Estrategia de la Comunidad del Spy

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El Spy

El Spy es una clase basada en la trampa y el engaño. Siendo un especialista en espionaje y sabotaje, puede apuñalar por la espalda, volverse invisible, disfrazarse y zapear construcciones de Engineers. Es importante evitar a los enemigos que se encuentren realizando comprobaciones de Spies y, para evitar sospechas, no es mala idea un poco de actuación por tu parte. Con algo de habilidad y suerte, los Spies pueden burlar a los que realizan comprobaciones de Spies.

Consejos rápidos

  • Lo más típico es volverse invisible cuando te aproximas a un enemigo frente a frente. Un compañero de equipo corriendo en la dirección contraria es sospechoso, y un gran aliciente para que el enemigo compruebe si hay Spies.
  • No esperes convertirte en un buen Spy de la noche a la mañana. Aprende a usar otras clases primero. Una vez conozcas cómo actúa cada clase, te será más fácil engañar a tus enemigos.
  • ¡Presta atención a la clase en la que estás disfrazando! Los Snipers y los Engineers se quedan normalmente en una zona determinada mientras que a los Pyros se les suele ver patrullando la base.
  • Evita disfrazarte de Scout o Medic, tu reducida velocidad de movimiento te descubrirá.
  • Puedes disfrazarte y cambiar de arma mientras permaneces invisible para ahorrar tiempo.
  • Teniendo equipado el Reloj de Invisibilidad que viene por defecto, puedes rellenar tu medidor de invisibilidad con Cajas de Munición.


  • Al disfrazarte o cambiar de disfraz, tu cuerpo se cubrirá de nubes de humo visibles para todo el mundo. Si estás en modo invisible, este humo sólo pueden verlo tus compañeros de equipo. Sin embargo, si tienes equipado el Duplicante, el humo permanecerá si te disfrazas justo después de "morir", haciendo bastante obvio que sigues vivo.
  • Intenta disfrazarte de una clase fácil de imitar (por ejemplo, no elijas habitualmente al Scout o al Medic, pues no puedes imitar su velocidad). Disfrazarte de Engineer es bastante útil, ya que el Engineer es un objetivo muy común del Spy.
  • Tras volverte visible, hay un periodo de 3 segundos en el que no puedes usar ningún objeto de tu equipo. Esto significa que no puedes atacar o utilizar el Zapador. Ten siempre esto en cuenta antes de volverte visible para atacar o zapear.
  • El Reloj de Invisibilidad por defecto tarda un segundo en volverte invisible y otro más en volverte visible, con 9 segundos de invisibilidad de principio a fin, siendo 7 de éstos invisibilidad completa (a no ser que rellenes tu invisibilidad con munición). Recargar un Medidor completamente vacío lleva 30 segundos, así que tenlo en cuenta cuando estés en la base enemiga buscando un lugar donde esconderte.
  • Cualquier fuente de munición, incluyendo el metal procedente de construcciones destruidas, recargará el tiempo de invisibilidad del Reloj de Invisibilidad por defecto y del Duplicante, incluso si están activados. Los Dispensadores también rellenan el medidor de Invisibilidad; sin embargo, sólo los Dispensadores de Nivel 2 o más pueden rellenar el tiempo de invisibilidad estando ésta activa; los Dispensadores de Nivel 1 sólo mantendrán el nivel de carga actual. Debes estar disfrazado de un enemigo para usar Dispensadores enemigos, no como los Dispensadores de tu equipo, que te curarán y rellenarán tu munición y/o nivel de invisibilidad sin importar el disfraz. El Dispensador de la vagoneta en los mapas de Carga Explosiva NO recargarán tu medidor de invisibilidad estando invisible. Utilizar las fuentes de munición ya mencionadas para recargar tu invisibilidad será de gran ayuda al escapar de territorio enemigo tras haber cumplido tu objetivo.
  • Utiliza los puntos ciegos (áreas donde la visión del jugador es limitada, normalmente una esquina u otro ángulo de 90º) para recargar la invisibilidad si no estás usando el Embozador. Un buen ejemplo está en 2Fort, en la esquina dentro de la entrada del fuerte enemigo. La mayoría de la gente atravesará estas zonas sin mirar a las esquinas, permitiéndote rellenar tu medidor de invisibilidad o sorprender a un grupo que se dirija directo al puente.
  • Sólo tu invisibilidad te mantendrá a salvo. Los disfraces no son necesariamente seguros, debido a que las comprobaciones de Spies son bastante comunes.
  • Evita mostrar las típicas señales que daría un Spy enemigo; por ejemplo, correr en contra de la multitud, o hacer de un Demoman parado en ninguna parte con Bombas Lapa cerca, o de un Engineer parado en ninguna parte con construcciones cerca, o hacer de cualquiera parado en cualquier parte sin hacer nada. Si alguien empieza a dispararte, puedes intentar abatirle con tu Revólver o volverte invisible y escapar rápidamente (sin olvidar el segundo de retardo antes de que tu invisibilidad esté completamente activa).
  • Estando disfrazado, las Armas Centinela enemigas no te atacarán y podrás usar Dispensadores enemigos. Los Medics enemigos podrán curarte si les engañas haciéndoles pensar que eres de su equipo. Fíjate en que, incluso disfrazado, puedes ser dañado o asesinado por un Arma Centinela enemiga si estás entre ella y su objetivo. Las Armas Centinela no cesarán de disparar a un objetivo que ya ha sido fijado incluso si el objetivo se disfraza tras ser apuntado, a no ser que haya otro objetivo más cerca o el objetivo actual escape del campo de visión o el rango del Arma Centinela.
  • La clase más peligrosa con la que puedes enfrentarte es el Pyro. Evítalos a toda costa. Son tan rápidos como tú y sus llamas hacen que tu invisibilidad sea inútil. Los Pyros lanzan grandes bocanadas de llamas hacia todas partes por su papel como Comprobadores de Spies, y si tropiezas con uno te hará arder en llamas de inmediato. Si esto ocurre, intenta volver con tus compañeros. Ten cuidado con los enfrentamientos Pyro contra Pyro, ya que será difícil saber quién va ganando y podrías arder sin que el oponente tenga la intención.
  • Si estás en llamas, desactiva tu (ahora inútil) invisibilidad inmediatamente y corre a curarte (por ejemplo, paquetes de Salud o Dispensadores enemigos). Con suerte, podrás escapar o esconderte en medio de la multitud; a pesar de esto y, debido a la baja cantidad de salud del Spy, encontrar un paquete de salud o volverte invisible de nuevo y reagruparte con tu equipo tendrá que ser tu objetivo principal.
  • Ve siempre a por la espalda de tu enemigo con la Mariposa. No solo porque las puñaladas provocan muertes instantáneas, sino porque tus otros ataques con la Mariposa son débiles. Si tienes que enfrentarte cara a cara, usa tu Revólver; cualquier arma del juego es más fuerte que la Mariposa. Sin embargo, el Revólver hace un ruido fuerte y distintivo, así que puede que prefieras permanecer con la Mariposa para no llamar demasiado la atención. Cuando tengas pensado apuñalar a tu víctima, intenta evitar quedarte mirando a su espalda. Sus compañeros alrededor podrían sospechar y empezar a dispararte. Actúa como si te dirigieras adonde todos lo hacen, ponte rápidamente tras su espalda y termina con su vida.
  • No subestimes la potencia del Revólver. Si estás a punto de ser capturado, corre de espaldas (con tu enemigo en frente) mientras esquivas y disparas.
  • Utiliza el Revólver para disparar desde lejos. Un Spy es también un buen Sniper; a grandes distancias, el daño provocado es bajo pero sigues teniendo un buen rango de tiro y una precisión excelente.
  • Al encontrar el escondrijo de un Engineer enemigo:
    • Si el Engineer está tras su Arma Centinela: Apuñala al Engineer, zapea el Arma Centinela antes de que se gire. A esta tecnica se le conoce comoApuñala y Zapea.
    • Si el Engineer no está: Zapea el Arma Centinela, apuñala al Engineer al volver. A esto se le llama [Zapea y Apuñala. Otra alternativa es disparar inmediatamente a la construcción zapeada para que se destruya rápidamente. Para las Armas Centinela, esto funcionaba mejor antes del Parche del 20 de diciembre de 2007; con el nuevo cambio en el Zapador, hacer esto no funciona del todo - incluso tras poner el Zapador y seis disparos de Revólver, el Engineer sigue teniendo tiempo para retirar el Zapador, mientras que su arma centinela te mata (ya que ya no llevas puesto el disfraz).
    • la manera más fácil de sabotear el escondrijo del Engineer es coordinarte con tus compañeros. Ten a un Soldier, Pyro o Demoman aliado atacando al escondrijo justo después de zapear el Arma Centinela.
    • al campear en un escondrijo con Armas Centinela y, si el Engineer no está a la vista, pasa el ratón por encima de las construcciones para ver a quién pertenecen y mirar en la tabla de clasificación si está muerto. Si está "atrapado" en el Punto de Reaparición, casi siempre serás capaz de destrozar sus juguetes tranquilamente.
  • Una de las mejores maneras de parar un rush enemigo es apuñalar a los Medic, especialmente si están a punto de tener una Supercarga. A pesar de ser un suicidio a toda velocidad, matar los Medic enemigos puede acabar con el equipo atacante muy rápidamente.
  • Recuerda cambiar de disfraz a menudo. Si un enemigo ve al mismo Demoman ir hacia un Arma Centinela protegida por un Engineer tres veces en la misma ronda, tendrá grandes posibilidades de cogerte en tu intento de zapear construcciones enemigas.
  • Si te encuentras con un dúo Heavy-Medic, utiliza el juicio para elegir tu objetivo. Si hay muchos enemigos alrededor, el Medic es una prioridad mayor, ya que puede mantener a todo el mundo curado. Si la el dúo está solo, apuñalar al Heavy dejará al Medic completamente indefenso. Si el dúo está frente a un grupo de aliados, es mejor matar al Heavy y permitir a tu equipo avanzar y posiblemente matar al Medic al que tú no has podido. No obstante, si el Medic está siguiendo al Heavy de cerca, matar primero al Medic y al Heavy justamente después sería lo mejor.
  • Los Snipers y Heavies solitarios suelen ser los objetivos más fáciles para Spies principiantes, debido a su reducida velocidad y capacidad de movimiento cuando están distraídos o disparando. Además, eliminar a los Snipers facilita a tu equipo el moverse a la base enemiga. ¡Matar repetidamente a Snipers experimentados cuando están desprotegidos es una buena manera de hacerles cambiar de clase!
  • muy cuidadoso con la gente que se acerca y no está distraída con la batalla; serán mucho más propensos a captar cualquier acción sospechosa.
  • Puedes realizar una ofensiva estupenda cuando la acción es intensa y está concentrada en una zona determinada. Disfrázate y vuélvete invisible. Esquiva a los enemigos, siendo extremadamente cuidadoso en no chocarte con nadie; gírate y vuélvete visible. Acércate a tus objetivos y empieza a apuñalar, empezando por el más lejano de atrás y avanzando. Puedes encadenar muchas muertes antes de que los enemigos desvíen su atención hacia ti. Hay un retardo entre cada puñalada, así que ten cuidado de no pasarte con el último enemigo.
  • Disfrazarte de tu propio equipo puede ser una buena idea para aproximarse a la base enemiga. Si te aproximas disfrazado de un enemigo es obvio que eres un Spy y si te vuelves invisible estarás usando una valiosísimo cantidad de invisibilidad. Además, aproximarse disfrazado de una clase rápida y peligrosa como el Pyro puede usarse para asustar a los Spies y Scouts enemigos y hacerles esquivarte. La mayoría de las veces, los enemigos se tragarán tu disfraz si se encuentran contigo; utiliza esto a tu favor. Vuélvete invisible lejos de miradas ajenas y ve tras ellos, pues serán más fáciles de apuñalar al estar distraídos con su enemigo imaginario.
  • Si te acercas al Dossier enemigo, lo cogerás automáticamente y perderás tu disfraz. Esto te hará ser acrbillado por las Armas Centinela enemigas, así que mira bien por dónde andas cuando estás cerca del Dossier. Ten en cuenta que no podrás coger el Dossier enemigo mientras permaneces invisible.
  • El nombre mostrado al equipo enemigo mientras estás disfrazado es el nombre de un jugador enemigo de la misma clase de la que te has disfrazado. Si te disfrazas de una clase que no aparece en el equipo enemigo, se te asignará un nombre de un jugador al azar del equipo enemigo (fíjate en que esto pasa cada vez que cambias de disfraz). Puedes irte fácilmente a hacer puñetas por esto, así que intenta siempre disfrazarte de una clase de la que sabes que un jugador del equipo contrario está jugando.
  • Si un enemigo te ve volviéndote invisible, intenta ir hacia una dirección cuando sigues parcialmente visible, haciéndoles pensar que has ido por ahí, y después apártate y dirígete a cualquier otra parte. Con suerte, harás que no te capturen.
  • El nivel de salud de tu disfraz imitará al nivel de salud del jugador del que estás disfrazado en el momento en el que te equipas un disfraz: si, por ejemplo, el Demoman del que estás disfrazado tiene poca salud, tu disfraz aparecerá como tal; lo mismo ocurre si el Demoman tiene un Exceso de Curación. Puedes incrementar tu falso nivel de salud si te cura unMedic, permaneciéndote cerca de la Vagoneta (al defender) o un Dispensador enemigo y cogiendo un paquete de salud. Cogerás los paquetes de salud incluso si la salud de tu disfraz está al máximo, así que intenta no utilizarlos estando alrededor de tus enemigos a no ser que estés herido, ya que sería sospechoso verte coger paquetes de salud con la salud al completo.
  • Recuerda que tu equipamiento, incluído el Zapador, hace un sonido fuerte e identificable que la mayotía de los jugadores experimentados sabrán reconocer y localizar. Intenta evitar hacer movimientos de Spy que puedan delatarte hasta que puedas causar un daño significativo a la ofensiva/defensiva enemiga.
  • Sé cauteloso con las caídas grandes al estar invisible; tus enemigos pueden ver el efecto de partículas de sangre y escuchar el crujido que suena con el daño de la caída. Cuando es inevitable (o demasiado rápido), intenta caer sobre una valla o cualquier otra plataforma elevada para evitar el daño. Los ruidos metálicos al caminar sobre metal también pueden delatarte.
  • Si los jugadores cercanos te hacen una comprobación de Spy con sus armas, regirán sus decisiones en base a tu reacción. Intenta no prestarles atención, ya que darse la vuelta o entrar en pánico es una buena manera de morir; simplemente sigue caminando. Normalmente pararán si no reaccionas o mueres en dos o tres segundos. Si el jugador que ha sospechado es un Pyro, ignora lo anterior: ¡corre y dispara!
  • Los Spies pueden escoger el arma que quieren mostrar al estar disfrazados. Esto permite disfraces más convincentes, especialmente haciendo, por ejemplo, al Medic, una elección más fiable. Una táctica por ejemplo sería llevar el Kukri equipado cuando vas disfrazado de Sniper y te mueves entre zonas compactas y cerradas, pues llevar el Rifle no tendría sentido.
  • El cambio de armas se hace pulsando el botón "Último Disfraz Utilizado", que corresponde por defecto a la tecla B. Esto te hará cambiar tu arma "falsa" por otra basándose en la que tienes equipado como Spy. Llevar el Revólver te hará cambiar el arma "falsa" por la que corresponda al espacio de arma primaria de esa clase. Llevar el Zapador tendrá el mismo efecto pero con el espacio de arma secundaria de la clase de la que vas disfrazado, al igual que la Mariposa hará que tu arma "falsa" cambie por la versión cuerpo a cuerpo de tu disfraz.
  • El cambio de armas es instantáneo y no emite ni humo ni resplandor alguno; tiene el mismo aspecto que el de cualquier otra clase cambiando de arma. ¡Utiliza esto a tu favor para confundir más aún a tus enemigos!
  • Sólo podrás "falsear" las armas primaria, secundaria y cuerpo a cuerpo; las PDA de los Engineer y las Cajas de Herramientas (que aparecen justo antes de colocar una construcción), así como el Kit de Disfraces del Spy y el Zapador no podrán ser equipadas como armas "falsas".
  • Un Spy puede mostrar una falsa animación de recarga disparando un par de veces con el Revólver y luego usando el botón de Último Disfraz para cambiar el arma del disfraz a la primaria o a la secundaria. Después de eso, cambiarse al Revólver y pulsar R te dará una falsa animación de recarga que continuará aunque canceles la recarga cambiando de arma.
  • Cuando estás disfrazado, tu disfraz llevará el mismo equipamiento que tu objetivo. Por ejemplo, si estás disfrazado de un Engineer que lleva el Protector Llameante, te mostrarás llevando también el Protector Llameante. Cuidado porque, si sacas tu Zapador, podría exponerte a Pyros y otras clases, ya que el Protector Llameante se caerá..
  • Los Spies pueden ver el nombre y la salud de sus enemigos. Puedes usar esto al planear a quién matar o predecir adónde podría ir el enemigo (estando herido es más probable que se dirija hacia un kit Medic). Los Spies también pueden ver el estado de las construcciones del Engineer, incluyendo salud y nivel.
  • Trata de usar tu Revólver en vez de apuñalar para acabar con un objetivo con salud muy baja. El mantener la distancia te permitirá poder matar fácilmente sin desperdiciar (completamente) el sigilo. También sirve contra enemigos que supongan una gran amenaza (Pyros, Demomen, Scouts, lo que sea que pueda matarte rápidamente una vez sepa que estás ahí).
  • Cuando pierdas el disfraz no podrás ver el nombre ni la salud del enemigo hasta que vuelvas a disfrazarte.
  • ¡También puedes ver el nivel de carga de la SuperCarga / Subidón de Críticos! A pesar de que suele ser obvio cuando un Medic está al 100% de carga, ¡ayuda a dar prioridad entre un objetivo y otro si el Medic enemigo está a 80+% de carga!
  • Intenta descubrir quién es el mejor jugador de entre los enemigos y mátalo. A veces puedes parar un embite matando al mejor jugador mientras anda distraído.
  • Siendo más sinuosos aún, si los equipos están desequilibrados y el siguiente jugador asesinado va a ser llevado a tu equipo, es casi mejor 'cazar' a un buen jugador para que os ayude.
  • Si sabes que hay un Spy enemigo en tu base, disfrázate de Pyro de tu equipo. La mayoría de Spies se girarán e intentarán escapar, permitiéndote apuñalarles fácilmente. Si huye dándote la cara, puedes tanto espantarlo de la base como llevarlo a un grupo de aliados.
  • Intenta engañar a los Medics enemigos para que utilicen su Supercarga contigo, haciendo que gasten la carga. La manera más fácil de lograrlo es esperar a que el Medic acumule Supercarga. Si a quien estaba curando muere, disfrázate de algo a lo que un Medic normalmente daría Supercarga (Pyro, Demoman, Heavy). Si el Medic está solo, puede que entre en pánico y busque a algún objetivo potencial a quien curar. Cuando empiece a curarte, camina hacia dónde tu equipo esté defendiendo y dile al Medic que active la Supercarga. Mientras la carga esté activa, quédate quieto para gastar la carga.
  • Ten cuidado con los servidores con la opción sv_alltalk fijada en 1, ya que la burbuja de voz que sale en tu cabeza será visible para los enemigos incluso si vas disfrazado. La mayoría de servidores con alltalk activado permiten a los jugadores apagarlo de manera individual (normalmente escribiendo "/voiceall", aunque varía); asegúrate de hacer esto antes de cambiar a Spy. Si no puedes, usa el Embozador y limítate al chat de grupo.
  • Al acercarte a un grupo de enemigos, es buena idea correr marcha atrás. Es difícil porque no puedes ver hacia dónde vas, sin embargo, no encarar a tus enemigos te hará parecer menos sospechoso. Esto ha salvado muchas vidas de Spy en situaciones en las que sus relojes estaban vacíos.
  • Si te persigue un enemigo y quieres hacer una huída rápida, una buena estrategia es dejar que el enemigo te vea doblar la esquina. Justo después de doblarla (permitiendo al enemigo que vas en esa dirección), activa tu Reloj de Invisibilidad y gírate rápidamente para correr directamente hacia enemigo o rodeándole. Esta ilusión hace que el enemigo crea que sigues corriendo en la dirección que escogiste (ejemplo: hacia la derecha y todo recto por el pasillo) y te perseguirá por ese área intentando encontrarte. Sin embargo, no sabe que en realidad te has girado y has huído en la dirección opuesta, desde la que venía, y estarás ya muy lejos.
  • Cuando estés disfrazado de una clase atacante, es recomendable caminar marcha atrás hacia la base enemiga porque el enemigo pensará que te estás resguardando de la batalla y no comprobarán si eres un Spy. Usar comandos de voz como "¡Ayuda! incrementarán el efecto.
  • Si estás disfrazado (u obligado a estarlo por Tu Eterna Recompensa) de una clase lenta como el Heavy, puede ser útil realizar una estocada con el cuchillos justo antes de acercarte a alguien por la espalda. Esto te dará una aceleración inmediata de movimiento y, si lo haces lo más tarde posible, reducirás tus posibilidades de ser descubierto por un enemigo aliado antes de apuñalar a tu objetivo por la espalda.
  • Ten cuidado con los jugadores que defienden un área que no les aporta demasiada acción, como un Pyro en una zona con Armas Centinela, ya que es más probable que conozcan toda el alineamiento de su equipo al no estar haciendo nada más en la batalla. So saben que el Demoman está en la batalla, ir disfrazado del mismo Demo encenderá una alerta roja en su cabeza que le dirá que eres un Spy. Si tienen más cosas que hacer, es más probable que no sean conscientes de que quien viene es tan solo un disfraz.
  • Si es posible, fíjate en cómo y cuándo hacen comprobaciones de Spy en el equipo contrario. Si el Pyro enemigo lanza fuego a cualquiera que pase, puede que prefieras evadir cualquier zona en la que se encuentre dicho Pyro. Si hay un Engineer que golpea en la cabeza a todo el mundo como saludo, ajusta tus planes a ello. Quizás tengas que morir para registrar tales patrones.

