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{{Quotation|'''The Sniper''' on exemplary battlefield etiquette|Be polite. Be efficient. Have a plan to kill everyone you meet.}}
{{Match-Up | forclass=sniper
{{Match-Up | forclass = sniper
   | scout-strategy = Although an enemy Scout is difficult to hit, he’ll only be able to harass you with his [[Pistol]] at longer ranges. He dominates you at close range, so try to take him out before he gets too close. His head is a rather small target, so don’t be afraid to take your time to land a fully charged bodyshot instead of going for a quick headshot. If a Scout runs in a straight path towards you, he’ll be easy to headshot, no matter how close he already is. If he does manage to close the distance, he’ll have a huge advantage. At close range, backpedal while firing your [[Submachine Gun]] or uncharged shots from your primary weapon.
   | scout-strategy = 敵スカウトを撃つのは難しいが、相手も遠距離からは[[Pistol/ja|ピストル]]で嫌がらせをするぐらいしか出来ない。近距離では当然やられてしまうので、近づかれる前に倒そう。他のクラスより頭が小さいが、ヘッドショットしなくてもフルチャージを体に当てれば倒せる。真っ直ぐこちらに走ってくるなら簡単にヘッドショットを決められる。近距離に入られたら、[[Submachine Gun/ja|SMG]]を撃ちながら後退するか、プライマリ武器をチャージ無しで撃とう。
   | soldier-strategy = An enemy Soldier will typically be fighting at the frontlines, far away from you. He is a slow, bulky target and is easy to hit when grounded. If he sees you, he’ll probably fire rockets at your position to force you behind cover. In this situation, you can just take quick shots between his barrages. If he tries to approach you by [[rocket jump]]ing , you’ll have to either shoot him out of the air or simply retreat. It is suicide to go toe-to-toe with a Soldier at close range, where he can easily land rockets and Shotgun blasts.
   | soldier-strategy = ソルジャーは、スナイパーからは離れた前線で戦っていることが多い。遅くて大きいので、歩いているときは狙いを付けやすい。スナイパーを見つけたら、物陰に隠れてロケットを撃ってくるだろう。この状況になったら、敵の攻撃の合間に素早く狙おう。[[jumping/ja#ソルジャーのジャンプ|ロケットジャンプ]]で近づいてきたなら、空中にいるところを撃つか、無理せず逃げても良い。ショットガンを持つソルジャーに接近戦を挑むのは自殺行為だ。
   | pyro-strategy = Unless an enemy Pyro is using the [[Flare Gun]], [[Detonator]], [[Scorch Shot]], or [[Manmelter]], he has no way to fight back at long range. If he is out in the open, you can attack without fear of retaliation. However, at close range, his Flamethrower will devastate you. If stuck in this sort of situation, backpedal while firing your [[Submachine Gun]] or uncharged shots from your primary weapon. The effects of [[afterburn]] will negatively affect your aim but can be extinguished by [[Jarate]].
   | pyro-strategy = パイロは[[Flare Gun/ja|フレアガン]][[Detonator/ja|デトネーター]][[Scorch Shot/ja|スコーチショット]][[Manmelter/ja|マンメルター]]を持っていなければ遠距離での攻撃手段がない。相手が開けた場所にいるなら、反撃を恐れず攻撃できる。逆に近距離では、火炎放射器の餌食になってしまう。こうなったら、[[Submachine Gun/ja|SMG]]を撃ちながら後退するか、プライマリ武器をチャージ無しで撃とう。[[afterburn/ja|燃焼]]状態になると狙いを定めにくくなるが、[[Jarate/ja|ジャラテ]]で消化できる。
   | demoman-strategy = Over long distances, an enemy Demoman can only lob inaccurate [[Grenade Launcher|grenades]] and [[Stickybombs]] at your position. Keep moving in between your own shots to avoid the wide splash damage. If he tries to [[sticky jump]] or use the [[Chargin’ Targe]] to approach you, hide behind cover or take advantage of his predictable trajectory to land an easy headshot. At medium range, his explosives can easily make short work of you. If he gets too close, backpedal while firing your [[Submachine Gun]] or uncharged shots from your primary weapon. The Demoman, with his indirect weaponry, is one of the only classes capable of attacking you from outside your line of sight; well placed explosives can turn your sniping spot into a deathtrap. Keep an eye out for traps and use your Sniper Rifle or Submachine Gun to remove Stickybombs if needed.
