Robot Destruction/zh-hans
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“ | 你们必须摧毁敌方的机器人并收集它们的反应核心以获取胜利,同时你们也可以入侵敌方的保险库来夺取能量核心。
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— 管理员正阐释比赛规则
” |
毁灭机器人(Robot Destruction)是一个在2014年7月8日被加入游戏的游戏模式。目前该模式仅应用于一张测试地图,rd_asteroid。
The only current Robot Destruction map is symmetrical, similar to Capture the Flag maps. This game mode requires players to go into the enemy base and destroy their robots to earn points. When the robots are destroyed, they drop Power Cores that may be collected to add points to a team's score.
A team's points are stored in a Reactor deep in its base. When a team begins to score points, a rotating Reactor Core appears over a capture point in that team’s base. Reactor Cores may be stolen and captured (similar to taking and capturing an Intelligence briefcase). When first stealing a Reactor Core at a Reactor capture point, stored points are charged into that core over a time of several seconds – the longer the stealing player waits at the capture point, the more stolen points are charged into the Reactor Core, until all stored points are depleted.
A stolen Reactor Core is captured by carrying it to the stealing team’s base, awarding the charged points to the stealing team. Reactor Cores may be dropped, either when the carrier is killed or when the carrier presses the drop-item button. Unless picked back up by the stealing team, dropped Reactor Cores are eventually returned to the owning team’s Reactor and the stolen points they contain are returned to their score. The game continues indefinitely until one team reaches a certain score, in which case that team wins.
When one team has acquired the necessary amount of points, a timer starts counting down and a shortened version of The Art of War begins playing as "rd_finale.wav". If the currently-winning team stays the leader by the time this timer is elapsed, they win the round/game.
Power Cores are dropped when a robot is destroyed. They may be collected by any member of the team that destroyed the robot. If left uncollected, Power Cores will eventually start flashing for a few seconds before finally vanishing.
Reactor Cores represent the stored points of the enemy team. Successfully stealing a Core from the enemy base and depositing it on your team's Core spawn point directly transfers to the stealing team any points stored in the core. Unlike the Intelligence briefcase in Capture the Flag, the Core can contain a variable number of points depending on how long it is "charged" by an enemy player standing on the core spawn point. The Core cannot be moved from its spawn point until at least 25 points have been charged into it.
Like the Intelligence briefcase, a Reactor Core may be picked up by any enemy player that touches it, and although it can be dropped deliberately or on the carrier's death, it cannot be picked up or otherwise affected by a friendly player. Friendly players can defend the Core from being picked up by physically preventing enemy team members from touching it. If a Core is not touched by an enemy player in a set amount of time, it will disappear and any points stored in it will be returned to its team.
Importantly, the return timer on dropped Cores is not fully reset upon touching it (another difference from the Intelligence briefcase). Instead, the return timer for the Core starts at approximately one minute and is reduced for each second that the Core is dropped and is increased by one second, up to the maximum starting time, for each second that the Core is held.
Soldiers with the Rocket Jumper equipped, Demomen with the Sticky Jumper equipped, Scouts under the effects of Bonk, and Cloaked Spies are unable to pick up the Reactor Core.
Teams score points by collecting Power Cores and by capturing or recovering stolen Reactor Cores. One point is scored for each Power Core collected. One point is deducted from a team’s score for each point charged into a stolen Reactor Core. Points charged in a stolen reactor core are thus removed from scoring until either captured by the enemy or returned to the team’s Reactor. The stolen points in a Reactor Core are awarded to the stealing team’s score if they carry it to their Reactor’s capture point; however, those same points are returned to the owning team’s score if the Reactor Core has been dropped for a long time. The teams play to 300 points.
Team scores are displayed at the bottom center of the HUD. Each team's score tracks higher as Power Cores are collected and as Reactor Cores are captured by or returned to that team; and tracks a decreasing score while a player is charging a Reactor Core with points stolen from that team. A player’s display of scores shows green numbers as friendly points are added and enemy points are stolen and shows red numbers as friendly points are stolen and endpoints are added. Distinct sounds give notice or warnings of friendly or enemy points scored or stolen.
Unlike Mann vs. Machine robots, these Robots are harmless and will run when you attack them. The robots are separated into three areas, named A, B, and C. They will always follow their path that is marked on the floor, unless they are being attacked. Currently these Robots are similar to Buildings in their attributes: they are unaffected by knockback (including Compression Blasts and shield bashes), Afterburn, Backstabs, Mini-crits, Critical hits, and Bleeding. Also they are immune to the effects of Jarate and Mad Milk and cannot be marked for death. Robots also do not grant any on hit/kill bonuses (for example, health on hit with the Black Box), nor can they be sapped. Some classes have increased damage against these robots: Spy and Medic weapons deal 200% their base damage, Scout weapons deal 150% their base damage, and Sniper weapons deal 225% their base damage. Heavy and Pyro only do 75% damage to bots. Robots are immune to damage fall-off and ramp-up, so excluding splash damage, any attack on a Robot will deal a constant amount of damage from any distance.
The robots in areas B and C are protected by what appears to be an Übercharge when the robots in front of them are alive, for example; B robots are protected if any A robot is alive and C robots are protected if any B robot is alive.
The robots are defenseless, but will attempt to escape from attackers by running in circles. After 3 seconds without taking damage, the robots heal themselves at a rate of 6 health per second. All of the robot groups share a respawn timer, and will reset when the timer runs out.
When destroyed, A and B robots drop their associated amount of Power Cores in a single drop. When C robots are destroyed, they perform a death animation wherein they run around dropping a stream of Power Cores. The robots also drop gibs when destroyed. These gibs may be collected for Ammo or Metal.
Robots give 5 health per second to nearby friendly players as well as to disguised enemy Spies.
闲置 |
当有玩家穿过行进路线 |
受到攻击 |
被摧毁 |
Robot Destruction maps carry the rd_ prefix.
Name | Picture | File name |
Asteroid | rd_asteroid
- Added Mann Co. Beta Maps - Early Access program.
- Added 2 new beta maps:
. - Beta maps can be accessed via the quickplay menu by clicking the Play Beta Maps option.
- Added 2 new beta maps:
- Power Cores and Reactor Cores now add their point value to a team's score over time
- Reduced the rate at which points can be stolen from 15 per second to 10 per second
- Robots now heal 5 health per second to nearby friendly players
- The HUD has been reworked
- Inverted the layout to better represent the layout of the level
- Added progress bars to represent each team's score
- Potential point gains from stolen reactor cores are now visually represented on the score progress bars
- Thief icon now moves across the score board relative to the thief's position in the level
- Updated thief icon to represent both the color of the power core stolen and the color of the thief's team
- Added new strings to the win panel that explain why the team won
- Replaced the current "points being stolen" sound with a new sound
- Added better collision hulls to robot models
- Reworked robot skins to reduce similarity to the Übercharge skin
- Sentry Guns no longer target Übercharge robots
- 现在玩家在携带反应核心离开保险库前必须偷取至少价值 25 分数的核心。
- 更新了能量核心的拾取音效。
- 更新了机器人被摧毁的动画与音效。
- 更新了面板设计。
- 更新了面板设计。
- 修复了一个导致玩家无法拾取反应核心的错误。
- 现在当一支队伍的 C 类机器人被摧毁时,他们的重生速度会加快70%。
- 修复了能量武器无法命中该模式中的机器人的错误。
- 游戏文件中存在着一批同该模式相关的未使用内容,例如机器人的模型以及旧版的面板元素。