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< Krampus
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Koth Krampus.png
开发者: 未知
环境: 德国小镇
设定: 夜晚,雪天
危害: Krampus
Krampus overview.png





  • 出生点:出生点内设有两个补给柜,其中一个位于两扇向上的出口旁,另一个位于另一处向下的出口旁。窗户旁的出口可以直接下落到向下的出口旁边。
  • 喷泉:位于出生点右侧的小喷泉。
  • 石质建筑:一座几乎横跨地图的石质建筑。其内部是一条狭窄的走廊,一座楼梯和一处下落出口,下落出口可以靠跳跃技巧进入,如二段跳和信号枪跳跃。该建筑在双方都配有大门,终点处的大门设在了控制点旁的高台处,从此能俯瞰控制点区和下一处区域。
  • 侧路:石质建筑旁边的小型团队色建筑旁的小通道。
  • 小巷:石质建筑后方的建筑。其中的左侧要比右侧稍高一点,场景中的火焰可以用来点燃猎人短弓强化复合弓的弓箭。该区域左侧有一个中医疗包和弹药箱,右侧的一个小平台上还有一个小医疗包和弹药箱组合。尽管大部分兵种需要通过石质建筑进入大桥区域,部分兵种也可以从此用二段跳和信号枪跳跃来进入。
  • 左侧路线:双方队伍最左侧的路线,通往双方所属的桌板区。
  • 石拱门:通往控制点区的中间路线,由于需要通过一个石拱门而得名。
  • 右侧路线:双方队伍最右侧的路线。
  • 小镇中心:地图的中心,控制点的所在处。
  • 控制点:控制点位于一座大桥之上,其中一侧有墙体作为掩体。其下方的水域深到可以用来灭火和触发游泳但是没有深到可以下潜并淹死的地步,水中藏有一个中医疗包。
  • 钟楼:俯瞰控制点区的建筑。该建筑在地图两侧都配有两个入口(一个面向控制点,一个面向出生点),建筑内部有一座被石拱分为两半的阳台其下方还有一座金属制的桥,金属桥上有一个小医疗包和弹药箱。
  • 雕像:穿过控制点下方水域可以找到一座有基座的雕像。其旁边将水引到湖中的井盖上方有一个大医疗包。
  • 木墙:控制点两侧有木墙作为掩体,其后方各有一个中医疗包和弹药箱。
  • 桌板:设有桌子的平台,可作为通往小巷的通道。
  • 地下世界:打败克朗普斯后会开启一扇传送门,靠近传送门的玩家都会被吸入传送门;地下世界内部为一座阴森寒冷的森林,致命的低温会缓缓杀死其中的生物。抵达森林另一侧的传送门即可回到主地图并获得2秒无敌,12秒爆击加成和151生命值的治疗(可以被转换为超量治疗)。


Krampus is the AI-controlled boss of the map. He roams the central area in search of players to kill, and must be killed whenever he is in play in order to unlock the control point for capture. There are no truces while he is around.

Krampus selects a player to target, who receives a message in their text chat informing them that they have been naughty this year. If the target is within his melee range, he tries to whip them for 40% of their max health; if they are far away, he can shoot 2 to 5 homing flaming coal projectiles at them. He can also cause a rain of flaming coal across the area.

Krampus' area is limited to the open area around the control point, only being able to target and pursue players in it. Should his target leave the area, he picks a different player to go after. He cannot target players inside the building next to the point or pursue them into it either, though he can target (and reach) players in the balcony if they peek too much outside. Neither cloaking nor disguising works against Krampus.

The flaming coal projectiles can be reflected. Reflected projectiles retain their homing ability, homing back at Krampus and damaging him if they hit him. Unlike Krampus, they can still pursue targeted players who leave the center of the map or enter the building by the control point.

Krampus respawns at the control point after 1 minute and 30 seconds of it being captured, freezing the countdown of the team owning it and resetting any capture progress the other team might have. He announces his return before reappearing, giving players time to distance themselves. When he respawns, he only pushes players, making it safe (thought not recommended) to stay on the point.


主条目: 社区 Krampus 战术


2023年12月7日补丁圣诞节 2023

  • Krampus被添加至游戏。


  • 添加了{code|koth_krampus}}缺失的文本。
  • 修复了在koth_krampus上错误的创作者名单。


  • There are two row boats in the Underworld's river, to the left of the bridge. On one is an unlit lantern, and on the other is a deer cutout.
  • There is a room outside of the map with some developer textures, a multicolored texture, the signature of one of the map's creators, the flame particle used for Krampus' projectiles, and four photos of cats.
    • The same signature can also be found on a wall outside the playable area to the left on the RED spawn, where a truck can be seen.