Específicos de Armas

Armas Primarias


Arma Icono de muerte Munición Daño
Munición Cargada Munición Llevada Quemarropa Distancia Media Larga Distancia Impacto Crítico
Por defecto
Killicon revolver.png 6 24 55-60 35-45 16-25 120
Big Kill
Killicon big kill.png 6 24 55-60 35-45 16-25 120
  • El Revólver es el arma primaria del Spy. A pesar de no ser tan útil como la Mariposa, sigue formando parte del arsenal del Spy. Un Impacto Crítico con este arma hace 120 de daño, suficiente para matar a cualquier clase dañada y que tenga por defecto poco nivel de salud, como el Scout, el Sniper, el Spy y el Engineer. Además es moderadamente precisa, permitiendo a los Spies habilidosos el usarla para disparar desde media distancia. También tiene un tiempo de recarga muy rápido.
  • Usa el Revólver para matar a clases de poca salud cuando las puñaladas por la espalda no son fáciles o posibles (por ejemplo, un Sniper que tiene su espalda pegada a una pared). Además, es un buen arma para huir: si te persigue un Pyro, por ejemplo, el Revólver es lo suficientemente poderoso a corta distancia como para abatir al Pyro con 4-6 disparos directos (menos si uno de los disparos es un Impacto Crítico).
  • El Revólver es una defensa genial contra Scouts. Los Scouts van a menudo directos a por los Spies sin invisibilizar, intentando conseguir una muerte fácil. El Revólver normalmente puede abatirlos si están dentro de una distancia adecuada.
  • Una buena manera de usar el Revólver es zapear una construcción solitaria y disparar al Engineer que venga a salvar a su construcción (is el Spy puede ejecutar 3-4 disparos sobre el Engineer, este morirá). El Spy también puede disparar a las construcciones zapeadas para acelerar el proceso de demolición, pero tras varios parches hacer esto es menos efectivo. Esta estrategia es bastante efectiva con los Teleportadores, que pueden ser destruídos con 4 disparos si son zapeados, mucho más rápido de lo que tarda normalmente un Engineer en quitar el Zapador del otro Teleportador.
  • Otro buen uso del Revólver es como arma para huir, ya que la Mariposa es útil para distancias cortas y hace poco daño si no apuñalas por la espalda.
  • El Revólver también puede usarse para evitar que los Engineers construyan sin tener que acercarte mucho para zapear. Las construcciones pueden ser destruídas con uno o dos disparos si los ejecutas justo después de que hayan sido desplegadas, y debido a que las construcciones son bastante grandes y un objetivo inmóvil, además de que el Revólver es bastante preciso, el Spy puede destruirlas desde lejos haciendo que el Engineer tenga dificultades para encontrarle (disparar desde encima de la posición de las construcciones funciona muy bien).
  • Recuerda que el Revólver es siempre 100% preciso (tanto como una bala del Rifle de Francotirador) cuando mantienes un retardo de 1.25 segundos entre disparo y disparo (una buena manera de esperar ese tiempo es recargar tras ejecutar el primer disparo, dejando al arma recargar, y cuando tu munición vuelva de nuevo a 6, disparar de nuevo para ejecutar otro tiro 100% preciso, o simplemente esperando a la animación de auto-recarga si la tienes activada). Usa esto para disparar a construcciones desde muy lejos, deshazte de enemigos heridos o demasiado débiles desde una buena distancia. Cada disparo a larga distancia del Revólver realiza unos 20 puntos de daño a jugadores, a pesar de que (al igual que el resto de armas) hará daño completo a las construcciones.
  • A pesar de que la Embajadora es especialmente efectiva contra el Caparazumbador (ver la sección más abajo donde se trata la Embajadora), el Revólver también funciona debido a su rápido ratio de tiro; un Spy puede disparar 3 veces a un Sniper realizando 50+ puntos de daño a corta distancia antes de que puedan desactivar la mira y golpearte. Esto es más efectivo que la Embajadora para los Snipers usando el Cazador, debido a que estos normalmente no suelen quedarse quietos.
  • Al ir por corredores estrechos (como en las alcantarillas de 2Fort) es mejor mantener el Revólver equipado. Si ves a un enemigo acercarse desde el otro lado del corredor, tienes la opción de acercarte y enfrentarte a él (si se ha creído tu disfraz o estás en modo invisible) o puedes llevar el Revólver preparao para darle un par de disparos mientras da marcha atrás. Los pasillos estrchos son perfectos para disparar ya que no hay mucho espacio para que tu enemigo esquive.


