![]() | «Yo creé esto.» Esta página contiene información acerca de un mapa personalizado que no es oficial de Team Fortress 2. Todos los mapas oficiales creados por Valve o por la comunidad para TF2 pueden encontrarse en la lista de mapas. |
Cashworks | |
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Información básica | |
Desarrollado por: | Desconocido |
Información del mapa | |
Entorno: | Alpino |
Escenario: | Día, soleado |
Peligros: | Pozo de la muerte |
Vista general | |
Cashworks es un mapa de una etapa de Carga Explosiva. El objetivo de BLU es empujar la vagoneta a través de los cuatro puntos de control mientras que RED los defiende.
Una característica notoria de este mapa es el sótano que se encuentra al final del último punto de control. Después que el ultimo punto de control haya sido capturado, la vagoneta explota y destruye la puerta del sótano, revelando una gran cantidad de Australium dentro. Este mapa también contiene modelos 3D de águilas que vuelan en el cielo, algo que no se encuentra en ningún otro mapa.
- Zona de carga: El primer punto de control, Zona de carga, está situado debajo de un edificio alto en las pendientes de los dos lados. También está ubicado después de una sección angosta de lado de un edificio alto y una pared de roca con una plataforma construida en el lado opuesto.
- Serpentina: El segundo punto de control, ubicado en la parte inferior de una larga colina, donde las vías de la vagoneta tienen una forma ondulada, parecido a una serpentina en el lado de BLU. El área contiene varias repisas altas y caminos superiores y es muy angosto en comparación de otras partes del mapa. El área se abre hacia otra sección más especiosa después del punto de control.
- Estación de energía: El tercer punto de control, Estación de energía, se encuentra antes del punte de madera que dirige hacia el punto de control final. Hay varios barrancos grandes más allá del punto de control que pueden ser utilizados para empujar a los enemigos ahí. La vagoneta pasa a través del interior de un edificio, una pequeña pendiente, y debajo de un puente que conecta a dos edificios para llegar a este punto.
- Sótano: El último punto de control, ubicado en frente del sótano grande de RED, cual se abre después de la explosión final. BLU debe empujar la vagoneta a través de el puente de madera y el último cuarto de regeneración de RED para llegar al sótano.
- Todos los cuatro puntos de control contienen áreas elevadas o plataforma que pueden ser puntos claves para los Engineers para construir armas centinelas.
- Los Engineers BLU pueden construir un teleportador y/o una arma centinela dentro del edificio grande a lado de la Estación de energía, aunque ellos deberían mantener un ojo abierto por los Spies que pueden emboscar a través de entradas abiertas.
- La pendiente angosta entre la Zona de carga y las Serpentinas ponen al equipo RED en una desventaja significativa, especialmente si varios miembros del equipo BLU están empujando la vagoneta. Es mejor esperar a la vagoneta cerca debajo de la colina y sorprender a BLU con una emboscada.
- El número de plataformas altas es perfecto para los Pyros RED que buscan emboscar a la vagoneta. ¡Asegúrate de utilizarlos para atacar a los enemigos desprevenidos debajo!
- BLU debe tener una Supercarga preparada para cuando la vagoneta pasa la Estación de energía, ya que RED por lo general tendrá varias armas centinelas preparadas cerca del punto de control para prevenir que lo capturen.
