User:BrazilianNut/Jiggle bones template

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[collapse]List of items that have Jiggle bones
Class Slot Items
Weapons Secondary Mad Milk
Mad Milk
Melee Holy Mackerel Unarmed Combat Wrap Assassin
Holy Mackerel Unarmed Combat Wrap Assassin
Cosmetic items Hero's Tail Wrap Battler Big Elfin Deal Dillinger's Duffel Greased Lightning Horrific Head of Hare
Hero's Tail Wrap Battler Big Elfin Deal Dillinger's Duffel Greased Lightning Horrific Head of Hare
Sprinting Cephalopod Chucklenuts Runner's Warm-Up Frickin' Sweet Ninja Hood Southie Shinobi Biomech Backpack
Sprinting Cephalopod Chucklenuts Runner's Warm-Up Frickin' Sweet Ninja Hood Southie Shinobi Biomech Backpack
Thirst Blood Fowl Fists Nugget Noggin Courtier's Collar Mountebank's Masque Herald's Helm
Thirst Blood Fowl Fists Nugget Noggin Courtier's Collar Mountebank's Masque Herald's Helm
Snowwing Messenger's Mail Bag Pocket Pauling Olympic Leapers Catcher's Companion Tools of the Tourist
Snowwing Messenger's Mail Bag Pocket Pauling Olympic Leapers Catcher's Companion Tools of the Tourist
Weapons Primary Black Box Festive Black Box
Black Box Festive Black Box
Secondary Buff Banner
Buff Banner
Melee Disciplinary Action
Disciplinary Action
Cosmetic items Idiot Box Shoestring Budget Kringle Collection War Pig Zipperface Compatriot
Idiot Box Shoestring Budget Kringle Collection War Pig Zipperface Compatriot
Lieutenant Bites Grub Grenades Larval Lid Lieutenant Bites the Dust Slo-Poke Cold Snap Coat
Lieutenant Bites Grub Grenades Larval Lid Lieutenant Bites the Dust Slo-Poke Cold Snap Coat
Caped Crusader Private Maggot Muncher Tank Top Crack Pot Peacebreaker Racc Mann
Caped Crusader Private Maggot Muncher Tank Top Crack Pot Peacebreaker Racc Mann
Bazaar Bauble Breach and Bomb Calamitous Cauldron Semi-Tame Trapper's Hat
Bazaar Bauble Breach and Bomb Calamitous Cauldron Semi-Tame Trapper's Hat
Weapons Secondary Manmelter
Cosmetic items Respectless Rubber Glove Triboniophorus Tyrannus Handyman's Handle Napper's Respite Stockbroker's Scarf Sight for Sore Eyes
Respectless Rubber Glove Triboniophorus Tyrannus Handyman's Handle Napper's Respite Stockbroker's Scarf Sight for Sore Eyes
Connoisseur's Cap Stately Steel Toe Birdcage Cremator's Conscience Flamboyant Flamenco Tail from the Crypt
Connoisseur's Cap Stately Steel Toe Birdcage Cremator's Conscience Flamboyant Flamenco Tail from the Crypt
Fallen Angel Head Warmer Jingle Belt Waxy Wayfinder Russian Rocketeer Area 451
Fallen Angel Head Warmer Jingle Belt Waxy Wayfinder Russian Rocketeer Area 451
Plutonidome Googol Glass Eyes Respectless Robo-Glove Backpack Broiler Air Raider Pop-Eyes
Plutonidome Googol Glass Eyes Respectless Robo-Glove Backpack Broiler Air Raider Pop-Eyes
Carrion Companion Cauterizer's Caudal Appendage Crispy Golden Locks Glob Grisly Gumbo Handhunter
Carrion Companion Cauterizer's Caudal Appendage Crispy Golden Locks Glob Grisly Gumbo Handhunter
Maniac's Manacles Spectralnaut Up Pyroscopes Sole Mate Frymaster Sengoku Scorcher
Maniac's Manacles Spectralnaut Up Pyroscopes Sole Mate Frymaster Sengoku Scorcher
Creature's Grin Mr. Juice Nabler Wartime Warmth Neptune's Nightmare Cranial Carcharodon
Creature's Grin Mr. Juice Nabler Wartime Warmth Neptune's Nightmare Cranial Carcharodon
Flammable Favor Deity's Dress Feathered Fiend Fireman's Essentials Burning Beanie Arachno-Arsonist
