Basic Scout strategy

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The Scout is the fastest and arguably the most mobile class in the game. Although frail, his speed and ability to double-jump allow him to easily access alternate routes on many maps, making him extremely unpredictable and effective at ambushing. He counts as two players when capturing Control Points or pushing Payload carts, making him ideal for completing mission objectives quickly. When fighting, his high damage output and mobility make him one of the best classes in one-on-one combat. Because his health pool is so low, the Scout relies on completely avoiding damage to survive; for example, his double jump lets him escape knock back and fall damage. To maximize damage dealt and minimize damage taken, a good Scout tends to weave around the outskirts of a battlefield, picking off important enemy targets. Weaponry that can slow or track players, such as Natascha or the Sentry Gun, are deadly to the Scout.

Primary Weapons

When fighting, don't rely on your mouse alone to track foes. Use your movement to keep the opponent centered on your screen, firing whenever your cross-hairs and opponent match up. This allows you to focus on moving efficiently and erratically, making you harder to hit, while at the same time making your aim smoother and more accurate via prediction. Find what distance you operate at best and use your speed to maintain it; extremely close range combat favors quick jumping to avoid enemy shots fired downward, while more moderate distances allow you to stay grounded and continuously strafe from side to side.


Item icon Scattergun.png

At close range, your Scattergun can kill most classes in just a few shots. It is your best weapon for prolonged combat due to its reasonable magazine size and high damage output. The Scattergun's bullet spread is very wide, so switch to your Pistol for enemies that are far away.


Item icon Force-A-Nature.png

The Force-A-Nature deals heavy burst damage but must be reloaded often, making it best used as a hit-and-run weapon. Equip your Pistol when using the Force-A-Nature so that you always have a weapon to fire. You can use the Force-A-Nature's knock back on you or your target; an enemy launched into the air makes for an easy kill, while the self-inflicted knock back allows you to Force jump to even more unpredictable locations. If you actively jump while in combat, save your double jump until after you've fired the Force-A-Nature; the knock back can leave you suspended in midair and vulnerable, as well.


Item icon Shortstop.png

The Shortstop is a cross between the Shotgun and Pistol. While it deals less damage than your other primary weapons, its narrow bullet spread makes it reliable at longer ranges. The Shortstop reloads very quickly, allowing you to continuously fire shots and deal consistent damage. However, the Shortstop draws from the same ammunition pool as the Pistol, so you should use a different secondary weapon to conserve ammunition.

Soda Popper

Item icon Soda Popper.png

The Soda Popper is similar to the Force-A-Nature, but does not possess its knock back effects. Like the Force-A-Nature, it is best used as a hit-and-run weapon. However, the faster reloading speed means that it is more viable for prolonged combat. The Soda Popper's Hype meter will only fill when you are mobile and have the Soda Popper itself as your active weapon; this means that you can switch weapons to control when to activate your Hype. The guaranteed mini-crits from Hype are not limited to just the Soda Popper and work rather well with both the Pistol and Winger.

Secondary Weapons


Item icon Pistol.png Item icon Lugermorph.png

The Pistol is a backup weapon, primarily used for finishing off wounded targets. It reloads much more quickly than any of your primary weapons and can be used to harass enemies or cover a retreat. At longer ranges, use the Pistol to deal consistent damage.

Bonk! Atomic Punch

Item icon Bonk! Atomic Punch.png

Bonk! Atomic Punch is a situational utility item that can be used to dodge or draw enemy fire. For example, you can use it to distract Sentry Guns, retreat safely, bait Demomen into detonating their sticky traps, or block chokepoints.


Item icon Crit-a-Cola.png

Crit-a-Cola is an item that rewards you for taking risks. You should drink it only before an ambush or to harass enemies at range with your Shortstop. The boost provided by Crit-a-Cola will not stack with the boosting effects of other items, so don't drink it and take increased damage for nothing if you don't have to.