Registro de cambios
- Fixed DX8 error where map would crash the client due to a false dx8-backup texture
- CP4 crate with ammo can now be entered without crouching
- Area in front of the Vault is now buildable
- Fixed ED_alloc entity overflow crash by reducing the dynamic entity count
- added stairway to the raised platform on CP4 to allow a better fortification
- added closing gates on Blu´s forward Spawn after CP3 gets captured to direct the player flow correctly
- minor various adjustments
- once again framerates via func_occluder
- added final fx-explosion by jive turkey
- added 3d-eagle-model by Nik instead of eagle-texture
- readjusted vault-explosion-sound by Tomster
- slightly reduced respawntime for RED to defend CP3&4
- changed ammopack at CP3 to a full-ammo-pack
- changed some visuals at construction site
- slight visual changes on building 03
- tons of minor visual bugs corrected
- big crate near CP4 is now accessible without having to duckjump, just walk in
- added ammo-pack there to support defensive structures at that point
- improved framerates as good as possible
- merged 2nd and 3rd BLU spawn to one spawn:
- makes the engi´s life easier
- gates prevent spawncamping
- pushed CP3 further to the bridge, provided sentrypositions, decreased respawn by 1sec for RED
- imported custom cap-point-signs with new alpine-logos
- renamed CPs to loading dock, serpentines, power house, vault
- minor skybox changes
- fixed stickies not sticking to ground at last CP
- fixed people getting stuck in underground RED spawnroomdoor
- enlarged some doortriggers for smoother opening
- decreased explosion radius
- several lighting-adjustments
- fixed radius where people get smashed by the door
- several minor visual changes and object adjustment
- many many small changes not worth an own "*"
- hopefully fixed entity overflow crash
- reduced file size by 20mb
- eagle screech less frequent
- fixed teleport selfdestruction on final point area
- fixed names of CPs
- applied alternative teamlogos to model
- made middlepart of bridge less narrow
- small texture changes
known issues:
- some texture-errors due to inexperience with lightmaps, need to finetune that
- whatever you see, plz report
- added rotating eagles with sound and rotating clouds in skybox
- added new teamlogos for RED and BLU, enjoy!
- entierly reworked interior of vault
- vault-door is now falling out to the front, smashing whoever comes in its way, making appropriate sound
- u got now a small window to escape the explosion, good luck!
- reedited underground exit from BLUe initial spawn and the building to the right
- made first building on right less ugly
- moved CP1 a little nearer
- small edits on buildings in sector 1
- gave more room to pass the cart on the serpentines
- moved CP2 a little bit further away
- decreased respawntime for RED for CP2 & CP3
- edited buildings at CP2 to make them more intuitional and less complicated
- minor trackchange on way to CP3
- moved CP3 a small bit further, made it more defendable
- on CP4 opened up another sentry position, unified the doors leading out of of the Spawnroom
- platform above CP4 is now again accessible for RED via duckjump
- expanded trigger_hurt so people wont exploit jumping down the balcony and trapping people
- pimped up some empty rooms and unfinished looking areas
- Added Thumbnail for Quickserver-list
- Adjusted Respawntime for Red for 2nd to last CP
- moved 1st Blu forward spawn, deleted route to other side after CP2 is taken to slightly increase traveltime for BLU to 3rd
- tweaked and added sentryposition at CP2
- added route to CP3 for BLU
- added cover for sentryposition at CP3 and CP4
- boosted and added healthkits and ammopacks
- minor architectural changes
- added gold_displacement to vault-treasure
- further detailing
- aligned several textures
- Improved Bankvault Model/Animation/Texture
- Addad valve´s explosions to the scene (parts hanging midair are due to the fact that its preanimated)
- Fixed the Teleport-Self-Destruct problem, if it still happens, tell me where plz
- Changed Timer allowing to go above 10 mins playtime on the clock
- Further optimization
- General Clipping improvement
- Pimped the skybox
- Changed rocktexture
- Added Red Logo Spray
First Section:
- Added platform right side before the CP
- Added 2 small shack on left side behind house
- Adjusted view distances
Second Section:
- Narrowed down the platform protecting the CP, added small platform at middle pillar as sentryposition and protection for BLU
- Remodelled the serpentines, much smoother now
- Simple changes at houses at bottom
Third Section:
- Removed invisible stair-clipping
4th and Final:
- Right side bottom floor door is now opening both ways
- Right side, platform, added some cover, medipack is now medium
- Right side RED spawn is now a little more separated