Flammable Favor Deity's Dress Feathered Fiend Fireman's Essentials Burning Beanie Arachno-Arsonist
Pocket Pardner Fiery Phoenix Candy Cranium Seared Sorcerer
Pocket Pardner Fiery Phoenix Candy Cranium Seared Sorcerer
Cosmetic items Hustler's Hallmark Sober Stuntman Conjurer's Cowl Mask of the Shaman Buccaneer's Bicorne Aladdin's Private Reserve
Hustler's Hallmark Sober Stuntman Conjurer's Cowl Mask of the Shaman Buccaneer's Bicorne Aladdin's Private Reserve
Liquor Locker Bird-Man of Aberdeen King of Scotland Cape Bolted Bicorne Broadband Bonnet FR-0
Liquor Locker Bird-Man of Aberdeen King of Scotland Cape Bolted Bicorne Broadband Bonnet FR-0
Gaelic Garb Gaelic Golf Bag Pirate Bandana Headtaker's Hood Horsemann's Hand-Me-Down Parasight
Gaelic Garb Gaelic Golf Bag Pirate Bandana Headtaker's Hood Horsemann's Hand-Me-Down Parasight
Tartan Tyrolean Allbrero Double Dog Dare Demo Pants Demo's Dustcatcher Spirit of the Bombing Past Bomber Knight
Tartan Tyrolean Allbrero Double Dog Dare Demo Pants Demo's Dustcatcher Spirit of the Bombing Past Bomber Knight
Elf Esteem Melody Of Misery Backbreaker's Skullcracker
Elf Esteem Melody of Misery Backbreaker's Skullcracker
Weapons Secondary Second Banana
Second Banana
Cosmetic items Pugilist's Protector Coupe D'isaster Gym Rat Can Opener Grand Duchess Tutu Tungsten Toque
Pugilist's Protector Coupe D'isaster Gym Rat Can Opener Grand Duchess Tutu Tungsten Toque
Tsarboosh Ivan The Inedible Sammy Cap Minsk Beef Siberian Facehugger Sucker Slug
Tsarboosh Ivan the Inedible Sammy Cap Minsk Beef Siberian Facehugger Sucker Slug
Mo'Horn Commando Elite Cool Capuchon Mediterranean Mercenary Momma Kiev
Mo'Horn Commando Elite Cool Capuchon Mediterranean Mercenary Momma Kiev
Cosmetic items Googly Gazer Teddy Roosebelt Buzz Killer Frontier Flyboy Legend of Bugfoot Barnstormer
Googly Gazer Teddy Roosebelt Buzz Killer Frontier Flyboy Legend of Bugfoot Barnstormer
Teddy Robobelt Trash Toter Mister Bubbles Soul of 'Spensers Past Tiny Texan El Caballero
Teddy Robobelt Trash Toter Mister Bubbles Soul of 'Spensers Past Tiny Texan El Caballero
Conaghers' Utility Idol Cold Case Aim Assistant Defragmenting Hard Hat 17% Mini-Engy Puggyback
Conaghers' Utility Idol Cold Case Aim Assistant Defragmenting Hard Hat 17% Mini-Engy Puggyback
Texas Toast El Mostacho Telefragger Toque Head Of Defense Ghoul Box Goblineer
Texas Toast El Mostacho Telefragger Toque Head of Defense Ghoul Box Goblineer
Weapons Melee Vita-Saw
Cosmetic items Doctor's Sack Surgeon's Stethoscope Dr. Gogglestache Einstein Emerald Jarate Nine-Pipe Problem
Doctor's Sack Surgeon's Stethoscope Dr. Gogglestache Einstein Emerald Jarate Nine-Pipe Problem
Quadwrangler Surgeon's Side Satchel Archimedes Mecha-Medes Weather Master Archimedes the Undying
Quadwrangler Surgeon's Side Satchel Archimedes Mecha-Medes Weather Master Archimedes the Undying
Ramses' Regalia Wings of Purity Santarchimedes
Ramses' Regalia Wings of Purity Santarchimedes
Weapons Secondary Darwin's Danger Shield Cozy Camper
Darwin's Danger Shield Cozy Camper
Cosmetic items Crocodile Smile Swagman's Swatter Garlic Flank Stake Letch's LED Cobber Chameleon Falconer
Crocodile Smile Swagman's Swatter Garlic Flank Stake Letch's LED Cobber Chameleon Falconer
Li'l Snaggletooth Toy Soldier Marsupial Man Mr. Mundee's Wild Ride Down Under Duster Bait and Bite
