< Galleria
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Galleria | |
基本信息 | |
地图变种: | Nucleus(山丘之王), 毁灭玩家, 融核围剿(Nucleus VSH) 和 Nucleus(竞技场) |
开发者: | 未知 |
地图资料 | |
环境: | 购物中心 |
设定: | 黄昏 |
危害: | 冰面翻新机 |
地图照片 | |
地图俯视图 | |
地图邮票 | |
支持者排行榜 |
Galleria是一张社区制作的毁灭玩家模式,该地图于圣诞节 2023被添加到游戏中。该地图取景于Teufort Galleria中,一座位于故事背景中双城的购物中心,在购物中心中还有购物音乐。
- 溜冰场: The ice skating rink that dominates the center of the map. It contains the map's delivery zone (the "tree"), which unlocks periodically. When locked, the ice resurfacer circles the tree, instantly killing anyone it collides with (though it is possible to stand on top of it unharmed). The ice is slippery, making movement difficult as players keep their momentum.
- 周边区域: The series of ledges and shops which directly surround the Ice Rink. The Perimeter is further divided into "RED-Side Perimeter" and "BLU-Side Perimeter", based on which spawn room is on that side of the map.
- 饮食区: The ground level of the Perimeter, also divided into a RED and a BLU side.
- 控制室: The Control Room is one of the buildings on the perimeter located at a halfway point between each team's side. It has no connection to the point from the second floor, but has an opening to the rink on the first floor. It is a spytech-themed room with slanted glass windows overlooking the rink and a large neutral-colored launch control panel in the center. The control panel has a number of attached monitors displaying various launch-related technical readouts, jokes, and references. The entrances to the Control Room are metal security doors which open on round start and slowly close on round end.
- 电影院: Directly across from the Control Room is the Cinema. It is entered from each team's side by an escalator and in its center are two sets of staircases which lead down to the Perimeter, where the escalators to the Food Court are. On each side there are entrances to balconies which overlook most of the area.
主条目: 社区 Galleria 战术
“孙武没告诉咱们该咋做!” 这张地图的社区战术(英语)页面是个小条目,它的内容还有待完善。 你可以通过扩充它来为军团要塞官方维基的社区战术计划出一份力。 附注:未添加附注 |
- Galleria被添加至游戏。
- 更新了地图
A cardboard cutout advertising the movie "Saxton Hale's Jungle Inferno".
Plaque for Eric Smith.