Mad Milk

Item icon Mad Milk.png

Mad Milk is a defensive item that makes fighting bulky classes easier. The healing provided will help you and your teammates tank any damage taken. It can be used to extinguish teammates as well as reveal cloaked Spies.


Item icon Winger.png

Like the Pistol, the Winger can be used to harass enemies or cover a retreat. Take advantage of its increased damage to finish weakened enemies off with fewer, more accurate shots. You should not be using a secondary weapon for prolonged combat, so the reduced magazine size is not too great of a disadvantage.

Melee Weapons


Item icon Bat.png Item icon Saxxy.png

Because you already deal so much damage at close range, you should only use the Bat when out of loaded ammunition or when dealing with unattended Engineer structures. While it swings rapidly, it deals less damage than other melee weapons.


Item icon Sandman.png

Use the Sandman's ball to stun targets before moving in for the kill. It moves as a moderately fast, arced projectile, so lead your foe accordingly. Focus on stunning the more dangerous foes, such as Heavies and crit boosted enemies.

Holy Mackerel

Item icon Holy Mackerel.png

The Holy Mackerel functions identically to the bat but announces each hit in the kill feed. A hit that triggers a Spy's feign death will appear as a hit, not a kill, allowing you to track down a Spy using the Dead Ringer.

Candy Cane

Item icon Candy Cane.png

You don't need to use the Candy Cane itself to land the finishing blow on an enemy to have a health pack drop. Rather, any kill or assist you make will make your victims drop health packs that can be used to heal teammates as they fight at the front lines. However, the increased vulnerability to explosive damage means that a direct hit from a rocket or grenade is now capable of killing you in just one hit. A Spy who uses the Dead Ringer to trigger a feign death will not drop a health pack and are easier to discern.

Boston Basher/Three-Rune Blade

Item icon Boston Basher.pngItem icon Three-Rune Blade.png

Swinging the Boston Basher around wildly will kill you very quickly; only attack if you're sure the strike will connect. You can use the self-damage to help a Medic fill his ÜberCharge meter and the bleed effect to track down Cloaked Spies. Damaging yourself will inflict a small amount of self-knock back that can be used as an additional jump in order to reach higher areas, albeit at the cost of a significant portion of health.



Never equip the Sun-on-a-Stick if there are no Pyros on your team. Against ignited foes, it will deal as much damage as the Scattergun at point blank range. However, both you and the Pyro excel at close range combat and can often finish off an enemy without the help of an ally. As a result, you might not be able to utilize this combo frequently. In Medieval Mode, teaming up with a Pyro using the Sharpened Volcano Fragment can be very effective.

Fan O'War

Fan O'War

The Fan O'War is best used at the beginning of a fight against a single target, as the Mark of Death can only be inflicted on one enemy at a time. After tagging your foe with it, switch to another weapon or let your teammates finish the job.


Item icon Atomizer.png

The Atomizer does not need to be active for you to have access to the triple jump, so you can ignore its downsides if you simply use your primary weapon in close range combat. The added mobility granted by the triple jump is often worth paying 10 health, especially if it means positioning yourself behind a key target or dodging a deadly rocket. If you pair the Atomizer with the Force-A-Nature, you can combine a triple jump and force jump into a quadruple jump. Also, if you use Bonk! Energy Drink, you won't take damage from the third jump.

Item Sets

The Special Delivery

Shortstop Mad Milk Holy Mackerel Milkman

The item set's health bonus greatly increases your survivability, especially when coupled with the healing from Mad Milk, while the Shortstop lets you deal consistent damage from medium range. Overall, you can have more of an impact in large, populated firefights. However, your overall firepower at close range is reduced, meaning that you must deal more consistent, sustained damage to remain a threat.

The #1 Fan

Soda Popper Winger Atomizer Bonk Boy

Unlike the Special Delivery, this item set builds on the Scout's strengths instead of covering his weaknesses. While the weapons in this item set have limited magazine sizes, the overall increased damage lets you excel even further at quick, one-on-one encounters, especially when you activate your Hype. Use the Atomizer's triple jump both in combat and to easily reach more vulnerable enemies.