Li'l Snaggletooth Toy Soldier Marsupial Man Mr. Mundee's Wild Ride Down Under Duster Bait and Bite
Classy Capper Elizabeth the Third Glow from Below
Classy Capper Elizabeth the Third Glow from Below
Cosmetic items Pom-Pommed Provocateur Foul Cowl Backstabber's Boomslang Rogue's Rabbit Shadowman's Shade Brain-Warming Wear
Pom-Pommed Provocateur Foul Cowl Backstabber's Boomslang Rogue's Rabbit Shadowman's Shade Brain-Warming Wear
Aristotle Bird's Eye Viewer
Aristotle Bird's Eye Viewer
TF2 crosshair orange.png
Multiple classes
Weapons Melee Bat Outta Hell Memory Maker Ham Shank Necro Smasher
Bat Outta Hell Memory Maker Ham Shank Necro Smasher
Cosmetic items Scrap Pack Crafty Hair Candleer Deep Cover Operator Pestering Jester Trick Stabber
Scrap Pack Crafty Hair Candleer Deep Cover Operator Pestering Jester Trick Stabber
Weapons N/A Festive Wrench Silver Botkiller Wrench
Festive weapons Botkiller weapons
Cosmetic items Max's Severed Head Earbuds Alien Swarm Parasite Companion Cube Pin Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect Treasure Hat
Max's Severed Head Earbuds Alien Swarm Parasite Companion Cube Pin Hat of Undeniable Wealth and Respect Treasure Hat
A Rather Festive Tree Resurrection Associate Pin Spiral Sallet Merc's Pride Scarf MONOCULUS! B.M.O.C.
A Rather Festive Tree Resurrection Associate Pin Spiral Sallet Merc's Pride Scarf MONOCULUS! B.M.O.C.
Full Head of Steam Balloonicorn Robot Chicken Hat RoBro 3000 Friends Forever Companion Square Badge Boo Balloon
Full Head of Steam Balloonicorn Robot Chicken Hat RoBro 3000 Friends Forever Companion Square Badge Boo Balloon
Crone's Dome Dead Little Buddy Ghostly Gibus Rump-o'-Lantern Skull Island Topper Unknown Monkeynaut
Crone's Dome Dead Little Buddy Ghostly Gibus Rump-o'-Lantern Skull Island Topper Unknown Monkeynaut
Saxxy Clapper Badge Reindoonicorn Fortune Hunter TF2VRH Conspiracy Cap Public Accessor
Saxxy Clapper Badge Reindoonicorn Fortune Hunter TF2VRH Conspiracy Cap Public Accessor
Grandmaster Accursed Apparition Beacon from Beyond Guano Quoth Sackcloth Spook
Grandmaster Accursed Apparition Beacon from Beyond Guano Quoth Sackcloth Spook
Unidentified Following Object Kiss King Neckwear Headwear Dark Falkirk Helm Merc's Mohawk Tournament Medal - Florida LAN 2014
Unidentified Following Object Kiss King Neckwear Headwear Dark Falkirk Helm Merc's Mohawk Tournament Medal - Florida LAN
Dadliest Catch Ghost of Spies Checked Past Hooded Haunter Li'l Dutchman Pocket Raiders Finder's Fee
Dadliest Catch Ghost of Spies Checked Past Hooded Haunter Li'l Dutchman Pocket Raiders Finder's Fee
Space Hamster Hammy Grim Tweeter Pocket Villains Lil' Bitey Head Prize Audio File
Space Hamster Hammy Grim Tweeter Pocket Villains Lil' Bitey Head Prize Audio File
Legendary Lid Pithy Professional Quizzical Quetzal Slithering Scarf Pocket Yeti Sledder's Sidekick
Legendary Lid Pithy Professional Quizzical Quetzal Slithering Scarf Pocket Yeti Sledder's Sidekick
Bread Heads Polar Pal BINOCULUS! Bumble Beenie Globetrotter Pebbles the Penguin
Bread Heads Polar Pal BINOCULUS! Bumble Beenie Globetrotter Pebbles the Penguin
Smissmas Saxton All Hallows' Hatte Eye-See-You Impish Ears
Smissmas Saxton All Hallows' Hatte Eye-See-You Impish Ears
NPCs N/A HHH.png Monoculus normal.png Merasmus.png
Horseless Headless Horsemann MONOCULUS Merasmus