- added roofstructure to left side of bank vault
- added large box to the balcony over the pit for giving BLU a more advanced sentryposition
- made it harder to camp the bridge
- changed gold-texture
- ADDED CUSTOM EXPLOSION / VAULT IS OPENING NOW (explosion will be improved)
- ADDED GOLD (will increase the amount of gold if its not to fps-expensive)
- optimization pass 2 , getting +20-40fps on 1600x1200 full details
- adjusted view distances (too short ones will be readjusted)
- moved up CP2 to the rocky turn to make it easier capable, added some more architecture there
- moved door leading to right route to CP4 to make the opening less campable
- moved up right ledge at CP4 to concentrate more on final area than cart at bridge
- one-way door where you could get stuck corrected now
- added and varied orientational signs (slide up like in Badwater Basin)
- cut the stairs and connection to upper area at CP4
- added glass in tollbooth
- corrected door to CP4 where you could get stuck
- long tight bridge to CP4 is now an instable looking primitive rope-bridge
- reconstructed RED forward spawn to make it less campable and less attractive for Snipers
- playerclip-ceiling is now higher, allowing higher rocketjumps
- deleted some fps-hurting props
- RED cant directly access BLU´s alternative route to CP2, gates open after CP2 is taken
- added BLU forward spawn, after CP2 is taken
- moved up BLU forward spawn, after CP3 is taken
- changed layout of RED forward spawn, too sniperfriendly
- various clipping-optimization
- additional clipping at doorways
- added a small balcony when you cross the ditch to CP4
- added 30 seconds for initial game time
- REDesigned area at CP3
- added trigger_teleport to RED forward spawns, so once they are captured, RED players in spawn will be teleported to the next spawn
- added cover against Snipers going down the serpentines
- widened initial bridge at BLU spawn and added stairs
- blocked way too long sniperlane at 1st section
- moved up 1st & 2nd CP to make it easier to cap, widened the passage at CP1
- elevated RED forward spawn, so engies arent able to access locker to rebuild Sentry Guns too fast to lvl3
- to compensate that, replaced ammopack behind tires with large ammopack and medium health
- eradicated too strong defensive position on logs after CP1
- turned several entities to props_static, shouldn't throw weird shadows anymore
- restructuRED 1st and 2nd building at first section
PL_CASHWORKS_A3c (11-19-08)
- increased RED respawntime by 5 seconds (sorry for the inconveniance, spawntimes are nasty)
- minor clipping changes
PL_CASHWORKS_A3b (11-17-08)
- decreased spawntimes for RED, because spawntime rose to 25-30s
- corrected water in canal
PL_CASHWORKS_A3a (11-17-08)
- increased RED spawntimer for CP1
- fixed exploit of missing clipping at the giant rock at the old raised tracks
- fixed exploit of missing clipping above BLU spawn
- added signage to path leading to CP2
- adjusted, added, repositioned med + ammo packs
- optimized movability at BLU sawmill
- made it less easy for RED to camp the alternative route to CP2
- added ramp after the shortcut through the sawmill leading to CP3
- removed the one-way gates at alternative route to CP3
- added barricade at last turn to provide cover and block line of sight for Snipers
- changed warning lights at final points vault to static
- rearranged right house before final CP to provide better cover and staging area for attackers
- retextuRED windows in right house before final CP
- erradicated 2 unfair sniperpositions at starting area
- minor changes on not accessible areas
PL-CASHWORKS_A3 (11-15-08)
- restructioRED first area
- added 2nd RED forward spawn near 2nd CP
- added alternatenate paths to 2cp and 3rd CP
- fixed RED forward spawn doors getting stuck
- general optimization, areaportals, hintbrushes, nodraw, brushwork
- added 3D-Skybox
- added environment
- one-way door toward 3rd CP bottleneck
- adjusted respawntimes
- adjusted cart speed
- adjusted time added
- optimized vault-collision
- lighting improvement
- further clipping
- added flowing water at CP4 bridge
- added custom overlays
- added env-sounds
- problems with water at BLU spawn
- further fps-optimization
- optimize displacements
- cartpath corrections
- improve 3D-Skybox
- improved use of textures
- correct viewdistances
- add more custom material
- Game-machanics working as intended
- Basic Layout and Material
- Basic Optimization
- Basic Clipping
- Pl cashworks rc2 03.jpg
El tercer punto de control, Estación de energía.
- Pl cashworks 6.jpg
Una vista del cuarto de regeneración de BLU.
- Pl cashworks 8.jpg
El segundo punto de control, Serpentina.
- Pl cashworks 12.jpg
El último cuarto de regeneración de RED y el sótano.
- Pl cashworks 13.jpg
El premio por el que BLU lucha.