Arma Icono de Muerte Munición Daño
Munición Cargada Munición Llevada Quemarropa Distancia Media Larga Distancia Impacto Crítico
Killicon ambassador.png 6 24 46-56 31-37 15-19 102
Killicon sniperriflehs.png 6 24 102 102 102 102
  • La Embajadora es una de las armas que el Spy puede desbloquear y usar en lugar del Revólver. Sus disparos a la cabeza pueden ser muy útiles, especialmente contra enemigos distraídos. Si les pillas desprevenidos, dos disparos en la cabeza seran letales para todas las clases excepto el Heavy (sin contar los excesos de curación o los bonus de que incrementen la salud total).
  • La Embajadora también puede usarse para disparar a construcciones de Engineer desde una distancia similar a la del Revólver, como alternativa a zapear. Recuerda, si un Engineer está trabajando sobre la construcción, disparar primero al Engineer es mucho más preferible.
  • Con buena puntería, la Embajadora puede ser mortal contra un Scout. Su consigues dispararle en la cabeza a corta distancia le quedarán solo 23 puntos de vida (8 con el Somnífero, 48 con la bonificación de salud del set Entrega Especial), así que podrás acabar con él con un tajo de la Mariposa u otro disparo (ya que podría huir en busca salud).
  • La Embajadora hace al Caparazumbador completamente inútil; asumiendo que el Sniper no tenga exceso de curación, un disparo en la cabeza seguido de un disparo normal, que puede ser ejecutado más rápido de lo que tarde el Sniper tarde en reaccionar, es suficiente para matarle.
  • Si ves a un enemigo llevando el kit completo Crocoestilo y podría morir por un tiro en la cabeza, intenta matarle con tiros normales consecutivos o con la Mariposa. Su inmunidad a las muertes por tiro en la cabeza le salvará (si bien es cierto que quedará con 1 punto de salud).
  • La habilidad para ver la salud del enemigo es inestimable con la Embajadora. Cuando está por debajo de la mitad de su salud base, el medidor de salud se mostrará de color rojo. Contra todas las clases excepto el Heavy, esto garantiza una muerte por tiro en la cabeza.
  • Al usar la Embajadora, estate seguro de permitir a la retícula (punto de mira) encoger a su mínimo tamaño para garantizar un tiro a la cabeza crítico.
  • Si te descubren (digamos por un Sniper solitario) y fallas la puñalada por la espalda pero has golpeado con la Mariposa, simplemente cambia a la Embajadora para dispararle en la cabeza y matarle.


Arma Icono de Muerte Munición Daño
Munición Cargada Munición Llevada Quemarropa Distancia Media Larga Distancia Impacto Crítico
Killicon l'etranger.png 6 24 44-48 28-36 15-18 96
  • El Extranjero convierte poder ofensivo en potencial poder de huida. Puede permitir a un Spy astuto turnar escenarios donde puntuar una baja con el Revólver o la Embajadora es muy difícil en más invisibilidad y la habilidad de huir para proporcionarte más oportunidades de puñalada.
  • El Extranjero tiene un sonido de "crack" muy distintivo cuando es disparado, que puede alertar a enemigos cercanos de tu presencia y la clase con la que estás jugando.
  • El +15% más de invisibilidad por impacto es aplicado sin importar la cantidad de daño que le hagas al oponente o la distancia de este. Un buen Spy puede usar el factor de que las armas con registro de impacto tienen 100% de precisión 1.25 segundos después de aplastar el botón de disparo(como el Revólver o la Embajadora) para recuperara invisibilidad seguramente a distancia.
  • Una buena manera de prevenir que otros jugadores sepan que están siendo disparados por el Extranjero o de escuchar su sonido tan característico, dispara a jugadores que estén siendo disparados desde el frente de batalla. Seguramente no se den cuenta de la procedencia de los segundos disparos que le golpean. Recuerda mantenerte escondido en una buena posición, estar a una buena distancia de la batalla y mantener la cantidad de asistencias puntuadas al mínimo, o los otros jugadores sospecharán. No seas demasiado avaricioso tampoco; tres disparons son más que suficiente para rellenar la mitad de tu medidor de Invisibilidad.
  • Ten en mente que tanto el Reloj de Invisibilidad como el Duplicante pueden ser rellenados cogiendo paquetes de munición / armas caídas y manteniéndote cerca de un Dispensador de tu equipo. No uses el Extranjero si sabes que puedes recargar tu invisibilidad rápidamente de otra manera.
  • Ya que el Embozador no se recarga con munición, el Extranjero puede ser muy útil para proporcionarte Invisibilidad.
  • Sin embargo, hay veces que esperar a que recargue tu invisibilidad es mejor que usar el Extranjero. Manteniéndote en campo abierto con enemigos duros acechando es mejor dejar que recargue la invisibilidad que ir al frente de batalla a conseguir dos o tres disparos del Extranjero.
  • El Extranjero hace un daño considerablemente menor al Revólver y un daño ligeramente inferior comparado con la Embajadora. Sin embargo, el Extranjero no sufre el retardo de disparo de la Embajadora. Si te molestan mucho los Scouts o vas a por Snipers con Caparazumbadores a sus espaldas, podría ser mejor usar el Revólver o la Embajadora que el Extranjero. La reducción de daño del Extranjero también se aplica a construcciones, haciando que cualquier técnica de zapeo, apuñalamiento o disparo sean algo más complicadas de realizar.
  • El Extranjero puede usarse con el Duplicante como fuente para conseguir rellenar el medidor de Invisibilidad rápidamente. Sin embargo, ten en cuenta que los jugadores que te pillen utilizando ambos objetos harán comprobaciones de Spy alrededor de tu cadáver para ver que estás muerto de verdad. Ten cuidado de no usar el arma en enfrentamientos directos o los jugadores te buscarán dos veces sin importar lo convincente que haya sido tu muerte y gastando la invisibilidad obtenida.
  • Recuerda que algunos jugadores miran a sus espaldas constantemente, especialmente aquellos que están en grupos grandes o cerca de algún objetivo táctico. Estar en una posición elevada o a su lado es mejor para no ser capturado usando el Extranjero que ir detrás de ellos.


Arma Icono de Muerte Munición Daño
Munición Cargada Munición Llevada Quemarropa Distancia Media Larga Distancia Impacto Crítico
Killicon enforcer.png 6 24 70-72 41-55 24-26 144
  • El Ejecutor es un reemplazo del Revólver que sacrifica invisibilidad por daño, siendo el polo opuesto del Extranjero. A cambio de una bonificación de 20% de daño base infligido, el Spy tarda 0.5 segundos más en empezar o terminar la invisibilidad.
  • Aunque 0.5 segundos pueda sonar insignificante, es aproximadamente un 42% más de tiempo usando el Reloj de Invisibilidad/Reloj del Coleccionista y el Embozador.
  • El Ejecutor es una sabia elección si usas el Duplicante, ya que la penalización de tiempo no afecta a la invisibilidad instantánea por fingir tu muerte.
  • La penalización de tiempo puede ser fácilmente ignorada si cuentas con apoyo al volverte invisible. Cuando estés en un conflicto mayor al disfrazarte, la penalización puede ser prácticamente ignorada.
  • El Ejecutor te permite ignorar el Caparazumbador que lleve un Sniper y abatirlo, o matar a cualquier clase con poca vida con dos tiros a quemarropa. De esta manera, puedes acabar con los Snipers que usen el Caparazumbador fácilmente sin usar la Embajadora o matar a los Engineer que vuelvan corriendo a por las Armas Centinela que acabas de zapear.
  • El Ejecutor destruirá cualquier construcción de Engineer más rápido que con el Revólver, requiriendo 5 disparos para un Arma Centinela de Nivel 3. Puedes usar esto para destrozar las construcciones más rápido, zapeándolas y disparándolas mientras están saboteadas. Sin embargo, esto echará a perder tu disfraz.


Arma Icono de Muerte Munición Daño
Munición Cargada Munición Llevada Quemarropa Distancia Media Larga Distancia Impacto Crítico
Killicon diamondback.png 6 24 47-51 30-33 14-21 102
  • La Diamondback es un arma promocional para Spy. Hace menos daño por tiro que el Revólver, pero tiene la capacidad de almacenar Impactos Críticos (de manera similar a la Justiciera) cuando tu zapador ha estado involucrado en la destrucción de alguna construcción enemiga. Cada "muerte" o "asistencia" con el zapador otorga a la Diamondback un Impacto Crítico. Sin embargo, es incapaz de causar Críticos al azar.
  • Una vez obtenidos algunos críticos, la Diamondback es excepcionalmente poderosa, haciendo que cualquier clase sin exceso de curación sea abatida con tres disparos, haciendo al Spy un elemento sorpresa en cualquier oportunidad de combate. Ya que necesitas obtener críticos para derrotar a la mayoría de enemigos, es mejor usarla en un mapa donde se haga un gran uso de Armas Centinela - y una pésima elección en caso contrario, pues la Diamondback no tiene nada de especial salvo esos críticos.
  • La Diamondback tiene un sonido bastante fuerte. Cualquiera remotamente cercano a ti será capaz de escuchar que estás disparando con ese arma. Esto puede funcionar para usted, puede usar el disparo como cebo para que los jugadores vayan tras usted, para lo que le permite localizar a otro jugador enemigo y eliminarlo de una apuñalada muy fácilmente. Usted se sorprenderá de la cantidad de jugadores que dudan si saben que hay un Spy se acerca.
  • El Diamondback es excelente para tratar con los nidos de un Engineer. Si usted logra conseguir un golpe critico con un zapador, un solo tiro se hará un 80% cargo de la salud del Engineer, funcional-mente se garantiza una matanza con un disparo que siga al anterior. Debido a esto le bien en CP, CTF y PL donde esta garantizado la presencia de una Sentry Gun.
  • Si le hacen falta mas críticos, el Diamondback puede seguir funcionando como arma de retención, ya que provoca mas daño que "el extranjero" y es mejor en daños, incluso sin críticos almacenados.
  • Un Spy inteligente puede conseguir recargas de munición de las construcciones de los Engineer, cuando el Engineer este a distancia usted puede poner zapadores en sus construcciones y destruirlas para conseguir críticos adicionales. sin embargo acercarse a las construcciones de un Engineer es difícil ya que sus compañeros de equipo las defienden por eso es recomendando usar un "Duplicante" para que crean que usted esta muerta
  • El Diamondback, al igual que todos los revólveres, es fiable al 100% siempre que se demora en 1.25 segundos entre disparo. Esto funciona aun mejor con los críticos acumulados, lo que le permite mejor matar a los enemigos y sus construcciones a distancia debido a la fuerza brutal de los críticos garantizados, No estaría mal dispararla a un Heavy o a una Sentry de nivel 3 ya que estas caen en 2 tiros (salvo un Engineer supercargado que cae en 3 tiros)

Armas Secundarias


Arma Icono de Muerte Munición Daño
Munición Cargada Munición Llevada Quemarropa Distancia Media Larga Distancia Impacto Crítico
Electro Sapper
Por defecto
Killicon electro sapper.png 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A
  • El Zapador es una herramienta que sirve para inutilizar y destruir una construcción. Los zapadores son ilimitados, no tienen recarga y tampoco hay retardo entre poder zapear una construcción y otra. Así, un Spy puede poner zapadores en una construcción hasta que sea destruída, incluso aunque un Engineer la repare constantemente. Es decir, que mientras el Engineer repara sus construcciones, el Spy puede seguir colocando zapadores hasta destruirlas. Los Zapadores necesitan 2 golpes de cualquier llave inglesa para ser destruídos.
  • Mantener presionado MOUSE1 mientras nos acercamos a una construcción que ya tiene un zapador hará que este reemplace el ya colocado por otro más. Esto facilita la destrucción de una construcción enemiga.
  • El Zapador tiene un rango vertical significativo añadido a su gama horizontal. En muchos casos, serás capaz de poner un zapador muy por debajo o por encima de una construcción, lo que te permite confundir al Engineer. Este método también te puede ayudar a retirarte de forma más segura de la escena del crimen, si tus intentos de sabotaje se ven interrumpidos.
  • El Demoledor permite a los Pyros eliminar los Zapadores de las construcciones de un Engineer. Esto, combinado con el Lanzallamas, tendrá una capacidad de comprobación de Spies mayor y harán la tarea aún más difícil. Por lo tanto, es muy recomendable eliminar a los Pyros a distancia antes de intentar sabotear una construcción, o al menos esperar refuerzos para que eliminen a los Pyros o a otras clases peligrosas.
  • Algunos Engineers usan el Arreo. Matar al Engineer mientras utiliza esta arma provocará que la centinela se quede incapacitada durante unos segundos. En ese momento podrás sabotearla sin ningún problema.
  • Es posible apuñalar a un Engineer y sabotear su centinela rápidamente. Cuando lo intentes, asegúrate de estar fuera del campo de visión del Arma Centinela.
  • Si un Engineer tiene su llave inglesa equipada y saboteas sus construcciones, lo más probable es que éste intente repararlas al momento. No dudes en darle una puñalada en la espalda. Asegúrate de sabotear tantas construcciones como puedas en el menor tiempo posible, pues entonces el Engineer se verá colapsado por todo el trabajo y no tendrá tiempo para repararlo todo.
  • También puedes colocar rápidamente otro zapador cada vez que el Engineer arregla el anterior para ir destruyendo las construcciones poco a poco.
  • Cuando se trata de teleportadores, puedes poner un zapador en un lado y destruirlo al mismo tiempo con el Revólver. Con esto atraerás menos la atención al destruir uno de los extremos, ya que el Engineer no se dará cuenta al momento de que el culpable era un Spy. Además, puedes combinar ambos recursos para garantizar que un extremo se destruye, mientras que el Zapador obliga al Engineer a abandonar sus otros edificios y dejarlos desprotegidos.