   | demoman-strategy = 遠距離では、敵デモマンは出鱈目に[[Grenade Launcher/ja|グレネード]][[Stickybombs/ja|粘着爆弾]]を放り込んでくることしか出来ない。爆発を避けながら合間に狙撃しよう。[[jumping/ja#デモマンのジャンプ|粘着爆弾ジャンプ]][[Chargin’ Targe/ja|チャージンタージ]]で近づいて来た場合、後ろに隠れるか、軌道を予測してヘッドショットを決めよう。中距離では、デモマンの爆発物の方が火力がある。距離を詰められたら、[[Submachine Gun/ja|SMG]]を撃ちながら後退するか、プライマリ武器をチャージ無しで撃とう。デモマンは、スナイパーの視界外から攻撃できる唯一のクラスだ。気づいた時には狙撃ポイントが爆発物で囲まれているだろう。罠に気づいたら、スナイパーライフルやSMGを使って、粘着爆弾を破壊しよう。
   | heavy-strategy = The Heavy’s slow speed and large size make him a juicy target. At a distance, his [[Minigun]] fire suffers from bullet spread and will do minimal damage, allowing you to snipe freely. Even with his large health pool, it will take only a few headshots to take him out. At close range, however, his weaponry will shred you to bits. If a Heavy somehow maneuvers to your sniping location, just run; both uncharged shots from your primary weapon and your Submachine Gun will deal pitiful damage.
   | heavy-strategy = ヘビーは遅くて体も大きく、狙いやすいターゲットだ。遠距離では[[Minigun/ja|ミニガン]]も大したダメージ源にならず、ゆうゆうと狙撃できる。体力が高いと言えども、ヘッドショットなら1~2発で倒せるだろう。逆に近距離では一瞬で倒されてしまう。狙撃ポイントをヘビーが襲撃してきたら、とにかく走って逃げよう。アンチャージショットもSMGもヘビーが相手ではかすり傷程度にしかならない。
   | engineer-strategy = An Engineer is usually encamped in a defensive position that makes it too dangerous to approach with just your Sniper Rifle. Unless the two of you are away from his Sentry Gun, you are unlikely to face each other in direct combat. His [[Shotgun]] and possibly [[Combat Mini-Sentry]] give him the advantage in close range combat, so don’t seek him out yourself. However, an exposed Sentry Gun can be picked off with a few charged shots from your primary weapon, forcing the Engineer to expose himself to repair or abandon it.  If the Engineer is actively repairing the Sentry Gun or harassing you with the [[Wrangler]], target him first; he can’t repair his buildings if he’s dead.
   | engineer-strategy = エンジニアは防衛地点に篭っていることが多く、スナイパーライフルで攻め落とすのは難しい。セントリーガンがなくとも、正面から戦いを挑むのは危険だ。[[Shotgun/ja|ショットガン]]やあるいは[[Combat Mini-Sentry/ja|ミニセントリーガン]]を繰り出してくるため、近距離では相手に分がある。セントリーガンが開けた場所に置いている場合、チャージショット数発で破壊できるし、修理しようとエンジニアが近づいてきたらヘッドショットで始末しよう。[[Wrangler/ja|ラングラー]]を持っているなら、先にエンジニアを倒そう。殺してしまえば修理されることもない。
   | medic-strategy = When you see an enemy Medic, he should become one of your top priority targets. Do your best to land a headshot or fully charged bodyshot to instantly eliminate his team’s source of healing. His Syringe Gun is ineffective over longer distances; if he is alone, you should be able to fire at him without any problems. However, even a Medic can easily take you down at close range, where his Syringe Gun will outperform your Submachine Gun. His relatively high speed will allow him to easily chase you, so it might be best to stand your ground anyway.
