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A RED Medic healing a friendly Heavy
Alright, I feel good!
The Scout

Healing is an ability primarily possessed by the Medic class while using either of his secondary weapons, (though there are several other sources of health). By training their healing beam on an ally (or a disguised enemy Spy), the Medic can actively restore the health of allies who are damaged, on fire or under attack. In addition to restoring health, healing also enables the Medic to fill up his ÜberCharge bar. The Medic cannot heal buildings, which must be repaired using the Engineer's wrench. This could be considered a form of healing. Also Soldiers using the Equalizer can't be healed.

Medics can also use their Oktoberfest taunt with the Kritzkrieg equipped to heal themselves for 11HP, and their Blutsauger will grant 3HP per successful hit. Medics can also self-regenerate health. A damaged Medic gains 3 HP per second, which scales up over the following ten seconds to a maximum of 6 HP per second, (though carrying the Blutsauger reduces the regeneration rate from 3-6 to 1-4.)

For more detailed information on healing rates, see the individual pages for the Medigun and Kritzkrieg.


An overheal refers to the state in which a player's health is at 150% of their maximum. Medics can overheal players with any secondary healing tool. The player's health cross on the HUD will glow more brightly as he or she is more overhealed. A particle effect consisting of small team-colored health symbols will surround an overhealed player.

A full overheal will fade away in exactly 20 seconds for all classes, provided that the player does not take additional damage. While a Heavy's health can be boosted to 450, it will return to its base of 300 in the same time as a Scout, whose health can be boosted to 185 from 125. If a Medic heals a character already at 100% health, it will take 1 to 3 seconds to raise them to 150% health (overhealed). The time it takes depends on the class; those with the highest starting health takes the longest to overheal.

During setup time, or while approaching an objective, a Medic can keep multiple teammates on the front line overhealed instead of only their primary healing target. This also increases the speed the ÜberCharge bar rises.

Class Normal Max Over-healed Max
Heavy 300 450
  (after consuming the Dalokohs bar) 350 450
Soldier 200 300
Demoman 175 260
  (with the Eyelander equipped) 150 225
  (after one decapitation) 165 245
  (after two decapitations) 180 270
  (after three decapitations) 195 290
  (after four decapitations) 210 315
Pyro 175 260
Medic 150 225
Engineer 125 185
125 185
  (with the Sandman equipped) 110 165
Sniper 125 185
Spy 125 185
Civilian 50 75

Non-Medic Healing

Dispensers and Payload carts will actively heal players who stand near them. Heavies may also consume Sandviches or Dalokohs Bars to regain health, and can drop Sandviches for other players to use. Medics wielding the Kritzkreig can use its taunt to recover their own health and Demomen who decapitate an enemy using the Eyelander recover 15hp along with the increase to their max health. Most maps are also dotted with varying sizes of health pickups.

For more detailed information on other sources of healing, see the Health page.

See also

External links