Armas Cuerpo a Cuerpo


Arma Icono de muerte Intervalo de ataque Daño
Point Blank Crítico
Por defecto
Killicon knife.png 0.8 seconds 40 120
Killicon backstab.png 0.8 seconds N/A 6× Salud Victima.
Killicon saxxy.png 0.8 seconds 40 120
Killicon backstab.png 0.8 seconds N/A 6× Salud Victima.
  • Cuando estás dentro del rango para realizar de una puñalada certera, el Spy estará listo para apuñalar con el cuchillo en alto. Si el Spy no tiene el cuchillo en tal posición, puedes acabar realizando un daño mínimo. Espera al cambio de postura antes de intentar una puñalada.
  • Aunque la posición de puñalada asegura una puñalada, otras estocadas pueden ser registradas como puñaladas. Con la condición de que la puñalada conecte con la mitad trasera del enemigo, cualquier estocada o cuchillazo debería matarlo. Esto permite el uso de algunas técnicas avanzadas, incluyendo puñaladas rápidas, puñaladas en las escaleras y más.
  • Una puñalada realizada con éxito causa 6 veces la salud de la víctima en daños si se está en un servidor con críticos y dos veces la salud de la víctima en daños si se está en un servidor sin criticos.
  • Recuerda que la mariposa no hace mucho daño y no consigue críticos salvo que apuñales por la espalda. En la mayoría de los casos, deberías considerar cambiar a tu Revólver si el equipo enemigo te descubre. Incluso en combates cerrados, el Revólver es significativamente más poderoso que los golpes normales de la mariposa.
  • Como una puñalada por la espalda siempre causa un golpe crítico, los enemigos asesinados con una puñalada de la Mariposa o el Saxxy soltarán un gran grito de dolor al morir. Es importante tener un plan para huir o matar a los enemigos cercanos rápidamente tras apuñalar.
  • Puedes usar el kit de disfraces o binds para quitarte un disfraz enemigo, pero es mas fácil, rápido y silencioso dar un rápido golpe al aire con la Mariposa. Esto puede ser muy util para realizar maniobras de capturas de Puntos de Control encubiertas.
  • Before backstabbing a Sniper, make sure the Sniper doesn't have the Razorback. If he does have the Razorback, shoot him with the Revolver or the Ambassador. When the Sniper is under attack, it will take him a while to react and fight back giving you plenty of time to finish him off. It's also very easy to headshot a still Sniper from behind.
  • If a Razorback-wielding Sniper is standing beside a corner, it can sometimes be more rewarding to backstab the Razorback, then round the corner and Cloak. When the Sniper finishes Spy checking (which they often don't do because they don't recognize the sound of a Razorback breaking, or they don't have sound on), come back and backstab them. However, if they are near their spawn the Sniper may go back to retrieve another Razorback. Either use this opportunity to kill him, or wait for him to reappear and use your primary weapon.
  • When discovered, an advanced technique to help fend off the pursuer is to run up a slope, jump over the head of the pursuer, do a 180 degree turn, crouch, and backstab him. This is commonly called the stairstab. [1]

Your Eternal Reward

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Your Eternal Reward
Tu Eterna Recompensa
Killicon your eternal reward.png 0.8 seconds 40 120
Killicon backstab.png 0.8 seconds N/A 6× victim's health.
  • The lack of ability to choose your disguise while using this weapon means a greater reliance upon cloaking efficiently and choosing good hiding places.
  • This restriction also means that in most scenarios, at least one person (your last victim) will know what your disguise is at all times. Because of this, it's important to continue to rely on Cloak as a primary stealth tool. Your Eternal Reward may also be more difficult to use on Alltalk servers for this reason.
  • This weapon is extremely well-suited for taking out Sentry Gun placements when you already have a disguise. You can backstab the Engineer and the Sentry Gun won't detect your presence between disguises, making Stab n' Sap that much easier.
  • If you do not already have a disguise, you may still be able to take out a Sentry Gun with an extremely fast stab-and-sap. Or, if the gun is unattended, simply uncloak with your Electro Sapper equipped, and strafe the Sentry Gun in the direction opposite the barrel as it turns towards you. If you continually apply the Electro Sapper, you should be able to sap the Sentry Gun before it can fire at you.
  • However, consider switching back to the original knife when fighting off sentry farms, especially if the Engineers can watch each other. Those situations usually have a greater need to disguise at will than the ability to quickly disguise after attacking. Moreover, the other Engineers in the farm will most likely be alerted after the Spy saps the first placement.
  • Wait around an area in which opponents are looking forward to push. Surprisingly, this weapon works incredibly well in the initial clusters of an enemy push. By waiting and assimilating an opponent's guise in a pack of enemies quickly, usually the one who is the slowest, one can assume his identity almost instantly without raising any suspicion in those around him. During firefights is also a wise time, as their attention will be focused on what is in front of them, and not behind them.
  • If you do not have the full Polycount set, it is a good idea to use the original default Cloak, because it produces less noise than the Cloak & Dagger. However, if you have the full Polycount set, it is a good idea to use Cloak & Dagger to wait patiently for someone to fall behind a group, or turn their back to you in a closed and secluded environment. Due to the effects of the full Polycount set, your de-Cloak will be whisper quiet and not alert your target.
  • Using the Dead Ringer alongside Your Eternal Reward will instigate a strong element of luck and skill, and will be much harder to kill opponents. If you can carefully assume the identity of someone you are in a good situation. If you are discovered, the Dead Ringer can make an excellent escape plan, and if not, you can go right along with stealing the lives/disguises of everyone who turns their back.
    • Using the full Polycount set, the reduced de-cloaking noise bonus helps counter the Dead Ringer's loud de-Cloak sound. Use this to your advantage.
  • Using Your Eternal Reward is especially efficient on Payload maps as with Your Eternal Reward it is easier to backstab most or all the enemies pushing the cart than it is with the normal knife.
  • When using Your Eternal Reward on Control Point maps, be wary when defending the final point. Because the Eternal Reward disguises instantaneously, stabbing enemies capping your last point will not disrupt the cap. This can allow for survivors to continue to cap while you frantically try to stab them. Pulling out your selected Revolver at this time is usually the best response.
  • Prior to obtaining your first disguise, look for enemies who are separated from the rest of their team. Once you stab them and obtain their identity, approach their front lines from behind. This will allow you to rapidly disguise on each kill, eliminating members of their team while staying safe from any Sentry Guns in the area.
  • Try to prioritize which disguise you want to use first over the kills you want, as using obvious disguises (such as Scout) or slow ones (Heavy or Soldier) will restrict your movement between areas a lot more and you will be unable to move as you like without losing the disguise.
  • If you are stuck with a slower disguise (Soldier, Heavy, Demoman), remember that you can Cloak at any time to move at normal walking speed. Your disguised speed will resume when you uncloak.
  • Choose your attacks wisely when faced with a large group. A misplaced backstab will get rid of your disguise until you're able to land a successful backstab, something that may be difficult once you've been discovered/exposed.
  • Because of this, new players are recommended to practice with the regular knife until they master backstabbing successfully without the indicator.
  • Due to the fact that backstabbing with Your Eternal Reward will fade away the ragdoll of your victim and instantly disguise you, you can usually get away with backstabbing in front of a group of enemies without being noticed. If you're already disguised, backstab a Medic's healing target and proceed forward as if nothing had happened.
  • Kills with Your Eternal Reward are truly silent; your poor foe will make no noise at all when he is backstabbed or just plain stabbed. Consider using this weapon when you are up against paranoid players who Spy-check frequently (you can't disguise at will, so why bother at that point?).
    • Still keep in mind that the "poke" sound of the knife hitting the flesh can still be heard.
  • The Cloak and Dagger works well with this knife, since you can search for people to backstab and disguise without having fear of being exposed.
  • With the use of a Cloak and Dagger with Your Eternal Reward you can potentially crush any enemy opposition by setting up near a largely used path way. Hide in a nice little nook where you know your enemies will pass by. When you spot a straggler, take him down with a backstab. You'll disguise yourself as him and easily slip in behind your enemies. Dish out as many backstabs as you can before getting caught. Once you are caught, bail out and Cloak until the coast is clear.
  • Your Eternal Reward gives players less flexibility in fending off close encounters. Even if the target that was chasing you has died, you are left without a disguise if a backstab wasn't performed.
  • If a Medic's heal target was killed by Your Eternal Reward, the Spy will instantly become the new heal target. This will not only put players in a safer position to blend in amongst the group, but they will also be overhealed. This tactic is risky, however. An observant Medic will notice if a Spy has passed by or one of his "teammates" disappeared. It is best to take over when the Medic isn't looking at his target. (I.E. Hiding behind a wall to take cover while his heal target is around the corner.)
  • Due to the speed of the disguise, it is possible to backstab enemy players while being übercharged by an enemy Medic without breaking the ÜberCharge. This is not possible with the normal knife.
  • While the stab fully cloaks the victim's body, it does not Cloak their weapon and some attachments such as Darwin's Danger Shield. Keep your Revolver at less than full ammunition and you will automatically pick up the weapon and hide all evidence of the stab.
  • If you are badly injured, but disguised, consider using health packs in safe locations to heal, rather than the resupply locker, as touching the locker will remove your disguise.

Conniver's Kunai

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage Healing
Point Blank Critical From Backstab
Conniver's Kunai
Kunai del Conspirador
Killicon conniver's kunai.png 0.8 seconds 40 120 N/A
Killicon backstab.png 0.8 seconds N/A 6× victim's health. Target's current health, capping at 180 health.
  • El Kunai del Conspirador disminuye la vida por 65 puntos (60 puntos de vida) pero al apuñaladar por la espalda a los enemigos se roba su vida (exceso de curacion) hasta 180 puntos. La vida ira disminuyendo 2 puntos cada 2 segundos.
  • The Conniver's Kunai excels when dealing with heavier classes like Heavies and Soldiers; each backstabbed enemy is basically a full heal with an overheal, and the Spy can survive notably longer with this bonus health than a more conventionally-armed Spy. Consider using it when facing down groups of powerful enemies that lack proper Spy checking ability (I.E. Pyros).
  • The Conniver's Kunai is a trade-off weapon - it gives you much greater sustainability in exchange for making you extremely reliant upon overhealing from backstabs to survive dangerous areas. Any backstab can keep you in the fight much longer than other Spies - however, with only 60 health normally, you will go down in a single grenade, Cuerpo a cuerpo attack from most weapons, or rocket. Because of this, carefully picking and choosing targets before proceeding into enemy territory is essential for survival.
  • The Conniver's Kunai makes you extremely vulnerable when you first leave the spawn room - so bear in mind that it's generally a poor choice on defensive missions. Be sure to Cloak or disguise before you exit, lest an enemy pick you off as you leave.
  • The Conniver's Kunai rewards very heavily for chainstabs, as even if the enemy team notices you, you can heal off the damage by backstabbing other people. Because of this, you can be a bit more reckless when sneaking up on groups of enemies. If an enemy spots you, start backstabbing to heal off any damage you are taking.
  • Remember that effects such as afterburn and bleed can be instantly negated by a successful backstab. However, you cannot heal from health packs if you are overhealed. Therefore, if you have either afterburn or bleed you will not be able use health packs to stop these effects until your overheal has ended.

Big Earner

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Big Earner
Cabeza de Familia
Killicon big earner.png 0.8 seconds 40 120
Killicon backstab.png 0.8 seconds N/A 6× victim's health.
  • The Big Earner reduces the user's overall health to 100, but grants a 30% Cloak refill (for any watch) upon a successful Cuerpo a cuerpo kill.
  • The Big Earner functions as a knife equivalent of L'Etranger; whilst it requires a risky trade-off (with lower heath and damage respectably), successfully landing a hit grants a Cloak bonus, thus making for easier escapes in exchange for riskier assaults.
  • The Big Earner works especially well with the Dead Ringer, as the knife's ability to regain Cloak faster and the watches' survival ability can negate the health drop caused by the Big Earner (through an increase in survival chances).
  • The Big Earner primarily benefits offensive/aggressive spies; successfully backstabbing in the enemy base can give your Cloak the necessary recharge it needs to help you survive in a pinch.
  • It's recommended that you choose the Cloak & Dagger or Dead Ringer over the Invisibility Watch/Enthusiast's Timepiece; your survival may depend on abusing the Cloak whenever possible (due to reduced health and granted Cloak bonus on backstab), and it is thus preferable that you have a Cloak that won't run out quickly or that will allow you to survive.
  • Note that, whilst it is not advised, getting a non-backstab or taunt kill will still grant the Cloak bonus (i.e. as long as the knife is used, meaning that, in a desperate situation, a Cloak reward can still be gained by spam attacking an unaware, weak enemy).
Kill Icon Weapon Damage Duration Details
Killicon fencing.png Knife, Saxxy, Your Eternal Reward, Conniver's Kunai, Big Earner 500 4 seconds The Spy transfers his weapon to his left hand and begins to practice a deadly Fencing maneuver, resulting in damage or death for anyone to be in the way.
  • This taunt can be used with any of the Spy's knives to kill distracted enemies with one hit. However, due to the taunt's long duration and the minimal damage dealt by the first two swings, taunt-killing is a very risky strategy.
  • It can be effectively used to destroy Engineer buildings with one hit, so the Engineer won't have time to see his building being sapped or damaged and return to save his buildings. However, do not attempt to destroy an enemy Sentry Gun in this way, because one must remove one's disguise in order to be be able to perform the taunt, and attempting to do so will cause the Sentry to target and kill its attacker.
  • However, if a Sentry is close enough to a Dispenser, then you can hide behind it without being detected and perform the taunt. The extra reach of this taunt means that it can often destroy both buildings.
  • Also, keep in mind that - even if you are able to catch anyone unaware - the Spy speaks during the taunt, and this may give your presence away. This can be negated by quickly performing a voice command
  • This taunt can still be used during Humiliation. Also, if being chased by a Heavy, try to perform this taunt around a tight corner; with luck, you should be able to hit with the last swing.
  • Fencing with Your Eternal Reward is not recommended, as you have to remove your disguise in order to taunt, and you won't get a disguise even if the tauntkill succeeds.
  • Successfully Fencing with the Big Earner will still grant the 30% Cloak bonus, but it is still not advised as it also requires no disguise and your lowered health may put your life in risk if you fail.