   | medic-strategy = メディックを見かけたら最優先で倒すべきだ。敵の回復源を潰すため、ヘッドショットかフルチャージのボディショットを当てて倒そう。遠距離では注射銃はほぼ無意味だ。メディックが敵チームメイトとはぐれていたら、何の心配もなく攻撃できるが、近距離では注射銃のダメージはバカにならない。メディックの方が足が速いので、逃げてもすぐに捕まってしまう。
   | sniper-strategy = One of your main jobs is to eliminate the pesky enemy Sniper that’s constantly picking off your own teammates. Because a Sniper duel can be decided in just one shot, focus on predicting the enemy Sniper's movements while remaining mobile yourself. A standing target is extremely easy to hit - even when aiming, strafe back and forth, adjusting your crosshair as needed. Accustom yourself to aiming for quick headshots unless you're sure your target can be killed by a bodyshot. After taking your shot, keep moving and don't stay exposed; if you fail to kill him, there will be a small window of time where he can freely fire at you. Establishing control of a zone first is important; being in a position to land a fully charged bodyshot on your enemy as soon as they step out from behind cover is a great advantage. If there are signs that an enemy Sniper is already watching the area, such as his Sniper Rifle's laser dot or injured teammates, consider moving to another position so that you can freely take the first shot. If you don't wish to do so,  leave cover while charging your shot so that you are already prepared to fire. A Sniper with the Huntsman will have to fight considerably closer to the frontlines and is thus at a disadvantage when facing a Sniper with the default Sniper Rifle.
   | sniper-strategy = 敵スナイパーを倒し、狙撃から味方を守ることもスナイパーの重要な役目の1つだ。スナイパー同士の決着は一発で決まるので、相手の動きを予測し、撃たれないように常に動き続けよう。相手がスコープを覗いているときや、前後にジャンプしたときが狙いやすい。ボディショットでも倒せるとき以外は、常にヘッドショットを狙うように練習しよう。敵を倒すのに失敗したときは相手にとって絶好の機会なので、1発撃った後は止まらずに動こう。敵が障害物の後ろから姿を表したら、すぐにボディショットを決めてやると良い。もしも敵スナイパーのレーザーサイトが見えたり、味方が撃たれたのを見たなら、先手を取って狙撃できるような地点へ移動しよう。もしくは、チャージが貯まるまで物陰に潜み、フルチャージ出来たら身を出すようにする。[[Huntsman/ja|ハンツマン]]を装備しているときは、前線の近くで戦うことが増えるため、スナイパー同士の戦いでは不利になる。
   | spy-strategy = The Spy is your nemesis. Because you will frequently be focused on aiming at targets that are far away, you might not notice that he’s behind you with his [[Knife]]. As a Sniper, you generally work alone, so stay aware of your surroundings and [[Spy check]] any suspicious teammates that get too close. To discourage a Spy from picking you off, carry items such as the [[Razorback]] or [[Jarate]]. Stay relatively close to teammates, as an experienced Spy will gun you down from a distance upon seeing one of those items. Although the Spy's [[Revolver]] gives him the advantage in a straight brawl, Jarate and the [[Tribalman's Shiv]] can inflict debuffs that nullify the Spy's [[Cloak]] and [[disguise]], making him easy for your teammates to track down.
   | spy-strategy = スパイは最大の敵だ。遠くの敵を狙っているとき、無防備になった背中を[[Knife/ja|ナイフ]]で狙われるだろう。スナイパーは単独行動が多いが、常に周囲に気を配り、近づいてきたチームメイトには[[Spy check/ja|スパイチェック]]を欠かさず行おう。[[Razorback/ja|レイザーバック]][[Jarate/ja|ジャラテ]]を装備していると、狙われにくくなる。これらの装備を見たら、経験豊富なスパイなら離れたところから攻撃してくるだろう。直接戦闘では[[Revolver/ja|リボルバー]]を持っているスパイに分があるが、ジャラテや[[Tribalman's Shiv/ja|トライバルマンズ・シヴ]]を使えばスパイの[[Cloak/ja|透明化]][[disguise/ja|変装]]を無効化し、味方にも相手の居場所を知らせることができる。
== See also ==
== 関連項目 ==
*[[Team strategy]]
*[[Team strategy/ja|チーム戦術]]
[[Category:Strategy|Sniper match-ups]]  
[[Category:Strategy/ja|Sniper match-ups]]  
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[[Category:Class match-ups/ja]]

Latest revision as of 14:41, 21 February 2014

— 戦場でのエチケットを語るスナイパー
クラス 戦術
