. Both paths converge in a cavern that then splits into an upper, lower, and sewer path. The upper path connects to the ledge overlooking the bridge. The lower path follows the water along the ground under the ledge. The sewer path exits in front of a truck just next to the bridge.
  • レーダーアンテナからの入り口: The flood area is connected to the radar dish by a pair of small tunnels. One tunnel comes out near the flood area spawn room, while the other comes out behind the flood area point.
  • タビーン室からの入り口: The turbine room connects to the flood area via three paths. One path leads from the ground level and to the right, and eventually connects to the long stairs in the flood area. The second path follows the ground around to the left, and can either stay at ground level, or connect to the top of the long stairs. The final path branches off the second path, and leads down a small tunnel to the water area behind the flood area capture point.
  • Second story windows: The flood area spawn room has a second floor that Snipers often use as a nest.

BLU CP2: 倉庫



  • レーダーアンテナからの入り口: 端からレーダーアンテナへの道三つあります。最初の道はマップの左側にあります。その他の二つは端の岩棚からレーダーアンテナエリアの道と右にあるレーダーアンテナ近くの岩棚の道。
  • 大水エリアからの入り口: 端エリアから大水エリアへの道二つあります。上側の道は大水エリアのコントロールポイントの上で終わります。下側の道はコントロールポイントの後ろにある水で終わります。
  • タビーン室からの入り口: 端エリアからタビーン室への道三つあります。道路を辿ると小さなタビーン室の一階と二階を繋ぐ場所に着きます。下水道を辿るとタビーン室の一階に着きます。空気口はタビーンの入っている大きい部屋の隣にあるパイプの入っている部屋に繋がります。



See Community Hydro strategy/ja


 倉庫 (BLU)

  • Attackers: This is a very good area for Spies. There are several parts of this area that serve little interest to the enemy team, and thus are rarely paid any attention to when not in use, not to mention that there are several areas in this part of the map where Snipers particularly like to feel nice and cozy in, making it easy for you to backstab them.
  • Defenders: Engineers can build a Sentry Gun next to the small raised ledge. This way, they are protected from enemy fire outside of the Sentry Gun's sensor range.

 ダム (RED)

  • Attackers: With its little use to the enemy team, aside from Snipers, Spies tend to uncloak in the area behind the enemy spawn. Unless you are taking out Snipers, do not do so. The enemy team will be VERY suspicious of any class in that area and will instantly Spy-check you if they see you coming from behind the spawn, even more so than the other areas on the map.
  • Defenders: A good Sentry spot is behind the rocks near the CP. It allows your Sentry to cover the CP while being out of sight of the enemy team; however, in that location it is easy to take down after they know where it is.

 レーダーアンテナ (RED)

  • Attackers: Despite all the advice given below, the enemy team tends to not guard the point, but to guard the entrances to the Radar Dish. As a Spy, you can slip past their defenses easy enough and decloak and undisguise when you're standing on the point, and you should capture the point for a few seconds, if not capturing the whole point. This Strategy works better with the Cloak and Dagger. Should there be Stickies in the way, try to target Demoman as backstab victims. The Stickies will disappear when their owner is killed.
  • Defenders: In addition to placing sticky bombs on the ceiling, Demomen can position themselves on one of the raised steel platforms (see picture) where they can easily take cover from opposing fire whilst being in a good position to fire pipe bombs through the windows of the CP.
  • Defenders: Soldiers and Demomen can rocket/sticky bomb jump onto the top of the CP, and are able to take easy shots at oncoming enemies. Be aware though, you are also more exposed to well placed shots from oncoming Snipers and Heavies here.

 発電所 (BLU)

  • Defenders: It is possible, as a Soldier or a Demoman, to rocket/sticky bomb jump onto the topmost entrance to the room (the one which has the door to the upper half and the staircase down to the CP). From here, you have a perfect view of the capture point and can easily take out enemies that enter the room. If you have two of you get up there then you can watch over both entrances for total security.


コントロールポイント キャプチャー人数
コントロールポイント(最終以外) ×1
10 .000
6 .667
5 .455
4 .800
最終コントロールポイント ×1
5 .000
3 .333
2 .727
2 .400


Achieved.png General

Hydroで、奪取ポイントを 1 つ残らず奪って勝つ。

すべてのマップ(2FortDustbowlGranaryGravel PitHydroWell(CP))でゲームを最後までプレイする。


September 28, 2007 Patch

  • Fixed a case where players could get stuck in tc_hydro

October 25, 2007 Patch

  • Fixed issues on Hydro that could occur when a server emptied in the middle of a round.

November 15, 2007 Patch

  • Fixed an exploit that would allow players to jump out of the map.

May 27, 2010 Patch

  • Added respawn time advantages when a team begins to cap any point. Resets when the cap progress resets.
  • Fixed various nobuild and playerclip issues reported by the community.
  • Removed logic that reduced spawn times based on roundtime.