PDA Slot

Disguise Kit

Arma Munición Daño
Munición Cargada Munición Llevada Quemarropa Distancia Media Larga Distancia Impacto Crítico
Disguise Kit
Kit de Disfraces
  • The Disguise Kit is the Spy's major infiltration tool. Most of your time spent disguised will be done while pretending to be an enemy. Each plays differently when trying to blend in.


  • Statistics
  • Speed: 100% (33% slower than actual Scout.)
  • Stature: Short, Skinny
  • Inconspicuousness
  • Element of surprise: Medium
  • Believability: Low
  • Fake-Reloads

The Scout disguise should be donned when the disguise is not being used to trick the enemy for a substantial amount of time, such as when hiding or when the enemy is too watchful to not Spy-check. The Scout's character model is very small and none of its weapon models stick out, so it hides well. It has no move speed reduction, though it does not gain speed to match that of the Scout. The disguise will generally fail to convince competent enemies up close both because of move speed and because it can't emulate double-jump, but because Scouts are known to wander for extended periods, it's usually viable for quick glances, particularly from long distances. The Scout disguise is common in competitive play because of the nature of competitive team composition and the fact that disguises don't work well for blending in against coordinated teams regardless of disguise choice.


  • Statistics
  • Speed: 80%
  • Stature: Normal
  • Inconspicuousness
  • Element of surprise: High
  • Believability: Medium
  • Fake-Reloads

Disguising as a Soldier can work well for blending in to stab a slow-moving target. Most generally don't suspect them. That said, having the speed of a Soldier means you'll have trouble dodging enemy fire and avoiding blocking enemy movement, and if your target starts moving at full speed (assuming it's not Soldier or Heavy), you might not be able to catch up to it without losing your disguise. To get behind enemy lines, it might work to just simply walk in backwards. Normal Soldiers often walk backwards while retreating, so most players will generally not suspect a backwards-moving Soldier. If there are enemy Medics on the enemy team, you might be able to get them to heal and/or Über you. If your disguise is wielding the Equalizer, you will not go faster and will also not block Medics from healing you, which could easily give you away.


  • Statistics
  • Speed: 100%
  • Stature: Normal
  • Inconspicuousness
  • Element of surprise: Low
  • Believability: Medium
  • Fake-Reloads

As a class with 100% move speed, no need to reload, and reasons to hide by himself, among teammates, and near Sentry Guns, the Pyro disguise is fairly well-rounded. Pyros aren't expected to attack until they get close to others, and they commonly patrol their own bases, so the Pyro disguise can get in and out of enemy areas nicely. Unfortunately, the Pyro disguise has a couple flaws that make it less than perfect. Aside from the fact that it's a common disguise (and therefore frequently Spy-checked), Pyros are expected to Spy-check constantly, so competent nearby enemies will almost always attack you when they notice you aren't Spy checking them. If you're lit on fire by an enemy Pyro, it might be more immediately noticed because Pyros never catch fire, though the color of a fire's glow gives you away no matter what disguise you're using. If you're trying to hide around a corner or wall, switch your disguise's weapon away from the Flamethrower because its long weapon model and can sometimes be seen through walls and props. The Pyro's Shotgun is arguably tied with the Engineer's for being the best fake reload in the game.


  • Statistics
  • Speed: 93%
  • Stature: Normal
  • Inconspicuousness
  • Element of surprise: Low
  • Believability: Medium
  • Fake-Reloads

Demoman is an average disguise in almost all ways, with both advantages and disadvantages in each of its traits: its move speed is reduced, but only slightly; it has reasons to stay in the enemy's base, but not for very long without using stickies; it's used in both offense and defense, but is expected to spam its weapons while doing so; its character and weapon models aren't too big, but aren't particularly small either. Because of this, the Demoman disguise works well as a general first-glance disguise, but is oftentimes foiled after loitering for too long. It has a moderately believable fake-reload on both of its guns.


  • Statistics
  • Speed: 77%
  • Stature: Tall, Wide
  • Inconspicuousness
  • Element of surprise: High
  • Believability: Medium
  • Fake-Reloads

Because of its severely reduced move speed, Heavy is a rare disguise. He can't chase well for backstabs, takes a long time in transit, is too large to hide in some places or blend in, and he has little reason to move around by himself. However, the very fact that the Heavy disguise is rare can make it more effective in some situations, as most players won't expect it. Because of this (and the nature of the class itself), the Heavy disguise is a great choice if you want an enemy Medic to heal you (or even possibly ÜberCharge you) regardless of what your health appears to be. Heavies have a commonly-used primary weapon that isn't usually fired on a whim, so the enemy Medic usually won't immediately Spy-check you. The Heavy disguise is actually pretty great if you are going to stab another heavy, when he is revving is Minigun, as long as you don't have the same name as him, nobody will really Spy-check you. When it comes down to it, though, the large model size and extremely slow move speed make the Heavy a poor disguise.


  • Statistics
  • Speed: 100%
  • Stature: Short
  • Inconspicuousness
  • Element of surprise: Low
  • Believability: Medium
  • Fake-Reloads

The Engineer disguise is good for taking down enemy structures and those in the surrounding area. The Engineer has 100% move speed, small character and weapon models, and a tendency to stay around his own base (and buildings). Enemies are prone to Spy-check Engineers that avoid wrenching for too long, though, and it's not unlikely that you'll by Spy-checked by an enemy Engineer when/if he spots you with his name. Engineers are also very rarely used anywhere outside of their bases. Because of these things, the Engineer disguise is generally limited to taking down enemy bases, though it does this quite well. The Engineer's Shotgun is arguably tied with the Pyro's in being the best fake reload in the game.


  • Statistics
  • Speed: 100% (7% slower than actual Medic.)
  • Stature: Tall
  • Inconspicuousness
  • Element of surprise: High
  • Believability: Low
  • Fake-Reloads

The Medic disguise isn't very effective in most situations. While it's true that enemies usually won't notice the lack of increased move speed, the Medic disguise is flawed in much more significant ways. Medics are usually quick to be joined by team mates, who expect to be healed quickly, which you can't fake. Because Medics are almost never by themselves and because the Medic disguise is incapable of emulating a Medic's teamwork behavior, it generally doesn't last very long. The only real benefits of using the Medic disguise are that it can be used to bait enemies and that it has a good fake-reload. Though because Medic disguises used to not have a ÜberCharge meter until the Spy/Sniper update, some enemies will forget and assume a Medic with a ÜberCharge meter isn't a Spy. One positive trait about the Medic disguise worth mentioning, though, is that anybody asking for a Medic expects them to be behind him... for a backstab opportunity!!


  • Statistics
  • Speed: 100%
  • Stature: Tall, Skinny
  • Inconspicuousness
  • Element of surprise: Low
  • Believability: High
  • Fake-Reloads

Disguising as a Sniper is usually effective if you stick to where Snipers are expected to be, which you can use to set up repeated Sniper backstabs. It's not suspicious for Snipers to stay within their base's perimeters for extended periods, and they aren't specifically expected to Spy-check allies. Of course, the inability to actually zoom in can make the disguise less effective against observant foes, and Snipers are conspicuous when they stray too far from Sniper posts or look away from their targets. Enemies will also take note if they spot a Sniper trying to approach a group of allies in almost any area other than said Sniper posts. Furthermore, take care if you are disguised as a Sniper with a Huntsman, as enemy Pyros may attempt to light your arrow. The Sniper disguise has the advantages of being relatively small and having 100% move speed. Do note one small trick you can play. If you are in an area with common Sniper vs. Sniper battles, such as the the 2nd floor exit in 2Fort, you might be able to get by as a Sniper longer by getting a team Sniper to shoot at you but miss. If you are getting shot at, and the Sniper on your team will constantly move, then enemies may not expect you to zoom in and fire back because, to them, you have an enemy just waiting for you to pop out of hiding.


  • Statistics
  • Speed: 100%
  • Stature: Tall, Skinny
  • Inconspicuousness
  • Element of surprise Medium
  • Believability: High
  • Fake-Reloads

The Spy disguise can work fairly well, though its ability to blend in is largely based on the Spy checking habits of your enemies. The Spy disguise is the only disguise that has an excuse to mingle with your team mates without attacking, so it can come in handy when getting into firefights, it is also safe to Cloak and uncloak in front of your enemies as a Spy since it is the Spy's nature to Cloak. Using an enemy Spy disguise has no effect on the color of your disguise smoke or your Cloak, so you can still be spotted by those. Many players will instinctively fire at all Spies (even friendly ones), so the Spy disguise is usually risky, though because Spy disguises used to not have fake masks until the Spy/Sniper update, some enemies will forget and assume a masked Spy must be a friendly Spy. The Spy disguise has a good, complete fake-reload.

Friendly Disguises

While some may initially see friendly disguises as very limited in use, they can prove quite handy in a number of situations. In general, a friendly disguise is recommended during setup time in all maps, because they will avoiding giving away that you're a Spy while making the enemy prepare for a class that isn't actually being used. If you're having trouble getting into an enemy area, a friendly disguise can be used to scare enemies (Sniper is good for open areas; Demoman is good for doorways; Heavy and Pyro are good for cramped spaces). If an important ally needs help, you can use a friendly disguise to draw enemy fire (Heavy or Medic usually works well). Additionally, your hit box is not the same as your disguise class, which can be used to draw Sniper fire with a reduced risk of headshot to spare team mates or waste an enemy's time.

Friendly disguises (especially Medic and Sniper) are good for baiting because most enemies won't expect a friendly disguise to be used; this can be used either for prepping a stab or faking out an enemy by visibly moving behind a corner, cloaking, and going for the backstab when the enemy chases your phantom. These tricks can be used more safely and repeatedly with the Dead Ringer, which will let you fake friendly deaths. In a Spy Rush, friendly disguises can be used to fool the enemy team before they realize what you're doing.

PDA2 Slot

Invisibility Watch / Enthusiast's Timepiece

Arma Cloak
Cloak Type Duration Activation Time Deactivation Time Recharge
Invisibility Watch
Reloj de Invisibilidad
Standard Recharge 9 seconds 1 second 1.8 seconds 30 seconds
Enthusiast's Timepiece
Reloj del Coleccionista
Standard Recharge 9 seconds 1 second 1.8 seconds 30 seconds
  • Cloaking is the Spy's special ability. Right clicking (by default) activates the Cloak, which renders the Spy fully invisible for enemy players. Players on the Spy's team can still see an outline around him. When cloaked, you can not use any of your weapons. Taking damage or running into an enemy will make the Spy flicker for a very brief period of time.
  • Remember that when the Invisibility Watch runs out you can be seen by the enemy. To prevent this pick up metal or fallen weapons to recharge your watch.
  • Compared with the Dead Ringer and the Cloak and Dagger, the Invisibility Watch uses the least amount of energy and allows the furthest amount of distance while invisible.
  • The Cloak is best used to get into an enemy base, where you should uncloak and continue being disguised. Cloaking takes 1 full second and uncloaking takes just over 2, during which you can be recognized by the enemy. Therefore, it is advisable to look for a safe and covered spot to uncloak. See the Cloak article for a more detailed explanation.
  • The margin of error with the Invisibility Watch is small given that you cannot feign your demise as with the Dead Ringer nor hide in plain sight as with the Cloak and Dagger. Plot your courses and approach targets carefully as being spotted will most likely result in instant death. If you have second thoughts, attempt to retreat and regroup. Throwing your life away at a lost cause not only leaves you waiting to respawn but also alerts the enemy to your potential targets and methods.
  • Maintain movement to decrease the likelihood of being detected and cornered. Unlike the Cloak and Dagger, the standard Invisibility Watch only recharges when you are uncloaked or if you are able to procure ammo boxes, fallen weapons, or scrap metal from destroyed buildings. However, the Invisibility Watch does not drain as quickly as the Cloak and Dagger when moving, allowing you to maneuver from position to position quickly.
  • When detected, attempt to feign the direction in which you will retreat. If you run toward an exit while cloaking followed immediately by moving in another direction when fully invisible, the enemy is likely to pursue you along the path you appeared to use.
  • Grab metal where you can, when you can while cloaked. More observant enemies may detect an ammo box inexplicably disappearing but more often than not they will be too preoccupied to notice. This is especially the case when in the midst of a firefight. Even if the enemy does notice, so long as you remained invisible, their efforts to track you down will either be fruitless or divert critical attention from mission objectives.
  • When waiting in the enemy base, hiding near an enemy Dispenser is a good way to emulate the Cloak and Dagger's effect, given you are disguised. This eliminates the need to hide to recharge your Cloak or search for metal drops, and can pass time waiting for the right moment to attack or sap the Engineer's base.
  • A quick foot and knowledge of a map's layout can be used to get from one end of a map to the other, speedily and invisibly. Take note of shortcuts and ammo box locations as you explore a map, and use shortcuts to cut down your time even further.
  • Keep in mind that Enthusiast's Timepiece viewmodel Cloak meter is bugged and does not show the amount of Cloak left properly; rely on HUD Cloak meter instead.

Cloak and Dagger

Arma Cloak
Cloak Type Duration Activation Time Deactivation Time Recharge
Cloak and Dagger
Motion Sensitive 6.2 seconds 1 second 2.2 seconds 15 seconds
  • The Cloak and Dagger's Cloak time while moving is shorter than the Invisibility Watch.
  • Be careful not to bump into enemies because then they will be able to see you partially.
  • Despite being less focused on movement, the Cloak and Dagger can be preferable to take on maps with not enough ammo boxes to get you past a large enemy front, such as if the enemy team has the center of Turbine.
  • The Cloak drain is based on how fast you are moving, however, it is capped at the Spy's normal walking speed, so moving any faster (falling, for example) than that will not increase the drain rate. Keep in mind that taking fall damage will cause an audible groan and 'bone-cracking' sound, potentially giving away your location to very aware enemies.
  • You can cover more ground with the Cloak and Dagger if you walk while crouched rather than if you run at normal speed. This is also because the Cloak drains relative to how much you move.
  • You cannot pick up ammo boxes to replenish your Cloak. Be sure to take this into account when attempting to infiltrate the enemy base.
  • With the Cloak and Dagger Spies can safely report important information to their team, such as the locations of Enemy Sentry Guns or Offensive Pushes, with a much lower risk of getting caught.
  • While it is recommended to stay out of high-traffic areas while recharging your Cloak, try to avoid the most obvious places. Don't hide in corners or crevices that have a good vantage point on the immediate area, as smart Pyros will regularly puff into these areas in order to flush out Spies. If possible, hide in an open area that is rarely traveled, as most enemies will never expect a Spy to hide out on the open.
  • Standing on elevated terrain (such as on top of a crate, barrel, or rock formation) will prevent most enemies from inadvertently bumping into you, and give you a good vantage point, as well as a chance to run if you see an enemy approaching. It's also a fair defense against Pyros, since some don't Spy-check above eye Nivel.
    • If you can find a good vantage point where you can see incoming enemy troops, you can relay off what's coming in to alert your team to any problems they may be confronted with. Remember though, you can still jump down and kill these targets should you need to.
  • If you have been discovered by an enemy, it is often best to stop, duck, and wait for your Cloak to recharge, or for the enemy to leave. If you have been discovered by a Pyro, however, you should evade immediately to try and avoid being caught on fire.
  • Your Eternal Reward works well with this watch, as you will have to rely more heavily on Cloak without the power to disguise on command.
  • Cloaked Spies can assist teammates in destroying Sentry Guns hidden behind doors by cloaking and remaining stationary by the door; this will cause the door to remain open while another player with long-range weaponry (such as the Sniper) can destroy the Sentry Gun from a distance with ease. An open door with no apparent cause can be very suspicious to observant Engineers, so avoid this tactic whenever an good Engineer is guarding his nest.
  • The Cloak and Dagger allows you to become invisible permanently, as long as you are standing still, so you could sneak behind enemy lines and do some scouting, then report back to your teammates about their Sentry positions, class combinations, etc.
  • The Cloak and Dagger can be used for a technique known as "Spycapping" in which case a Spy sneaks past enemy forces and sits cloaked on the last control point. Once the control point has unlocked the Spy then proceeds to uncloak and quickly capture the final point for the win.
    • When attempting to Spycap be sure that there are no enemy Sentry Guns around, if there are quickly use your Electro Sapper on them and capture the point.

Dead Ringer

Arma Cloak
Cloak Type Duration Activation Time Deactivation Time Recharge
Dead Ringer
Feign Death 6.5 sec 0 sec 1.8 sec 16 sec
  • The Dead Ringer makes a distinctive sound that lets all the enemies in the vicinity know that you are using the item (If you are wearing the "Saharan Spy" set, the Dead Ringer will make much less noise). Try to uncloak in a safe location, then move in for the kill.
  • To make feigned deaths appear more realistic, you can take fire for about a second, then pull out the Dead Ringer.
  • While cloaked with the Dead Ringer, you take 90% less damage, and you do not flicker from enemy shots. Use this to your advantage when crossing chokepoints with a large amount of enemy fire.
  • You can recharge your Cloak with ammo, even while cloaked. However, once the Dead Ringer's initial Cloak duration (approximately 6 seconds) is up, you will no longer benefit from the 90% damage reduction, nor the 'flicker-less' Cloak effects.
  • Remember, with the Dead Ringer, you can't Cloak on demand. When possible, take the high road in maps such as Pipeline and ease into enemy territory. A fairly safe choice of disguise when doing this is disguising yourself as an enemy Spy because Spies are expected to infiltrate enemy territory. To the naive team, you will appear as a Spy that is coming back to resupply.
  • The Dead Ringer is most effective when the enemy is very close by. When the game boils down to the last control point and the enemy is in your base, the Dead Ringer can be a better alternative than the Cloak and Dagger.
  • A decoy tactic would be to use the Dead Ringer in combination with the Disguise Kit to fake the enemy Snipers into thinking you are a Sniper and wasting their headshots on you rather than your team's Snipers. You don't die from headshots, so simply resupply after being shot (it's easy to do on 2Fort). Likewise, disguising as a friendly Heavy or other offensive class at the start-up gates and being on the front-lines ensures that not only do you take the initial hit that would likely kill a teammate, but you get a believable way to Cloak past the front lines. Make sure to yell battle cries to further authenticate your disguise as well before the gates open.
  • Demomen usually put Sticky bombs outside the setup gates during setup time, you can try using these to your advantage to get behind enemy lines.
  • A useful tactic for using the Dead Ringer is to equip it during the beginning of Payload maps. This allows you to run through enemy defenses relatively easily, and the initial chaos might help cover the distinctive ring. It also helps your team by getting rid of Stickybombs at the door, as most Demomen will blow the stickies at the first sight of an enemy.
  • The Dead Ringer comes with its own unique style of terror, as you can tell when your teammates spot a Dead Ringer they tend to warn others that there is a Dead Ringer. This can be useful to both your team as well as yourself, allowing for you to cause several wild goose chases. The more confused your enemy is the easier it is to uncloak, however this does tend to bring more Spy checkers into the game, so switching between Dead Ringer and Cloak and Dagger is a good idea.
  • The Dead Ringer can be held up when capturing a point, carrying enemy Intelligence, or pushing a cart on Payload map, making it a relatively safe method for doing so, especially in combination with friendly unit disguises. If you are hit by enemy fire that causes the Cloak to activate, however, you will drop the Intelligence/cease to capture the point until you uncloak again.
  • A fairly effective tactic is to use ammo boxes to your advantage and constantly Cloak and uncloak while picking up ammo boxes, so as to replenish your Cloak. Since the Dead Ringer removes 90% of damage taken, this tactic can be used for an incredibly long time. However, due to a patch, the Dead Ringer cannot be fully recharged with a Large Ammo Box.
  • When on fire, don't immediately pull out the Dead Ringer. Unless you were at extremely low health, an immediate death due to fire will look suspicious. Also, feigning death too early might allow the Pyro to ignite you after you have Cloaked, negating the Dead Ringer's effectiveness. It is much more effective to escape the Pyro and Cloak while out of its view. Simply turn a corner or jump off a ledge to escape, then use the Dead Ringer to make your "death" look more authentic.
  • If ignited while cloaked, a good option is to run straight for friendly lines, as the Pyro will likely not pursue. Also make note of health pickups should you be too far from friendlies and need a quick extinguish, although it is unlikely you will survive if the Pyro is actively chasing you.
  • When you're bleeding with the Dead Ringer active, you won't flicker from the damage. However, the bleeding effect will still show, revealing your location to enemies.
  • Despite what the tooltip says in a loading screen, Jarate will not wash off if you use the Dead Ringer while covered by it.
  • The Dead Ringer can be helpful for dealing with Soldiers. Smart Soldiers will constantly Spy check suspicious team mates by firing two well placed rockets at them. Since it only takes two rockets to kill you, this can make playing as Spy difficult. Because of this the Dead Ringer can be a life saver against teams with a lot of Soldiers.
  • If you are waiting for your foe to come to you, or are otherwise out in the open and undisguised, keep the Dead Ringer active. An enemy Spy may attempt to kill you with his own backstab, and thus you'll have baited him out of hiding for a few moments, and may even catch a glimpse of his next disguise.
  • When using the Dead Ringer, if you choose to not take the high or back roads it is better to disguise as another friendly class rather than an enemy, as the other team will become suspicious if they see a disguised Spy running straight towards the front line.
  • When you are at full health, only activate the Dead Ringer if an enemy is after you and firing at you. If he shoots you once without you cloaking, and then shoots you a second time and sees you die, they'll be more convinced that you are actually dead.
  • If you have equipped the Saharan Spy pack, the Dead Ringer's loud uncloaking sound is replaced with the uncloaking sound (at a lower volume) used for the other cloaks. This makes it extremely useful in both getting through fortifications and obtaining stealth kills with the Eternal Reward.
  • An enemy Dispenser can lengthen your invisibility time, even indefinitely if the Dispenser is fully leveled; however this will make uncloaking difficult as you will likely be around an enemy hotspot. Try to plan your escape away from or behind the buildings before uncloaking.
  • Having the Dead Ringer activate while you're in the middle of disguising will cause you to emit smoke while you're invisible. If you backstab and immediately flee, keep the Dead Ringer out as a shield, then disguise after it is activated by damage.
  • A possible tactic to help increase believability is not to pick up the closest health or ammo pack when the Dead Ringer is triggered. Often your "killer" will look to the nearest medkit to see if it disappears, indicating you're still alive and thus reinitiating the chase.
  • Disguising as a teammate then using the Dead Ringer will allow you to slip behind enemy lines, then disguise as an enemy without causing suspicion.
  • Because you cannot Cloak on demand with the Dead Ringer, you can use falling damage causing your Cloak to activate, to Cloak allowing you to quickly slip behind enemy lines.

Item Sets

The Saharan Spy Set

Artículo principal: Sets de objetos
Espía Sahariano
Backpack The Saharan Spy Bundle.png

Se han añadido efectos de partícula personalizados cuando se haga una burla

  • The uncloak volume reduction this set grants you is invaluable when using the Dead Ringer; its main problem of people detecting you upon uncloaking is nullified, and as such it is entirely possible to backstab targets who just triggered your Cloak by uncloaking directly behind them.
  • The Invisibility Watch is completely silent when decloaking in conjunction with the Saharan Spy set.
  • However, with the normal Invisibility Watch or the Cloak and Dagger, bumping into people or running out of Cloak will cause your silhouette to flicker for a lot longer, revealing you much more easily. As such, it is inadvisable to use these unless it is a situation where the Dead Ringer cannot be used effectively.
  • A regular Spy works wonders among packs of enemies, where he cannot be noticed, while the Saharan Spy is much better at dealing with lone targets or in very big maps, where a regular Spy's decloak noise would give his position away. Keep this in mind and change your loadout accordingly.
  • Remember that even if you can uncloak silently, trying to stab and steal someone's disguise in an area guarded with Sentry Guns is not recommended unless you already have a disguise. This makes using the Dead Ringer to proceed behind enemy lines a lot more risky, as if you uncloak in a hostile area there will be no escape.
  • If an enemy sees you undisguised with the Familiar Fez equipped, they may assume you are using the Dead Ringer or Your Eternal Reward. Try to minimize the amount of time you are undisguised behind enemy lines.
    • For this same reason, you can exploit your appearance by purposely not using the whole set, but just wearing the hat. Most players will still assume you have the pros and cons of the set bonus.
  • When using the Dead Ringer in conjunction with the Saharan Spy Set an easy way to get behind enemy lines is take fall damage to activate the Dead Ringer, then move from ammo box to ammo box until a suitable backstab target can be found. This way, the enemy is unaware of your presence until you achieve the first backstab.
    • Try not to trigger the Dead Ringer when using the set, as your "deaths" will seem very obvious.
  • When approaching a group of targets from behind, try to stab a faster moving class such as a Pyro, Demoman, Medic, or Sniper first. This will allow you to run up to the slower moving classes more easily than if you started by stabbing a Soldier or Heavy first.
  • Just because you can't disguise without getting a backstab does not mean you are incapable of taking out a Sentry Gun. Approach the sentry while cloaked, and uncloak directly behind the sentry while holding down Mouse1 with the Electro Sapper out. The sentry will not lock on to you until you are completely decloaked, at which time the Electro Sapper will be placed. This tactic is extremely difficult if enemies are around.

The Man of Honor

Artículo principal: Sets de objetos
Hombre de Honor
Item icon Mobster Monday Bundle.png

Sin efecto

  • This set is designed for the Spy who likes to make large amounts of damage and escape quickly. The Enforcer and the Big Earner work together towards this goal, providing a higher damage output and a way to refill your Cloak faster.
  • Even that this set lets you choose your Watch at will, the Dead Ringer is usually the Watch of choice to carry with this set eqquiped:
    • The Enforcer's downside never applys to it, making this weapon a straight update to the default Revolver.
    • The Dead Ringer's death fake ability helps offsetting the Big Earner's health penalty.

Weapon Combinations

Against Engineers

Most, if not all, tactics concerning Engineers will only work if the Engineer is not surrounded by allies. Use these tactics wisely.

  • A tremendously useful ability to have is the power to surprise an enemy Engineer. The worse the Engineer is at Spy checking, the better. An excellent way to check if an Engineer is in the vicinity is to Cloak, run in, and survey the area before retreating. However, this technique is less effective with the Dead Ringer equipped, as you cannot Cloak at will. When a lone Engineer is blocking an objective with a Sentry Gun, you can use the Ambassador to attempt to take out the Engineer at long range first, using nearby objects for cover.
    • An alternative strategy is to use the Engineer's own buildings against him. This can be done by disguising as a player with low health, and crouching near the Dispenser to heal your disguise, while simultaneously using the Dispenser as cover from the Sentry Gun. Using this strategy will allow you to eliminate the Engineer at close quarters, while being safe from his Sentry Gun's fire.
  • A lonely Engineer building a Sentry Gun can be easily killed by the Ambassador. Shooting him first in the head and then on any body part will kill him; afterward, you simply sap the building. Very useful if the Engineer is busy wrenching said building.
  • If an Engineer leaves his buildings unattended, some players may simply rush in and sap everything in sight. It is advised you do not do this, unless you are totally sure that the Engineer is dead or too far away to respond in time. What you should do is shoot at a building once, and then hide in cover to defend against the Sentry Gun. The Engineer may come rushing back to hit it with the Wrench, allowing you to then follow him back to wherever he was previously. Wait at the area and backstab him as he attempts to return to his buildings.
  • A similar tactic is to find an enemy building outside of the Sentry Gun's field of vision and sap that, then pull out the Ambassador and wait. When the Engineer comes to remove the Electro Sapper, quickly headshot him then shoot him, as the headshot on its own is unlikely to kill him. Since it takes two whacks with the Wrench to remove an Electro Sapper, you should have ample time.

Sentry Guns

  • A sapped Sentry Gun cannot fire. If the Engineer is standing next to them, you have several options:
    • Sap the Sentry Gun and then run out of the room with the Intelligence or try and cap a fast-capping/partially capped point. Remember, if you accidentally touch the Intelligence while disguised, you will lose your disguise, and the Sentry Gun will attack you.
    • Sap the Sentry Gun and stab the Engineer if he goes to repair it. If he is already in position and repairing the Sentry Gun, the Electro Sapper will be removed before you can switch to the Knife and backstab. If he is out of position, you will have time to make the attempt. If he is in position and is repairing the Sentry Gun, all you can do is run for it, or keep putting new Sappers on the Sentry Gun. He will keep removing them as you place new Sappers, but it takes a long time to destroy a Sentry Gun this way. You will almost certainly be spotted by a teammate of the Engineer and be killed without destroying the Sentry Gun.
    • Your Revolver can destroy Sentry Guns at long range well due to no damage falloff against buildings. Firing at a Dispenser first is the key to succeeding; once it's down, fire at the Sentry Gun. With your Cloak you can move around and try shooting from different angles; try to find hiding spots where no one notices you firing. When an Engineer first deploys a building, it's vulnerable to damage. One or two Revolver shots will take it down quickly before the Engineer has time to set it up. Note that Sapping the Sentry Gun and then immediately unloading your Revolver into it worked well until the Parche del 20 de diciembre de 2007, which reduced the Spy's damage done to the Sentry Gun he sapped. Now the Sentry Gun does not go down - the Engineer has time to save it - and then the Sentry Gun will kill you. Your Revolver does more damage against buildings that aren't sapped, so if you find a lone Teleporter or Dispenser, and an Engineer isn't far off, shooting it without sapping it is the best course of action. However, when there are no Engineers near by, sapping a building and fleeing is the best way to avoid being spotted.
    • In certain situations, a Sentry Gun may be built so close to the cap point that you can reach it while capping. In this instance, you can quickly sap the Sentry Gun, undisguise, and resume sapping the Sentry Gun over and over. However, watch out for the Engineer breaking the capture with his body. Watch the Spy Guide Part#2 Engineers: Section 2 by [ESG] Orca to see how it's done.
    • Communicate with your teammates asking them to tell you via voice commands or voice chat when they need a Sentry Gun disabled, and then repeatedly sap the Sentry Gun.
    • A Sentry Gun takes about a second to execute a full 180° rotation. If you are directly behind a Sentry Gun and the Engineer is close to and facing his Sentry Gun it is possible to take out the Engineer and then the Sentry Gun. It requires that you backstab and as soon as the Knife hits the Engineer use the quick switch key to change to your Electro Sapper and place one before the Sentry Gun locks on. Strafe with the Sentry Gun's rotation (remember that the Sentry Gun will attempt to rotate as little as possible to shoot its target) so that you will have more time to place your Electro Sapper. Note that due to lag, it is possible for the Sentry Gun to shoot you between the actual placement of the Electro Sapper and the Sentry Gun being shut down. A Nivel 3 Sentry Gun will not always kill you immediately (although it has a good chance of doing so unless your reaction time is superb); however, it will still be sapped and most likely destroyed.
    • If the Sentry Gun and Dispenser are in such a position that you cannot reach the back of the Engineer for a backstab, try jumping on the Sentry Gun or Dispenser and sitting on the Engineer's head. This is an ideal spot as it is in your victim's blind spot and will allow you to backstab him from above (and apply the stab and sap trick above). However, if the Engineer is crouched and tries to stand or jump, they will be unable to do so and suspect a Spy. At that range, a Shotgun blast or two will kill you instantly. This trick also works well against a Heavy taking the role of a makeshift Sentry Gun.
    • A difficult trick is to take advantage of the fact that Engineers take damage from the gunfire of their own Sentry Gun. Stand in a position where the Engineer is between his Sentry Gun and you, then uncloak. You will die, but hopefully so will the Engineer. This is useful if the Engineer is in a position where you simply cannot backstab him. Use carefully as this technique can easily backfire on you.
    • A variation of this trick can be used against a common Engineer Sentry Gun/Dispenser setup. Some Engineers like to sandwich themselves between their Sentry Gun to the front and a Dispenser to the back. Disguise as a Pyro (as if you are helping the Engineer Spy-check) and walk up behind him, so the Dispenser is between you and the Engie. As quick as you can, fire a few rounds into the Engineer with the Revolver. Duck as soon as the Engineer dies from the combined damage of your Revolver and the Sentry Gun's fire. If done correctly, the Sentry Gun will lose you as you hide behind the Dispenser. Re-disguise, sap everything and leave. Watch the Spy Guide Part#2 Engineers: Section 1 by [ESG] Orca for a demonstration of how this is done.
    • The Engineer's Wrangler weapon permits the Engineer to control his Sentry Gun entirely. Take extreme caution, as many Engineers will Spy-check with this, and it will make sapping the Sentry Gun much harder. Killing the Engineer while he is using the Wrangler will give you a few crucial seconds to sap his Sentry Gun bullet-free.
  • With Your Eternal Reward, you can backstab someone in the range of the Sentry Gun including the Engineer behind it without being detected. Just remember that you need a disguise equipped before you can do this, otherwise the Sentry Gun will kill you as soon as you step in range uncloaked.


  • Keep an eye out for Dispensers once you infiltrate the enemy base. They will still heal you and you can use them while your Cloak is still active (when using the default Invisibility Watch or while cloaked with the Dead Ringer). In fact, all Dispensers above Nivel 1 can recharge your Cloak even while you're cloaked. Nivel 1 Dispensers don't recharge your Cloak but your Cloak won't drain, either. Instead, it'll stay at the same Nivel, giving you time to plan your next actions. Nivel 2 Dispensers recharge it slowly and Nivel 3 recharge it much faster, so Dispensers can be crucial to your plan. Note that the healing beam CANNOT be seen when cloaked and when next to a Dispenser - but be sure to watch out for Engineers, as they will constantly run back to their Dispenser, possibly running into you and revealing you. To avoid the Engineer, jump on top of the Dispenser instead of standing beside it. Be careful though, as his teammates can still run through it and, if they do, reveal your location.
  • Note that on maps with narrow corridors, like 2Fort, Engineers may place superfluous Dispensers in locations that block your path. They also use these Dispensers to lure you into sapping them, thus alerting him and his team of your presence. If possible, take another route.
  • When uncloaked, avoid standing on Dispensers. Because most players (except the Engineer who built the Dispenser) will clip through buildings, being spotted in this position will instantly ruin your disguise.
  • If you have no other option, using a Scout disguise and crouching behind a Dispenser while uncloaking may minimize the odds the Engineer will spot you instantly. This can be useful in small, commonly camped areas.


  • If you're disguised as an enemy and take one of your team's Teleporters, the glowing ring and trail effect will not show up. Using friendly Teleporters with friendly disguises will give you a ring and trail but these are removed when you next use an enemy disguise.
  • Walking over an enemy Teleporter exit when someone uses it kills you, a term called telefragging.
  • When you find an exit Teleporter, watch it to see which way players come out. Then stand behind the Teleporter and wait. When the next player comes out, backstab him instantly. He should report this to his team, but he'll be dead for a bit, so you can risk waiting a little for a second Teleport and kill, or you can just sap the Teleporter and leave the area. This is called tele-camping, which is usually frowned upon by most TF2 players.
  • Due to the Parche del 13 de agosto de 2009 whenever a teleport entrance or exit is sapped, the other automatically has an Electro Sapper placed on it as well, regardless of their distance from one another. However, the Engineer can now remove Sappers from both the entrance and the exit by using his Wrench on either. Although this makes it much harder for Spies to get cheap points by sapping Teleporter entrances outside the enemy spawn, a successful Electro Sapper on an active Teleporter will now give two points.
  • If you're trying to telefrag enemies with their own Teleporters, either step over them while cloaked or use a slow disguise (Heavy and Soldier are the best) in order not to draw too much attention towards you.
  • If you see enemy Teleporter entrances and exits in unusual places (often near their objectives), it could mean you are walking into an Engineer's trap - many Engineers place their Teleporters inside their base as an early warning system, hoping that you will be unable to resist sapping them and will thus alert the Engineer to your presence. (One way you can trick the Engineer in this scenario is by firing 2-3 Revolver shots at it, or if the Engineer is close by, hit it with your Knife as it is much quieter, but not enough to destroy it. Engineers will almost always expect a Spy to sap it if anything, so this may throw off the Engineer who built it)
  • As of the Sniper vs. Spy update, the Spy is now able to use enemy Teleporters. This can be useful for getting into well-defended Sentry Gun nests and/or nests that would otherwise be unreachable.
  • If you can time it just right, it's possible to sap an enemy Teleporter entrance just as it teleports you. However, due to the Parche del 13 de agosto de 2009 this is rather pointless as you can achieve the same effect by taking the teleport and then sapping the exit. However, it does allow you to harass the Engineer as he attempts to knock your Electro Sapper off.
  • If you are lucky, you may manage to telefrag an enemy upon taking an opposing Teleporter. While this normally applies to your own team's Teleporters as well if an enemy somehow stands on it without destroying it, the likelihood is higher as a Spy, as enemies may be clustered around the exit on the other side. In some cases, you may even be able to telefrag the enemy Engineer on the other side. However, be aware that telefragging will immediately alert the Engineer who built the Teleporter.
  • A clever Spy can sneak his way to the enemy's Teleporter entrance, sap it, and then stand on it, waiting for an Engineer on the exit side to knock off the Electro Sapper. Once the Electro Sapper has been knocked off the Spy will teleport to the other side, telefragging the Engineer if he is close enough, and is free to sap any buildings the Engineer has built. This is a risky but effective way of taking down forward bases built by one Engineer.
    • However, the above strategy becomes obsolete if there are two Engineers babysitting their buildings in the same location. The second Engineer will no doubt see/hear his buddy trying to repair his Teleporter and dying. There is usually no way to fight the second Engineer without the Sentry Guns swiveling and shooting you dead once you uncloak/remove your disguise. Your best hope in this situation is to either run, or sap BOTH the Sentry Guns as fast as you can, while avoiding the Wrench. If you're VERY lucky, you'll be able to get both of them, and then deal with your hard-hatted assailant. Assuming he doesn't just repair the Sentry Guns or Shotgun you to death, you could also try the continuous sap strategy.
  • Another way to deal with Teleporters is to simply sap the entrance, and then put another back on immediately after it gets knocked off, and repeating. As the Engineer cannot repair the Teleporter while it is being sapped, you can slowly wear down the entrance and take out both sides with little to no risk; this is one of the safer courses of action if the Engineer is smart enough to stand off of his exit and Wrench whoever comes through right after he knocks the Electro Sapper off. However, beware that this takes a long time, and in the case of spawns with only one exit, greatly increases the risk of an enemy seeing you and killing you. In this case, you can simply take out your Revolver and empty it into the entrance after sapping it, this will usually kill the entrance in most cases. If the Engineer is quick enough to knock off your Electro Sapper before you can destroy the entrance, simply place a second one on immediately and repeat, though repeatedly sapping will probably work better as your Revolver may be out of ammunition. This method is faster and reduces the risk of being discovered by the enemy in their spawn, but leaves you more vulnerable as you will not be disguised.
  • You can quickly kill Teleporters by sapping them and then shooting them a few times with your Revolver. Although this will attract more attention than just sapping, it may destroy at least one side of the teleporter before the Engineer can remove your Electro Sapper thus reverting the other side of the teleport to Nivel 1.
  • Hitting a teleporter with a Wrench will only remove Sappers from the other end if the end being hit has finished building. If you sap a teleport early in its build, the Engineer may not have enough time to save the other end even if they're able to remove the Electro Sapper.


  • You can disguise as your own team by hitting the minus (-) sign (or the e key if you have the simple disguise menu enabled) at the top of the keyboard after bringing up the disguise interface. As a friendly non-Spy class, players on the other team are much less likely to alert each other to Spies entering the base if they see you. However, the best way to get in and out is to Cloak properly.
  • While it may not seem immediately obvious to the Spy, as you slowly decloak you take on the color of your team until you are 100% visible. It is vital to let the Cloak come on fully before entering into areas where you would be seen. Try to decloak around a corner where an opponent can't see you. It's very obvious that you are a Spy as no other class is able to Cloak.
  • While cloaked, remember to avoid all enemy fire - if you're hit, you flicker visible. The same is true if you bump into an enemy. If you plan to rush out, tell your team-mates to let you go first (cloaked), so that stray fire from the enemy team at your visible team-mates doesn't reveal or kill you.
  • If you are discovered and must Cloak to run away (assuming that you are not using a Dead Ringer), use misdirection to break away from your foes. If you are running in a certain direction while you Cloak, your enemies will usually head in that direction, so you can immediately make a radical turn after becoming completely invisible, or even turn in the immediate opposite direction to get behind them for a backstab opportunity.
  • While cloaked, avoid giving away your position, especially to Snipers or if you have been busted, your pursuers. So do not:
    • ...pick up medkits (unless you're burning) or ammo crates.
    • ...enter the enemies' line of sight before your Cloak is fully active. (See above)
    • Also, if you go through an automatic door while cloaked and no one else is around, it is obvious that there is a Spy. If the door is very narrow, you still will become a very easy target, as you only have one direction to run in. Also, if you come out of swimmable water, water will be visible dripping from you.
  • You appear to have the same health as the target of your disguise did at the moment you took on that disguise.
  • Get a friendly Medic to heal you while you are disguised, because your disguised health Nivel also rises to 100%, thus making you less suspicious when disguised while around the enemy spawn however appearing to be injured may be a good idea so you can get an enemy Medic to heal you. Note that overhealing will also be visible on your disguise, and if the enemy team has no Medics, walking around with an overheal may be a dead giveaway.
  • Avoid walking over medkits unless your real health is injured, your fake health Nivel will appear to be injured and if you don't pick up a medkit when walking over it, it is a dead giveaway that you're a disguised Spy. You can only increase your disguised health Nivel from Dispensers and carts if your real health is injured. So if you're receiving a healing beam, and your health is not appearing to increase then those that know this telltale sign will know you're a Spy, so it's best to use a Dispenser and cart only if you're truly injured. But against less experienced players, being healed by a Dispenser or cart can makes you seem less suspicious. As of the Parche del 21 de mayo de 2009, in the PC version, walking over a medkit will add to your disguise health. You will also pick up medkits if your disguise health is down, even if your real health is full.
  • Alternatively, if you have the Cloak and Dagger equipped, you can deliberately grab medkits in order to deny them to the enemy. While they will probably know that an enemy Spy is in the area, you can assist your team in this way by making your opponents easier to kill if your teammates are also relatively close by; however, this is also a double-edged sword since you can accidentally deny the medkit to a teammate who needs it.
File:Spy for Medic.jpg
Friendly disguised Blue Spy calling for a Red Medic
  • Remember that you can call for and be healed by enemy Medics while disguised. This is a great way to hold your cover, and also a good opportunity to backstab the opponent's support. Beware that this also risks drawing undue attention to yourself, especially if your alter-ego notices his own name calling for a Medic. For these reasons it is probably best to do this as a retreating maneuver.
    • Do note that if you are in a situation that you may think it is safe to call a Medic, such as separation from the other members, there is one giveaway that a person paying attention would notice. As a Spy, your Medic call copies your health, not the health of that who you are disguised as. So if the person you are disguised has above half health, but you have below half health, then your Medic call will be red or vice versa and the deadly wounded teammate will call Medic in pure white, so if the Medic pays attention to the signs, calling Medic at the wrong health may be a dead giveaway that you are a Spy. If you notice that you might give yourself away, such as medicalling while almost dead while your disguise is healthy, then call Medic and look at them for signs. If they pull out a weapon, Übersaw or needle gun, and look at you then this might be a sign that you have just revealed your disguise to them.
  • Once in the enemy's base, communicate with your team. Talking might not move you up on the scoreboard but reporting Sentry Gun placements, if a group of enemies are taking an alternate route, or building a minibase can make a big difference and bring your team closer to victory. Note that on alltalk servers, your speech bubble is your own team color even when cloaked.
  • You can walk backward while heading for the enemy base, or look backwards occasionally while walking forwards. Retreating into an enemy base while disguised looks much less suspicious than running into it at full tilt (unless your disguise health is relatively low), but as this trick has been done so many times, it can appear obvious to the astute observer.
  • When you disguise yourself, you take the name of an enemy player that is playing the same class as the disguise. It is crucial that you try to use a class that is well represented by the enemy side to decrease the risk of coming face to face with the person you stole the name from. As of the Parche del 21 de mayo de 2009, you can see whose name you have taken on on your disguise nameplate.
  • If you disguise as a class not represented by the enemy team, you take on a name randomly. This can be a dead giveaway as a glance at the score table will make your trickery obvious, so try to disguise as a class that you know the enemy has.
  • Try to act natural. Many times, an enemy will shoot you and not notice your health go down; however, if you react to their shots, you can be certain that they and the rest of their team will hunt you down. If you continue heading in the same direction and if you seem to ignore the attack (assuming that it doesn't kill you), many times you will be left alone.
  • Expanding on the above, standing still while in the enemy base is highly suspicious, and most players will try to Spy-check you. Making it seem like you were NOT harmed by this attack is the key to getting sneaky backstabs when they turn away. Be incredibly careful of Pyros however. If you see one heading for you, and he is actively Spy checking, RUN!
  • Before the Sniper/Spy update, when disguised as a Medic, no ÜberCharge percentage showed up when an enemy targeted you, which was a big giveaway. This was fixed in the Parche del 21 de mayo de 2009, and now disguising as Medic you appear to have a ÜberCharge percentage that the Medic you're disguised had when you took on that disguise. If there aren't any enemy Medics you will simply have a random ÜberCharge meter.
  • You may, while entering the enemy base, notice that an attack force is heading for your base. Running in the opposite direction to them will likely result in a Spy check. A great method to single-handedly stop this attack is trying to run with them, towards your base. This works well, as it appears to the opposite team that you are not a Spy, and you can slow yourself down a little bit to get to the back of the pack and backstab most, or even all of them. Just be sure the person you are disguised as is not among them, or you will be very dead very quickly.
  • A dead giveaway that you're a Spy in disguise is the fact that your enemies are unable to walk through you. Once they bump into you they will try to kill you immediately. When in small enclosed spaces (e.g. the sewers in 2Fort), walk close to the walls and be sure to leave enough room for enemy players to run past you.
  • However, deliberately trying to avoid people in corridors is like saying 'Hey! Here I am! Shoot me!', and is likely to get you Spy-checked and killed. If you see someone barreling down a corridor at you, it's usually a better idea to open fire on them then to risk bumping into them and being Cuerpo a cuerpo'd by them. Remember, your Knife isn't exactly fantastic in a face-off, it's only good for backstabs and taking out already weakened enemies; you cannot count on facestabs to save you.
  • Keep an eye on the enemy players that are about to respawn. When did they die? What class did they play? What is their skill? Remember: these are the players that are going to be in your back in a few seconds. Use this knowledge to time your actions. If you know that the opponent's #1 Scout will respawn in a few seconds, let him pass by before you take any backstabbing/sapping action. Also remember, if you've just killed the same player say twice in the exact same spot, he's going to be checking for you being there next time he comes through.
  • Most importantly: There are many people (Pyros) who will Spy check everyone they see, ever, just as a precaution. Because of this, you must always remember to keep moving, change disguises frequently, and whenever possible, avoid being seen by the enemy entirely.
  • As long as there's a damage indication on your HUD, you are semi-visible. To ensure that you're completely invisible, wait until the damage indicator clears before moving.
  • Avoid disguising yourself as a Scout. While your speed will be slower when disguised as a Heavy or Soldier you will not get a speed boost or be able to double jump when disguised as a Scout. Due to this, the enemy will see a slow Scout running slower than normal. This is one of the quickest ways to be detected. However, the speed difference is not as noticeable if running towards or away from enemies, and disguising as Scout can be effective if the enemy team has a lot of Scouts or just several newbie ones.
  • A good idea to make your disguise more believable is to get behind or near the enemy spawn, then put on your disguise, wait until no-one is around/not watching you and then run forwards so it looks like you just respawned. Not only can it put you behind players leaving said spawn, but also makes enemy players less likely to Spy check you, think that you're someone who just came from their own spawn.
  • Picking up the enemy Intelligence does not yet make you a suicide flag runner. You can drop the Intelligence anytime ("L" key by default), put on a disguise or Cloak to Scout ahead for danger and/or clear out an ambush, then return to the Intelligence and resume carrying it when the path is clear. This is especially useful against Sentry Guns which you can sap and then return to the intelligence and Demomen, who like to block your path with stickies, essentially trapping you between themselves and anyone pursuing you from the enemy base. It's also a good way to lure other classes out of ambush, as they will move from their spot to check why has the Intelligence been dropped.
  • Disguises only fool enemies "at-a-glance". So it's best to avoid being seen altogether and use the Cloak more often.
  • While disguised, try to use voice commands, such as the battle cry. It will make your disguised model talk and do some mimics, and so it can fool some enemies who don't think about Spies being able to do so.
  • Reloading the Revolver/Ambassador will reload the weapon equipped by your disguise. Use this for added realism.
  • If you are using the Cloak and Dagger, try to jump up on obstacles and ledges as you move through the map. Players use the obvious running pathways and will run right past you if you are cloaked. Standing on a crate allows you to recharge your Cloak without being bumped into and giving away your position. Standing on top of obstacles is also a good place to avoid Spy checking and escape pursuing players as they often forget to check the top of boxes and ledges.

Backstabbing Techniques

For more information, see Backstab

Approaching The Target

Approaching your victim for a backstab is difficult without getting caught. It is common for an enemy player to randomly Spy check hiding places and teammates. You can expect the enemy team to Spy check more often if they are alerted to the presence of a Spy.

The easiest targets to approach are distracted players who are busy with another task. Common targets are Engineers that are building/upgrading and Snipers who are looking through their Sniper Rifle.

There are a few things to keep in mind before going in for the killing blow:

  • Determine who your target is and if they are a good target before you approach.
  • Don't panic when you are discovered.
  • Make sure to double check the routes behind you before decloaking, especially in routes which are commonly used. A recently spawned enemy player might catch you decloaking.
  • Check your surrounding first before cloaking. An enemy player might be looking at your general direction. If you are lucky, they might not be suspicious of you. But if they start shooting at you, run and hide.
  • Check the scoreboard for dead enemy players so you can be aware if someone will come out from spawn.
  • If you know that someone has just spawn, you can wait for them to pass you. You can also try to delay their movement to the front line by timing your kill so they would be forced to look for you.
  • Your disguise protects you from passing glances but only until they get suspicious. Kill your target as soon as possible.
  • Be aware of the speed of your Heavy and Soldier disguise. While enemies may be less suspicious of these uncommon disguises, you will have a much harder time trying to hunt down your victim.
  • A common mistake is to Cloak when the target is attacking you. Even if the target is aware of you, you can still kill them with techniques like stairstabbing, sidestabbing, or shooting at them.
  • Be careful on approaching the same target too often. Even the most inexperienced player will start checking their back after being stabbed too frequently.
  • When attempting to backstab during an enemy push, be sure to wait until they have engaged your teammates. Be wary of enemy players who are watching the team's back.
  • When you see a friendly Spy approaching a target, choose another target. If your teammate targeted an [Engineer], sap their buildings while they are distracted. You can also watch your teammates' back by targeting approaching reinforcements.
  • Use elevated areas to your advantage. With good timing and positioning, you can get your target within a couple of seconds.

A Spy's weapons and gadgets can drastically change how a Spy has to approach his target. Keep these tips in mind when choosing your loadout:

  • If you have the Dead Ringer, refill the watch as much as possible before going for your target. It makes for great insurance in case you fail to catch your victim, and you start becoming the enemy's target. Make sure your death is convincing though or the area will be double-checked.
  • The L'Étranger can help quickly refill Cloak in areas with no ammo boxes, so you can Cloak away to hide in case a backstab has failed. Be careful if you decide to shoot unaware players as they will turn their attention toward you.
  • With Your Eternal Reward, you cannot disguise until you backstab someone. You need to be careful during your approach.
  • Be aware of the Nivel of noise each of your cloaking devices make. A common mistake is to decloak too close to your target for them to hear you. The Saharan Spy Set nullifies your cloaking sound to a whisper, but it does not mean players cannot hear the cloaking sound.
  • Also, when using Your Eternal Reward try to predict and calculate your enemies movement and patterns to look for an opening in getting the first kill.

See also